[Legend of Sun Knight] fic: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4

May 09, 2014 23:30

Title: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,250
Summary: Sun and Judgment are getting married. The "why" and "how" really aren't that important right now. For this is not a story about their romance; this is the story of us observers. Yes, we, the underappreciated observers of this whole spectacle who did 99% ( Read more... )

fic type: longfics, the legend of sun knight, fic: a slice of wedding cake

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Comments 46

*Sigh of bliss* 100thangel May 10 2014, 08:00:40 UTC
The first thing I did when I saw this out was scroll down to see the picture ( ... )


Re: *Sigh of bliss* lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 08:37:21 UTC
Spoiler! Spoiler for the chapter! Why'd you go spoil yourself like that- (I know, I know, it's hard to resist. I would actually do the same, haha. I am generally terrible with resisting ( ... )


Re: *Sigh of bliss* 100thangel May 10 2014, 20:27:28 UTC
AH!!!! I just found the perfect wedding song! No One by Alicia Keys. It matches so well!

Oh, and I’m not afraid of what Sun would do if I dangled a cookie in front of him. It wouldn’t be the first time I teased something and got mauled… I still have the battle scars, for real. I look at them in approval (*someone who enjoys markings the human body*)


Re: *Sigh of bliss* lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 21:20:37 UTC
Oooh~ *goes off to listen* Wedding music with the Twelve Holy Knights and a bunch of clerics as the choir. It will be beautiful. :'D

You must be a masochist! Or one of those who love to tease. The fonder you are of someone... I think I understand your favorite pairings more now. XD;;


oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 11:30:00 UTC
/Chasel/ !!!!!!
"He went and solved my case behind my back!" Neo is that really a problem
Chasel is such a proud papa uvu and Lesus is such a good son
(wow I'm too hungry to write a good comment I am sorry, it's almost 1PM and I ate nothing yet)
btw yeeee I have been excited to know how the teachers react to the news-
Neo moreso than Chasel tho, ahaha |D Is Grisia not scared he'll kill him for what he's going to pull off-
/he is so proud of his student this is lovely/
aaaaaaaaaah I am grinning
How could anyone not know indeed |D <3
as is your wording in this chapter aaaaaaaaaaaaa my baby is in love and getting married aaaaaaaa I FEEL LIKE CHASEL
wahahahahahaha yes make your teacher choke on tea
<3 ( ... )


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 20:24:56 UTC
Chasel ( ... )


Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 21:20:01 UTC
Neo and Grisia both like complaining about each other, they truly are family! |D I love family-like student-teacher relationships! Like that Truth With Cover manhua version page where Fahr hugs young Chikus after Grisia brought him back from Pink's... Aaaaah ( ... )


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 22:20:25 UTC
They are the truest of families!!! (Neo: My student's swordsmanship sucks! He froze the entire forest with ice magic. Not even a single dark creature was capable of moving- Chasel: Are you praising him- Neo: No!) Oh, oh, how much of the manhua did you get to see? I'm wondering if I should try scanlating it (but only if someone hasn't already done it, as I don't want to mutilate the binding of mine in the scanning process for nothing ( ... )


fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 11:35:01 UTC
On another unrelated note I just love both your writing styles and with me rereading whatever I can get my hands on so often I sometimes have trouble keeping apart what is actual canon and what is lucathia's headcanon for some details... |DD //just absorbs your headcanons because the are so fitting YOUR CHARACTERIZATIONS ARE ALWAYS SO SPOT-ON I COULD CRY AND DEAR KIYU DOES NOT LOSE OUT TO YOU EITHER


lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 20:58:45 UTC
I always feel my writing is kind of dry, so I'm just super happy that people are actually enjoying the stories despite the dry writing? :'D;; As for characterization, I'm happy my interpretation is making sense (though I do have trouble with several of the characters... Like Storm... and Tyler...). Plot is probably (nearly always) sacrificed for characterization, OTL. XD;;;; What is plot.

After writing quite a handful of LSK fics, the head canon that I explored in different fics is kind of seeping into each other now. XD;; Like this chapter... I totally took this interpretation of Chasel from Invincible, that is the Legend. |D;;; I think I'm confusing myself a bit with what's canon and what's not... /o\

*flails* Kiyu's writing is so fun. She gets these characters so much and can put them into hilarious situations with it still being very faithful to the characters. *is in awe* Her ideas are awesome!!!!

And you are totally made of awesome too!!!! ♥



fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 21:33:48 UTC
Sssssssh, your writing is marvelous! Come come, let your derpy useless fan here touch you~~ *gropes*
What is plot indeed... See why I'm never writing fanfiction! I just go off into descriptions and never get anywhere x'D Your characterizations fit perfectly with my own perception of the characters! ...even without me adopting your headcanons hffffff

That's what headcanons are! Filling in the gaps left by canon with what makes sense <3 of course things'll transcent from one fic to the next. They're part of your characterization~ And I love your Chasel sdfhbkjhfsdf though I have to admit in my mind he's living closer to the city center and doesn't have much of a garden, but some flower pots in front of his house... and lace doilies (is that the word) on his couch and armchairs. Don't ask.

Kiyu's writing is perfection too *touches her all overrrrrr* even if I only have this fic to base my opinion on. Doesn't matter! LOVELINESS IS LOVELINESS NO MATTER HOW MUCH OR LITTLE



lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 22:26:33 UTC
T-Thank you. :'D;;;;;

Ahhhh, but what you wrote for the Round Robin was awesomeness. \o\ And from your comments, your headcanons sound like they would probably be fascinating. |D;;

It's kind of fun being able to include headcanon from one fic to the next. Kind of like an inside joke for some too. Adair has a fanclub (I hope I don't end up confusing anyone, hahaha. Thankfully I don't think I've written anything too ridiculous because of my headcanons yet haha). Ooo, Chasel with flower pots and lace doilies, haha. XD; Suits him a lot actually. As a tea connoisseur, he could use the whole deal!


Oh my God anonymous May 10 2014, 21:09:03 UTC
Well even though no one in the story choked, I was laughing so hard I was almost gagging.
So many disastrous images in my head.. HAHAHAH

Honestly, your characterizations are beyond awesome. I don't know how you manage to make
something so ridiculous actually make sense and actually seem like something that could really happen to the characters.

I keep imagining how the canon characters would react to this... turn of events.
HAHAHA Its just way too good!


Re: Oh my God lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 21:37:41 UTC
Please take care!!!! o___o!! *pats you on the back* We take no responsibility for any possible choking or fainting. |D;;;;

Haha, I seem incapable of letting crack be purely crack. It has to make sense. :'D

Glad you got a kick out of this. XD; Wait for more reactions. We'll be seeing many more POVs, hehe.


PFFT aoi_nezumi May 12 2014, 07:56:19 UTC
Lucathia: Although the focus of the chapter was Lesus' dress-fitting, I really enjoyed the portion of Chasel's inner monologue-ing about Lesus at the beginning. SO CUTE! Also, I can't get over the serious POV's (Roland and now Chasel) narrating such ... (ummm idk how to describe this fic).... inane? circumstances. It's perfect! And just seems like what's happening is almost completely normal. Picking out a dress for his student doesn't seem to faze Chasel at all. He's so go-with-the-flow.

Kiyutsuna: BAHAHA wha'dya mean that could possibly scare people off??? Lesus in pink PFFT. I'm not gonna lie, though- I was just as relieved as Lesus when I read that he would not be wearing the pink, frilly dress. Grisia, on the other hand, looks freaking FANTASTIC in that pink dress of frilly awesomeness.


Re: PFFT lucathia_rykatu May 13 2014, 03:18:58 UTC
I didn't think it would take such a long anecdote before I could get Chasel to get to the point. XD; But hopefully it all tied together~~~ Hehe, I'm loving writing crack in a serious way. It's been really amusing. XD;; Even truer given the serious nature of Chasel. *nods* (Oh, but do you mean you don't feel Adair's chapter is serious? XDDDD Or that he's not as serious as Roland and Chasel? I do suppose that his mischievous side balances things out a bit more, and we all know the Sun Knight Platoon is used to insane tactics XDDDD)

The drawing is amaaazing. XD Lesus in pink~~~~ I'm so glad we could finally post it. XDDD


Re: PFFT aoi_nezumi May 18 2014, 07:04:44 UTC
Adair's chapter was serious, too. Everyone's just handling it like it as if it were another day in the life, but I guess that would be the only way considering everything they've already been through. How unexpected is the Sun and Judgment Knights getting married compared to everything else? hmmmmm.
Yeaaah, the Sun Knight Platoon definitely is already used to the craziness!

It is a splendid drawing <3 way more ostentatious than Lesus' usual attire. Grisia is diabolical. XDDD


Re: PFFT kiyutsuna May 15 2014, 07:26:48 UTC
I swear I could trademark the 'latest fashion' by now xD already put three knights in it... Wait till all of them suffer variations of the dress xD;;;;;;

I'm relieved too! It rids me of the guilt I feel toward Lesus, knowing that he'll be put in a more fitting dress for his big day <3

Such a shame Grisia isn't the bride. He does pull off the dress splendidly. But cross dressing!Grisia is totally overdone. Lesus needs his time in the fashion spotlight! /o/


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