[Legend of Sun Knight] fic: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4

May 09, 2014 23:30

Title: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,250
Summary: Sun and Judgment are getting married. The "why" and "how" really aren't that important right now. For this is not a story about their romance; this is the story of us observers. Yes, we, the underappreciated observers of this whole spectacle who did 99% ( Read more... )

fic type: longfics, the legend of sun knight, fic: a slice of wedding cake

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oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 11:30:00 UTC
/Chasel/ !!!!!!
"He went and solved my case behind my back!" Neo is that really a problem
Chasel is such a proud papa uvu and Lesus is such a good son
(wow I'm too hungry to write a good comment I am sorry, it's almost 1PM and I ate nothing yet)
btw yeeee I have been excited to know how the teachers react to the news-
Neo moreso than Chasel tho, ahaha |D Is Grisia not scared he'll kill him for what he's going to pull off-
/he is so proud of his student this is lovely/
aaaaaaaaaah I am grinning
How could anyone not know indeed |D <3
as is your wording in this chapter aaaaaaaaaaaaa my baby is in love and getting married aaaaaaaa I FEEL LIKE CHASEL
wahahahahahaha yes make your teacher choke on tea
ahahaha Lanbiiiii awwwww thinking that way may not exactly teach your student manliness- but I understand your sentiment |D Chasel no
(he would have grown his hair out after he too over the title if he wanted to, dear)
/are you really surprised about that/ no obviously you're not
former and current Judgment Knight out shopping for dresses |DDD time to scare the masses! I wonder how Uncle Iforgothisname Lucen takes the news...
I am severly looking forward to the Neo/Aldrizzt chapter that is bound to come
going to the shop or having the tailor over, I wonder which is the worse choice
I kinda feel having the other eleven try to sneak in to peek would be less troublesome xD;;;
aaaaaah I am scared of reading on, my second hand embarrassment senses are tingling~~ but I actually can handle it somehow if it's about Lesus, ahahaha :'D
(it's always Grisia's chapters I fail at in my anxious attempts at reading Bittersweet Sweetness too)
I shall sit back and enjoy the show like Chasel does~
gogogo someone faint please
WAHAHAHA that's even better than fainting
but no marriage for Chasel, he's already Neo's ex-wife--
Chasel you are me
good choice |D poor male shop assistant, but poor Lesus if he got one of the females instead-
"Darling wants it that way" and what his Sweetheart wants his Sweetheart gets <33
...............pink might actually fit him better than white tho- white is too heavy a contrast!
LESUS IN HIGHHEELS my life is over
I had to wonder how they were even able to find a pair in his size. me too, Chasel, me too
Grisia's wishes, ruining Lesus' reputation since years ago-
GOD OF LIGHT HELP ME THIS PICTURE IS PERFECT I don't see your problem, I think it fits him perfectly- //saves picture ((THE PINK BLUSH !!!! THE BLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
YES FINALLY SOMEONE FAINTED I have been waiting for this don't even ask
do not marry in a mourning dress, son
(on another note I strongly feel tempted to cosplay Lesus in the "latest fashion" but no I shall not do that)
listen to them, no mourning dresses for your wedding
Lesus probably wants to die right then and there ahaha |D or possibly hack Grisia in half but is too aware he himself agreed to this- (you really must love Grisia a lot, child)
wahaha the last sentence |DDD <3333

/Grisia you look too good in that/ HIS FACEEEEE, I CAN'T xDDD Oh my God of Light, your Sun Knight is just too pretty. It's otherworldly!
This world needs more Holy Knights in drag.


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 20:24:56 UTC

Of course Neo has to complain about everything. |D;;; That shows just how fond he is of his student! Chasel is a proud papa indeed. *nods*

I hope you ate something later!! Don't starve!!!

Neo will get his turn, most definitely. 8D (But he's still far away at the moment, so we'll need to give him some time to travel)

Choking on tea? Two can play at this game! XD;; (I actually don't know where that came from, hahahahaha, Chasel just went off and did it on his own and Lesus was all like, well I can do it too)

Lanbi~~~ (Just wait, Lanbi, you might need to marry off your daughter soon *coughs* You should come and spend some time with your poor daughter who is totally not getting enough rest)

I'm sure Lesus is very happy not having to deal with long hair *nods* Though of course, if he did grow his hair long, it still wouldn't be as troublesome as The Hair from the hair fic~~

Lesus, don't forget to give your uncle and aunt a wedding invitation!!!

At least, with Lesus being at the wedding shop, the people who saw him are all strangers. I always feel more embarrassed in front of people I know. Strangers, I can deal with. People I know...nope. ./////. (Ahhh, but don't force yourself if any part of the chapter makes you feel anxious! Same goes for Bittersweet Sweetness... Did you read further on with that fic? 0___0;;)

Yes, yes, enjoy the show like Chasel~. And all the other people in the shop. They don't know how lucky they are in getting to see something so rare!

N-Neo's ex-wife. Bwahahaha XD

YES. SEE. THE DRAWING IS PERFECTLY PERFECT. (No fainting over here on my side~. XD;;; More like grinning.)

LOL. So you have been waiting for someone to faint...

C-Cosplaying the latest fashion. Lesus in the latest fashion. OMG. (kiyutsuna!!!! Look at what you've done! Corrupting people everywhere!)

We shall be seeing more of them in drag...soon. 8D That post that exploded us has really opened a whole new world of possibilities, hahahahaha. (Wait, this fic wasn't about the knights being in drag... how did it turn out like this...)


Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 21:20:01 UTC
Neo and Grisia both like complaining about each other, they truly are family! |D I love family-like student-teacher relationships! Like that Truth With Cover manhua version page where Fahr hugs young Chikus after Grisia brought him back from Pink's... Aaaaah!

Don't worry, don't worry~ actually I had just gotten up at the time! After staying up till 4am... weekends are bad for my sleep cycle. xD

Now I imagine Lanbi crying into a handkerchief at Ceo's and Roland's wedding with Fahr comforting him like they're the brides parents- (somehow I adopted the headcanon of Lanbi and Fahr being BFFs due to that one doujin artist who ships them, idk)

The Hair™!! I think for normal long hair, Lesus would keep it in a low ponytail so it won't get in the way. Though I doubt that'd help with The Hair™...

...When they see Lesus wearing the dress they're probably going to mourn allowing him to become Judgment again-

Normal strangers are one thing, but... Between a bunch of people who know this is totally Grisia's fault and are used to both his shinanigans and seeing me OOC at times and citizens who only know me as the cruel and heartless prosecutor because it's basically my job to keep up that image... The poor common folk's minds!

(Aaaaah, no no, it wasn't bad at all for this chapter! The basic premonition of "whoop this is going to be embarrassing for him", yes, but it's fine since he's totally aware of what he's doing... if you get what I mean. I don't like people messing up and thus embarrassing themselves, or misunderstandings of that kind... ah, it's hard to put into words. In this scene Lesus totally knew "well this is going to be awful" and doesn't just realize how weird/off he is acting because people are surprised... There are other situations I dislike too and I can't describe and aaaaaaaaah)
(I tried to read it again, ye |D;;; I just love your writing! I want to read everything! But I gave up again in chapter... what was it, four? When Grisia smirks in Lesus' body and Ecilan tells him he looks frightening.)

Ssssh! He's totally his ex-wife! |D Just look at how he nags at him when he sees him off after the inheritance ceremony, at the beginning of Unbeatable~ And how he casually peels an apple for injured Neo after he returned from his first "Let's save little Demos from the bandits" trip. And then there's the entire "I'm not gonna keep him in check, but I still can't help kinda worrying about him since I know all his bad habits all too well, so thank you for keeping an eye on him, Aldrizzt - please keep me up to date" thing--

I had expected someone to faint at his declaration earlier already uvu

Sadly I don't wear pink dresses myself... ûu

(sssh, never enough knights in drag! I greaty enjoy this turn of events.)


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 22:20:25 UTC
They are the truest of families!!! (Neo: My student's swordsmanship sucks! He froze the entire forest with ice magic. Not even a single dark creature was capable of moving- Chasel: Are you praising him- Neo: No!) Oh, oh, how much of the manhua did you get to see? I'm wondering if I should try scanlating it (but only if someone hasn't already done it, as I don't want to mutilate the binding of mine in the scanning process for nothing)

Oooh, good that you got some food in you.=P Weekends are when I catch up on sleep. |D;; I was dead on my feet Friday evening. x___x Now I'm finally rejuvenated! \o\

Ahh~~~ Do you mean FruiT? :3;; I bought one of their Fahr x Lanbi doujinshi. I'm super amazed there are doujinshi drawn of these minor characters. |D I can really see them as BFF too~

Lesus in a low ponytail. *swoons*

Yup, totally. Auntie Lucen and Uncle Lucen, you don't know the life you let Lesus walk into... XD;; But you should totally be happy for him. XD;;

Ah, true true. Lesus has his reputation, and this is completely going against it, so people are bound to be completely shocked and going o___0;; At the Holy Temple, while it would be embarrassing, the rest of the holy knights would know it's all Grisia's fault. *nods*

(Oh, okay! Phew. :'D;; Yeah, Lesus knew what he got himself into... haha... And while he didn't know what the "latest fashion" was, it is a once in a lifetime thing, so he was pretty much, "might as well try it," and then it was too late... to back out... But hey, Lesus, I thought you looked pretty good in it. *gets cut down*)

(Ahhhh, well, thanks for giving it another shot. XD;;;; I think... later on, when Grisia and Lesus meet and are in the same scenes... Grisia has a bit more restraint? Well, slightly. In any case, those scenes were my favorite to write, when they're together and basically thinking about the other person a ton XDDD)

Chasel. Ex-wife. Hehehehe. Oh gosh~. I very much support this notion. (I very much support Chasel x Aldrizzt, Chasel x Neo, Chasel x Aldrizzt x Neo ahahhaahha). Yes, yes, Chasel casually peeling an apple for Neo, yessss. *___*

I can't flail enough over these knights in drag. XDDD;;;


Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 22:41:11 UTC
Well, aside from the Neko Kreuz manhua which I've seen as far as you scanlated (+ that WIP of that one V3 prologue page), I at some point went and bought V6 of the old novel version when it popped up in some random chinese book shop on german Amazon, so I've Truth with Cover and one of the most important scenes in the entire franchise Facing the Darkness! I'd love scanlations of all the other things *^* But I also understand not wanting to damage your volumes! I'm super careful with mine myself... Not even daring to open it too wide and risk damaging the spine, aha.

I sleep all day on weekends... and then spent the nights wide awake, lalala-

Yes, FruiT! I was surprised when I found their doujin covers, like "how do you get to ship that" but it's kinda cute! Thus best friends were born in my mind.

Neo and Chasel having been together at some point but having long split up by the time 38th gen takes over is my personal shipping headcanon for them~ and now Neo's with Aldrizzt, of whom Chasel approves. And Aldrizzt worrying the first time he meets Chasel... who is all "yes please take that dwerb, take good care of that dwerb"- But Chasel and Aldrizzt bonding over how troublesome Neo is doesn't sound too bad, either...


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 11 2014, 04:50:37 UTC
Oh! You have V6! *____* So you know exactly how stiff the binding is for the manhua included with it. XD;; I'm thinking of scanlating the manhua from V4, V5, and V6, but the binding is so stiff... It would probably require dismantling the books... I don't usually open the books very wide myself either. The binding really doesn't allow for it. -___-;; The binding for Neko Kreuz's version is much nicer, so I never feel like the manhua is about to fall apart.

That's a great schedule. XD;;

Haha, from the one scene in the manhua of Truth with Cover that had Lanbi and Fahr talking to each other! I think it was all from that scene that there are even shippers of Lanbi/Fahr out there. XD;;

Oohhh. What lovely headcanon~ ♥ Neo is just too eager to escape from Chasel. XD;; Good luck, Aldrizzt. |D;;


Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 12 2014, 21:45:57 UTC
tbh I actually went and ordered the entire series through shooping service -> TaoBao by now |D Who cares if I can't read a thing-- I think it's the simplified chinese version though? It's all 8 volumes with the new designs. whelp, doesn't matter to me anyway, I can't even tell them apart really! Just give me these books to own and stroke creepily look at uvu <33
Looking at my little manhua here... I think I couldn't open the pages very far even if I wanted to. But taking the book apart would be such a pity!

...I had wondered "did they even talk to each other aside from like one scene" but apparently I forgot fangirls don't need more than one scene to ship... ahahahaha x'D It works with characters that are this much of side characters and barely appear, I guess!


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 13 2014, 03:03:03 UTC
OOooh! Nice! The simplified Chinese version has the new covers by J.U.~ (I'm still waiting for the re-release in traditional Chinese. Come on, I want a colored illustration of Adair!! I hope he's featured for V8...I can dream, right... XD;;;)

That is seriously all that's needed for a ship to start. XD; (Even less, actually...)


Re: oh yes gimme that kiyutsuna May 12 2014, 00:52:43 UTC
*Swoons at the awesomeness of this chapter*

I sketched the dress first, then the story happened. And after I was done flailing at Luca for the epic epic telling of Chasel's day-of-doom, I went and vamped the picture up.
(The high heels totally came AFTER Luca's writing! xDDDD;;;;)

OMGGGGG if you actually cosplay that......
*Cries on you guys*
What have I doooooonnnneeee. First Luca now the readers. Have I corrupted your sense of beauty completely?! The pink dress is supposed to b traumatic! Don't stare at it for too long! There's a reason why there is a picture of Grisia at the end for therapeutic purposes!! xDDDD

(The world will get all the holy knights in dress.... Trust me, these two pics are only the beginning... *distant gaze*)
((What is even going on how did this fic turn into a drag-fest......))



Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 12 2014, 21:55:47 UTC
You are ruining my sanity and I don't regret single a thing |D ♥

It just had to be high heels! Even if the image of Lesus walking in them is... wow. Pink dress isn't traumatic at all, but walking in heels might be xDD Or rather... my mind wanders off to Laica...... he'd enjoy Lesus anyone really walking all over him in pin heels......... *coughs* Okay, back to topic before I get "Nacked Meltdown" stuck in my head again.

Sadly I don't feel too well in long pink dresses myself so I don't want to spend as much money on fabric and a hoop skirt as I'd have to xD (It's more likely I might one day get my hands on both a lolita dress and Lesus wig...)

((I don't know but I enjoy the ride))

♥♥♥ ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ♥♥♥


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