[Legend of Sun Knight] fic: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4

May 09, 2014 23:30

Title: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,250
Summary: Sun and Judgment are getting married. The "why" and "how" really aren't that important right now. For this is not a story about their romance; this is the story of us observers. Yes, we, the underappreciated observers of this whole spectacle who did 99% ( Read more... )

fic type: longfics, the legend of sun knight, fic: a slice of wedding cake

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fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 21:33:48 UTC
Sssssssh, your writing is marvelous! Come come, let your derpy useless fan here touch you~~ *gropes*
What is plot indeed... See why I'm never writing fanfiction! I just go off into descriptions and never get anywhere x'D Your characterizations fit perfectly with my own perception of the characters! ...even without me adopting your headcanons hffffff

That's what headcanons are! Filling in the gaps left by canon with what makes sense <3 of course things'll transcent from one fic to the next. They're part of your characterization~ And I love your Chasel sdfhbkjhfsdf though I have to admit in my mind he's living closer to the city center and doesn't have much of a garden, but some flower pots in front of his house... and lace doilies (is that the word) on his couch and armchairs. Don't ask.

Kiyu's writing is perfection too *touches her all overrrrrr* even if I only have this fic to base my opinion on. Doesn't matter! LOVELINESS IS LOVELINESS NO MATTER HOW MUCH OR LITTLE



lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 22:26:33 UTC
T-Thank you. :'D;;;;;

Ahhhh, but what you wrote for the Round Robin was awesomeness. \o\ And from your comments, your headcanons sound like they would probably be fascinating. |D;;

It's kind of fun being able to include headcanon from one fic to the next. Kind of like an inside joke for some too. Adair has a fanclub (I hope I don't end up confusing anyone, hahaha. Thankfully I don't think I've written anything too ridiculous because of my headcanons yet haha). Ooo, Chasel with flower pots and lace doilies, haha. XD; Suits him a lot actually. As a tea connoisseur, he could use the whole deal!


fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 22:53:26 UTC
W-WEH, thank yoouuuu ;A; <333

Ssssh, most my headcanons are shipping-related- *coughs* though I guess most work platonically too... and honestly I can't keep apart what's actual canon and what's just my headcanon at parts anymore, ahahaha~

If I started writing fanfiction I would probably include some of your headcanons since if it's things I never really contemplated and whatever you wrote made sense to me I just absorb it- same with other authors too but you're the most prominent with all this lovely goodness you write- and then people get confused like "where was this part mentioned in canon again" and I'll be like "uuhh... now that you mention it, is that even canon I do not remember" |D

I imagine Chasel to be the kind of calm and untroublesome neighbour everyone would wish for! Never making a ruckus, always greeting politely when you pass by as he waters his flowers... pretty much the opposite of the Judgement Knight's image, wahaha. At least until you stir up trouble in his vicinity.
Btw I've always wondered if he covers up his forehead when he goes out shopping for groceries... and how that moon tattoo tradition even came to be in the first place.


lucathia_rykatu May 11 2014, 05:15:13 UTC
I'm very fond of gen/platonic stories (both writing and reading them), so I'm quite happy that people have been reading what I'm writing. (I feel like I've found an awesome sandbox for me to play in. |D;;;;) Fandom often feels very ship focused to me. I'm kind of surprised there isn't more shipping related fic of LSK about yet, though maybe it's because there just isn't that many LSK fics around to begin with. In English fandom, at least. Chinese LSK fandom is mostly all ship fic. |D;;; I adore the bonds in LSK though and just love writing about them. They're such strong bonds~~~ and those are the type of relationships I like writing about. |D;; They often dance a fine line, I feel. It really amazed me how easy it was to make Grisia/Lesus and Ceo/Roland work in this fic. XD;;

(You should contribute to the shipping side of fandom-)

Ohhh, I would love to have a neighbor like Chasel. A well-mannered neighbor who never makes a ruckus? Awesome. Huh... Maybe Chasel should change his hairstyle. That would cover his forehead, haha. I wonder about the moon tattoo too... (though art-wise, I think it was just because they thought his forehead looked too bare |D;;;)


s fhaystshilffe May 11 2014, 12:14:26 UTC
I generally prefer platonic stories, too! Or, well, the kind you can read as both, basically. Be it fanfiction or normal fiction. Thus why I'm so fond of LSK... so much love between everyone! Of course I do enjoy a good shipping fic any day |D but I generally read more non-ship fic if available. (And then proceed to see my shipping believes in the way the characters interact... But I like this double feeling of "they need to get married omg" and "I'm totally aware they are not canonically together" a lot.)
Ikr! I was surprised there're so few shipping fics for LSK on ffnet if compared to other fandoms. Especially Grisia/Lesus! I expected more for those two in particular becaus /just look at them/. But as you said! LSK bonds are so lovely! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love these bonds that are such strong love, no matter if you look at it romantically or platonically. Aaaaah, the love of the family you chose! I need to sit down or I'll wail in feelings... (wait I already am sitting)

I have thought so too, but then again I have a hard time picturing Chasel with anything but his forehead showing. Be it bangs or some hat, or even a bandana... It all just feels wrong, ahahaha |D;;; I'm quite thankful I have not seen a moon tattoo on Carol. I wonder if if will be mentioned in 1st gen main story? Or just never explained... I kinda feel it'll be the second option, haha. How would Carol's Judgment head piece look on Chasel, Lesus and Hungri though, hum... (this might call for a crappy sketch again)


fhaystshilffe May 12 2014, 21:59:31 UTC
btw your comment made me actually start to note down my headcanons hffffff and wow I'm collecting more tidbits than I thought- new things to spend my late nights on |D


lucathia_rykatu May 13 2014, 03:04:55 UTC
I should actually do that too... I'm so bad at writing things down. They end up escaping me. |D;;; But yay! Soon you'll end up with tons and tons of pages, right. XD;

k;d;sd;a; Ooooh, Carol's head piece on Chasel, Lesus, and Hungri? I WANT TO SEE.


fhaystshilffe May 13 2014, 10:08:03 UTC
I really thought my shippy thoughts would outweigh my non-shippy thoughts, but they actually don't! Or more like, I went off ranting about Chasel's home, Roland's magic and Demon Kind Candidates in general, haha |D
Usually I'm not much into taking notes because things sound so dumb to me when I reread them later, but I'll really forget otherwise... *coughs* Or forget if they're canon or headcanon at some point-

M-Maybe I'll draw that eventually |D;;


lucathia_rykatu May 14 2014, 04:54:42 UTC
Oooooh, that sounds fascinating. Especially about the demon king candidates in general. *___*


fhaystshilffe May 14 2014, 11:47:51 UTC
I don't have all that much about the candidates in general yet, but I'm sure there's going to be more once I think about it more/reread the novels for the upteenth time--

you know what, I'll just throw what I have at your face |D that's what I wrote my notes in english for anyway-

[Spoiler (click to open)]

- Demon King Candidates are all conceived on the same day. Roland was born late, while Grisia was born quite early, which also takes part in his relative lack of physical strength. Charlotte's birthday is somewhere in between the two.
- Candidates tend to be orphaned because bearing them takes a huge toll on the mother's body and most become sickly after giving birth, if not even dying soon after.
- The Vessel Shards are attracted to darkness so oftentimes the Candidates are born into unstable families or to women in bad situations, which is the most common cause for the lack of a father. (Though sometimes it might be the Liches interfering - taking in an orphan and becoming their guide is just easier.)
- Chasel lives in the suburbs of Leaf Bud City, in a calm area but not too far off from the central city. He's the kind of agreeable neighbor anyone would want - quiet and polite and taking great care of the flower pots in front of his house. Might give you the scary Judgment look if you cause mischief, though.
- Chasel's house is small, big enough for a single person to live in comfortably. Nothing too fancy. Flower pots in front of the house, not much of a garden, maybe some grass. White wooden fence. Lace doilies on the couch and armchairs... Might be taking care of a cat, but most likely a stray instead of his own. One that shows up occasionally, probably when it feels like it - reminds him of Neo('s sense of directions).
- Chasel's neighbors are thus used to him actually being not as much of a bad guy as the Judgment Knight's reputation suggest, and with Lesus visiting every now and then they adopted a “the Judgment Knight is totally agreeable as long as you don't break the laws” kind of view. Still the neighborhood has become one of the safest and calmest in the entire city second only to the immediate vicinity of the Church ever since Chasel moved there...
- Undead Roland can't gather Holy element at all (or at least it'd be a really bad idea for him to try), so the others cover up for him in events where Hell Knight is supposed to release Holy element together with the others. For events with an intense amount of Holy floating about (like the hymning for the crown-prince's coronation) Tyler might even stand in for him like he always did back when Elijah was still Hell.
- Back in his living stage Roland was the weakest in actively using the elements out of the Candidates, with Grisia having the overall most potential but Charlotte commanding a stronger Dark element. His affinity for gathering elements in his body had passive boosting effects, thus his fighting strength even without being under a god's direct favor like Lesus, Mike or Awaitsun.
- At the time of the selection, young Roland was stronger than Lesus who was not yet under the God of Light's blessing, even if Lesus has always been a prodigy - if he put his all into it. In a training battle Lesus would likely have the upper hand if barely since Roland's “passive buffs” were still too latent. They still are, but at some point he learned to use them on command. (Imagine a bucket of water. The elements are there, but to use them effectively you need to tip the bucket in a certain degree so some water flows out, but not all at once.)
- Fahr Blaze and Lanbi Storm are close friends and are regularly seen going for a drink together.


lucathia_rykatu May 15 2014, 04:52:30 UTC
asdjfla;sjfa;s!!!!!! *____* This is amazing! You really brought all the points that you mentioned together (and more)! Ahhhhhhh, my favorite part is that Chasel might be taking care of a stray cat that reminds him of Neo('s sense of direction). klasdjfl;saj;fsa;df THAT IS SO PERFECT.

All the stuff about the demon king candidates, ahhhhh. Born to unstable families (my heaaaaart), the candidates being a huge toll on the mother's body, candidates conceived on the same day!!!! *draws hearts all over your headcanon* It would make a lot of sense for Roland to be the weakest with the elements out of the candidates. And to have a passive affinity for them which boosts his fight strength. Yessssss.

Chasel is the best neighbor. The best. Move near him if you want a safe and calm environment! (Ahhhhh, I love that his neighbors are used to him not being as much of a bad guy as the Judgment Knight's reputation suggests!!!)

dfa;sdjfa;s When you said that Tyler might even stand in for Roland during events with intense holy element floating around, I at first read it meaning that Tyler would be standing behind Roland ajkldfa;sdjfa;jdfa;s. So, standing in??? Does that mean Tyler wears something like the Dragon's Saint Brigandine to pretend to be his captain??? asdfa;s;jfsa; (Tyler, gotta go train some more and make sure you can wear that leotard proudly!) THIS IS SO AWESOME

Fahr and Lanbi~~~~ <3333

*draws a million hearts over this*


fhaystshilffe May 15 2014, 05:24:49 UTC
Ahahaha actually I've been skimming through the comments I wrote to make sure I got everything I mentioned before |DD *perfect memory* (There's a reason I've started to write things down-) hakshgdkjashd the cat actually happened while I was writing and thinking about Chasel a bit more... like hey! He totally need something to care for now that he's no longer got Neo on his hands because he feels like a gentle person to me!

I wondered, why all the orphans? Poor children... but then I figured it made sense since it's easier to train someone into something dark, to put it that way, if there's nobody holding them back. Also caring for family has too much of an impact (just look at Grisia) so it might be on purpose. Thus an explanation had to be found! tbh I vaguely remembered something about being a toll on their mother's body from some other thing I read ages ago, but I just can't remember what it was! Seemed plausible to me for Candidates too, so I just adopted it-

Roland never seemed to be much of a magic user... while Grisia's just spamming magic daily and Charlotte was a Shadow Priest. But as a Candidate he should have a lot of magic potential compared to a normal human anyway! Once he's got up to Demon Lord he obviously could use his Dark element actively to summon his nice undead army, but before that? Since elements are also tied to your physical abilities, I figured that had to be where his went.

LSDHFBSJHDfsdjhfksd N-No-- Now I imagine Tyler doing weird poses and dancing and pulling faces like Orlando Bloom in scenes where Legolas had no lines behind Roland's back, thank you. xDDDD But yes! Just like that. All that holy magic can't be good to a poor little undead creature ;u; and it's not like the public cares much about what exactly a Knight-Captain looks like as long as he's handsome... when people even mix up Grisia and Neo! I don't think anyone will even notice! :'D Especially not if Tyler has been doing that before already. Just because there aren't twelve Holy Knights around inside the temple doesn't mean the public would accept the Twelve Holy Knights actually being the Eleven Holy Knights... (on that note, I believe there is a sixth person on the cruel faction side in the hymning illustration in the new version of the books even though they're pretty much cut of (at least in the scan I've got) and since there was no Hell around at the time, that should be Tyler?)

sdfjhsdj;;;;; thank you for liking my mumbling? :'D;;;; <3333


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