[Legend of Sun Knight] fic: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4

May 09, 2014 23:30

Title: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 4
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,250
Summary: Sun and Judgment are getting married. The "why" and "how" really aren't that important right now. For this is not a story about their romance; this is the story of us observers. Yes, we, the underappreciated observers of this whole spectacle who did 99% ( Read more... )

fic type: longfics, the legend of sun knight, fic: a slice of wedding cake

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Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 10 2014, 22:20:25 UTC
They are the truest of families!!! (Neo: My student's swordsmanship sucks! He froze the entire forest with ice magic. Not even a single dark creature was capable of moving- Chasel: Are you praising him- Neo: No!) Oh, oh, how much of the manhua did you get to see? I'm wondering if I should try scanlating it (but only if someone hasn't already done it, as I don't want to mutilate the binding of mine in the scanning process for nothing)

Oooh, good that you got some food in you.=P Weekends are when I catch up on sleep. |D;; I was dead on my feet Friday evening. x___x Now I'm finally rejuvenated! \o\

Ahh~~~ Do you mean FruiT? :3;; I bought one of their Fahr x Lanbi doujinshi. I'm super amazed there are doujinshi drawn of these minor characters. |D I can really see them as BFF too~

Lesus in a low ponytail. *swoons*

Yup, totally. Auntie Lucen and Uncle Lucen, you don't know the life you let Lesus walk into... XD;; But you should totally be happy for him. XD;;

Ah, true true. Lesus has his reputation, and this is completely going against it, so people are bound to be completely shocked and going o___0;; At the Holy Temple, while it would be embarrassing, the rest of the holy knights would know it's all Grisia's fault. *nods*

(Oh, okay! Phew. :'D;; Yeah, Lesus knew what he got himself into... haha... And while he didn't know what the "latest fashion" was, it is a once in a lifetime thing, so he was pretty much, "might as well try it," and then it was too late... to back out... But hey, Lesus, I thought you looked pretty good in it. *gets cut down*)

(Ahhhh, well, thanks for giving it another shot. XD;;;; I think... later on, when Grisia and Lesus meet and are in the same scenes... Grisia has a bit more restraint? Well, slightly. In any case, those scenes were my favorite to write, when they're together and basically thinking about the other person a ton XDDD)

Chasel. Ex-wife. Hehehehe. Oh gosh~. I very much support this notion. (I very much support Chasel x Aldrizzt, Chasel x Neo, Chasel x Aldrizzt x Neo ahahhaahha). Yes, yes, Chasel casually peeling an apple for Neo, yessss. *___*

I can't flail enough over these knights in drag. XDDD;;;


Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 10 2014, 22:41:11 UTC
Well, aside from the Neko Kreuz manhua which I've seen as far as you scanlated (+ that WIP of that one V3 prologue page), I at some point went and bought V6 of the old novel version when it popped up in some random chinese book shop on german Amazon, so I've Truth with Cover and one of the most important scenes in the entire franchise Facing the Darkness! I'd love scanlations of all the other things *^* But I also understand not wanting to damage your volumes! I'm super careful with mine myself... Not even daring to open it too wide and risk damaging the spine, aha.

I sleep all day on weekends... and then spent the nights wide awake, lalala-

Yes, FruiT! I was surprised when I found their doujin covers, like "how do you get to ship that" but it's kinda cute! Thus best friends were born in my mind.

Neo and Chasel having been together at some point but having long split up by the time 38th gen takes over is my personal shipping headcanon for them~ and now Neo's with Aldrizzt, of whom Chasel approves. And Aldrizzt worrying the first time he meets Chasel... who is all "yes please take that dwerb, take good care of that dwerb"- But Chasel and Aldrizzt bonding over how troublesome Neo is doesn't sound too bad, either...


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 11 2014, 04:50:37 UTC
Oh! You have V6! *____* So you know exactly how stiff the binding is for the manhua included with it. XD;; I'm thinking of scanlating the manhua from V4, V5, and V6, but the binding is so stiff... It would probably require dismantling the books... I don't usually open the books very wide myself either. The binding really doesn't allow for it. -___-;; The binding for Neko Kreuz's version is much nicer, so I never feel like the manhua is about to fall apart.

That's a great schedule. XD;;

Haha, from the one scene in the manhua of Truth with Cover that had Lanbi and Fahr talking to each other! I think it was all from that scene that there are even shippers of Lanbi/Fahr out there. XD;;

Oohhh. What lovely headcanon~ ♥ Neo is just too eager to escape from Chasel. XD;; Good luck, Aldrizzt. |D;;


Re: oh yes gimme that fhaystshilffe May 12 2014, 21:45:57 UTC
tbh I actually went and ordered the entire series through shooping service -> TaoBao by now |D Who cares if I can't read a thing-- I think it's the simplified chinese version though? It's all 8 volumes with the new designs. whelp, doesn't matter to me anyway, I can't even tell them apart really! Just give me these books to own and stroke creepily look at uvu <33
Looking at my little manhua here... I think I couldn't open the pages very far even if I wanted to. But taking the book apart would be such a pity!

...I had wondered "did they even talk to each other aside from like one scene" but apparently I forgot fangirls don't need more than one scene to ship... ahahahaha x'D It works with characters that are this much of side characters and barely appear, I guess!


Re: oh yes gimme that lucathia_rykatu May 13 2014, 03:03:03 UTC
OOooh! Nice! The simplified Chinese version has the new covers by J.U.~ (I'm still waiting for the re-release in traditional Chinese. Come on, I want a colored illustration of Adair!! I hope he's featured for V8...I can dream, right... XD;;;)

That is seriously all that's needed for a ship to start. XD; (Even less, actually...)


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