Surface Trip Twitter Log [April

Apr 29, 2011 03:54

April 18th 1891:

Departed from London ---

April 19th 1891:


A Letter to Louis Plumb -- April 19th 1891 --- #EBZ

April 20th 1891:


*Is out spending the day with Flora, Robert, & Hattie on the lawns. Laying down and watching them play together.*


*Had fallen asleep and is woken-up by little Robert telling them dinner is ready.*


A Letter to Narciso -- April 20th 1891 --- #EBZ

April 21st 1891:

A Letter to Nathan Attford -- April 21th 1891 --- #EBZ

April 22nd 1891:


*Is also on a train in Essex by now*


A Letter to Gabriel Coppercrow -- April 22th 1891 --- #EBZ

April 23rd 1891:


*Looks out their bedroom window at actual moonlight, over an actual sea. Gathering a robe around them, they go out for a bit of a walk*
*They vaguely chide themself for walking around on the beach barefoot in April, but they keep doing so anyway* 
*Cassius feels something sharp underfoot. Crouching, and after checking to make sure there is no cut, they pick up a seashell and study it* 
*Pocketing it into the robe, they decide to take it back to London in a week* 
*H---, they may even let the waves run over their toes for awhile. Until they cannot stop shivering from how cold it is*


*comes back inside, shivering still, feet wet & cold* 
*Dusting the sand off their feet, they are met with a small, green-eyed and auburn haired girl*
FLORA: ***** Lw**? What aw you dwoing up? *fidgets with her nightdress, looking down* Where aw yowr shwoes?
*Chuckling, more proud that she noticed no shoes, then wanting to ask what she is doing out of bed.* Yes, I am not wearing shoes. *grins* 
*Scooping her up into their arms, they go towards the rental`s kitchen. Hoping to find them both some milk and maybe leftover scones*

April 24th 1891:


A Letter to Nathan Attford -- April 24th 1891 --- #EBZ


A Letter to Narcisa -- April 24th 1891 --- #EBZ


*Cassius sits with Robin at the rental`s kitchen table. Mail and a telegraph they have been waiting on have arrived regarding Belfast* 
ROBIN: You questioned him on events to narrow the time when he`d left? CASSIUS: Yes, and yes. The poor boy could not recall any. *sighs* 
*Without being able to search the city themselves, they have managed to locate a rather large watchmaker business.* 
*Besides the size it seems to fit the profile. Run by a Mr. Copernic. Married with 2 children. Employing a Mrs. Plumb.* 
ROBIN: *frowns, his worried face seeming sadder when he reads the telegraph* Son deceased STOP Been to gravesite STOP Name Louis Alexander 
*and Cassius just starts laughing hard* That confirms it! We have found the correct woman, in any case. Louis Alexander Plumb is quite well! 
ROBIN: *Still frowning, but raising an eyebrow* An empty grave then? Some news like this had better be delivered in person.
*Thinking* What`re we going to do? *Cassius just takes a drink of tea, thinking about what A***** would do.*
*"L**?" And snapping fingers, finally shaking them out of it* 
*and thus the two of them spend the night trying to work something out. Who to ask, and what to do.*


*Is packing their suitcase and trunk for the trip to Gloucestershire*

April 25th 1891:


*Boards the first of many trains on the way West* 
*Pulls their new traveling bowler over their face, curls up, and tries to sleep for awhile* 
*The next main stop is the small memorial to A***** after all*


*After getting sent away by a servant at A*****`s parents` door, Cassius takes the flowers to the memorial anyway*
*It isn`t the actual grave-that will be in a couple days-but they still break-down when they lay the white hyacinth & forget-me-nots on it* 
*They could not bare to look-up the meaning of the hyacinth, but the white blooms were one of the few flowers A***** liked.* 
*Gathering themself up, they sit in silence awhile. But then go off to busy themself with shopping for people*


*Stands on a bridge over the Cam and thinks*


*Takes a private room, locking the door and pulling the curtains once their ticket has been collected.*

April 26th 1891:


*Wakes-up and tries to write a letter before changing trains in Bristol*


A Letter to Asher Wilsford -- April 26th 1891 --- #EBZ


*With the train not leaving until evening, Cassius sits on a bench, with a small bundle of proper fried fish, and rests* 
[yes "proper" cod, instead of chopped-up Zeemonster...]

sometime before 10:30PM:

Visits Dr. Gilbert Fenwick with letters or recommendation, dressed as neat as they did when they met Mr. Pages for the first time. Refers him to their sister-in-law, and leaves her medical records.

April 27th 1891:


*Chilling in Frampton on Severn now*


A Letter to Louis Plumb -- April 27th 1891 --- #EBZ

April 28th 1891:

Visited A*****'s grave

April 29th 1891:

Caught a dirigible to Belfast, Ireland


Met with Louis Plumb's mother and delivered his letter to her ---

sometime around 6:00PM:

Flies to Bristol


A Letter to Gabriel Morgan -- April 29th 1891 --- #EBZ

April 30th 1891:
Takes a train from Bristol to London
April 31st 1891:
Arrives back in London!
EDIT--- Also sometime sent Honoria M. Harlowe a letter.

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