The Night before Cassius' Departure (probably)

Apr 19, 2011 08:25

Nathan Attford
*has spent a fairly quiet day at home, most of it in the studio*

*Will eventually peddle over, and throw rocks at his door*

Nathan Attford
*comes to the door laughing* One evening you'll do that while Mrs. Williams is still awake

Ah, shame that she is not then. *perched atop the lovely contraption*

Nathan Attford
Why, you want onto her list of my friends she disapproves of? It's quite a long list.

Not precisely, but I would like to see her expression.

Nathan Attford
I can try. *does his very best "disapproving Mrs. Williams stare"*

*chuckles at him, readjusting themself* And what do you think, she would think of me?

Nathan Attford
Riding about on a velocipede, throwing rocks at people's doors at all hours? Not very respectable is it? *grins*

Perhaps not. But I also now own a velocipede, so who can say that I am not respectable? *still laughing*

Nathan Attford
*grins* I'm not sure she thinks /anyone/ is respectable. Will you come in for tea, or are you busy charging about on your steed?

Maybe when my office is furnished, she can come see. *climbs down though*

Nathan Attford
*laughs* As proof of your respectability? I'm not sure she'd be convinced, you are /my/ friend after all.

I would rather have my friends than be respectable. I have quite a reputation--well several, but as a competent detective.

Nathan Attford
Well, you know you have our respect, regardless of your "respectability". Even if you do go peddling about at all hours.

I could not resist galloping about on it before I left. *and is still in shirtsleeves, the navy pants, & the blue waistcoat*

Nathan Attford
*grins* Certainly. And it's yours to gallop about on, why not? Plus, an excellent excuse for me to drag you in for tea.

*Beams* Let me put it in the stable then.

Nathan Attford
*grins* You do that, and I'll put the tea on.

*Does so, staring at the contraption fondly before locking the door*

Nathan Attford
*and goes back inside to put the tea on and unlock the back door so Cassius doesn't have to come all the way around the house*

*in the house he can probably see how silly they look, hair a mess (but freshly cut) and shirtsleeves*

Nathan Attford
*setting up the tray* You certainly look as though you've been out riding. Where did you lose your coat?

Last night. *knows it probably sounds silly* I covered Louis Plumb in it as he had fallen asleep in a chair. ...

Nathan Attford
That sounds like Louis. *smiles* And like you. Shall we sit in the parlour, or go upstairs?

Wherever you have wish to. Mr. Gylden tutors him, and Narciso, me, and him drank until the poor bo--until Louis fell asleep then I covered him over. ...I imagine it is still at the bookshop now. *laughs at not having collected it*

*but the truth is they avoided collecting it to not make Narciso cry, they'll get it when they get back*

Nathan Attford
I'm sure it will be well looked after. Let's go to the parlour, it's quieter. I will even let you sit in my new chair.

The one Bar liked? *'or have you had to replace it again?'*

Nathan Attford
The one he fell asleep in, you mean? Yes. Or the other one, if you like, but it's less new.

*Flops on the couch instead* I see you had to replace this as well. *is that a bit of a pout?*

Nathan Attford
Yes, well. The 'Neath is very hard on my furniture, it seems. *sighs*

*sighs as well*

Nathan Attford
*sits in the one chair that hasn't been replaced yet, which is thankfully his favourite one, and looks at them* I don't mind it.

Nathan Attford
Easier to replace furniture than friends, after all. *pours the tea*

Certainly. And...well you never replace them, just make others.

Nathan Attford
Mm, exactly. But that's a gloomy sort of thing to be talking about, isn't it? Will I get to see you again before you go?

*studies their hand* I do not know. I have a flight for later tonight, but these things are never certain. Melting fog, bats...

Nathan Attford
Dirigible? The last time I was on one... was when I first came to London. You'd hardly have recognized me.

I have been on them more frequently. Cases at New Newgate...Batwatching...*a little sigh at remembering the Smuggler*

Nathan Attford
Batwatching? *raises eyebrows* I wouldn't have guessed you were the sort.

I am with truffle brandy and green-eyed gentlemen. *another little sigh* But I am fond of bats, in any case.

Nathan Attford
Ah well... for truffle brandy and green eyed gentlemen I can see even someone who isn't develop an interest in bats.


Nathan Attford

They are very interesting creatures. I will miss my own, in any case.

Nathan Attford
Last time I was rather too busy being terrified to notice the bats much. Perhaps I'll go again.

Nathan Attford
Saunder? You're leaving him here? ...I suppose he wouldn't fancy the Surface, would he?

I had thought to take him with me, Flora would be fond of him...But he is lodging with Narciso this time.

Nathan Attford
*nods thoughtfully at 'this time'* Well, I'm not sure how well bats travel.

Nathan Attford
I'm sure Narciso will be glad of his company, regardless.

He has promised to 'spoil Saunder until he forgets I am even gone'. *snorts* I do think he would have liked traveling though

Nathan Attford
You'll have to take him another time. I wonder what he'd make of sky.

Perhaps. *sighs again, and starts on their tea*

And what material item may I bring you back?

Nathan Attford
A souvenir from your trip? *considers* I'm not sure I want anything.

Nathan Attford
*thinks about bottled sunshine and baskets of rain; not for the first time contemplating poetry*

Nathan Attford
Nothing in particular, unless you run across something that reminds you of me.

*sets their cup down to laugh*

I will search for something then.

Nathan Attford
*grins* Then I'll look forward to seeing what you find

*takes their tea back up, smirking, already thinking of silly things*

Nathan Attford
*sips his tea, pleased with the smirk*

*thinking* May I leave my keys with you?

Nathan Attford
You didn't leave them with Narciso? Certainly you can.

Thank-you. *a nod* Many are irreplaceable if stolen, and I would like to have them when I return.

*after they leave & on their way to the dirigible, he will get a box with several keyrings with one very large jingling one*

Nathan Attford
Of course. I'll keep them for you, until you return. *smiles*

Nathan Attford
*amused* I'll set Pepper to guard them.

Pepper? *thinks about his monkey*

Nathan Attford
Bar is also taking a trip, in the other direction. He left me Pepper, his fish, to look after.

A fish?

Nathan Attford
A goldfish. It's rather sweet, really.

*smiles softly, picturing Bar with a pet goldfish. It -is- rather sweet*

May I meet this Pepper then? *still smiling* If he...? is going to watch my keys.

Nathan Attford
*grins* Certainly. I've been keeping him up in the studio. ...I assume 'he', Bar says he.

Nathan Attford
He doesn't seem to take offense, anyhow. *finishes his cup of tea, a little silly-enthusiastic about this fish*

*beams at him*

Nathan Attford
*and will lead the way up to the studio to where Pepper is in his pickle jar on Nathan's desk*

*hobbles up, and grins at the little fish, and more so at it in a pickle jar*

Nathan Attford
Cheerful sort of fellow, isn't he? *I feel better just having him around, somehow*

I wish I had brought Saunder to meet him.

Nathan Attford
Well, that just means you'll have to visit Bar when you're both returned, doesn't it?

Out on Bugsby'? Maybe they d---able 'snow' will be gone by then, in any case.

Nathan Attford
We can only hope. It's a miserable walk, these days. *still goes, though...*

Then we will go visit Bar and Pepper. *laughs at the silly thought of it, and Saunder on their shoulder*

Nathan Attford
*grins* It's a plan.

*runs a finger down the jar, and sighs* I will have to leave shortly. I need a bath, and to dress. ..I am all packed though.

Nathan Attford
*nods* I'd offer to come see you off, but it sounds as though you don't need me underfoot.

...You would? *stares at Pepper*

Nathan Attford
*looks at them oddly for the question* Certainly I would.

*bites their lip, deep in thought* If you would then.

Nathan Attford
You sound surprised. Is it that odd?

... I did not expect anyone to want to.

Nathan Attford
*amused huff* That's because you are silly. Why wouldn't I want to see my friend off?

*heavily sighs, hands spread-out on their knees as they are leaning over to look at Pepper* Thank-you.

Nathan Attford
*nods, not sure what more to say* ... ... ... I thought of getting him a proper bowl, but somehow the jar suits, doesn't it?

*laughs* Yes, and yes.

Nathan Attford
A fine pair we must have looked... I gave him my cravat, and me with his fish in a pickle jar. *chuckles*

*Has to hold their side laughing at the picture* So you gave him a token then?

Nathan Attford
*looks embarrassed, but grins* I'm...not sure he thinks of it that way. ...but I did.

*nods, looking at him with a soft smile* It is still the thought. And he gave you Pepper to mind! *still amused*

Nathan Attford
Yes, certainly a vital task. *grins* Pepper and I shall keep order until you two return.

*grins* [and I am sleepypants, and if it rains I am postponing this, but do you want to say they left together, Cassius gave him their dirty laundry and then to the dirigible?]

c: ls cassius, log

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