Twitter Log: Cassius' Farewell Party

Apr 14, 2011 06:03


*Is getting ready at their office, not sure if they should head to @nathan_attford's or where. Not knowing where to go, or if to go*


*paces in Veilgarden, not that far from Nathan's house*

Nathan Attford

*IN Nathan's house, with a crate of wine, wondering where Bar is and if he's going to have to carry this himself*


@Bartholomaew Ah! Just the man I was looking for! *beams-waves*


@narcissus_echo *looks over* Me? Surely you mean someone else. *teaches up to tip his old beaten iron hat*


@Bartholomaew No, no, it's you. *takes his arm* Are you quite prepared for the party to-night?

Asher Wilsford

*has been up in the Flit, asking urchins if they know a very large, dark haired man*


@narcissus_echo I'm not the type to /prepare/ for a party. *he smirks and looks at his arm* Let's pick up Nathan before heading over.

Asher Wilsford

*but now he's on the ground & walking to Nathan's*


@Bartholomaew Let's! *grins* I haven't done a /single/ thing to prepare, you know. Not a single thing. But Nathan has the wine, yes?


@narcissus_echo I hope so. He usually picks out good wine. *waves his hand lazily* Benefits to being picky.


*walks down a path in Tyrant's Gardens*

Asher Wilsford

@OScarletO *walking by & sees her* Ah, Scarlet!


*Busies themself with their feathers, thinking about that pushy seamstress again*

Nathan Attford

*Bar /did/ say he was coming, right? He'd better not be expecting him to carry this wine out to the marsh first in his good shoes*


@Asher_Wilsford *raises a brow* Hello Asher. How've you been?


@Bartholomaew *laughs* True words, true words!

Asher Wilsford

@OScarletO Oh, fine fine. Are ya busy? We're havin' a party for Cassius. Nothin' big - we jus' decided yesterday


@Asher_Wilsford *blinks* Well, I ...I don't have immediate plans. What has happened that warrants a party?

Asher Wilsford

@OScarletO They're takin' a trip to the Surface apparently. I think their sister-in-law is sick?


@Bartholomaew *swinging on Bar's (no doubt very bulky) arm*


@narcissus_echo *very very amused, and when he gets to Nathan's door, he clangs at it with his hat*


@Asher_Wilsford Oh. Oh. *considers a moment* Where is the party to be held? I must retrieve something first.

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew @narcissus_echo *hurries to the door, beating Mrs Williams (excited, who him?)* Here you are. And our host too? *grins*

Honoria M Harlowe

*Honoria is carrying a basket of pastries made with fresh fruit from TCR, @LS_Cassius's favorite...*

Asher Wilsford

@OScarletO Mm, we're meeting at Nathan's...helpin' him carry the wine, I think. Not sure where we're takin' it

Asher Wilsford

@OScarletO You can meet us there. *grins* We won't make ya carry wine though


@nathan_attford *holds up hand* @narcissus_echo


@Asher_Wilsford *smirks* You'll find I'm tougher than you think. *nevermind the level 4 wounds she's hiding under that dress*


@nathan_attford *grins* I'm here to talk to you about your toast. You have one ready, don't you? @Bartholomaew

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo Am I giving a toast? To Cassius? @Bartholomaew

Honoria M Harlowe

*she comes to @nathan_attford's house and sees them all standing outside* Hallo! I'm not too late, am I?


*strides back towards the House, running up the stairs to her parlour*

Asher Wilsford

@OScarletO Oh, I don't doubt that


@nathan_attford Naturally you are -- the first toast of the night! @Bartholomaew

Asher Wilsford

*heads over to Nathan's now*

Nathan Attford

@HonoriaMHarlowe Honoria! Are you coming as well? This party keeps getting better.


@nathan_attford @HonoriaMHarlowe Where am I carrying the wine?

Honoria M Harlowe

@nathan_attford *blushes* I brought something to eat, just in case...I know how Narciso usually plans his parties.

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo *amused* I suppose I had best prepare one /quickly/ then, hadn't I?


*changes her bodiced top to something a little more dressy, puts on a necklace, and places a parcel into a basket.*

Asher Wilsford

*finally arrives @nathan_attford's* Hullo


*takes a swig of laudanum from the silver tray awaiting her before heading back out the door.*


@HonoriaMHarlowe *beams at!* My wise angel. @nathan_attford

Honoria M Harlowe

@narcissus_echo *she bats her eyelashes in an exaggerated manner and beams right back* I only meant it in the nicest way possible.


@Bartholomaew I suppose we have our options -- shall we head straight to the Tower of Eyes? Or shall we collect Cassius from Ladybones?

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo The most important part then is, if we /don't/ collect Cassius, will they know where to go? @Bartholomaew

Asher Wilsford

@narcissus_echo Ah, Scarlet will be here soon


@HonoriaMHarlowe Of course you do! You were only referring to my innocent, spontaneous nature, weren't you?


*walks as quickly as she can towards @nathan_attford's residence, the basket swinging on her arm. *


@nathan_attford ... Dear lord, man, you are /brilliant/! @Bartholomaew

Nathan Attford

@Asher_Wilsford Scarlet too? *his grin can't get any bigger, otherwise it would*

Asher Wilsford

@nathan_attford *nods* I met 'er on my way over

Honoria M Harlowe

@narcissus_echo *she purses her lips as if trying not to laugh* Yes, all of that and more. Would that I could only steal a bit of your shine

Honoria M Harlowe

*blushes at the sound of @Asher_Wilsford's voice, trying not to appear too eager...difficult though that may be*

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo We /cannot/ have a party without the guest of honour. *thinking of a letter earlier* I think we should all go and fetch them

Asher Wilsford

@HonoriaMHarlowe *looks over at her and smiles* I'm glad you could make it


@nathan_attford @narcissus_echo *nods in agreement, and lets himself inside to get the wine*


*arrives at @nathan_attford's to find a throng of people out front* Goodness.

Asher Wilsford

@Bartholomaew Oh, should I 'elp carry some o' that? @nathan_attford

Honoria M Harlowe

@Asher_Wilsford *grins back* I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Or anything under it.

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew @Asher_Wilsford *laughs and moves out of the way* I'm sure he'd appreciate the help


@Asher_Wilsford *waves hand* I can handle it.


@Asher_Wilsford But if you wanted to, I suppose you can.

Honoria M Harlowe

@OScarletO *waves at Scarlet* I didn't know you were coming too. We could have coordinated.


@nathan_attford @Bartholomaew @Asher_Wilsford @narcissus_echo @HonoriaMHarlowe Good evening - is this a parade?

Nathan Attford

*shakes head @Bartholomaew * Bar, there's a whole crowd, you needn't manage on your own! *amused* @Asher_Wilsford

Asher Wilsford

@HonoriaMHarlowe *gives her a genuinely happy smile before going in to help @Bartholomaew *

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO Not /yet/ but it soon will be. Good evening!

Asher Wilsford

@Bartholomaew 'O course! You'd have a hard time carryin enough wine for these people *grins*

Honoria M Harlowe

@OScarletO Only if you plan to lead it. I can play a passable drum to keep the beat. *she smiles*


@OScarletO Absolutely, yes. *grins* We're about to go promenading down Ladybones. You can lead the band, if you like.


@nathan_attford *grins* Good evening. What is the schedule for this impromptu event?


@HonoriaMHarlowe *draws over to her side* I hadn't expected to see you either. I think we could parade, don't you? Or would Cassius frown?

Asher Wilsford

@Bartholomaew *picks up a large crate of wine* S'this all or should we get more help?

Honoria M Harlowe

@OScarletO Well, we can keep it down to a dull roar so we won't embarrass them too much. I think they would see the humor before long.


@Asher_Wilsford *carries the other crate under his arm* I don't think we need more wine than this. I think.


*watches the goings-on with interest, moving closer to the residence. She wouldn't want to appear to be part of the /rabble/.*

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO We are meeting here, then promenading to Ladybones to collect our guest of honour, and then... *grins and shrugs*


*heads out with @Asher_Wilsford* Are we ready to head out?


@nathan_attford *grins* Well then, are we singing along the way? I should have brought flowers to toss as we walk.

Asher Wilsford

*carries the crate outside where everyone else is*

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO We certainly are. Bar in particular.

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew *looks at him* What shall we sing on the way?


@nathan_attford @OScarletO Yes, I'm going to sing the whole way. *shakes his head, obviously joking* I don't know.


@Bartholomaew *claps delightedly* Excellent! @nathan_attford


@Bartholomaew @nathan_attford @OScarletO Ah, what's a song everyone knows? -- Other than the weasel song, of course.


@narcissus_echo I'd be happy to sing whatever you wish, dear. I don't know that /I/ should lead, however. Perhaps you'll be our torch?

Honoria M Harlowe

@narcissus_echo *tilts her head and looks at him* Weasel song?

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo Yes, not the weasel song.

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo Perhaps we should save the singing until we can do it outside their office, and serenade them?


@nathan_attford *grins* Let's sing the wassailing song! @OScarletO


@narcissus_echo Yes! When we get there, let's sing that song. @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo That sounds /excellent/. @OScarletO


@OScarletO Exactly, exactly! *laughs* And they'll give us that /look/ because it's out of season but truly they'll adore it!


*shakes his head, amused*

Nathan Attford

All right, if that's decided then we don't need to stand about on the doorstep! Are we ready?

Asher Wilsford

@nathan_attford Shouldn't keep 'em waiting *smiling*

Nathan Attford

@Asher_Wilsford Onward, then! *looks @narcissus_echo* Will you lead us?


@nathan_attford Yes lets! Let's link arms as we go - a proper parade!


@nathan_attford Readily! *dashes forward, beaming* Follow me!


@OScarletO *holds out his arm* @nathan_attford

Honoria M Harlowe

*looks for a free arm* Erm...@narcissus_echo, may I?

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO That could be arranged. Do you think it would be more festive?


@nathan_attford I think it might be utterly delightful. *pulls a ribbon from her hair* And I can adorn it as well.

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO *laughs* And how could I say no to that? All right, let me fetch it. *goes*


@HonoriaMHarlowe Of course! *links onto* I'd be honoured to have one such as you on my arm.

Nathan Attford

*returns with his velo* I hope I can manage to peddle slowly enough... Bar, you'll take Scarlet's arm in my place, won't you? @Bartholomaew

Asher Wilsford

*just laughs & shakes his head as things get more & more ridiculous*


@Asher_Wilsford *plans on walking normally* ....Heh.

Honoria M Harlowe

@narcissus_echo *blushes* I just wanted to have a bit of your shine, that's all.


@nathan_attford .... I could. *looks at Scarlet*

@nathan_attford *ties the brilliant blue ribbon onto the handle bar so that it flutters as he rides* @Bartholomaew


@HonoriaMHarlowe *grins, grins* Take all you like

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO /Perfect./


@Bartholomaew Bar? *she gives him a soft smile*


@OScarletO *hesitates.... hesitates.... then shifts the crate under his other arm and holds out his hand*

Honoria M Harlowe

*looks at @Bartholomaew, recognizing him as that man who had taken up the parlor for so long*


@Bartholomaew I wouldn't want to be too much for you; if you need both hands for the crate, I can just walk alongside.

Asher Wilsford

@Bartholomaew @OScarletO *watches - they're going to take up the whole street linking arms like this*


@Asher_Wilsford @Bartholomaew @OScarletO *and it will be awesome, is that what asher's thinking?*

Asher Wilsford

*shrugs & moves the crate under his arm then offers his other arm to @HonoriaMHarlowe* May as well join in, eh?


@OScarletO *looks at the crate* It's not very heavy. *pats his bicep, then holds his hand out again*


@Bartholomaew *takes his arm* The moment you need it for the crate, cast me aside.

Asher Wilsford

@narcissus_echo *it will be ridiculous, but he joins in anyway*


*and we're off! is /this/ close to skipping, people!*

Asher Wilsford

@HonoriaMHarlowe Or hungover *grins*


*will allow himself to be lead and most likely dragged*

Nathan Attford

*peddle peddle... this is harder than he expected it to be, but he's having a grand time anyhow*

Asher Wilsford

@HonoriaMHarlowe *blinks* Never? Clearly, ya 'aven't drank enough then


*And is sitting on their Ladybones' bed, still fretting and not knowing where to go. May even be swinging their legs*

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo *peddle peddle alllll the way to Ladybones road so poor Cassius doesn't have to be all alone?*


@nathan_attford @LS_cassius *as they approach 27c* Wassail! Wassail! All over town! Our toast is white and our ale it is brown ~

Asher Wilsford

@HonoriaMHarlowe *quirks an eyebrow* /I/ asked about the knives, but Cassius was there too. *grins* Maybe you were more drunk than I thought

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo *laughing, joins in*


@nathan_attford @narcissus_echo @Bartholomaew *is smiling brightly, linked up with them. She cranes her neck to grin at Nathan.*


@narcissus_echo @nathan_attford @LS_cassius *sings* Our bowl it is made of the white maple tree. With a wassailing Bowl we drink to thee!

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO *grins back*


*Might hear this through the bedroom window, cocking their head to the side*

Nathan Attford

Come on, we've got to be loud enough to get them to look out. @Asher_Wilsford @HonoriaMHarlowe @Bartholomaew

Asher Wilsford

@HonoriaMHarlowe *nods* We talked about places to hide knives about

Honoria M Harlowe

*shakes her head at @nathan_attford, gives @Asher_Wilsford an apolgetic smile, and starts to sing...not very well.*


*is /not singing/*


@Bartholomaew *smiles brightly up at him* Oh /come on/. I shall buy you a night's worth of drinks if you sing.


@OScarletO *nods toward the crate* Nathan already did that.


@Bartholomaew A different night then. And *she leans in to whisper at him*


*With all but Bar singing, they might go to the window, not opening it yet to look out*


@Bartholomaew *pulls back with a grin* Come now. Let's sing together.

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew @OScarletO *notes this exchange and tilts his head curiously, but can't ask about it right now what with the singing*


@OScarletO Ghn. *face turning red*


@LS_Cassius *trying to improvise a verse* Here's to your peahen, from all her chicks ~


@nathan_attford @OScarletO *goes for it, but only sings the bits he knows! He rolls his Rs when he sings---!*


@Bartholomaew *sings at him, to give him the words* @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew *so surprised that for a moment he stops singing to stare before laughing and picking it back up again* @OScarletO


*And at that, the sound of Bar, a red-haired peahen opens, and sticks their head out the window and STARES and STARES and STARES*


@LS_Cassius *holds up his hand to wave -- the one Scarlet is holding*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *waves*

Honoria M Harlowe

*grins at @LS_Cassius* I brought you pastries! *she sings, off key*


@OScarletO @Bartholomaew @LS_Cassius *bursts out in delighted laughter*


*still stares, trying desperately to go from SHOCKED to :| *


*A rabble. All linking arms, Nathan on a velocipede, singing the Wassail in APRIL. -For them-. They might explode*


@LS_Cassius *sings* And here is to Cassius and to their red hair! Come join us our friend - no other can compare!


Let me get---I will be right down! *slams the window shut*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *laaaughs*


*A few minutes in the bathroom and they haven't gone down stairs-three flights of them- so scared and happy in their life*


*Stumbling with their knee as they rush out to the street*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *slides off the velo* Good evening, Cassius!

Honoria M Harlowe

*watches @nathan_attford dismount, impressed*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *looks around as though not noticing anything strange, holding the handlebars* We've come to collect you, of course.


@LS_Cassius *pops her head in* We've enough people to manage that, I think. @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius Yes, well, we've come fully equipped for that as well.


@LS_Cassius *just /beams/*

Honoria M Harlowe

@LS_Cassius Don't make us drag you, it would be so undignified.


*slowly, still staring, they can't help but grin* @HonoriaMHarlowe @narcissus_echo @nathan_attford @OScarletO @Bartholomaew @Asher_Wilsford

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *trying to keep a straight face* Would you like to ride the velocipede? I think we are going to the Tower of Eyes next.


*Then turning to shut the door, walking over*


Am I respectable enough for it? @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius /Certainly/


@LS_Cassius Respectable for Mr.Attford's velocipede? Do you /know/ how many times he's been to the colonies? @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@OScarletO *laughs* Have you been keeping count?


@nathan_attford /everyone's/ been keeping count. *winks*

[At this point, Scarlet went to bed]


*Grinning as wide as can be, they scramble up the velocipede, handing @nathan_attford their walking-stick*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *and will carry it gladly (though carefully)*


@LS_Cassius *laughs* Goodness! Excited as a boy! @nathan_attford

Honoria M Harlowe

@LS_Cassius Do be careful! *she wants to cover her eyes, but both hands are occupied*


*It is different than the constabulary ones, more for luxury than work. And hardly used at all when they start to peddle, making a circle~*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *watches, grinning*


*peddle, peddle, peddle*


And where are we going? @nathan_attford @HonoriaMHarlowe @narcissus_echo @Bartholomaew @Asher_Wilsford

Honoria M Harlowe

@LS_Cassius Bravo! You're much better at that than I would be! *watches nervously*


@LS_Cassius I have no idea, I'm just following.

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius We are following Narciso! Beyond that I'm not entirely sure, but it's bound to be fun. @narcissus_echo


@HonoriaMHarlowe *slowing* You will just have to try it!

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo @LS_Cassius Well, there you have it.

Honoria M Harlowe

@LS_Cassius Oh, no!! *she shakes her head vigorously*


@HonoriaMHarlowe I only ever tried it in November, I am sure you can. *gently*


'Lush, Arcadian pleasures'? @narcissus_echo @nathan_attford

Honoria M Harlowe

@LS_Cassius *blushes* Maybe you can teach me when you come back?


@HonoriaMHarlowe Certainly. *then stopping the peddling all together*


@LS_Cassius Lush! Arcadian! *repetition is a literary technique!*

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius Lush, /and/ Arcadian, how can you say no? Wherever it is we're going, come with us? We're missing a guest of honour you know.


@narcissus_echo *thinks, thinks, that sounds so familiar* ...Satyr.... *mumbling, detective brain going back years to they were younger*


*shaking their head, they'll remember eventually* Guest of honour then? *chuckles* @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius Naturally. A most respectable one.


*leads them all to a spacious and empty townhouse in the Tower of Eyes district, letting go of Honoria's and Scarlet's arms to use the key*


*And will climb down when they get there* @nathan_attford @narcissus_echo @HonoriaMHarlowe @Bartholomaew @Asher_Wilsford

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo You weren't joking when you said you had a place. Is this a housewarming as well?


@nathan_attford I suppose it is! Come in, come in --


@nathan_attford You may not be able to take in the Arcadian atmosphere at first -- you have to use your imagination.


@narcissus_echo @nathan_attford *comes inside* A "respectable" house, is it?

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo I have an /excellent/ imagination, don't worry about that. *grins and comes inside*


@narcissus_echo *Silent again, taking it in* @Bartholomaew @HonoriaMHarlowe @nathan_attford @Asher_Wilsford

Honoria M Harlowe

*follows them all in, looking around* Is this Arcadian style, @narcissus_echo?

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew *teasing* Yes, the doors all close.


*it is empty, empty, empty, with a few comfortable pillows scattered about for flopping upon*


@nathan_attford My door closes now, too. *lightly pushes Nathan's shoulder*


@HonoriaMHarlowe Absolutely! Can't you hear the pan-pipes of the satyrs now?


@narcissus_echo Pan! *they finally exclaim, remembering*

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew *looks up at him* Shall we have the next gathering at your house, then?

Asher Wilsford

@LS_Cassius @narcissus_echo Is he the...goat like thing?


@LS_Cassius *snatches and kisses them* Yes!

Honoria M Harlowe

@narcissus_echo Aren't saytrs the ones with the horse legs and the human torso? I'm afraid I was never much for mythology.


It may be even emptier than #27c...But perhaps more respecta-- *gets snatched and kissed* @narcissus_echo


@Asher_Wilsford A wild creature of revelry -- like Agdistis! Do you know Agdistis?


@LS_Cassius *grins* I /do/ love you!


@nathan_attford Of course, I'll have to clean up the walkway. Maybe I can put some moss in the garden. *smirks*

Asher Wilsford

@narcissus_echo *thinking* Uh, don't think I do. I only know a few stories from when I was a boy


@HonoriaMHarlowe That's it, that's it -- ! And they had uncontrollable appetites.


@narcissus_echo *a delayed yelp at the grabbing* And I love you! *going back to grinning*

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew You will be an excellent host, I'm sure. Let me know when to come, and I'll mark my calendar.


*completely lost on the mythology conversation - can we talk about weapons and fishing instead? no? okay -- back to teasing Nathan*


@nathan_Attford A toast! You need to crack open the wine, and toast to our guest of honour!


@nathan_attford Perhaps when Cassius comes back, then. Heh--

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo *laughs* Certainly. Do we have glasses, or shall we each take a bottle?


@Bartholomaew @nathan_attford *turning about to address Bar* Certainly~

Honoria M Harlowe

@narcissus_echo Appetites...? Oh, wait! *presents her basket to @LS_Cassius* It's pastries, filled with surface fruit.

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo If I'd known I would have brought those, too. *amused*


@HonoriaMHarlowe *Eyes dancing behind their mask, they loosen @narcissus_echo's hold enough to accept it* Thank-you, Miss Harlowe. *beam*

Nathan Attford

@Bartholomaew @Asher_Wilsford Put those down and help me get into them? I wasn't sure how many guests we'd have, so there should be plenty..


@nathan_attford We'll drink from the bottle, like real men! Including the women, and those who won't sort themselves with either!

Asher Wilsford

@nathan_attford *nods & sets the crate on the floor since he doesn't see anywhere else to put it*

Nathan Attford

@Asher_Wilsford *does come over to help get into it even though he didn't help carry at all*


@narcissus_echo *snorts*

Honoria M Harlowe

@LS_Cassius *blushes* Oh...please, call me Honoria. I thought I'd told you to, already. I hope you like them.

Asher Wilsford

@nathan_attford *moves over to allow him to help*


@nathan_attford @Asher_Wilsford *puts his down, too*


@HonoriaMHarlowe *doesn't know how to deal with the blushing, so detaches themself and sets the basket down* Honoria, then. *nods*


*Will be uncharacteristically unhelpful and go supervise instead*

[At which point Bar went to bed]

Honoria M Harlowe

I can take the glasses, if you ever find them. I'm not quite cut out for drinking from the bottle. I might spill.

[At which point Asher went to bed]

Nathan Attford

*sets about opening and passing out bottles* I wouldn't worry about it over much in this company. *smiles* @HonoriaMHarlowe

Honoria M Harlowe

@nathan_attford *takes one gingerly, trying to think of a way to protest*


@nathan_attford *takes a bottle, feeling happy, but feeling rather foolish about drinking from the bottle*

Nathan Attford

*not entirely thrilled with it himself, but a party's a party and he's been plenty silly already tonight*


@nathan_attford A toast, a toast -- !

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo *laughs* I haven't forgotten, give me a moment-!

Honoria M Harlowe

*looks expectantly at @nathan_attford*


*Looks down at the rings on the hand they hold the bottle with*

Nathan Attford

*thoughtful for a moment* *clears his throat* I'd like to propose a toast, then. *waits until he has everyone's attention*


@nathan_attford *Looks over to him*

Honoria M Harlowe

@nathan_attford *holds her bottle and watches him*

Commodore Creazil

@nathan_attford *pours himself in through the doorway, already a bit tipsy and surprisingly not out of place with a bottle in his hand.*


@CreazilRadioEBZ *Has to look away from @nathan_attford at his entrance, scanning, finally having to laugh* @HonoriaMHarlowe @narcissus_echo

Nathan Attford

*grins* To our guest of honour, the dearest, fiercest peahen in London, without whose plumage the 'Neath will certainly seem darker. We wish you a safe journey back to your roost on the surface, and will do our /very/ best to only get into trouble you would approve of *smirks* At least, until you return to scold us. To Cassius! *lifts his gla... bottle* @LS_Cassius


*Laughs again, bright and from their belly, raising their bottle but having to wait to drink* @nathan_attford


@nathan_attford @LS_Cassius Well-said, well-said -- ! No one could say it better!

Commodore Creazil

@nathan_attford Well said, sir! *raises his own wine bottle high before tipping it back to drink deep* We'll share that salute indeed!

Honoria M Harlowe

*applauds at @nathan_attford's speech and takes a large swig of her wine bottle*

Nathan Attford

*drinks from his bottle, grinning at the assembled company and doing his best to pretend he didn't make that up just now*


*Settling down enough to take a drink, then setting it down to applaud him* @nathan_attford

[At which point Honoria went to bed]

Commodore Creazil

@nathan_attford Brilliant, yes. Might we give it a go as well? Dear cassius /is /an old friend of ours...

Commodore Creazil

@LS_Cassius Here's to our dear and dauntless friend! May their candle shine like a star in the black 'til lost sunlight once more suffices!


@CreazilRadioEBZ @nathan_attford @narcissus_echo *Goes to pick their bottle up again, starting to match their hair*

Nathan Attford

@CreazilRadioEBZ *drinks to that, and gladly*


@CreazilRadioEBZ *Silent, but beaming theiy take a long drink* My compatriot!


@CreazilRadioEBZ *applauds* Most marvellous, my dear commodore! @LS_Cassius

Commodore Creazil

@nathan_attford It seems we are wont to grasp a handful of metaphors and swing them wildly like a honey-mazed madman...

Nathan Attford

@CreazilRadioEBZ *laughs* How else to put into words the sort of affection one feels? I suppose we might write poetry?

Commodore Creazil

@LS_Cassius Huzzah! *Finishes his bottle and plops it neatly onto the nearest surface* Cheers to you and safe travels, eh?


@CreazilRadioEBZ Certainly. Certainly. ...Thank-you.

Commodore Creazil

@narcissus_echo Ah, thank you! We do but fill in the gaps between difficult moments with intentions and words!


*and mentioning the floor, they go about and take a seat on one of those cushions* @nathan_attford @narcissus_echo @CreazilRadioEBZ

Nathan Attford

*picks a cushion as well, and settles carefully, mindful of wrinkling his suit* @narcissus_echo @CreazilRadioEBZ @LS_Cassius


@nathan_attford *chuckles as they take another drink, fixing his suit, while drinking out of a bottle*


@LS_Cassius *comes and lays his head in their lap, to be ridiculous (and to be close)*

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo @LS_Cassius *chuckles* Should we build you a nest of pillows?

Commodore Creazil

@LS_Cassius *drops himself hard on a cushion and starts searching his pockets until he produces his shiny steel flask* Ah! There you are!


@nathan_attford *beams* Some birds build nests of straws, others nests of pillows. @LS_Cassius


@narcissus_echo *lays their free hand in his hair, taking another drink then chuckling* @nathan_attford @CreazilRadioEBZ

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo It sounds a more comfortable sort of nest, at any rate. @LS_Cassius

Commodore Creazil

@narcissus_echo @LS_Cassius *Unscrews the flask and takes a sip of something that smells firey-sweet, smiling over at them*

Commodore Creazil

@nathan_attford Oh yes, We'll take a roll in the cushions over a roll in the straw any day of the week. One must have standards! *cackles*

Nathan Attford

@CreazilRadioEBZ *laughs* There, something we agree on.

Nathan Attford

@CreazilRadioEBZ It's a pity we didn't have your company earlier, I'm sure you'd wassail with the best of us.


@nathan_attford Shall we have the commodore sing en solo, then? It's only fairness. @CreazilRadioEBZ


@narcissus_echo *sets their bottle down so they can basically crack-up* @CreazilRadioEBZ @nathan_attford

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo If he's willing. I've already heard Bar sing today, more miracles might overwhelm me entirely. @CreazilRadioEBZ

Nathan Attford

@narcissus_echo Though I think the original plan was for Bar and Cassius to have a duet...perhaps @CreazilRadioEBZ might take Bar's place?

Commodore Creazil

@narcissus_echo @nathan_attford Even if shame were a virtue we posessed, we'd not deny a wanting audience! What say you @LS_Cassius ?


@CreazilRadioEBZ Me? *thinks, deciding they have had enough wine for this* Well what shall it be then? @narcissus_echo @nathan_attford

Commodore Creazil

@LS_Cassius Perhaps Something by the Vermillion twins? Or something from the Ballad of Jack And sally?

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *grins* Whatever you two decide you'd like, I'm happy enough to listen. @CreazilRadioEBZ


@CreazilRadioEBZ Once again, I will follow suit whatever you choose. *finally settling their laugh down enough to speak* @nathan_attford

Commodore Creazil

@Ls_cassius Why not an old favourite! The lyrics aren't something one forets easily once learned! #ebz ♫ 11


@CreazilRadioEBZ *picks the bottle up for another swig and prepares to sing complete nonsense* @narcissus_echo @nathan_attford

[At which point the Commodore went to bed]


@LS_Cassius @CreazilRadioEBZ *listens, glowing and gleeful at the utter nonsense, at sense of their voices together*


*In their light, but sometimes out of tune tenor* ♫Long-necked, shipwrecked, terrified swan *a look at Nathan*! ... ♫ 5


@LS_Cassius Bravissimo -- !

Nathan Attford

@LS_Cassius *laughs and applauds*

[At which point Narci went to bed, and without him, of course, the party was finished XD]

c: scarlet fenwick, c: bar, c: commodore creazil, c: narci, c: honoria m harlowe, c: ls cassius, log, c: asher wilsford

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