On Meeting a Mother, and Delivering a Letter & Good News

Apr 29, 2011 14:03

L.S. Cassius:
A Letter to @Louis_Plumb -- April 19th 1891 --- http://ls-cassius.livejournal.com/15840.html #EBZ


L.S. Cassius:

A Letter to @Louis_Plumb -- April 27th 1891 --- http://ls-cassius.livejournal.com/18860.html #EBZ

Mrs. Plumb:
@LS_Cassius [dsfhjfg ;__; Louis is so replying, but he doesn't think it'd get to Cassius so he's going to leave it at their lodgings.]

L.S. Cassius:
[The following events, will have taken place tomorrow, the 29th of April] @Louis_Plumb
*Hobbles down the boarding stairs of the dirigible. They have never been to Ireland before, but with only hours to go, business comes first*
[and yes I know that that air-travel was more for the Edwardian era, but if Fallen London can have them so can The Surface lol]
*Luggage has been sent-off to the train station, so they just have themself, a walking-stick, and a very special letter*
*It takes quite a bit of asking for directions, and several hand-drawn maps, but they manage to find the Copernic residence somehow*
*They raise their walking-stick and knock. They have dressed in the same neat appearance that they do for meeting a Master* @Louis_Plumb

Mrs. Plumb:
*she is the housekeeper, so of course she answers the door -- she is short and wide, her hair in a bun. She has freckles +*
*and a big nose* Good day. How can I help you?

L.S. Cassius:
*By her large nose and freckles, they ask* Mrs. Margaret Plumb?
*Accent thicker since spending several days at home, may have to concentrate to not use 'me' and 'ye'*

Mrs. Plumb:
*confused, lowering her eyebrows* Yes? *tilts her head* What's this about?

L.S. Cassius:
I am L.S. Cassius, a detective. From England...
*This is never easy, puts on a detective!face* Mrs. Plumb, I have information on your son Louis Alexander. *braces*

Mrs. Plumb:
*her eyes go wide* What? *wipes her hands on her apron and goes outside to meet them, closing the door*

L.S. Cassius:
I know that you received information on someone else when he first went missing. But, well it was false.

Mrs. Plumb:
*puts her hands over her mouth* He's alive?! Please -- tell me he's alive.

L.S. Cassius:
Yes. But he is stuck in London. Underground London. He actually hired me to deliver a letter. *hand in jacket pocket, fumbling*

Mrs. Plumb:
/Stuck?/ *pulls up her apron to wipe her eyes* Come in for tea, dear. This way. *will not stay & wait, heading to the back*

L.S. Cassius:
*Toddles after, legs still unsteady from the flight*

Mrs. Plumb:
*heads to a small outdoor area with a table a roof -- with a nice set for making tea* *wipes her eyes again*

L.S. Cassius:
*and will have managed to find the letter by the time they get there, holding it in their hands*

Mrs. Plumb:
*Ah, free tea already exists, so she will bring it over to the table* Sit. *she sits, and works at serving them* ..A letter.

L.S. Cassius:
Yes. *lays it on the table* I have not read it, but I thought I should deliver it in-person, in any case.

Mrs. Plumb:
*takes the letter and stares at it, ignoring her own tea* From London?! Has he gotten in trouble?

L.S. Cassius:
He was, to my understanding. But doing quite well now! Even has a bit of a shop set-up. *trying to be positive*

Mrs. Plumb:
That boy always gets himself into trouble. *shakes her head, eyes still teary* Even with a heart of gold.
Do you know why he hasn't come home? *opens the letter and starts reading it*

L.S. Cassius:
[are you ever going to write the letter?] He cannot. *a long sigh* The nature of the trouble, before I ever met him.

Mrs. Plumb:
[I will! I will put it on his LJ :3]

L.S. Cassius:
*takes a sip of the tea, just now wishing they had hired their Alluring Accomplice to take a picture of him to bring*

Mrs. Plumb:
This letter... *closes it and hugs it to her chest* I'm going to read it with my husband when he's home.
L.S. Cassius. Thank you. *bows her head* Thank you. *she can't hide her tears anymore*

L.S. Cassius:
I am not certain he even thought to send a letter until recently, but I do know he has been getting tutored lately.
*but still studies their tea, never good with tears*

Mrs. Plumb:
Tutored? *smiles, even though she is crying* You said he had a shop -- Can I guess? Watches and toys?

L.S. Cassius:
Reading and writing. By a Mr. Theodor Gylden...Watches, toys, metalwork...anything you could think of! *laughs into their cup*

Mrs. Plumb:
*teary laugh* That's just like him. He thought I didn't know -- *wipes her eyes with her apron* He actually thought he could
+keep a secret. As though I couldn't hear him-- *laughs* Are you... going back? To London?

L.S. Cassius:
Yes, as soon as me--my flight lands in Bristol, I have a train booked. *nods* And he really is a good boy. *gave-up on "boy"*

Mrs. Plumb:
Can you bring some things to him for me? And his tutor -- I want you to give him my thanks for putting up with him.

L.S. Cassius:
Yes, and yes. *but has heard how difficult Theo is from Narci, and almost says something on it*

Mrs. Plumb:
From London all the way to Belfast -- *wipes eyes again* I'm so glad Louis has found good friends. So... glad.

L.S. Cassius: 
I met him when he was employed by a fellow detective...*thinks* back in February?
Hyper, loud, but very thoughtful and kind.

Mrs. Plumb:
A detective like yourself? *smile smile* Hyper and loud! That is my Louis. He'd say sorry for being loud, louder than he was
*is probably going to weep for a while* Can you tell me about London? What you know about Louis now?

L.S. Cassius:
*'London is a very horrible place' is not good to say* London is a very strange place. But there are people that make it better
*thinks* I last saw Louis the 17th, covered in one of my suit jackets after he fell asleep, mostly from studying *and drinking*

Mrs. Plumb:
*will sit and listen, weeping quietly -- she thought her son was dead, but she had hope*
[XD Cassius leaving out the details.]

L.S. Cassius:
He houses a lot of animals...Some can talk down in The 'Neath...*strange, they know* He even has one as his shopkeeper--Manisha
["I went to see my love & Louis for middle of the night drinking, until your son passed-out in a chair"]
He knits and wears silly hats at times...Thinks he is always being 'rude', when he is the most thoughtful person I know...
He takes tea with my closest friend's housekeeper, a Mrs. Williams... *thinks and talks more*

Mrs. Plumb:
That's.. my Louis.. *sob, will probably spend a while talking with Cassius and eventually give them a box*

L.S. Cassius:
*Will not seem rushed, but will subtly be checking their watch to make sure they don't miss the flight*
*2 hours, making a little sigh of relief*

Mrs. Plumb:
Here. This is a collection of things and a letter I wrote up quickly. Are you going straight to London? +
*the kindest smile, kind of looks like Louis* Don't worry if you're not, you can eat the chocolate biscuits and fruit.

L.S. Cassius:
*nods, and grins* I expect to be back around Sunday...Do you think they will keep?
*expecting Louis to spazz-out over it, and chuckling at that thought*

Mrs. Plumb:
Yes, they should last until then. *laughs* Ah. He'd never let them last that long.
Forgive me for this. *goes over and gives a hug* Give him a hug for me, would you? Please?

L.S. Cassius:
*takes all their willpower not to stiffen, even offering an awkward pat to her back*
*muttering* I watched him eat almost a whole basket of apples once, and a bar of chocolate. And he had a cold at the time.

Mrs. Plumb:
*laughs* See what happens when Momma isn't there to set him straight? *hands on hips* You keep looking at your watch.

L.S. Cassius:
*was caught!* ...I have the next flight to catch in two hours, I just want to make sure I am not late. Plenty of time.

Mrs. Plumb:
Thank you, L.S. Cassius. Thank you, and thank you. *bows her head* If I was younger, I would visit London.

L.S. Cassius:
You still could! *thinks, she doesn't look -that- old* My love's aunt went there all the way from Italy.

Mrs. Plumb:
*brushes her apron* Then I will visit, after writing letters. If he has a shop, perhaps they won't get lost.

L.S. Cassius:
*a small smile* It -would- make him very happy, in any case.

Mrs. Plumb:
*holds out a watch* I want to give this to him, as well. Have a safe trip, L.S. Cassius. You've... *wipes eyes* I'm happy.

L.S. Cassius:
*takes the watch, sticking their walking-stick under an arm to examine it closer*

Mrs. Plumb:
*it's a very nice watch, red trim around the edges and a nice design of a cat. If you look on the back it has Copernic's symbol*

L.S. Cassius:
*Pockets it safely in the same small hidden jacket pocket as their little gold watch* Take-care, Mrs. Plumb. *awkward arm pat*

Mrs. Plumb:
*looks at the letter, wanting to read it with Mr. Plumb by the now-pointless grave*

L.S. Cassius:
*will heft the box with them, hobbling back to the port to load it in their private cabin*

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