
Sep 30, 2011 23:39

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frequently asked questions.

World Details.
♥ Communicator?
A snazzy white ♥phone. Yes, a ♥phone! It’s the equivalent of an iphone, with the exception that the shiny silver apple on the back is now replaced with a red heart. As a whole, the phone is slimmer and infinitely more durable. These phones can be broken. It’d take a lot to break one, but it can be done. Some nice animal will bring the character a new one, however.

The phone comes complete with a pink heart charm. The basic apps available on iphones will be already in the ♥phones, including one unique feature: the love connection.

♥ How does the “Love Connection” function?
Despite the name, the LC is just the same as the networks that are in every other game. Essentially, it’s a forum or video chats, depending on what your character selects. The phones are capable of video, audio, and text posts. Pictures and video taken with the phone may also be attached and sent to other characters, along with documents created. The characters are only visible during ‘video’ - meaning that icons are invisible during voice and text posts. Posts and portions of posts can be locked so that they are only visible to certain characters. These posts are hackable by tech savvy characters.

Of course, as phones, the ♥phones are capable of calls and text messages provided your character has the other’s number.

♥ Can characters die?
Yes, though even the beasts will attempt to prevent characters dying, but it does happen. If there is a corpse left, the animals will drag it to the temple and into a shallow pool of water at the center of the building. Those close to the character may stay. At midnight, he’ll wake up, often to the noise of howling and always to the sight of moonlight. As this is a romance game, no punishment will ever be put on death, but players do have their choice in if there is scarring/loss of a limb that was injured.

♥ My character isn’t human!!
Surprise! Now he’s got all the gear he needs down there and the rest to go with it. He’s become a full-fledged human.

♥ My character is a vampire/sick/needs something to stay alive!
Vampires, as supernatural, will lose all their abilities. This also means they will essentially be human. The fangs will still be in place, but drinking blood won’t do anything for them that isn’t purely mental.

The sick/injured characters will still be sick, but they won’t die from it. If medicine helps, they’ll find one animal or another here makes a very good nurse and perpetually brings a new bottle to his apartment whenever he runs low.

If there is something your characters needs to stay alive, it will either be here or they won’t need it anymore. If in doubt, feel free to ask!

♥ What’s around the city?
The city has one road that leads away from it and it disappears into the Cursed Woods. The land around the city is barren, the woods dead. Going opposite of the road and past the city leads to the edge of a cliff-and the open ocean. The a path down the cliff to get to the beach and nothing else.

♥What's in the city?
Everything you'd find in a modern city! Keep in mind everything is in a state of ruin, but some items have survived the years. Also, keep in mind there are no NPCs. The characters are the only people. There are stores of every variety. Characters can find their meals in the grocery stores -- not all of the can goods have gone bad. Also, there are clothing shops if your character wants to do more stylish shopping. Just don't mind the dust. There are, of course, other apartments and homes and hotels. No real reason your character couldn't stay in any of those.

♥ Okay, animals. What is this about animals?
The beasts have taken over the town. Not just in the sense that they roam through the ruins of the city, but in that they own this city as their own. They protect it. The animals range from what one would expect to live in a forest and a city… to otherworldly and magical creatures. The latter are on the rarer side, the only ones the characters will encounter are some extra large wolves and unicorns, both of which are solely found at the temple. As mentioned in the premise, all animals will treat the characters as good as if they are gods. Initially, that may mean many will be watching the boys from a distance with a bit of awe and being somewhat skittish. It also means when the monsters make their appearance, the animals will do their best to defend the characters.

However, at present, the animals are in as bad condition as the city is.

♥ I heard something about a temple?
From outside the city, it’s near impossible to see the temple, but it’s in the center and completely at odds with how the rest of the city looks. The temple looks old, made of stone, and with many statues inside. All the statues are of men and the center features include men holding hands or kissing. The temple is overrun with animals, but otherwise empty. The unicorns and great wolves stay here.

♥ So… Can my character do something with the animals?
Yes! Feel free to control the small, normal animals as much as you like. Including attacking the animals! If you wish for your character to attack the temple animals, though, the mods would appreciate a comment only so we can work out the results with you.

♥ Can characters leave?
Not just yet, no! The only way to go further is through the forest and, at the moment, it’s cursed. Your character can run and run and run and he’ll find he’s getting nowhere at all. The only other means of leaving would be by sea and without a boat in sight, that’s a distant dream.

♥ Technology?
Despite how rundown the city may appear at first, it has all the modern conveniences we are familiar with. Nothing requiring electricity will function at present. However, all are still found in the city, even if they appear rundown and rusty.

♥ It’s a city. What about vehicles?
None! To be accurate, there are vehicles lining some streets, but the vehicles are rusted to the point of uselessness and all vehicles are without gas and not a drop in the city. At current, that is.

General Details.
♥ So where does what post go in what comm?
All Love Connection posts go in lovestruckgame.
All logs go in lovestruckprose.
All out of character posts go to lovestrucknotes.
Lastly, all memes will go to lovestruckcrack. (Optional)

♥ How about tags in the network/logs comm?
As mentioned before, Love Connection posts will only be video, text, or audio. Action posts are not allowed as posts here! Action posts are still considered logs and will go in the log community. Logs may either be action or prose.

When you make a new post, tag it with your characters full name (or what's available), in western order. If your character's name is taken, and only if it's taken, add the series in parenthesis.

i.e. If Cloud makes a post, it will be tagged Cloud Strife. If Sora makes a post and there's already another Sora in the game with the tag, Sora's post will be tagged Sora (Kingdom Hearts).

♥ What about powers?
All characters will start with their powers sealed. This means all supernatural, magical abilities. Anything more than a natural human should have will be sealed away.

However, characters that assist the city and animals will have their powers returned. Characters that prove to be useful for the city will be granted their powers… only during certain times. These periods will be marked by a mod announcement and characters granted their powers and abilities will be listed.

♥What about skills/talents? Will they be sealed?
Talents and skills would not need to be sealed unless they somehow took part in a characters' powers. Having the skills to play an instrument or sport, for instance, would not need to be sealed, and the character may exhibit this as they pleased. On the other hand, if the instrument's music had magical qualities that would assist the character then the instrument would be locked, but they would still have it in their possession.

♥What's the difference between powers/abilities and skills/talents?
Powers and abilities are magical or otherworldly in nature. It's something a human could not achieve. Whereas a skill or a talent is within the realm of realistic for a human. It may take a great deal of training or special conditions, but it is something a human could do. A human can not, no matter the training, be able to shoot fire from their fingertips. A human could learn how to expertly fight with a sword. Again, skills and talents are not sealed. Powers and abilities are sealed.

♥Can I canon update my character?
Of course! Players only need to apply for an update on the appropriate page here. If this canon update drastically changes your character, in a couple sentence describe the changes. After approval, characters only need to stay out of game (on a short trip home) for one day (but players can keep them out for more) before you can re-introduce them as canon updated!

♥I had an idea for an event!!
That's great! You can always submit them here and it might get used! You, of course, would be one very appreciated person.

♥Can I apply for my character aged up to eighteen?
Yes! This is completely optional and not required. Characters are accepted as young as twelve in this game. However, aging up allows all sexual content with the character to be posted the same as all legal age characters. Players have two choices of how to age up their characters. A) Your character can remain in their canon universe for however many years until they hit eighteen or B) your character and can awake here with the physical body of an eighteen year old. Both options require the player to put a note in the application and add a little additional detail depending on the choice.

♥Are trans and intersex guys allowed?
All characters that identify their gender as male are accepted without need for a genderswap AU.We are not, unfortunately, accepting any characters who identify their gender as female.

Transmen and intersex men are given the option of having their genitalia altered to fit their gender identity, but this is left up to the player's decision.

♥What are characters allowed to bring with them?
Characters are allowed to bring with them any items/weapons/pets that are within their possession. It doesn't have to be within their immediate possession for it to be brought over, either. On the downside, any magical powers/abilities that any of the item, weapon, or pet may have had will be locked. It's also up to the player what will not be brought with the character, if the player would rather leave out a pet or weapon.

♥What if my character has physical traits that don't look human?
As long as your character looks mostly human, they won't require being changed. The characters have to look humanoid. The reason for the abnormal appearance,On all accounts, any powers attached to the appearance will be locked. The physical traits, however, are not considered a power.

This includes mutations and other such humanoid appearances, such as the X-men character Nightcrawler keeping his blue fur and the Homestuck trolls retaining their appearance. This also applies to characters such as Allen from D. Gray-Man keeping his arm.

However, players also have the option of making their character completely a normal human.

All questions are welcomed, so ask away!

taken reserves applyprofile.


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