
Sep 30, 2011 03:30

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♥ The number one rule: be nice!! Please keep in mind that we are all only participants in a game for fun. If there are any disputes that can’t be resolved amongst players, don’t hesitate to come to the mods. We’re here to make sure everyone is having fun in a safe, welcoming environment.

♥ The number two rule: stay in character! Yes, this is a boys only game, but that’s no excuse for poor characterization.

♥ The general etiquette of polite roleplay is required, meaning you should say no to: godmodding, fourthwalling, metagaming, and playercesting.
Godmoding is controlling another character’s actions. Most commonly this can become a problem during fight scenes. Regardless of which characters is the stronger, when your characters throws a punch remember you don’t have say if the punch hits or misses. Likewise, you can’t control another other characters anywhere. As a reminder, all characters lose their powers initially on arriving. Despite this, some characters will have more skills and experience than others. There will undoubtedly be many strong characters, please keep this in mind. It is highly unlikely you play the only inhumanly powerful character.

Fourthwalling is a character recognizing another as ‘that anime character’.

Metagaming is a character knowing what only the player should. When events are posted, characters should not immediately jump to the correct conclusion. We know the animals are setting your characters up on a date, the characters don’t know. The characters won’t know the first time they run into a wolf, that the wolf won’t eat them. They certainly won’t know why the wolf isn’t eating them.

Playercesting is a player playing two of their own characters together.


♥ Characters ages 12+ are accepted. This is a romance game, but romance can be as small as a crush that never gets mentioned or as sweet as simple hand holding.

♥ However, as a romance game it is completely natural that for the older characters this will sometimes lead to sexual situations. This is absolutely fine, but we’d like to ask that all sexual and mature content be locked to members only and be behind a cut with appropriate warnings.

♥ At no point will events encourage underage characters into sexual situations, if circumstances do lead to mature situations, for the safety of the game and comfort of the players, we ask that it occurs off the game’s communities.


♥ Lovestruck accepts characters from all published works, webcomics, and original characters that are ages 12 and up. The catch, the published works and webcomics have be available in English either officially or by fan translation. While original characters are accepted, canon original characters are not accepted.

♥ Genderswaps are accepted only if they are from an alternate universe where the character was always male.

♥ Players can have as many characters as they can handle. There’s no limit on how many characters a player can have. However, a player can’t have two characters that are close in canon. It would be preferred if players did not apply for characters that have any canon relationship.

♥ Characters that aren’t human are accepted on the basis that they have a sentient mind. These characters will be given a human body. This includes: robots, aliens, animals, and others. Races that are close to humans, such as elves and dwarves, will keep all of their features and suffer no changes. Characters with minor variance from the normal human will not be changed. As an example, Ritsuka from Loveless, would keep his ears and tail.


♥ When a character is accepted, they are expected to be played. Character squatting is not allowed. Before joining, please take into account the free time you have to ensure you’ll be able to meet the activity check.

♥ Every month will end with an activity check. To pass it, players must present two of the following:
-a network post.
-a log.
-a thread (or threads) of 15 comments.

Players make pick and choose which to provide. For example, a player could link to a network post and a log. Another example, a player could link to 30 comments.

♥ If your character was accepted within the month, you only need to reply to the activity check.
Players are welcome to take a hiatus at any time, but a hiatus can’tlast more than a month. A hiatus will only exempt players if they posted the notice a week or more before the activity check.

taken reserves applyprofile.


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