Weekly Reviews

Oct 01, 2010 21:42

Hey there folks…so here is this weeks reviews.. a wee bit late but RL has been knocking both your reviewers around. BTW this week's reviews are brought to you by jolo_65  and individual_68 .  synergyfox  couldn’t come out and play because she’s got a bad case of mid terms/finals - poor bb - all I can say is good luck and we miss you!!

Why Won't You Break (For Me) (PG-13) by sos10

This is a short story that’s set in the season 2 episode Eternity and it’s Dahlia comforting Cara during her re breaking. It’s a brief bittersweet moment before the harsh reality of choices made have to be faced and dealt with. This is a wonderful companion piece to this fantastic episode.

This author always manages to play expertly with a readers heart strings. Pulling them just hard enough to leave a dull ache long after the piece is finished. This story is no exception, and wonderfully captures so much in only a finite word count.

Blood Ties 3/? (PG-13/R?) (True Blood crossover)
Blood Ties 4/? (NC-17) (True Blood crossover)
Blood Ties 5/? (NC-17) (True Blood crossover) by chaotic_fuse81

This fangtastic multi part story continues where it left off. The smoldering tension between our girls finally ignites; as does the plot - the author does not disappoint - the stakes (no pun intended) have definitely been raised!!

She introduces another two of our LotS gang into the story and both will make you stop and say OMG…both are very inspired and very cleverly woven into the tale without missing a beat.

Also whilst we know that Cara is a vampire we find out that Kahlan may be something more than just a mere mild mannered kick a$$ human o_0

BTW don’t be confused by the change in title…its still the same story just that the author is exercising her right to do what she likes - as long as she keeps giving us these awesome updates who are we to argue.

I definitely give this story two thumbs up…If you haven’t started reading yet, what’s wrong with you?!?! Go now…shoo…go read.

Cara And Kahlan: Memories Guarded In Blue Paradise 6/? (R/NC-17?)
Cara And Kahlan: Memories Guarded In Blue Paradise 7/? (R/NC-17?)
Cara And Kahlan: Memories Guarded In Blue Paradise Interlude (PG) by greatshow

Let me be honest and say that I came in late to this story and thank the Spirits I am now all caught up. If you haven’t started this one yet then I strongly recommend you do.

The author describes this story as “The Blue Lagoon” meets “Legend of the Seeker” and has promised it will be an epic multi part story. Any story where Cara and Kahlan are transported to a deserted island; throw in a new prophecy which threatens to bring about the worlds destruction and you have a tale worthy of epic proportions.

Its well written, the writing style is similar to script format but don’t let that put you off because you become so engrossed in the story it really is a non-issue. There is action, angst, humour (I mean Cara has a pet rabbit - yes you read that right), its heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time….hmmm what have I missed??? Oh yeah and we have sexytiems!!!!

So do yourself a favour and read this great story, you wont regret it - I know I didn’t.

The Gift Of Stolen Time 26/? (R) by dark_kurai

This long awaited updated picks up where the last chapter left off. This is an incredibly strong emotional chapter as it gives you, the reader, insight into what it really does mean to be born with ~powerful magic~ and the responsibilities that go with it - both for the parents trying to impart their experiences and knowledge to their child and how the child accepts/reacts to them.

It’s a sad but beautiful update and well worth the read… this writer does not disappoint.

As always this update allows for the reader to see another side of this unconventional family. And still hold out with the hope that one day these two will finally give in and take the leap.

Her Hand Brings Sorrow 9/? (G) by vanchidel

This multi part story continues and whilst their relationship has moved onto the next level their idyllic world receives a harsh dose of reality and plenty of angst ☹ Resulting in a harsh decision being made in the mistaken belief that it is the right thing to do.

We also have some new (old) favourites introduced into the story. Allowing for more plot and backstory development, as well as forcing Cara and Kahlan to think beyond the kitchen table.

If you haven’t started reading this then now is a good time as any to start. You won’t be disappointed

Privacy, A Series Of Scenes: Warm Beds In Cold Rooms (PG-13) by angelicsinner

This intriguingly beautiful story continues to give us snapshots of the life being lived in this changed AU (post Tears). In this latest offering our two leading ladies finally end up in bed together but its not what you think - I mean could they be anymore in denial/oblivious about their feelings??

The lack of chronology with some updates can be frustrating, but serves a higher purpose. The relationship and friendship, the life these two have shared is long and complex. This method of exploration allows for us to understand the development of the characters and their emotions. Moreover, it explains why this evolution has occurred, slowly. This was not only forged in the heat of battle or the chaos of impending destruction, through this story we see a development borne from understanding both each other and themselves. This is not another adventure, this is their life.

Realized (PG) (sequel to Strife) by rhyfeddu

Sadly this is the amazing conclusion to a truly wonderfully epic tale…what a ride the journey has been - well worth it from start to finish. The finale manages to tie up the major plot points but the author has left a number of smaller plots points dangling with the possibility of visiting this AU again - I hope she does.

If you’re a reader who patiently waits till a story is complete (anyone????) then now is the time to start, you wont’ regret it.

Torn (NC-17)
Unbroken (PG) by k_ay88

The first story is a prequel of sorts and set in the season 2 episode Torn. As the author says “there is a deep dark desire within Kahlan that not even the Mother Confessor can escape”. She has perfectly captured Cara and the non-Kahlans perfectly and can I just say HBIC Mother Confessor Kahlan + Cara = UNFFFF. The scenes between these two is not for the faint hearted..the rating should be HOT… you’ve been warned!!

The sequel is the author’s take on the season 2 episode Unbroken and picks up right where Zedd performing the spell of undoing on Dahlia leaves off…. from here on gang we are definitely in AU territory. Cara is the Lord Rahl & is obviously with Kahlan and they have two beautiful children together!!!

So if that isn’t enough to get you reading this wonderful story then just assume I’ve borrowed one of Cara’s agiels (shhh don’t tell her) and am prodding you along!!!

Wishing Only Gets You So Far 4/? (R)
Wishing Only Gets You So Far 5/? (R) by neutralhealer

Can I just say UNFFFFFF…what no??? You mean I need to be more articulate!!! *sigh* OK

This story has it all - hurt, comfort and angst and..Oh wait and lots of sexytiems ☺

This author always writes hot stories and this latest two servings certainly live up to expectations. This latest installment is a little darker with Cara breaking down but Kahlan (as a seriously H.B.I.C) is there helping her through it and helping her acknowledge that “love was worth any price to pay”.

Plus there are also some light moments courtesy of the Sisters of the Light.

So if you haven’t read these latest offerings, off you go but make sure you have some ice cold drinks handy because I was right when I said that this story should be rated UNFFFFF ☺

Embracing Chains 1/? (PG-13) by pristineungift

This is a series of drabbles/oneshots. As the author herself tells the reader this is her exploring what happened to Jennsen between the end of the season 1 episode and the start of season 2 when Cara joins the gang. The big what if…. What if Jennsen had been captured by the Mord’Sith and trained on the off chance that Darken Rahl needed her particular talents? BUT what if she was Cara’s pet during her training 0_0

This is an intriguing premise and this first chapter is a great start to this series. The story is told via flashbacks interspersed with the present day action and is already promising to be chock full of angst.

So now is a good time to get in at the beginning and enjoy what promises to be a great series.

user: jolo_65, !reviews

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