Fanfic: LotS/TB Crossover: Blood Ties Pt 8 (Cara/Kahlan)

Oct 01, 2010 10:12

Mmyes. Finally.

Title: Blood Ties
Part: Eight
Pariing:  Kahlan/Cara  
Rating: Um, let's go with a hard R.
Count: 6145
Disclaimer: Blah blah blah nothing belongs to me blah blah blah. [/Pam's voice]
Summary:  Cara's a vamp. Kahlan's a... *shifty eyes* human. They meet. Stuff happens. I hate writing out summaries.
A/N: I'd like to give a big, wet, sloppy thanks to huffstodt  for the general pain in my ass help she's been. Thank you, my dearest Homeslice. Fer realz. She knows so much more about TB than I could ever.

A/N 2: I'm not entirely happy with the last bit. But frankly, I just wanted to get this posted. JSYK.

“Cara, is this your human?”

fanfiction: cara/kahlan, user: chaotic_fuse81

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