Meme Reveal and Answers

Apr 08, 2010 20:57

Since I am all disorganised and so on, I have my questions for this meme in two separate posts. The only thing to do seemed to be to post a separate response and collect it all together in the comments. Which can't be sensible, either, but... oh well...

So... My 15 random characters:

15 random characters )

life on mars, jane austen, writing, doctor who, spooks, press gang, 15 characters meme, blake's 7, fannish nonsense, meme

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Comments 30

lost_spook April 8 2010, 20:03:30 UTC
persiflage_1 asked: 8 (Avon), 10 (Charley) and 11 (The Master) go on a trip together - who packs the food and who whines the whole time they're travelling?

This made me grin a lot, and being a bank holiday, materialised as a snippet of fic:


“I really don’t see the point,” said Avon. “How much longer is this tedious journey going to take?”

The Master glanced up from the steering wheel. “My dear fellow, it wasn’t my idea ( ... )


persiflage_1 April 9 2010, 17:13:50 UTC
*cackles* Thanks very much - I feel very privileged that you wrote me a snippet of fic for the first one!

And I've NO idea what Lizzy's doing in a lift - but then I didn't know #6 was Lizzy, did I?!


lost_spook April 10 2010, 08:16:45 UTC
Heh. How could I not? :-) It was a very entertaining idea!

And, true, of course, but still... My invention on that point gave out! I suppose there was time travelling madness involved.


persiflage_1 April 10 2010, 09:14:44 UTC
*grins* The result was entertaining too...

I suspect it must have been - perhaps it was Lost-in-Austen!Lizzy?? (Have you seen LiA?)


lost_spook April 8 2010, 20:18:12 UTC
pitry: 2 (Lynda Day) and 5 (Servalan) are trying to take over the world together. So do 7 (Tegan Jovanka) and 13 (Harry Sullivan) , at the same time. Can 9 (Ros Myers) cooperate with 15 (Gene Hunt) to stop them?Okay: Servalan, having travelled back in time to 1980 naturally tries a daring plot to take over the world, involving Lynda Day, who trapped back in time (in some freak event, that might turn out to be a dream, of course) can only think of one way of returning to the Gazette (take over the world and bully someone into putting the timeline right). Meanwhile, Tegan having been dumped in 1980 rather than 1984 as she believed, persuades Harry Sullivan into helping her to take over the world using the remaining Dalek duplicates. Purely to get the Doctor’s attention, of course, as nothing else will do it ( ... )


belantana April 9 2010, 11:43:09 UTC
THIS IS FABULOUS. How did that even happen? Genius question-asking and equally genius fic-answering!


lost_spook April 9 2010, 12:47:43 UTC
Heh. Thanks. It was quite a while before I stopped laughing after pitry asked the question. :-)


pitry April 9 2010, 15:04:16 UTC
I love you. Just a little bit, but love nonetheless! :D


lost_spook April 8 2010, 20:21:25 UTC
john_elliott: 1 (Ruth Evershed), 3 (Second Doctor), 8 (Kerr Avon) and 12 (Kenny Phillips) go out for a meal. What do they order, and how do they split the bill?

Can I join them please? :lol:

I am not sure what they’d order. Ruth would have something she thought was sophisticated, Avon wouldn’t trouble himself to worry about what he was eating, Two would want to try several things, including everyone else's dinners (hopefully NOT in Androgum mode). Avon would leave as soon as he could, probably teleporting off in a hurry. Two would enjoy the meal very much and get on like a house on fire with Ruth while Kenny tried to keep up with the conversation. Then he would run away before the bill arrived, leaving Ruth and Kenny to pay. Ruth would come up with some slightly evil scheme involving misuse of her sources to get the bill put on Oliver Mace's tab, but after she was gone, Kenny would feel bad about it and pay for the whole thing…


belantana April 9 2010, 11:44:18 UTC
Ruth would come up with some slightly evil scheme involving misuse of her sources to get the bill put on Oliver Mace's tab, but after she was gone, Kenny would feel bad about it and pay for the whole thing…

Awww! I think fic of this one is needed too. (Um, I'm first to admit I have no idea what you're trying to achieve by writing half your entry in the comments, but do enlighten me!)


lost_spook April 9 2010, 12:07:47 UTC
Um. It seemed to make more sense that way last night? This morning I'm not so sure at all. Hmm.


belantana April 10 2010, 06:33:32 UTC


lost_spook April 8 2010, 20:27:30 UTC
jjpor: If five (Servalan) and eleven (The Master) were having a fight, would three (Second Doctor) try and mediate or pick a side, if so, which side would s/he pick, and who would win in the end?

Given the conversation we had the other day, I am now convinced JJ is psychic or something...

Two? Mediate between these two? He would pretend to, but really exacerbate everything, before eventually coming down on the side of the Master, because, you know, better the devil you know - and anyway, he might still be vaguely not yet evil Koschei anyway.


JJ also asked: Okay, so 2 (Vila) asks to borrow money off 4 (Elizabeth Bennet) - what does s/he want the money for, and does (second unused number) agree to lend it - if so, with what strings attached?

YOu see what I mean about the being psychic? Well, what does Vila want the money for? To get out of the rebellion, to buy something for the rebellion, wine, women and gambling - the usual. Elizabeth does not agree to lend it because a) either she is still Miss Elizabeth Bennet and she doesn't ( ... )


lost_spook April 8 2010, 20:32:36 UTC
lizzie_marie_23: 7 (Tegan Jovanka), 9 (Ros Myers) and 13 (Harry Sullivan) build a treehouse together. Who's in charge of the group and who's scared to come down afterwards?

Well, it was quite an argument, and Harry had pretty much finished the treehouse before it was done, but obviously Ros wound up in charge while Tegan complained about being there, didn't much like her outfit, and didn't see the point of building a treehouse anyway. Harry fell out at some point, so he had no trouble getting down. Tegan however, regretted her high heels, when she had to climb back and didn't have much faith in Harry's ability to catch her, so it did take her a while to get down. Ros was unimpressed.


Why is 5 (Servalan) crying in a corner? Well, if you read my answer to pitry's q, I think that covers that: No more white outfits! Of course, really, it would be that she lost the Liberator and never got to kill/marry/whatever Avon.

Which character would try to assassinate 14 (Leela)?The Master. Of course, Servalan also would if she ever met her, unquestionably ( ... )


lizzie_marie_23 April 9 2010, 23:52:53 UTC
I don't know who Ros is, but this sounds like the most fun treehouse ever. Harry would totally fall out of the tree though.

And Leela can survive anything.


lost_spook April 10 2010, 08:04:18 UTC
I'm not sure fun is the word. :lol: Ros Myers is a completely ruthless MI5 officer in BBC's Spooks. She takes nonsense from no one and has a nice line in sarcasm.

Leela can (Well, I sincerely hope...)


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