Meme Reveal and Answers

Apr 08, 2010 20:57

Since I am all disorganised and so on, I have my questions for this meme in two separate posts. The only thing to do seemed to be to post a separate response and collect it all together in the comments. Which can't be sensible, either, but... oh well...

So... My 15 random characters:

15 random characters )

life on mars, jane austen, writing, doctor who, spooks, press gang, 15 characters meme, blake's 7, fannish nonsense, meme

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lost_spook April 8 2010, 20:03:30 UTC
persiflage_1 asked: 8 (Avon), 10 (Charley) and 11 (The Master) go on a trip together - who packs the food and who whines the whole time they're travelling?

This made me grin a lot, and being a bank holiday, materialised as a snippet of fic:


“I really don’t see the point,” said Avon. “How much longer is this tedious journey going to take?”

The Master glanced up from the steering wheel. “My dear fellow, it wasn’t my idea.”

Charley looked up from the back, where she was rifling through the hamper. “Well, I thought this was a jolly decent plan, and I don’t see why you two have to be so rotten about it. It wasn’t as if either of you had a better idea. We’ll even get to stop for a picnic on the way. I’m sure we’re nearly there now, anyway.”

“Regrettably, since this vehicle seems incapable of any significant speed, it looks as though we have another hour. Someone remind me why we couldn’t have used the teleport?”

“You only had one of those bracelet things.”

“Your point being?”

Charley found herself exchanging a glance with the Master.

The Master coughed as he glanced in the rear view mirror. “My dear Miss Pollard, is one permitted to ask what precisely you are doing with the bread rolls and the jam tarts? You’re completely ruining my handiwork and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t put your grubby fingers over everything in there.”

“Well, you packed them,” she said. “You never help around the kitchen, so you must have been up to something. I’m only trying to work out how to check for poison first. Hmm, this one smells of almonds.”

“I believe you will find it’s a Battenburg cake. That would be the marzipan. Really, Miss Pollard, I’m hurt by the suggestion that I would waste good food in that fashion.”

Avon paused. “It didn’t occur to you to say something before he prepared the sandwiches rather than wait until 60 miles down the road?”

“No,” said Charley. “I just thought he was, you know, being nice. And then I remembered, he doesn’t usually do that, so I thought I’d better check there wasn’t anything nasty in the chicken paste. It’s times like this when I miss the Doctor.”

The Master coughed. “One more sentence like that, Miss Pollard, and I shall head directly for the nearest cliff. I should regenerate, but even if not, it will be worth it to be rid of the pair of you.”

“I wouldn’t try it,” advised Avon with a sudden smile. “Naturally, I have made plans of my own.”

Charley leant back against the seat with a sigh. “I can’t imagine why I thought this sort of thing was difficult with the - I mean, other people!”


(It also reads like some sort of missing bit of my Charley and the Master fic, Fallen, which was fun, too).

She also asked 4 (Vila) and 6 (Elizabeth Bennet) find themselves trapped in a lift together - how do they pass the time until they're freed?

Leaving aside the whole "What's Lizzy doing in a lift anyway?" q:
Vila would obviously try to chat her up, suggesting a shorter skirt, and once he got witty put downs in response, would probably steal something until he decided to finally get them out of there. He might even have been responsible for the lift stoppting in the first place. Elizabeth got the better of any verbal sparring, but whether she got out with everything she went in with is another question, and Vila isn't saying anything...


persiflage_1 April 9 2010, 17:13:50 UTC
*cackles* Thanks very much - I feel very privileged that you wrote me a snippet of fic for the first one!

And I've NO idea what Lizzy's doing in a lift - but then I didn't know #6 was Lizzy, did I?!


lost_spook April 10 2010, 08:16:45 UTC
Heh. How could I not? :-) It was a very entertaining idea!

And, true, of course, but still... My invention on that point gave out! I suppose there was time travelling madness involved.


persiflage_1 April 10 2010, 09:14:44 UTC
*grins* The result was entertaining too...

I suspect it must have been - perhaps it was Lost-in-Austen!Lizzy?? (Have you seen LiA?)


lost_spook April 10 2010, 11:44:04 UTC
Aha, yes! That would explain it. In which case, Vila probably gets a slap as well. ;-)


persiflage_1 April 10 2010, 14:16:03 UTC
*grins* I reckon!


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