Meme Reveal and Answers

Apr 08, 2010 20:57

Since I am all disorganised and so on, I have my questions for this meme in two separate posts. The only thing to do seemed to be to post a separate response and collect it all together in the comments. Which can't be sensible, either, but... oh well...

So... My 15 random characters:

1. Ruth Evershed
2. Lynda Day
3. Second Doctor
4. Vila Restal
5. Servalan
6. Elizabeth Bennet
7. Tegan Jovanka
8. Kerr Avon
9. Ros Myers
10. Charley Pollard
11. The Master (Delgado)
12. Kenny Phillips
13. Harry Sullivan
14. Leela
15. Gene Hunt

persiflage_1, you were pretty much right, save for my omission of the Brig and Liz there.

A couple manifested themselves almost as fic, most didn't. But I had fun anyway. Hope the answers also amuse. Plus, the other thing that entertained me was how many of the qs seemed to follow on almost as sequels...

life on mars, jane austen, writing, doctor who, spooks, press gang, 15 characters meme, blake's 7, fannish nonsense, meme

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