Meme fills

Mar 01, 2016 13:20

I've managed a few of the AU Meme ficlets so far (and a few still yet to come). I have been posting them to AO3 & of course in the comments, but in the absence of other things going on, I thought I might as well round them up here, too:

Liz Shaw )

ruth evershed, rose tyler, harry pearce, ninth doctor, fannish nonsense, georgette heyer, adam adamant lives!, liz shaw, doctor who, leela, au, ngaio marsh, spooks, fannish scribbles, harry/ruth, meme

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Comments 25

a_phoenixdragon March 1 2016, 16:00:58 UTC
Hee!! Loved these!!



lost_spook March 1 2016, 17:07:26 UTC
Thank you. :-)


persiflage_1 March 1 2016, 16:20:04 UTC
Much fun and mirth!


lost_spook March 1 2016, 17:07:39 UTC
Thanks! :-)


astrogirl2 March 1 2016, 17:50:07 UTC
Hmm, I have apparently discovered that the secret to getting me to actually enjoy these kinds of AUs is keeping them to a few short sentences. I will keep that in mind for future reference. :)

Also, the Liz Shaw Urban Fantasy AU made me laugh a lot, probably because it's such a tiny, tiny turn of the knob from canon truth.


lost_spook March 1 2016, 20:44:57 UTC
Ha, well fun snippety bits like this don't really matter what they are!

And that one I couldn't resist. Plus, it would be a fun one to actually extend (not that I will), because, as you say - it's only a little way from canon. :-)


daibhid_c March 1 2016, 20:06:42 UTC
These are all brilliant. And gratuitous Swallows & Amazons ref FTW!


lost_spook March 1 2016, 20:41:58 UTC
Thank you! Well, I was sitting there thinking that Ruth couldn't be a pirate name, and then realised that someone else had already had that particular problem. :-)


ylla March 1 2016, 20:48:49 UTC
Pirates having to be Ruthless is possibly one of my favourite jokes from any book ever.

And reminds me that I bought Secret Water from a secondhand bookshop beside where we were dancing on Saturday, and the Amazons had just turned up (I've been too sleepy to read since I got home!)


lost_spook March 2 2016, 09:26:42 UTC
Aw, how nice! And it is true: pirates have to be Ruthless. :-)


john_amend_all March 1 2016, 20:09:11 UTC
That Nine and Rose Regency AU fits surprisingly well. You've got me wondering where Jackie and Mickey are in the below-stairs hierarchy now.


lost_spook March 1 2016, 20:41:00 UTC
Thank you! I rather like that one, too. As for Jackie and Mickey, well, Jackie can just be Rose's MUm who was a maid once in her time (or possibly, now widowed, she's back as cook, but she doesn't really need to be), whereas Mickey... a valet, I suppose. He doesn't quite seem to be the footman type somehow.


john_amend_all March 1 2016, 20:47:33 UTC
Groom, perhaps, since in the mainline universe he works in a garage?


lost_spook March 2 2016, 09:27:38 UTC
Possibly! I was thinking, at that period, he was most likely to have started off as a page, and then couldn't quite see him being the footman, but that would no doubt also work.


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