Meme fills

Mar 01, 2016 13:20

I've managed a few of the AU Meme ficlets so far (and a few still yet to come). I have been posting them to AO3 & of course in the comments, but in the absence of other things going on, I thought I might as well round them up here, too:

Liz Shaw )

ruth evershed, rose tyler, harry pearce, ninth doctor, fannish nonsense, georgette heyer, adam adamant lives!, liz shaw, doctor who, leela, au, ngaio marsh, spooks, fannish scribbles, harry/ruth, meme

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Comments 25

scripsi March 1 2016, 20:19:38 UTC
“You’re a were-what?” said Rose.

“You heard. Knew you’d laugh.”

“A were-terrier?” said Rose. She was laughing. She hadn’t stopped for a while. “Should I get you a collar and a lead? No, wait - how about a cute little coat?”

This made me laugh so hard! :D


lost_spook March 1 2016, 20:41:13 UTC
Aw, I'm glad! :-)


scripsi March 1 2016, 20:50:31 UTC
It gave me pictures. :D


hyarrowen March 1 2016, 23:19:58 UTC
Too tired to make coherent comments, but a lot of these really made me grin!


lost_spook March 2 2016, 09:27:58 UTC
Aww, I'm glad. ♥


katemacetak March 2 2016, 13:53:45 UTC
Thank you! I loved these, got a good chuckle out of them.


lost_spook March 2 2016, 17:48:22 UTC
Aw, thanks - I'm glad to hear it! :-)


liadtbunny March 2 2016, 15:12:23 UTC

Yay to Leela!


lost_spook March 2 2016, 17:49:17 UTC
Thanks! And Leela was both fun and hard, because you can't really AU Leela, she'd be completely different in another life, so I just had to sort of ignore any logic there. :-)

(It wasn't too difficult, though (to ignore logic). Ha.)


mab_browne March 3 2016, 04:49:14 UTC
There were all rather fun, and Rupert's response to the situation in the always a girl Duke of Avon made me grin from ear to ear.


lost_spook March 4 2016, 20:53:05 UTC
Aw, thank you!! (And, well, it's not as if an Alastair is going to be all that


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