Where Are You Roaming? (6/25)

May 21, 2011 02:39

Where Are You Roaming? Chapter 6 Author: lorelaisquared
Titile: Where Are You Roaming?
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 1550
Characters: Rose, Donna, Ten, Viola (OC)
Pairings: Rose/TenII, Rose/Ten
Summary: Sequel to What’s To Come is Still Unsure. Rose and Viola struggle to adjust to being in Rose’s original universe while the Doctor deals with the ramifications of his actions at "Bowie Base One" on Mars.
Rating: PG
Beta(s): meremoon
Author’s Note: Special thanks to my beta, meremoon for her invaluable feedback. Also a huge thank you to rumpelsnorcack for her constant support and cheerleading. A quick shout out to earlgreytea68 for periodically letting me bounce ideas off of her.

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5

Chapter 6

The Doctor was on his feet in seconds. He raced back to the spot where Rose had been only moments before. The imprint of her body was still visible in the sand, but there was no sign of her. A quick scan of the area revealed that there hadn't been a struggle, so what had happened?

A sudden noise caused the Doctor to stop in his tracks. He closed his eyes, listening carefully and cautiously walked toward the sound. He'd barely taken five steps before he hit something hard and solid. Opening his eyes, he was puzzled to see nothing in front of him. He reached out a hand and sure enough he felt something. Something stone-like.

Random information inside his head clicked into place and did nothing to ease his fears. He knew where they were now and it wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. He had to hurry up, get Rose and get out of there.

He groped blindly, finally locating a doorknob and pushing his way through the doorway into the invisible city of Elbisivni. He blinked several times, letting his eyes adjust to the odd light before looking around. He could see now, just as he'd known he'd be able to - Elbisivni was only invisible from the outside.

He pulled out the sonic screwdriver and used it to help him locate the correct direction so he could find Rose and get them out of there.

It took him less than five minutes to find her, and when he did, his hearts sank. She was shackled to a wall, her arms raised high. She had clearly passed out at some point and her head had flopped forward limply. Her clothing was tattered and there were tiny scratches all over her body. It was the wound on her abdomen that drew his attention though. Two pieces of an arrow lay at her feet confirming his worst fears - she'd been hit by one of the arrows. Arrows that he knew were laced with highly paralytic poisons.

He moved quickly, sonicing the shackles open and scooping Rose into his arms. She was burning up, which meant there was barely any time left - he had to get her to the TARDIS and administer an antidote immediately.

He made it half way down the corridor without incident but as he neared the door a chill raced down his spine and a second later, they were surrounded.


“Mum!” Viola yelled frantically, as Rose's eyes fluttered closed and she passed out. Viola let out a cry of anguish, her hands pressed against the wound on her mother's abdomen that was still bleeding profusely.

Passersby had stopped to watch and Viola looked up at them, suddenly furious with their curiosity and lack of helpfulness. “Don't just stand there,” she snapped at an older gentleman. “Get some help.”

The man nodded apologizing as he moved to do as she asked. Ignoring the rest of the crowd, Viola refocused her attention on her mother.

A million thoughts raced through her mind but Viola pushed them out. She didn't have time to think right now. If she did she knew she'd fall apart. She'd just lost her father, there was no way she was going to lose her mother too. She couldn't let that happen.

With shaking hands, Viola moved her mother's hands away from her stomach and pulled the soaked fabric away from the skin so she could see what it was that had hurt Rose. Viola did the task methodically, focusing on each action instead of the fact that her mother could be dying.

“What?” she said aloud suddenly as she noticed something that puzzled her. She frowned, her hands stilled as she stared open mouthed at the spot where there should have been a wound.

She ran her hands over the spot again, becoming more confused when the skin she felt was perfectly smooth and yet her hand came away wet with fresh blood. How was that even possible?

Vaguely, Viola was aware that the man had returned, bringing with him someone who was bending down to inspect her mum. She paid little attention to them, her mind occupied instead with trying to figure out what was going on. If her mother hadn't been injured then why was she bleeding? And why was she now unconscious? None of it made any sense.

It took her several moments to realize that the man who had come to help was speaking to her. Viola blinked at him, trying to focus.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Viola asked finally.

“I asked if you were okay, you...” the man paused, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening. The crowd from earlier was gone and the street was busy and bustling just as it had been before. “You disappeared for a few minutes.”

Viola gaped at him. “What?”

“Right after I arrived, you vanished, and you just reappeared right now.” He smiled kindly at her. “Don't worry, no one else noticed.”

“What? But why... that makes no sense.” Viola frowned. This day was getting weirder by the moment.

The man shrugged. “I have some theories.”

“Would you like to share them?”

A small smile tugged at the mans lips. “Not really.”

“Are you always this annoying?”

“That depends on your perspective.”

Viola was growing increasingly impatient with this man. Deciding she'd had enough she looked away, focusing instead on her mother who was still lying unmoving on the pavement.

The man followed her gaze and seemed to instinctively know what she was thinking. “Rose is okay,” he told her. “She's just sleeping now, she should wake up soon.”

“Thank you.” Viola whispered kneeling at her mother's side and taking her hand. She smiled up at the man gratefully. “Really, thank you.”

“I didn't do much, to be honest.” He hesitated, then knelt beside her so he could look right into her eyes. “Are you sure you're okay?”

Viola stared at him, wondering who this man was and why he was so infuriating. “I'm fine, really. Just a bit of a headache.”

He didn't look entirely convinced but he stood anyway, wrapping his long blue army jacket around him. “Well, if that's the case, then I'd best be off. You take care of yourself, little lady.”

With that, he saluted her and walked off. It wasn't until he disappeared around the corner that Viola realized he'd known her mother's name.


The Doctor scrambled into the TARDIS and raced to the infirmary with Rose still in his arms.

He'd managed to get them out of Elbisivni with some quick talking, a bit of sonic manoeuvring and a lot of running, but it had cost them time. And time was something that Rose had very little of.

He shoved the thought from his mind, knowing that he couldn't dwell on his emotions right now. He needed to focus on administering the antidote.

Gently, he eased Rose onto the bed in the infirmary before racing the to cupboards to find the materials he needed in order to make the concoction. To an outsider he would have appeared to be the epitome of calm, but anyone who knew him well would have noticed the uncharacteristic shaking of his hands as he poured contents into a jar, and the clumsy way in which he kept bumping and knocking things over in his haste to get back to Rose.

He returned to her side with an armful of supplies which he unceremoniously dumped on the table next to the bed. Then he pulled back her shirt to inspect the wound. He choked back an obscenity as he realized it was worse than he'd thought and the wound was already badly infected.

Quickly he grabbed the antidote he'd just made and applied it to her abdomen, sighing with relief as the infection instantly began to clear. He let out a hoot of triumph. He'd done it, he'd made it back in time, Rose would be fi....

She began to spasm and shake agains the table, turning his triumph into panic. “What? No, no, no, no, no, no,” he cried. He ran to her, scanning her frantically with several of the alien tools he had, trying to figure out what had gone wrong.

Her body gave a sickening shudder and then lay still.

The silent heart monitor set off a scream in his mind that reverberated through his body as he launched himself at her and started desperately trying to breathe air into her lungs and pump blood through her heart. “Breathe!” he shouted in a frenzied furor as he repeated the motions once, twice, three times, again and again…

There was no response.

He tripped backwards, away from her lifeless form as a sob tightened in his chest. . His mind was screaming at him, telling him that this couldn't be happening, that he had to do something, he had to save her.

He raced about, trying every alien tool he had, every antidote, every antibiotic, nanogenes, anything and everything he could find, but she continued to lay there, still and unmoving.

Finally, after several hours, he collapsed beside her bed, buried his head in her chest and gave in to his mounting grief with massive, messy heaving sobs that echoed through the TARDIS.



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dwfic, series: shakespeareverse, doctor who, story: roaming

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