Where Are You Roaming? (3/25)

Apr 30, 2011 01:38

Author: lorelaisquared
Titile: Where Are You Roaming? (3/25)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 1978
Characters: Rose, Donna, Ten, Viola (OC)
Pairings: Rose/Ten
Summary: Sequel to What’s To Come is Still Unsure. Rose and Viola struggle to adjust to being in Rose’s original universe while the Doctor deals with the ramifications of his actions at "Bowie Base One" on Mars.
Rating: PG
Beta(s): meremoon
Author’s Note: Tonight I was finally able to sort the fic into chapters so I can now confirm that there will be 25 chapters in total (not including the prologue).

Special thanks to my beta, meremoon for her invaluable feedback. Also a huge thank you to rumpelsnorcack for her constant support and cheerleading. A quick shout out to earlgreytea68 for periodically letting me bounce ideas off of her.

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |

Chapter 3

The Doctor's carefully considered coordinates had failed him and his first attempt at his desired task had proven disastrous. After a high speed space chase in which he'd pushed the TARDIS to its limit and he'd narrowly escaped capture by a race of seven-headed aliens from the planet Shhhhhhhhhnapps, he'd ended up on an unnamed planet in the midst of the Antzitoptian Cluster.

He now found himself in the midst of a formal ceremony in which the native peoples of the planet were insisting that he be the one to give it a name. All he wanted to do was return to the TARDIS and contemplate a back-up plan, but until he named the planet, he was stuck.

After a moment of expectant silence, the Doctor said the first thing that came to mind, "Allison is a lovely name, don't you think? I've always thought so anyway, nice, simple earth name. Allison." He said it slowly, letting the "l's" roll off his tongue. “Goes nicely, with Allons-y.”

“Allison,” the peoples of the planet echoed. “Allison.” Soon the entire hall was chanting the name, the energy and enthusiasm of the crowd increasing with every word.

“You like it then?” the Doctor asked hopefully.

The leader of the planet nodded and bowed before him respectfully. “Thank you, Doctor.”

He grinned. “My pleasure.”

The leader turned and silenced his subjects. “Today has been a day that is greater than all others, because today our planet has finally been given a proper name. Henceforth on this day, all inhabitants of Allison will celebrate the 'Feast of the Doctor'!” The crowd broke into gleeful cheers as the leader returned his attention to the Doctor.

“You didn't have to do that.”

“You have done us a great service in solving a naming dispute that has spanned centuries. It is the least we could do.”

“Well, thank you, glad I could help.” The Doctor stood and gestured to the door where the TARDIS was being kept. “And now, I'm afraid I must be on my way.”

The leader immediately gestured for guards to see the Doctor out. “Oh, yes. Of course. Do come visit us again. You will always be welcome on Allison, Doctor.”

“Thank you.” He turned and waved to the crowd. “Allons-y Allison!” he shouted gleefully before escaping to the safety and quiet of the TARDIS.

Once there, he quickly shifted himself into the vortex then plopped himself cross-legged on the grated floor, fiddling a bit with some wires as he started to contemplate alternatives.


Rose and Viola continued to walk in silence, hand in hand. They wove their way down narrow cobbled streets, past quaint houses made of brick and stone, and through a busy street market where vendors were selling everything from fruit, to freshly butchered meat. Eventually they reached the familiar Thames river and they strolled along it pleasantly, much as they had done sometimes with Jackie and Tony back in their other universe. Viola marvelled over the differences, particularly in how narrow the paths were and how different the view was to their own time.

When they came upon the Globe Theatre, Viola's eyes widened and she tugged on her mum's hand. “Mum, it's the theatre, it's his theatre, the Globe!”

Rose laughed lightly, delighted at her daughter's excitement over anything connected to her favourite playwright. At five, when Viola first asked about the origins of her name, she had spent hours in the library devouring every play Shakespeare had ever written. She'd started with Twelfth Night of course, and from there had worked her way through first the comedies, then the histories and finally the tragedies. She'd then gone on to read every history book she could find on the famous bard and had spent weeks afterward quizzing her parents with dozens of obscure Shakespeare facts.

Rose watched her daughter now as her eyes sparkled with glee at the sight of theatre and she wondered just what her reaction would be if she actually met the man himself. She let Viola drag her over to the theatre and listened with great patience and her daughter began to pepper her with facts. “This has to be the original theatre, Mum, after it was moved across the river but before it burnt down in 1613. See how it's right on the bank of the river? The Thames was wider in this century, they've filled it in to make a walkway in our time. Oh, and look at it, it's so clean and new looking. Can we go inside Mum? Can we?”

“Of course we can.”

Viola squealed with glee and raced toward the nearest open door. Rose followed several paces behind, watching her daughter with great amusement. It was times like this when she was most grateful for the precious gift she'd been given in her daughter.


Donna stood completely frozen as she continued to gape at the man behind the desk, her mind whirring with a confused muddle of questions. What was the former prime minister doing in a dive like this? Did he know anything about the missing children? Why was he still so calm and relaxed?

Prime Minister Saxon slowly lowered his feet from the desk and sat forward so he could stand. He offered Donna his hand, and, not knowing what else to do, Donna accepted it. As he held her hand more firmly that was comfortable, he finally spoke.

“Rose Tyler, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“But --” Donna's head was starting to spin, that name sounded so familiar, why did she know that name?

“How do I know who you are?” He pulled her toward him and whispered into her ear in what Donna was sure he thought was a seductive voice. “I'm clever.”

Donna abruptly pulled her hand away and took a step back. She didn't know what exactly was going on but he seemed to think she was someone else. Someone named, Rose Tyler. Why did that name sound so familiar?

“Mr. Saxon, I think there's been a mistake, I'm --”

“Oh, there's no mistake, I knew you'd come.” He grinned and returned to his chair. This time he sat with his legs crossed like a small child.

“No, but you don't understand.”

“Oh, but I do.” He said confidently, flashing a broad grin. “I believe you're looking for some missing children.”

Donna gaped at him. How did he know that? Unless he was the one who took them. But what would a former Prime Minister want with three young children? “Well, yes, but --”

“You humans really are remarkably dim sometimes.”

“Who do you think you’re calling dim, you poxy cock-up of a pencil pusher? ‘You humans?’” Donna frowned. “And you’re calling me dim?”

“Oh, please, don't play dumb with me Miss Tyler, you act as though you've never seen a Time Lord before, and we both know that's not true.”

“A Time Lord? What--” Searing pain suddenly shot through Donna's head and she cried out, falling to her knees. A wave of nausea hit her and she swallowed hard, trying to regain control. What was happening to her?

When she was able to look up again, the Prime Minister was tapping his fingers and looking bored.

“Very theatrical, but hardly the best performance I've seen.” He stood again, walking around the desk to tower over her. “My patience is beginning to wane, Miss Tyler. Your theatrics are delaying my little game.”

“But, sir,” Donna tried as she rose slowly to her feet. “I'm not Rose Tyler.”

The Prime Minister froze, and a dash of anger filled his eyes, sending and instant chill down Donna's back. “That's impossible! I laid everything out perfectly. Only someone who travelled with him, would be able to ...” He looked at her more closely and after a moment he was grinning again. “Oh, but you have, haven't you?” He placed his hand on her cheek and leaned in, grinning. “Oh, he did manage to get around, didn't he? This is going to be even more fun than I'd thought.”

“I've what?” Donna snapped impatiently, pushing him away from her. Her head was pounding more fiercely now and all she wanted was to get out of there.

Prime Minister Saxon rested casually against his desk and crossed his arms loosely, “Travelled with him.”

“With who?”

“The Doctor.”

At his words, pain more intense than she'd ever felt in her life ripped through her head. Donna collapsed involuntarily, her body hitting the ground with a dull thud before her eyes rolled back and everything went dark.


It took some rather complex and tedious fiddling, but the Doctor had finally managed to get the TARDIS to the exact moment in time and space that he'd wanted.

He paused as he reached the door, counting to ten in his head as he took a deep breath and braced himself for what was to come. His hand shook with nervous anticipation as he turned the lock. He only had one shot at this, and if his attempt failed, there'd be no second chances. Another deep breath steadied him and he thrust both TARDIS doors open.

The view that met him was pure chaos, and yet he smiled, internally congratulating himself on his spectacularly perfect timing. His vision was blurred by the dark cloud-like air that swirled before him, but he'd expected that and ignored it, instead focusing on what was happening in the white room beyond. He could see himself, desperate and anxious as Rose tried to re-lock the lever into place.

His gaze shifted and he zeroed in on Rose as her hand slipped and she soared toward the Void; toward him. His past self was screaming her name, the anguish of the sound echoing within his own mind as he watched one of the most horrific events of his life happen again. He shook the thoughts and emotions away, needing to focus if he was going to be successful with stopping it. It was nearly time.

The sonic screwdriver that he held in his hand glowed blue as he pressed the button and the TARDIS materialized through the Void right next to Pete.

The Doctor nodded to him in acknowledgement before stepping forward, his arms outstretched to catch her. A second later Rose was clinging to him, her arms wound tightly around his neck as she buried her face in his shoulder. He swallowed hard, trying to ignore the barrage of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. Instead he held her tightly and looked back at the two perplexed men who were gaping at him in shock.

Pete recovered first, his face breaking into a brief smile before waving to both versions of the Doctor. He looked worried when, a few seconds later, he pressed the yellow button around his neck and disappeared back into his own world. The Doctor winced, thinking of the rather frantic and upset Jackie that Pete would have to console on the other end. He didn't envy Pete at all.

A shout roused him from his thoughts and he turned his attention to his past self. He was gesticulating broadly, and the Doctor knew what he meant. The Void was closing. He had to get the TARDIS out now, or they'd be crushed. He quickly saluted before pressing the button on the sonic screwdriver, which, thanks to some earlier jiggery-pokery, was connected to the console. A second later, the view of himself alone in the Torchwood One offices vanished and they were safe in the vortex.

He glanced down at the woman in his arms, hardly believing that she was really there. After all this time, all the torment and anguish of the past few years, he had finally done it. He'd saved Rose.


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rating: pg, fic, dwfic, series: shakespeareverse, doctor who, story: roaming

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