Initial Thoughts

Apr 30, 2011 19:46

OMG OMG OMG OMG! That episode! My brain is exploding all over the place and there is still so much I have to process. In fact, I really feel the need to properly rewatch this episode. Possibly the two of them together, because there is SO much happening and I feel like a rewatch might help me to grasp it all a little better.

But, there are still some things I NEED to get out right now.

For example:

-WHAT? Time Lord Child? WTF? HOW? WHO? WHAAAAAAAAAAT? Bloody Hell DW when you mess with my brain you mess with it good.

-Amy's not pregnant - or is she? I feel like that positive/negative scan that the Doctor did on Amy was a hint that she is... but even if she is, I don't think the Little Girl from this episode is hers... I think we're supposed to think that she is, but I don't think she really is. Particularly in light of how it ended! OMG there goes my brain exploding again!

-speaking of the little girl, I was a little disappointed with how that all played out within the context of the episode. I realize, of course, that her purpose is evidently greater to the season arch, but given that Amy shooting at her was the huge cliff hanger from last week, I'm disappointed we didn't actually get any explanation for what happened after that, beyond Amy missing. They were just on the run, it was never really adequately explained.

-I thought that Amy and Rory were actually really adorable in this episode. For the first time, I really bought them as a proper couple and I believed Amy when she said she loved Rory. Also how cute was Rory with the whole "I'm stupid face" LOL.

-I laughed aloud when Amy and the Doctor were talking about her maybe-not-so-pregnancy and she was going on about "Time heads". Yes, okay, I'm five. So sue me.

-I'm feeling very confused by the Doctor and River's timeline. I'd always thought they were just meeting in random order, but this whole "We're going in opposite directions" thing has me baffled.

-I think it's safe to say that as of this episode I'm fully on board for the Doctor/River relationship that seems to building. I may have even squealed when they kissed. And then laughed at Eleven's pure and utter awkwardness about it. But awwww did anyone else want to just hug River afterward? She looked so sad.

-Rory in glasses and suit made him look even more awesome and adorable and dare I say, hot! OMG! Yes, there was flappage/squeeing! River also looked pretty awesome in that scene!

-What I learned from this episode - if you are having trouble getting what you want, just summon the President and then all will be well.

-SWIMMING POOL! OMG How awesome was that "Save"? I loved it!

-HA! Everyone was right! Canton was totally gay! I'm pretty sure ladyvivien (and others on my flist) was doing some major squeeing during a certain scene in the oval office!

-The Alien tech that is TARDIS-like is definitely what the Doctor saw in "The Lodger".

I know I'm going to have more thoughts on this episode once I've sat with it a while and rewatched so don't be surprised if another post on this topic appears some time this week.

episode commentary (dw), doctor who, episode reaction

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