Reaction Post: Doctor Who 6 x 04 AKA Neil Gaiman is a genius!

May 14, 2011 20:21

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! It's official, I absolutely have a favourite Eleven-era Episode and this one is it!

There are so many thoughts in my head right now that I'm not even sure how I'm going to organize them into anything that makes any sense.

1) The TARDIS is "the Doctor's Wife" That is the most BRILLIANT twist ever. The Doctor TALKING to his TARDIS. OMG OMG OMG. I have to admit, I kinda ship Eleven/TARDIS... actually no kinda, I do! It's so PERFECT!

2) BWAH the TARDIS and the Doctor bickering about the direction of the door opening made me giggle - that's exactly the kind of thing fandom has a tendency to have epic debates/arguments about!

3) I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the concept that the TARDIS stole the Doctor as much as he stole her! I just have this beautiful image in my head of her luring him in and then going off on grand adventures together! It's just so epic and perfect and beautiful.

4)Laughed so hard when she told him her name was Sexy and he was all "in private" LOOLOL

5) Matt Smith had his first scene of Eleven crying and wow, okay, there was some definitely heartstring tugging - great and very tragically sad/bittersweet scene. So sad knowing he won't be able to talk to her again.

6) I just so love the idea that he got to talk to his best friend after 900 odd years (or however old he is - I'm sure he's a lot older than that).

7) Amy's joke about that being his dream? LOLOL And yet... oh gosh, she's probably right.

8) OMG Ten's Console! I'm pleased with the way it was used - it was a stroke of brilliance really. Best way to one up Michael Sheen! (love his evil voice! PERFECT CASTING!)

9) This was such a perfect who episode in the grand picture of this 40+ year series and I'm so grateful that I got to see some Classic Who this year before seeing this episode because it helped me to appreciate that history even more! (Also makes me want to watch more classic who). There were a bunch of old clips and montages in the confidential too and they made me very happy.

10) We get to see more of the TARDIS! I loved this - Even if it was just the same corridor over and over again - I've been wanting to see more of the TARDIS for ages so this made me happy.

11) LMAO about Rory and Amy having bunk beds in their room. *snort*

I want to rewatch this episode RIGHT NOW but first I'm being subjected to Eurovision! Its um.... Special... and very much NOT Doctor Who!

ETA: Neil Gaiman is BRILLIANT! Can he please take over as show writer when Moffat leaves? BBC won't regret it.

eleven, episode commentary (dw), doctor who, episode reaction

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