Jews with swords, etc.

Feb 02, 2010 20:13

This is just to say: kizuna_exchange, you haunt my dreams. D:

Day 01 → Your favorite song
Day 02 → Your favorite movie
Day 03 → Your favorite television program
Day 04 → Your favorite book
Day 05 → Your favorite quote
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy

College intern!Kame. THIS NEEDS NO STINKIN' JUSTIFICATION. :( *feels judged*


Updates on books I've been reading! I seem to have lost the ability to finish books. DDD:

Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon. I feel like I'm at this point where I've become *that* kind of embarrassing fan who thinks Michael Chabon is the bees knees, etc. and that anybody who has anything less than effusive phrase obviously *does not get him* and I feel persecuted on his behalf. So yes, he's become my Joss Whedon.

The thing about Gentlemen of the Road is that it follows a very specific tradition: the adventure novel in the vein of Alexandre Dumas and Rafael Sabatini, which is you know, thin on the historical accuracy and heavy on the swashbuckling. From this criteria alone I'm finding the novel pitch-perfect. He still gets caught in the same pitfalls that Ray Bradbury does, ie. overworking metaphors and vomiting all over the reader with verbose sentimentality, but it adds to the anachronistic charm, I think. Obviously does not have the same gravitas as The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay but I see this book as an exercise in writerly virtuosity more than anything else. It's kind of like, idk, astolat writing mpreg. Her assbaby fic may be better than 99% of other mpreg out there, but of course you will not judge her entire body of work just because she delved into the crack for one fic.

I'm at the point where a possible ~revolution~ is at hand and the ragtag group of Jews with swords and Muslims are marching to install a boy prince into the throne. I can't wait. <33333

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. The book design is lovely, and the copy was lent to me by the equally lovely innocentlyjaded. I've just read a few pages and I'm kind of wary about going further because I really want this novel to SCARE THE FUCK OUT OF ME. But I've always been more susceptible to the kind of empathetic characters in horrific situations like in the novels of Stephen King. There's this obnoxious uber-ironic, hip vibe emanating from the book itself so I'm guessing it's either gonna make me shit bricks in terror or make me roll my eyes the whole time. That's a lot of baggage for a book to overcome!

In conclusion:



book review, fandom: je, meme, uploads, thinky thoughts

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