Over the Rainbow 6/?

Jul 26, 2012 19:04

Beta: Thank you jaq_of_spades!

Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Author’s Notes: This is a little scene in which we deal with Warren's presence in the Mansion from Marie's POV. Just one more scene to get everyone together, and the story can finally take off. Pfew... Marie's being cranky long enough already.

A big thanks to Julia, who's been keeping me motivated and sending me ideas. I love your rambling, so please don't stop. :)

I've got a few minutes before the team meeting in the teachers wing, so I make my way to the kitchen to get a drink. There's a hunch-backed stranger staring into the fridge, and I feel obliged to warn him.

“Don’t grab the beer if you don’t want to lose a limb,” I say, only half-joking, but then I notice a bunch of white feathers peeping from under his preppy shirt and I groan inwardly.

Great. Going on what Bobby told me this morning, I've run into Warren Worthington III, someone I really didn't want to meet after pumping my veins full of the Cure his father developed mainly for him. Jeez… Didn’t I have enough awkward conversations for today?

Apparently not, because he turns around and flashes me the cutest smile. “Lucky I don’t drink then.” Taking a few steps my way, he offers me a hand and introduces himself. “Hello. I’m Warren.”

“Rogue,” I return automatically, not moving at all. Then, two thoughts occur: first, I need to start using my new name, and second, I can touch now. Avoiding a simple handshake is plain rude, so I quickly grasp his hand and hope he doesn’t think I’m a bit slow on the uptake.

“Anna. I mean, I’m Anna. Nice to meet you.”

The touch is quick and over before I know it, but I silently add it to my tally. That’s two hugs and two handshakes so far. Wow. I can hardly contain the excitement.

“Are you the girl who took the Cure?” Warren interrupts my gloomy thoughts, and I silently curse this day to hell and back.

“Yeah. And you’re the guy they made it for, who flew away instead.”

“Ah. So you know. Well, I’m glad it was useful for one of us.”

I eye him suspiciously. “You mean that? Because we’re gonna be living under the same roof and if there’s a problem...”

... I really wouldn’t know how to solve it, let alone have the energy to stand up for myself right now.

But Warren seems to live up to his nickname ‘Angel’ in more than one way. Compassion shines in his eyes, but he doesn't make a fuss about it. “I probably would’ve done the same if I were you.”

He must’ve seen the puzzlement on my face, because he clarifies hastily, “Jubilee told me. It was your skin, right? Hurting people?”

Ah, good ol’ Jubilee. Making sure everyone knows what’s going on around here. Maybe I should start calling her ‘The Daily Jubes’?

But I can’t hold on to the sour mood for long because Warren’s sincerity seems oddly contagious.

“Yeah,” I hear myself mutter. “It was all very - unpleasant. So, thanks. For understanding.”

“Sure.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, and it makes me like him even more.

This guy is really, really nice. And - surprisingly serene. His presence seems to light up my day, which is a really welcome feeling after all the tension all over the place. I’m about to shrug off the doom and gloom entirely, when Miss Monroe walks in on us.

“Ah, you two met, I see. Is everything okay?”

“We’re cool,” I inform her, and Warren nods in agreement.

“Great.” She smiles warmly to the both of us before addressing me personally. “Rogue, Logan came to see me this afternoon, asking for your file. He said he has your permission?”

“Yeah. I told him myself to go look for it,” I tell her, surprised she’s asking. Especially because it’s Logan. I always thought they saw him as my guardian of sorts. Am I the only one who’s confused about our relationship then? If so, what the hell did I miss?

“Oh. Okay,” Miss Munroe replies, clearly waiting for more to come, but since I hardly ever share conversations concerning Logan, I dig up a smile and play dumb. It’s a game I’ve learned to play very well by now, right up there with my ability to avoid physical contact.

Well, except for when I’m around Logan.

But I’m so trampling those thoughts back into where they’re coming from.

When it’s clear I’m not going to reveal anything, Miss Munroe easily switches to practicalities concerning the meeting. “Well, it’s almost time. Would you mind if I start with announcing the decisions we talked about this morning?”

“Go ahead.”

“Would you like a moment to say something yourself?”

Ugh. I’d rather not, thankyouverymuch, but today seems to be all about biting the bullet, so I force myself to keep on smiling and get it over with.


And -- hooray! The tension in my shoulders is back.


universe: x3 (the last stand), genre: shipperfic, author: dutchxfan, rating: r, fic

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