One-Way Ticket On A Runaway Train - Chapter Sixteen

Jul 23, 2012 08:17

Logan returned to the hotel and reported back to the Professor about Mystique’s planned meeting with Emma Frost. He told them to return immediately to Westchester, that there was nothing further they could do in Paris at this point. Rogue and Kitty were dismayed that they weren’t going to be able to stay long enough to catch the grand finale fashion show, while Scott said Charles and his wallet were probably greatly relieved.

Jean and Ororo were sitting in the kitchen enjoying a late night cappuccino when the two obviously deliriously happy couples returned. Ororo noticed how Jean’s face tensed as she heard them approaching the kitchen. Standing up rapidly and pouring what was left of her cappuccino down the drain, Jean quickly excused herself and left the kitchen by the back stairs. Ororo was upset for her friend, but grateful that at least there wouldn’t be an awkward confrontation - this time.

Rinsing out her own cup, she made a polite excuse as the foursome invaded the kitchen looking for snacks. It was obvious that Scott was ecstatically happy and while Ororo was delighted for him and Kitty, at the same time her heart broke for Jean. She’d watched as Jean slowly went to pieces inside and though she didn’t approve of Jean’s constant sniping at every opportunity, she understood her friend’s frustration and pain. As her own love life pretty much sucked too, Ororo decided that she and Jean both needed to do something to change that. Hopefully, if Jean met someone, she wouldn’t spend so much time brooding over the success of everyone else’s love life. Ororo decided she would drag Jean out to a club in Manhattan this weekend, if she had to do it at gunpoint.

A week after they’d returned from Paris, Scott surprised Kitty by making reservations at the Italian restaurant where they’d had their first ‘non-date’ date. He requested that she wear the same lilac Vera Wang dress she’d worn that night. At the restaurant they even ordered the same meal and were just finishing up their tiramasu, when he suddenly became very serious.

“I want to thank you for the way you’re handling this whole situation with Rogue and the baby. I know it can’t be easy for you.”

“It’s not been as hard as I thought it would be. Actually, I think we’re all handling this pretty well - even Logan,” Kitty replied.

“I know that things are complicated right now, but I promise that I won’t let it become an insurmountable problem. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to insure continued peace and harmony in regards to the baby and Rogue’s committed to doing the same.”

“Well, for the record, I don’t consider your son a problem.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve talked to Rogue and we both want you to be a part of Christopher’s life - just as much as Logan.”

“Oh, wow - you’ve finally chosen a name?” Kitty asked.

“Actually, it was Rogue’s suggestion. Christopher Alexander - for my dad and my brother.”

“I think that’s very sweet, and I’d be honored to be a part of little Christopher’s life.”

“Well, it is kinda part of the package deal,” Scott laughed.

“I think you’re gonna be a great dad, Scott. This baby is lucky to have so many people who love him so much.”

“Changing the subject. I know we haven’t been going out very long, but I know how I feel about you. How happy you make me,” Scott said, as he took her hand across the table.

“And you make me happy - so that’s working out rather well,” she replied.

“I know that I’m having this first baby with Rogue, but I’d really like you to be the mother of the rest of my children,” Scott began, as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a small velvet box that he offered to her, “Katherine Pryde, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

With that, he flipped open the Tiffany’s box to reveal a two-carat heart shaped diamond.

“You’ve captured my heart,” he continued, “and now I’d like you to have this one.”

Kitty let out a loud gasp and clutched her hand to her chest. Unable to speak, she simply nodded ‘yes’ through a haze of tears. Scott stood up, came around the table, lifted her out of her chair and swung her around in his arms.

The next morning at breakfast, Kitty proudly showed off her new ring to Jubilee and Rogue, who were delighted for her and there were hugs all around.

“Scott told me you’d chosen the name Christopher Alexander for the baby. I think that was very magnanimous of you to honor his family like that, Rogue.”

“Well, there’s sure as hell no one in my family I’d wanna honor and I don’t think Scott would’ve taken too kindly to Logan Junior,” Rogue replied with a chuckle.

“So now that you’re both getting married, you can also both work on a sibling for little Christopher,” Jubilee informed them.

“She never gives up does she?” Rogue asked Kitty.

“Well, as I’m not having a baby anytime in the immediate future, I wanna be the best aunt possible. So you two need to provide me with lots of kids to spoil,” Jubilee informed them.

“Kitty, as you’re going to be baby Christopher’s step-mommy, how’d you like to come with me to my sonogram appointment this morning?” Rogue asked.

Kitty’s face lit up. “Really? Oh, wow, I’d love that.”

Glancing over in Jubilee’s direction, Rogue asked, “Jubes, you wanna come, too?”

“Nah. That’s okay. I think just the two of you should go. It’ll be a good bonding experience for you.”

Rogue hugged Jubilee tightly. “Thanks, Jubes. You’re a great pal.”

“Uh, well actually, Nordstrom’s sale starts today and I wanna be there when the doors open. Because everyone knows all the best deals are gone by lunchtime.”

“Should’ve figured it wasn’t entirely unselfish,” Kitty chuckled.

“What?” Jubilee asked in mock indignation, “I was planning on buying the baby an outfit. You know how vicious all those mothers of infants are, and I didn’t wanna get stuck buying some crappy onesie.”

“Sure, Jubes, we believe you,” Rogue said, giving Kitty an exaggerated wink.

“Well, if the MAC makeup department just happens to be on the way to the baby department…” Jubilee trailed off.

Just then Logan wandered into the kitchen in search of a second cup of coffee. Sitting down to join the girls at the table, he glanced over at Rogue’s plate.

“I’m eating,” Rogue said, before he could make a comment, and then picking up a small white pill next to her glass of orange juice, added, “and see, I’m just about to take my vitamin.”

“What? Did I say something?” he asked innocently.

“No, but you were about to,” Rogue replied, as she popped the pill into her mouth and then took a swallow of juice. She then opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out to show him the pill was gone.

Scott entered the kitchen, strolled over to the table and looked down to check what Rogue was eating.

“Hope you didn’t use too much salt on those eggs,” he remarked.

Rogue cast a glance in Kitty’s direction. “Great, now I’ve got nagging in surround sound.”

“We just wanna make sure you’re taking care of yourself. So sue us,” Logan stated.

“While I appreciate the gesture, I’m neither an idiot nor made of glass. So back off. Both of you,” Rogue warned, wagging her finger at them.

Both men looked at each other and said simultaneously, “Mood swing.”

“Oh, ha ha. Don’t you have a Danger Room session or something?”

“Thought you didn’t like it when I kicked his ass?” Logan asked.

“Excuse me? You kicked my ass?” Scott said, pointing at himself. “The last time we were in there, I seem to recall giving you a decent pounding. You looked pretty shitty, too, when we first staggered out of there.”

“Well, if that’s how you remember it, you must’ve taken a harder hit on the head than I thought.”

“Care for a rematch?” Scott challenged.

“Anytime, Boy Scout,” Logan replied.

“Logan! I’m not kissing your ‘boo-boos’ better this time,” Rogue warned him.

“Come on, you two, quit with the machismo. Scott, I know for a fact that you have a meeting with the Professor this morning and Logan, you promised to do the tune-up on the Explorer. So neither of you has the time to rearrange each other’s faces. You’ll just have to settle for one final glare at each other,” Kitty informed them with a smirk.

“How about we have a nice picnic lunch when Kitty and I get back from my doctor’s appointment?” Rogue asked Logan, in an effort to placate him.

“Okay,” Logan said with a pout, disappointed that he wasn’t going to be able to pummel Scott and get his ouchies kissed better.

“And I’ll treat you to a nice massage when we get back,” Kitty told Scott, as she kissed him lightly on the lips.

“That’ll work,” Scott said with a grin.

“Okay, then. So it’s settled. My appointment’s at ten thirty, so we should be back home by noon.”

Kitty hugged and kissed Scott goodbye as Rogue did the same with Logan.

Hank and Jean entered the kitchen in search of coffee refills just in time to witness the intimate moment between the two couples. Jean visibly stiffened at the sight. Hank noticed and gently placed his hand on her shoulder, but she jerked away from his touch and stomped over to the coffee maker. Pouring herself a cup, she marched out of the kitchen without saying a word to anyone.

Hank mumbled an apology, quickly poured himself a cup and retreated after Jean.

Jubilee was the first one to break the ensuing awkward silence.

“The Ice Queen’s had long enough to get used to the idea. It’s her fucking problem, don’t let her make it yours.”

“I hate to admit it, but the Attention Deficit Disorder poster child is right,” Logan said.

“HEY! Watch it, you big ape,” Jubilee retorted, “At least I don’t have to be naked to count beyond twenty.”


Later that morning, as Kitty and Rogue were returning, the gray overcast sky that had been threatening rain, finally opened up and it began to pour.

“Well, so much for our picnic,” Rogue sighed, as she peered through the rain-slicked windshield.

“I have two bottles of flavored massage oil. You can have one, if you like. That way your afternoon isn’t a complete loss,” Kitty offered, as she turned into the driveway of the mansion.

“Flavored massage oil? Why, Miss Pryde, aren’t we turning into quite the little sex kitten?” Rogue said with a laugh.

“We even bought some of that chocolate body sauce on the internet.”

“KITTY!” Rogue exclaimed.

“Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,” she replied with a giggle.

“Chocolate covered Logan does sound rather tempting,” Rogue admitted.

“Remind me to give you the website address. They sell all kinds of neat stuff. Like edible undies and role-playing outfits. For an extra ten bucks they Fed-Ex the stuff overnight. I bought a harem girl outfit. I was his little concubine. That went over very well, by the way.”

“A harem girl? Kitty, how kinky,” Rogue noted, as Kitty pulled the car into the garage.

“Well, then you’d really think it was kinky if I told you Scott bought a cop’s uniform that should arrive this morning. If it does, later he’s gonna *arrest* me.”

“Holy crap. When the hell did you become so risqué, little miss quiet-as-a-church-mouse?” Rogue asked in feigned horror.

“I just feel so uninhibited with Scott.”


“You get Logan into a cop’s uniform, complete with handcuffs, and try telling me you’re not a very happy girl the next morning,” Kitty said, as she turned off the engine.

The garage was empty, so obviously Logan had finished tuning up the Explorer, so the girls made their way into the main house where they were informed that Logan had disappeared upstairs and Scott was playing lunchroom monitor. Kitty asked one of the children to inform Scott they were back and that she was going upstairs to take a nap. Walking past the Professor’s office, both girls gave a wave to him through the open door. The Professor smiled, happy that the baby situation didn’t appear to be causing problems amongst the four.

Once they were upstairs, Rogue followed Kitty into her and Scott’s suite, where she gave her a bottle of the flavored massage oil. Thanking her and quickly scooting next door, Rogue got quite a surprise when she opened the door to their suite. A large blanket was spread out in the center of the room complete with picnic basket. The fichus tree from the balcony was even set on one corner of the blanket. Logan came strolling out of the bathroom in just a pair of sweats.

“I thought we could still have our picnic,” he said, gesturing to the blanket.

“Oh, Logan, you’re just the sweetest, most romantic man,” Rogue said, as she threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on him.

Taking off her coat and tossing it and her purse onto the loveseat and kicking off her shoes, she sat down on the floor and noticed what looked like an odd-looking picture frame with sand in it.

“What’s this?” she inquired, picking it up and examining it.

“I borrowed an ant farm from the Science Lab. You can’t have a picnic without ants,” Logan said, as he settled down beside her.

Rogue burst out laughing. Logan grinned, scooted over closer, gathered her in his arms and kissed her passionately. For the next fifteen minutes they forgot all about eating, as they made out with abandon. Smooching was almost as erotic as actual intercourse, the way their emotions combined, as they shut out the world and concentrated only on one another. An atomic explosion could’ve leveled the mansion around them and they would’ve failed to notice, as they lay entwined, sipping at each other sensuously. And yet in the end, all it took was only a small growl from Rogue’s stomach to interrupt the ardent make-out session.

“Guess little Christopher’s trying to tell us something,” she giggled.

Pressing a kiss to her tummy, Logan said, “Okay, little guy, we get the hint.”

A small limb poked out, making Rogue chuckle. “Well, I guess it’s true, they can respond to sound.”

“Yeah, I suppose I’ll have to be careful what I say about Scott. Wouldn’t want the kid coming out with a pre-formed opinion about Mr. Pole-Up-the-Ass. Whoops!”

“Logan!” Rogue admonished, trying to suppress a smile. She knew the two men would never be best buddies. That a tentative truce was the best she could hope for.

“Sorry. He’s just such an easy target.”

“Well, try. Please. For my sake, and Christopher’s.”

“I’m glad he has Kitty. Kinda takes his entire focus off you.”

“Were you jealous?” she asked.

“Let’s just say that when he didn’t have someone to keep him occupied, he might’ve been a potential threat to us.”

“Never,” Rogue said, shaking her head, “I love you, Logan. All the way down to the core of my soul. Scott never was, and never will be, a threat to you.”

“And you have me. Heart, mind, body and soul, too,” he declared, as he ran a hand across her cheek caressingly.

Just then another loud rumble from Rogue’s stomach once again interrupted the tender moment.

“Okay. Okay. We haven’t forgotten you,” Logan said, reaching for the picnic basket.

He set the mostly finger food out onto plates on the blanket - pieces of cold chicken, cheese cubes, cucumber slices, carrot sticks, some ranch dressing for dipping, grapes and strawberries.

Lifting a bottle of sparkling grape juice out of the basket, he said, “It’s a good thing I don’t have to get you drunk in order to have my way with you.”

Rogue pulled his head down to hers. “Luckily for you, your kisses are naturally intoxicating,” she said, as she pressed a heated kiss to his lips.

That, of course, led to a couple more minutes of steamy kisses. When they finally broke for air, Logan said jokingly, “What’s my name again?”

“Wolverine,” Rogue said in a throaty, seductive voice.

He moved over her, prepared to forget all about lunch until her stomach growled again, even louder than previously.

“I see the kid has his father’s impeccable sense of timing,” Logan laughed, as he picked up a piece of chicken and popped it into Rogue’s mouth.

Chewing the chicken, she told him, “So let’s feed him quickly, so we can get back to us.”

“I have an idea. We can feed the munchkin and have a little fun for us at the same time,” Logan said, as he reached for another piece of chicken, but this time brushed it against Rogue’s lips before pushing it into her mouth.

She realized that he meant for them to feed each other, and immediately was on-board with that plan. Picking up a piece of the cheese, she pressed it to his mouth. He parted his lips slightly and she pushed the cube in, slowly, her fingers momentarily pausing inside his mouth.

Using the excuse of being as comfortable as possible, Logan removed Rogue’s top, bra and jeans - leaving her clad in only her cream-colored lace bikini panties. He removed his sweat pants, his lack of underwear leaving him completely naked. Pushing her down onto the blanket, he placed cubes of cheese in a line that started between the valley of her breasts and ran over the rounded ball of her stomach all the way to her belly button. He then proceeded to vacuum up one morsel of cheese at a time - licking at her skin as each cube was sucked into his mouth. Next, he put a smudge of ranch dressing on one of her nipples, swirled a carrot stick into the creamy substance, chewed the carrot and then cleaned the rest of the dressing off of her with his tongue. She just moaned and whimpered at the erotic sensations he was creating by using her body that way. With a piece of chicken between his teeth, he leaned down and transferred the chicken to her mouth in a kiss. She chewed the chicken, as he licked at her lips and then she fed him a piece of chicken in the same manner.

After the chicken, cheese and vegetables were eaten, they turned their attentions to the fruit. Taking a bite from one large strawberry first, Rogue then let Logan nibble at it - continuing to alternate kisses between bites, as each strawberry was eaten. Then she placed a grape into his navel and sucked it back out, swirling her tongue into the miniature crevice in the process. Between grapes, she pressed delicate butterfly kisses all over his taut stomach. It took a while for the small bunch to be eaten that way, but Logan wasn’t complaining.

They continued feeding each other in the same erotic fashion until the rest of the fruit had been consumed. Their desire increasing with every passing minute and unable to hold back any longer, Logan finally slipped off the piece of flimsy fabric that constituted the last of Rogue’s clothing.

Moving into a sitting position, he pulled her into his lap and impaled her on his erection. Allowing her to set the rhythm, Logan wrapped his arms around Rogue’s back as she started to rock back and forth. He leaned forward slightly and sucked a nipple into his mouth, as she pressed her bottom down harder, trying to get him as far inside her as possible. Sheathed in her to the hilt, he thrust his hips up as she rotated her hips slowly; gradually increasing the rhythm the closer she got to climaxing. Logan loved the way she looked as she wriggled in his lap. How the hell could anyone look so damn innocent and so damn sexy all at the same time? He loved that sharp contradiction about her. But let’s face it, he told himself, he loved everything about her - especially this baby growing inside her - biology aside. He noticed that she gave a little shudder, the sign that she was close to orgasm, and he intensified the energy of his thrusts.

“I… love… you, baby,” he declared in ragged gulps, his whole body vibrating.

“Love…you, too,” she replied in gasps, as the quivering sensation increased.

Finally, with a scream, Rogue went over the edge intensely, as she came apart in his embrace. One more thrust and Logan was there, too - joining her in their very own private paradise. She collapsed against him, damp and completely satiated, as he nuzzled at her neck. Dropping backward, he shifted her to his side so that she’d be more comfortable. They snuggled together, their limbs entwined, enjoying the peaceful, relaxing quietness as the rain continued to splash against the windows. Rogue let out a soft sigh as her fingers caressed the hard muscles of Logan’s chest. It amazed her that he could still find her desirable. Some men had been known to start affairs when their mates were pregnant, but Logan’s attraction to her had been unabated. This was especially remarkable considering his past history and that it wasn’t even his child that was changing her body. His devotion to her proved how much he’d changed. She was also grateful that he loved this baby as much as if it were his biological son. Nestled into the crook of his arm, she fell asleep as he gently rubbed her belly.


Meanwhile, there was a light knock on the door of Scott and Kitty’s suite. When Kitty opened it, she was delighted to discover that the cop’s uniform had arrived and Scott was standing there looking very ‘official’ and not to mention sexy as hell.

“Katherine Pryde?” he asked, trying to sound authoritative.

“Yes. Can I help you, officer?” Kitty said, playing along.

“I’m afraid I have a warrant for your arrest, Miss Pryde,” Scott continued.

“Oh my. On what grounds?” she asked, feigning horror.

“Can we discuss this inside? It’s a rather personal matter.”

“Of course. Please, come in,” she said, stepping aside to let him enter their suite.

As she closed and locked the door, he turned to her and with a wicked grin told her, “You’ve been accused of being too damn cute for your own good.”

Running her hand across her breasts, she replied, “Is that so?”

“Yes, and I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me to the station for further questioning.”

“Please, officer - I don’t want to be dragged out of here like some kind of criminal. Isn’t there something we can work out?” she pleaded.

“Well, it is highly unusual, but I suppose I could question you here.”

“I’d really appreciate that,” Kitty said, as she stepped closer to Scott and ran a hand across his chest.

“First, I have to strip search you, to make sure you don’t have any concealed weapons,” he informed her.

Raising her hands in a surrender gesture, she said, “Well, if you must. I suppose I can’t refuse.”

“Standard procedure, miss,” he said, reaching for the top button of her sweater.

Undoing the pearl buttons of the plum-colored fluffy angora sweater, Scott slowly spread the soft fabric apart to reveal an almost sheer plum colored bra beneath. Saying a silent thank you for Victoria’s Secret, he ran his hands over her perfect breasts as she shuddered. Continuing to massage her breasts, he leaned down and started pressing kisses to her neck, as she moaned. Scott slipped the sweater off her shoulders and let it drop onto the floor. Reaching behind her to undo the clasp, he quickly dispatched the bra to the floor, too. Kissing his way down her neck then down between her breasts, he sunk to his knees as he kissed his way lower onto her stomach.

Undoing the button on her jeans and sliding the zipper down, he lowered the denim past her hips and slid them down her smooth legs. She stepped out of them and he tossed them aside. He then turned his attention to the sheer plum-colored thong that was the last thing standing between him and heaven. Hooking his fingers into the band of the wispy material, he peeled them off slowly, savoring the anticipation. When they joined the heap on the floor, he pressed his face into her and tasted her. Kitty felt herself go weak at the knees and had to place her hands on Scott’s shoulders to maintain her balance. He continued his ministrations until she cried his name, as the orgasm washed over her and her legs finally gave out. Catching her around the waist, Scott steadied her as he stood back up.

“Well, I see you’re not hiding anything,” he informed her, back in ‘officer mode’.

Kitty wrapped her arms around his neck and pressing her naked body into his still uniform-clad one said seductively, “Why don’t you show me your nightstick, officer.”

Picking her up and depositing her on the bed, Scott backed up and started removing the uniform. Putting on a little ‘show’, he did a little bump and grind as she moaned appreciatively. Apparently, wearing his X-Men uniform wasn’t the only time Scott went commando, as Kitty soon learned. She let out a small giggle as he placed the uniform neatly on a chair. Turning back toward the bed, he stalked over to her, naked and twirling the handcuffs in one hand. He crawled onto the bed, took her hands and placed them above her head. Looping the handcuffs through the wrought iron rails of the bed, Scott locked Kitty’s wrists into them. He then proceeded to explore every curve with his hands, as she wriggled beneath his heated touch. Then he replaced his hands with his mouth and retraced the same path all over her firm young body with moist kisses and little licks.

“Oh, Scott,” she moaned, as he teased her with his mouth.

“My beautiful, beautiful little kitty cat,” Scott whispered against her throat.

Spreading her legs, he lifted her bottom and plundered her mouth as he sunk his cock into her. She wrapped her legs around him, lifting her hips to drive him in deeper. Releasing her mouth and burying his face in her neck and cupping her breasts tenderly, he began thrusting gently as she bucked beneath him.

“Oh, yes. Oh, yes,” Kitty cried out as her whole body quivered.

“Love you…so much,” Scott gasped, as he thrust into her with slightly more force, his cock angled just perfectly to drag across her clit with each plunge.

“Love…you…too,” Kitty replied, as coherent thought became more difficult as she hurtled toward what promised to be an earth-shattering orgasm.

Now, so in tune with each other, they climaxed simultaneously, each screaming the other’s name in their mutual release. Scott freed Kitty’s wrists from the handcuffs and she wrapped her arms around him, as he snuggled her in close. Soon they fell into a light, post-lovemaking sleep as the rain continued sprinkling the windows.


Author's note:  Just in case anyone is wondering  ... Logan's encounter with Mystique will be revealed and become an issue, but not until chapter 25.

author: karen, rating: nc-17, universe: au, genre: romance, universe: x1 (x-men), genre: shipperfic, fic, genre: drama

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