Over the Rainbow 1/?

Aug 06, 2011 20:18

Genre: epic-sized shipperfic (angst, UST, foof - think Once Upon a Time & Yellow Brick Road)
‘Verse: X3 (because I still owe you one there)
Rating: R, probably
Summary: Sometimes the things you want seem too far away.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making money.
Beta: Thank you, Askita!

Author’s notes: Okay. So. Here I am. With barely something worth posting, but I hope to get going once I’ve started. *g*

I still owe you a huge X3 fic. I’ve been thinking about this one for years already, but X3 was all over the place and I’m having a hard time untangling all the knots. Some things I liked, some I did not, and some things just don’t seem to make sense in my world. Like, how long was Marie gone when she left for the cure? At least a couple of days, according to the day and night scenes in the movie, so where the hell did she go and why didn’t she come back right away?

I’m gonna try and find reasons why some things happened and hopefully also find a way to reverse some stuff. I keep trying to integrate ‘Wolverine’ and now ‘First Class’ but it isn’t easy (and I really hate how Logan lost his memories in ‘Wolverine’). We’ll see how things go.

Since I haven’t been writing in ages, my English is back to basic. I’m sorry about that. It’ll improve over time. It always does.

While I’m chatting anyway: I’ve decided to post scenes instead of chapters, so you guys don’t have to wait too long (I hope). No promises about every Friday or Saturday or something. While it usually works best for me to have some kind of deadline, I don’t know if I can keep up this time and I don’t want to make any promises I might not be able to keep.

Also, I think I should explain some things before we actually start this adventure. This fic contains a theme again, which is explained in the summary and title. You might wonder: do I sense a Wizard of Oz reference again? The answer to that is: yes, you do, but this fic is in no way related to Yellow Brick Road.

The original title was ‘Over the Goddamn Rainbow’ because Marie was so very angry all the time and I like how ‘Judy’ sings the line in THIS scene. After 8 chapters of angst and anger, however, I hated Marie and wanted to choke her to death. I started anew and somehow she took a completely different turn. After a bit of a rocky start (mostly for the sake of continuity because she was quite bitchy in X3), she’ll end up quite bubbly at times. Oh, the fickle mind...

Last but not least (yes, I’m deftly trying to disguise that this chapter is very short by writing almost a whole chapter of notes): I’ve seen a lot of theories about Marie’s age in the movies, so I’m gonna explain my take to avoid confusion.

In this fic, Marie was 16 when she kissed David. She stayed at home for a while, at least 3 weeks to find out what happened, but once she knew, she took off. She was on the road for 8 months, like she said to Storm in the extra’s of X1. That makes her barely 17 when she met Logan (Storm refers to Rogue as ‘about 17’ when she asks around at the train station).

Then X1 happened and Logan takes off eventually. I remember Bryan Singer once saying that X2 picks up about 3 months after X1 left off and I’ve been sticking to that throughout all my fics. Logan was gone for 3 months only, so Marie is still 17 in X2. Since X2 happens in just a couple of days, she’s still 17 in the end. I have no idea how much time there is between X2 and X3, but the kids are still in school, Kitty mentions ‘being told to stay in their rooms’ and Rogue expects Logan to send her back to her room as well when she wants to leave and take the cure. I assume they’re barely 18 by then. I can’t imagine them being older and still acknowledge and accept authority like that.

So, Marie’s barely 18 now, and we’re going to start during X3 with the scene where Bobby enters her room.

Here we go.

“You’re back.”

The moment Bobby walks into his room, I know we’re over. It hits me with a certainty I’ve never felt before. I stand up as he glances at my bare hands, and my well-rehearsed speech suddenly goes up in smoke.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize nervously, trying to remember all the things I wanted to say in this moment. I’m suddenly not quite sure if coming back was a good idea after all. All I come up with is a lame, “I had to.”

It isn’t much of an explanation, but it does sum up all my feelings quite nicely. Bobby seems to understand that, too.

“This isn’t what I wanted,” he whispers, and I can’t help but smile. A little. Because I knew he’d say this.

“I know,” I assure him, remembering Logan’s words all too well. “It’s what *I* want.”

It’s important that he knows this. Whatever happens next, I really need him to understand that I took the cure for *me*. He’s free to do whatever he wants from now on. He doesn’t need to stay. He doesn’t need to try and make it work. We were over before we ever got a chance to start. Surprisingly enough, I’m perfectly okay with that. There will be no guilt and no loose ends. No running either, not anymore. If I have to leave, I want to say goodbye this time.

Bobby doesn’t seem to understand *that* part, though. He looks tired. And worried. Maybe even a little annoyed. Like he didn’t count on me coming back, even though I’d texted him and explained that I needed some time on my own.

Did he move on already? After all, so much has happened and I wasn’t there.

I’m about to ask him how he’s holding up when he looks down. I must’ve unconsciously reached out for him, because suddenly I can feel his fingers touch mine. It takes quite some willpower not to withdraw. Even though it’s been two weeks already, I still can’t really grasp the concept that I won’t hurt people anymore. I’m quite mesmerized by the feeling.

“Where were you?” he suddenly asks, bursting my bubble. “Do you know what happened?”

“Yes.” I nod, not quite able to look at him and ignoring his first question. It doesn’t really matter where I’ve been. I’ve been selfish. I’ve watched the news. I knew what was going on but I couldn’t make myself go back. I couldn’t make myself care.

“Bobby,” I start, letting go of the warm hand and centering myself. “We need to talk.”


Auhtor’s notes part II: Yes, more notes. As I still don’t really know where this fic is going, you’re free to shout whatever you’d like to see. I’ve got a few requests already that I’m probably going to insert somewhere along the way:

- Logan and Marie snuggling in a bed (like they did in Once Upon a Time)
- Logan being drunk (like he was in Once Upon a Time)
- Logan and Marie trying out drugs together
- A UST scene with a campfire
- Marie teaching Logan how to dance (like in Yellow Brick Road)
- Finding a way to bring back Scott
- Use the scene from the X3 extra’s in which Logan ends up in Laughlin City again
- Use the scene from the X3 extra's in which Xavier wakes up in that other man's body
- Making sure Jubilee will be around
- UST, UST, and even more UST.

If you have something you’d really like to read (again) please tell me. Just keep in mind that Logan and Marie won’t be jumping each other’s bones (anytime soon), so hot and steamy stuff is not going to happen.

Oh, and if there’s anyone out there who’d like to beta for me, drop me a line as well. Askita is too busy right now and I really need someone to keep me motivated and look at my stuff before I post.

Well, that’s about it. Thank you for reading! :)

beta request, universe: x3 (the last stand), genre: shipperfic, author: dutchxfan, rating: r, fic

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