Decades of careful breeding have produced a new subspecies of skunk, the Skunkus smellum goodis, more commonly known as the Fragrant Skunk. Easily identified by its unusual fur colors, the Fragrant Skunk has been bred to produce a pleasant, almost perfume-like, odor rather than the potent unwelcome scent its native cousins in the wild produce. Docile in nature, good with children, the Fragrant Skunk makes a wonderful pet and a great room freshner as well!
Pierre, the prototype? Fleur is what Pierre grew up to be. I think body parts are in much better proportion. Thank you, everyone, for contributing advice.
Hubby said he looks much more like a skunk now. I think he's secretly disappointed though. He rather liked Pierre's odd shape. (Or "George Skunkolopolis" as hubby nicknamed him.)
Fleur took me about 20.5 hours spread out over 10 days to crochet up once I had the pattern finalized and typed in my spreadsheet.