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Comments 39

laridian April 13 2017, 16:39:04 UTC
Can you put this behind a cut? Since it's sensitive material. Thanks.


laridian April 13 2017, 20:51:31 UTC
I'm a very new anon here. Idk if the MODS were supposed to do that or if I was, and unfortunately Idk how to do so. If you can tell me how, I will gladly do so. I apologize for taking this into account when I made the comment in the first place.


laridian April 13 2017, 20:52:43 UTC
Sorry. I apologize for NOT taking this into account.


laridian April 13 2017, 23:06:21 UTC
http://www.livejournal.com/support/faq/75.html tells you how to make an LJ-cut. But since a mod posted it, I don't know if you can make the cut to this entry, or just for future entries. The mod might have to do it.

Yeah, this isn't what I needed to see first thing this morning, heh. We all make mistakes. Thanks for trying to fix it. :)


beesandbrews April 14 2017, 13:54:20 UTC
I'd suggest you read up on child soldiers from places like Somalia and the Middle East, it mght give you some insight into how violence (beyond basic child abuse) can warp a psyche.

Beyond that, given that people are not uniform in the way they process experience, you can probably let your story dictate his issues.


beesandbrews April 14 2017, 15:06:36 UTC
First, thank you, beesandbrews, for pointing me to potentially necessary sources. Second, please tell me what you mean by "basic." I'm DYING to hear it.

I'll answer your last sentence in a bit.


beesandbrews April 14 2017, 16:56:10 UTC
Given that I am no more than an armchair psychologist I will answer in broad terms, but I am sure that a short time perusing both http://little-details.livejournal.com/tag/~child%20development%20%28misc%29... )


beesandbrews April 15 2017, 03:36:10 UTC
Thank you, beesandbrews, for providing me with more potential sources, and for giving me a little insight into what I need to consider for this to work. If you could also tell me what you think of what I already have for Apollo's past below, I would appreciate it. If you will not and/or cannot, I understand. Besides, you've given me plenty to work with already, and I once again thank you and I appreciate it.


anonymous April 14 2017, 15:31:03 UTC
Here's a summary of Apollo's character ( ... )


anonymous April 15 2017, 01:34:50 UTC
I've long since had most of Apollo's past planned out, but I just couldn't put it in the initial post due to the character limit ( ... )


anonymous April 15 2017, 01:36:25 UTC
Addendum to the 26th comment: I can't decide whether I should have him find out who he WAS before the fic starts or during the fic. Also, Exodia was split in half by Zorc in the Final Arc, and given Yami Yugi needed to sacrifice himself to seal Zorc, things had to have gotten REALLY dire. I'm basically saying that Exodia may have been split in half during Zorc's first rampage as well, and that Zorc may have infected one of those two halves with a piece of himself. Idk what to do with Exodia except having him occasionally talk to Apollo, and apparently just about everyone Zorc infects becomes a part of his being, so They Wasted A Perfectly Good Character MAY be justifiable in this case, Idk. I think "indirect" infections might be a different story, and someone who was already directly infected by Zorc once might build up SOME sort of immunity to it (unlikely, I know) or try to reject being his puppet again with all of their being (also seems unlikely ( ... )


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