My Adventure at the Pasadena City College Flea Market (August 2011 edition)

Aug 07, 2011 15:59

Today, my friends, I had yet another awesome day at the Pasadena City College Flea Market!

My Adventure at the Pasadena City College Flea Market

The PCC parking lot, thick with bargain hunters!

The day dawned overcast and chilly, but soon melded into an absolutely beautiful day - sunny, warm, with a deliciously cool breeze around the edges. Somehow, I got out of the apartment and into Pasadena around 9am, earlier than I'd ever been previously. This proved to be a terrific idea - the energy of the crowds was just reaching its peak and the dealers still had most of their bizarre and wonderful wares on display.

Loved this Candy dish...? Bedside lotion holder...?

Every so often, I see this Starfleet manual at a flea market or in an antique store and it always makes me smile. After my uncle's brother died, he bequeathed a lot of his Star Trek memorabilia to me, and I have this same manual, but signed by the entire original cast. Still curious what it's worth, but then again, I'd never sell it.

This lamp once again proves that the 70s were freaking cool.

This fascinating tome was on one of my favorite dealer's tables in the first parking lot. Plastered within its fragile, college-ruled pages were a young fan's musical hopes and dreams. Carefully cut out magazine photos of various 70s rock idols filled the scrapbook, but these were only the tip of the iceberg. Upon each page there was a clipping, the fan had carefully scrawled their thoughts and feelings about the particular musician. As one can ascertain from the front cover, the fan's main squeeze was the Thin White Duke himself, David Bowie, whom she regarded as a god and professed her love to on many pages. Later on, the fan discovers Mick Jagger, and Mr. Bowie is soon eclipsed by the great, lipped one. One of the most amusing pages includes a photo of Mick and his then-wife Bianca. Underneath it, the fan has scrawled, "I HATE her!" in childish hand. Indeed.

Having become so enamored by the scrapbook, I had to know its origins. The dealer himself didn't remember where he picked up this piece of memorabilia, but we both agreed that the fan's comments were absolutely priceless and really made the whole book. Perhaps I should've bought it, if only to scan the pages for the rest of you. Next time, if it's still there, I think I will.

This same dealer went on to tell me another fun story. At a previous show, he had a copy of Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies in his bin of dollar items. In hilarious coincidence that only happens out here, Alice Cooper himself passed the dealer's table! Quick as a flash, the dealer pulled out the album for Alice to sign, and Alice, being the nice dude he is, gladly autographed it. Querying how much the dealer was selling the album for now, he replied with a smile, "Oh, I'm not selling it! It's mine!"

Gotta love it.

This is from Mattel's unsuccessful line of books aimed at potheads.

This week in Things That Elisa Never Realized Were Made Into Promotional Items - Vance the Pig from Big Top PeeWee!!! Personally, I think BTP is just as good as PeeWee's Big Adventure, especially the whole love triangle with PW, Gina, and Winnie. If you're feeling down and need some sweet laughs, rent it. Seriously!

Readers may remember at the last show, I was lamenting the utter lack of Rock God's presence at his regular table. As I entered the parking garage today, I didn't hold out much hope that he would make a comeback. Scanning his regular booth, I was dismayed to discover he was again, absent. I stifled a large sob.

But wait...

What's this?!

Being there earlier than normal, the dealers hadn't fully organized their booth yet. There, sitting on a back table, was my beloved Rock God in all his tight-jeaned, gonaded glory! Racing to his side, I let out a cry of fangirlish delight and took a few more pictures of him for posterity.

The pornstache, the peace symbol belt, the vest and bare chest combo...I'm in love!

Note the price on his base - a mere FIFTY DOLLARS down from $150! So tempted was I to make Rock God my own, I nearly put in a bid for him with the dealer. If he has not been sold by the next show, I believe I'll have to make him my own and bring him home with me.

Go on, touch it. You know you want to.

Before leaving his side, I made certain to fulfill a small, personal wish. Surreptitiously, I reached out my small hand and carefully patted his magical junk for luck.

Rock on, Rock God. Perhaps someday, you will be mine.

And now we present yet another scintillating installment of...

Dolls That May Come Alive in the Night and Kill You

She sees you when you're sleeping, she knows when you're alone...

We can rebuild him. And we can scare the crap out of you in the process.

No words, just screams.

It's a monkey...with human hands!!!! AHHHH!!!

Okay, how about a little sorbet after all that creepiness?

All together now - awwwww. Doesn't get much cuter than that, does it? Unless your name is Jude and you live with me. :)

Seriously cool and seriously purple lounge set!

Gotta love a dealer who has a whole section devoted to my beloved Bonzos. Two copies of Keysham?! You done my brain in!

For the stressed out, metrosexual, albino cyborg in your life...

This is an inner page from a Pasadena high school yearbook, circa 1975. For anyone who can't read the inscription, I shall relate the most hilarious bit:

Mollyz Ballz,

Well, hows it goin'? Pretty good, huh? Heard about you & Monty. (no birth control pills, huh?) Oh well, that's life!

Super Phaser I was soooooo much better!

Oh hello, it's me! They were also filming some collectibles/reality show there today, so who knows? I may end up on television!

Hope you enjoyed reading about my adventure today!

*Missed out on reading my adventures from previous shows? Check out the 2011 reports here:


2010 archives are available upon request.

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