My Adventure at the Pasadena City College Flea Market (January 2011 edition)

Jan 09, 2011 19:14 in coconut flavor!

Today, my friends, I had yet another adventure at the Pasadena City College Flea Market!

My Adventures at the Pasadena City College Flea Market

Today was pretty quiet, because unfortunately, the flea market had to switch weekends and was in a dead heat competition with the more massive Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market which I wrote about here that usually occurs this particular Sunday. Still, there were a good amount of vendors, and although it was "bitterly cold" (for L.A.!), the crowds still came out albeit in smaller numbers, and I still had a blast!

Let's check out what interesting things I saw:

Isn't this bracelet pretty? I found a very cheap necklace that I fell in love with today, but sadly, by the time I made my way around the flea market and back to the seller's table, she had packed up for the day. Next time.

Meet my new boyfriend, Ezekiel.

I love all the old typewriters and this one was no exception. Such a cute little tiny dude. I just wish I had the money to buy them all. *sighs*

So that's where they all went! By the way, the back of this book... just as hilarious as the front! I love the fact that it's written by a dude called Glendon Swarthout (a likely name!).

Art Interlude...

Rather interesting fare today from all depths, crannies, crevices, and corners of the art world. Let's take a little tour, shall we?

Not quite sure what game these children are playing, but I'm sure it's banned in several states.

Ah, the (half-) naked man, a staple subject of the PCC flea market. Couple that with some creepy 9/11 imagery, and we have a what contest, I'm not sure.

Ah, a masterwork depicting some sort of psychedelic, Lovecraftian, voodoo-ish scene...underwater? This is turning into the Creepy Art Interlude, isn't it?

An Asian woman saw me taking a photo of this and commented that she found it just as interesting. We agreed we had absolutely no clue as to its subject matter, but hey, the frame is cool, isn't it?

I believe this is titled, "Still Life with Fruit, Brown Tree Trunk Jug, and Decapitated Clown Head"


I actually liked this one. The photo doesn't do it justice - it was very pretty and ethereal.

Here's a glimpse inside the rather deserted parking garage. Usually, it's full of vendors and people.

The vendor turnout was so sparse this time around, they didn't even have overflow into the second parking lot on the other side of the garage! Sad, but understandable. One of the vendors I spoke with told me this was her first show and she was surprised she got in, because there is usually a long waiting list, but then she arrived and discovered the news of the Rose Bowl competition. Let's hope the PCC doesn't have to do this again, but I'm certain it was a special circumstance because of the New Year's holiday last weekend.

Lucille Ball + charades = bizarre 1970s board game

Douglas Adams is one of my favorite writers, and I love the HHG radio series, but this cover was apparently rendered by someone who had never heard/seen/read the series at all!

I've heard about these Empire Pictures playing cards, but had never actually seen them until today. They're really cute, and feature a lot of the Full Moon movies (when it was Empire, before Charlie Band went bankrupt), and even have cards that feature the long-gone studio and "Casa di Giove," from Castle Freak (aka Charlie's Italian villa) XD I contemplated buying them for $5, but left them be. Too many memories and I've got better things to spend my money on now. :)

Where else but the PCC Flea Market can you find a massive wooden(!) sundae?

I got a little waylaid by "Vinyl Alley" today, and ended up spending a good half an hour perusing the records and other delights. I was tickled to find a full section devoted to my beloved Bonzos, and if I had a bit more money, I would've bought out the whole section, especially the UK pressing of Keynsham and I'm The Urban Spaceman, complete with nifty inner sleeve book! *drools*

I must hear this band now. Their name is awesomesauce and they have a song called "Why Did I Get So High?" Oh, psychedelic rock, how I love thee!

Wow, they're amazing! Sandi Robison's vocals are so incredibly beautiful!

image Click to view

A promo copy of David Gilmour's first eponymously titled solo album *drools*

One vendor had a load of what he was calling "Pink Floyd rarities" (most of which I already own), but they were very reasonably priced (save for Obscured by Clouds, which was a tad overpriced, but nothing major) and in pretty good condition. This other vendor wanted $60 for a Tower pressing of A Saucerful of Secrets that was scratched to all hell. Yes, PF Tower pressings are valuable, but not when they've been so abused like this poor guy was. :(

Speaking of Pink Floyd, I stopped at another table where this guy was selling concert videos, because he was playing Roger Waters "The Wall" tour that just passed through here on his mini-TV. An older man started humming along with "In the Flesh" and we chatted briefly about Waters vs. Gilmour fans (he was a Gilmour devotee like myself, but appreciated Rog's contributions as well). Although Roger annoys me, the concert did look pretty darned nifty. All of this made me miss my beloved quad record player, which is still at home in Mississauga. *sighs*

And now, we proudly present, another installment of...

Dolls That Might Come Alive in the Middle of the Night and Kill You

This little guy just wants to grant you a few HELL!!!

"Mommy? Why won't you play with me, Mommy?"

The smug look on this bizarre doll's face screams, "Just wait until you fall asleep..." *evil doll laughter*

Watch that one in the back in the tux with the evil grin!

Run for your lives! There's too many of them!

Poor Ricky - so pantsless, so anatomically incorrect.

No Howdy, just don't.

Whatever you do, don't wind his key after midnight.

The circus is scary enough without this anthropomorphic elephant!

"Fetch grandpa his medication, that's a good girl." (And why is he perched atop a bucket?!)

This Cthulhu-esque clown just wants to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. Won't you give him a little kiss?

Oh hello! I am the dancing queen, young and sweet, only...well, not 17, I'll say that much. :P

After the flea market, I headed over to the 99¢ store and got some spices, then just happened to pass the King Ranch Market and picked up 2 of these:

This is a jicama, a Mexican vegetable that can be eaten raw. They're sort of's hard to explain. They have a lovely crunch and a very light, almost sweet taste which makes them a perfect snack! I'm glad I got two, because I knew I'd like them. :)

One more FUCKING day of wearing these goddamned glasses, then I can finally get back to my contacts and feeling pretty instead of hideous. *sighs* If anything, this experience taught me that I need at least to update my prescription in these frames and maybe look for other frames sometime in the far future when I have some extra cash (har har).

All in all, a really fun day, even with the smaller turnout. Here's hoping February's show is somewhat warmer weatherwise, though!

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