My Adventure at the Pasadena City College Flea Market (July 2011 edition)

Jul 03, 2011 19:02

Today I embarked on one of my favorite monthly adventures at the Pasadena City College Flea Market!

Today's adventure almost didn't happen, my friends. The day dawned bright and ridiculously hot, yet full of promise. Up at an earlier hour, I performed my morning ministrations carefully, and was ready to leave a full half-hour earlier than usual. Packing up my bag, something told me to wear my new sandals. I scoffed at this, since I figured running shoes would be a better bet for walking around, especially with all of my painful foot issues of late. My mind still begged me to at least take them, so I begrudgingly added them to my vast array of inventory.

Pulled on my running shoes and after 2 days of dormancy, my bunions suddenly (and excruciatingly painfully) sprang to life. By the time I got out of the car and walked down to the flea market, my feet were so intensely sore, I was afraid I wouldn't make it back to the car to even drive home!

Literally limping back to the car and whimpering with pain, I popped two ibuprofen and weighed my options. Since I attend this flea market every month, I didn't mind at all if I had to miss it this time around. On the other hand, it was a sort of special occasion since my birthday is tomorrow and I always love looking around beforehand just in case I find a special little treat to get for my day.

Again, I heard a voice in my head say, "Put your sandals on."

Thinking it couldn't really hurt anymore than it already did, I carefully slid my throbbing feet into the sandals.

Instantaneous relief.

It was as if my feet were very loudly begging me to wear my new Teva sandals and this was their not-so-subtle way of going about it! Walking carefully back to the flea market, the pain seemed to subside, at least for the time being. For the rest of the day, I did the best to enjoy myself, but also walk very carefully and slowly, constantly checking in to see if I was still okay.

Were it not for my beloved new sandals, you all may have gotten an expurgated version of this month's adventure. The things I do for my readers! Honestly, it was more for myself. I would've been a bit heartbroken not to have been able to walk around the show. My podiatrist appointment can't come soon enough.

Now that I've gotten all the foot fetishists halfway there, how about the rest of you check out what I saw today?

My Adventure at the Pasadena City College Flea Market

As if I weren't already in horrid pain, this was one of the first things that greeted me upon entering the flea market.

Much like Mr. Mann himself, the album's back is much worse:


There must be some cosmic force that possesses ugly, hairy men to remove their shirts and then get photographed as it's a bit of a phenomenon. At least it was in the 70s. (Thanks, but no thanks Mr. Frampton.)

Click here for a sample of Mr. Mann's funky flute stylings. Not that bad music-wise. The cover is another story altogether.

Damnit, now I'm kicking myself for not buying this! I think I'll get over it, though.

Novelty spoon or a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen? You decide.

Loved this little Asian doll. Would have inquired about her further were my feet not screaming by this point.

Football placement FTW.

Retirement from what, though?

Upon entering the parking garage, I was saddened to note that Rock God (see his greatness here) - a staple and personal favorite of the last two shows - was nowhere to be found today. This is his booth, which is filled with other goodies, but it's just not the same without him. His absence from the show made my heart a little bit empty. Here's hoping he and his magical junk are helping someone, somewhere...*heavy sigh*

Dr. Mrs. Girlfriend cosplay, anyone?

This rather hilarious photo of a very young, very dorky-looking Brian Eno is from an article in Trouser Press, a music magazine and Bonzo Dog Band song. Mr. Eno is one of my absolute favorite musicians of all time, so I will easily forgive his fashion faux pas during his years with Roxy Music and early solo career.

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about Brian Eno, click here.

Aren't these art tiles pretty?

This huge stuffed lion lorded over a booth in the parking garage. Check out those scary teeth!

Now I can rest a little easier at night knowing my Chicken of the Sea is safe in its can.

And now, another edition of...

Dolls That May Come Alive in the Middle of the Night and Kill You

Although she has no arms and may seem like she's sleeping, she's really plotting your demise!

"Gosh, Mr. Wilson, why would I know what happened to your carving knife?"

We can rebuild him...but why would we want to?

This would make anyone go childfree. *shudders*

This dealer had loads of animation cells from the TV show, The Real Ghostbusters. Although he could never top Bill Murray, animated Peter Venkman was pretty adorable.

This nifty drawing of Jimmy Stewart was part of a set that advertised the nominees for 1940's Academy Awards.

Like last month's adventure, there were more people in period dress today as well. Fresh from punting on the Thames, this dandy lad gladly posed for a photo.

This dealer in the parking garage always has really fun 80s toys and this time around, he had some rareish My Little Ponies, including a few So Soft, some Sweetheart Sisters, and a Flutter pony! Sadly, like most Flutter ponies this one didn't have wings. If you ever find a flutter pony with wings still intact, put it on ebay. They're worth a fortune! The wings were very delicate and fragile and were very prone to tear or even fully rip off. My flutter ponies suffered the same fate after I put them all into one box with their heavier counterparts before I left home. It kills me everytime I think about it, because I was so careful with my toys and really loved the flutter ponies especially. *sighs*

Being such a huge MLP collector and fan, one might wonder if I have a favorite. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Posey. Not quite sure why she's my favorite, I just love her simplicity and color scheme. Several other ponies come in a very close second, but Posey will always be first in my MLP heart. Couldn't help petting Posey's nose affectionately before putting her back on the table.

Oh, hello! Here I am all decked out for the hot, sunny weather! Aren't I cute? :)

"Hey Ken?"
"Yeah, Ken?"
"Did you notice that there are a lot of photos of half-naked men in Elisa's post this time?"
"Good thing we have some dignity."
"Right on, bro. Hey, wanna make out?"

Hope you enjoyed coming along on my adventure today! Glad my feet finally behaved, too!

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