My Adventure at the Glendale Community College Swap Meet (June 2011 edition)

Jun 19, 2011 17:14

Today, I attended my second Glendale Community College Swap Meet and had a blast!

My Adventure at the Glendale Community College Swap Meet

Faithful readers may remember my my first adventure back in May, when rain kept the crowds and many vendors away. This month was a totally different story! With the skies overcast, but no hint of rain, the crowds were out in droves and there were vendors galore!

Let's check out all the nifty stuff I saw today:

Really liked these little containers. I'm a bit of a "container freak," but I come by it honestly - both my parents love any types of boxes, bottles, or other holders as well. Must be in the genes.

Loved this leather postcard. It reminded me a bit of my favorite postcard I found at the NW Washington Fair ages ago. It was one of the things I brought with me when I moved to SoCal, so perhaps I should follow its sage advice.

Who would wear a necklace like this? Me, possibly, but who else?

How cool are these buttons? When I was a kid, I used to be obsessed with pins (and it was the 80s!), and I still wear several favorites on my jean jacket to this day. Seriously contemplated buying the All of Me lenticular one, since it has to be one of my favorite movies of all time, and Steve Martin was my girlhood god, but you had to really turn it to see the Steve side of the pic, so I left it there.

There was a good selection of vinyl at this month's show, and I was highly impressed that this guy had meticulously typed up and printed out a comprehensive list of Benny Goodman records he was after. He sat there for ages, carefully checking the records a dealer had to his extensive list he kept neatly housed in a binder of plastic sleeves. A man after my own heart.

And now, we proudly present a special edition of...

Dolls That May Come Alive in the Middle of the Night and Kill You (Glendale Edition)

This isn't a doll, but isn't this the creepiest cat statue you've ever seen? Eek!

There's something malicious hiding behind that painted-on smile...

No words, just screams.

This time, instead of just one parking lot, the swap meet sprawled across two parking lots, with vendors trickling into a smaller third as well!

Who could possibly resist a Hamburger Helper clock? Who, I ask you?!

I'm a big fan of old "cheesecake" art and really loved these nifty Vargas cards.

As I was looking at the aforementioned cards, I heard a voice behind me say, "Cool!" and turned to face a "silver fox" (as prairiecat calls them) - older, yummy, sexy, silvery-haired men. There were many there today, but sadly, they all seemed already partnered or obviously gay. Still, perhaps someday, I'll have one of my own.

These cute little colorful blocks house tiny bells that ring the various corresponding notes of the scale. There are a few missing, but it was still fun to test them all out.

This cute little stuffed cow was looking lonesome on the corner. Wonder what he was originally made for?

Art Interlude...

Seriously would not like to meet this painting in a dark alley. There's something super creepy about it. *shudder*

Ah, nudity, the staple of any flea market/swap meet, apparently. I really liked this piece, but where the heck would I put it?

Several dealers had old menus from various restaurants, which were hilarious to look through, mostly for the gross food people used to eat (not that it's gotten much better, mind you!) and the insanely low prices. Did you know a steak dinner used to cost a mere five dollars? One of the vendors and I bonded over inflation and he bemoaned the fact that back in the old days, he could take his mother and himself out to a nice dinner for under $20. Oh, how times have changed!

What the hell does this mean? It's a potholder, but its message seems to suggest showering before sex. *confused*

Men's...what now?

This stack of old Playbills caught my eye because check out who's on the cover - my favorite character actor, Michael Moriarty! Reading his bio in the program, Moriarty was just getting to the height of his theatrical fame, before Hollywood came calling. Sometimes, I think these kinds of actors should stay on the stage as they seem to get lost in the celluloid shuffle onscreen, but thankfully for Mr. M., he got the rawrsome gig on Law and Order (not to mention all his great work with Larry Cohen!) and the rest is (thankfully) history.

Oh hello, it's me! :)

Although smaller than my beloved PCC Flea Market, the Glendale Community College Swap Meet is no less fun to walk around. I enjoyed myself thoroughly today and will definitely add this to my calendar of favorite monthly events!

Hope you all enjoyed coming along with me!

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