The Brie Legacy ~ 2.5

Sep 13, 2010 23:41

Note: This update contains a few naughty words, several hauntings, an heir poll and a TON of images!

Featuring sims by:
simpurity || quellasims || panda_michie

Previous Updates:
1.1 || 1.2 || 1.3 || 1.4 || 1.5
2.0 || 2.1 || 2.2 || 2.3 || 2.4

Paycheque #4
As you can see, Jayne's obsessive gnome collecting was getting out of control

Bekah (simpurity) made a repeat appearance.

Echo: "Did anyone else feel that draft? Huh... I guess it was just a breeze from outside."

She hung around for quite awhile, scaring the bejesus out of just about the whole family. Somehow, they all managed to retain full control of their bladders.

The kids were growing up so quickly.

Before they knew it Bennett was a toddler...

...and Victor headed off to college.

Jayne could hardly believe it.

Life carried on much as it had before.

And this scared the everliving fuck out of me until I realized that November wasn't playing with a mummified baby, but Jack Skellington with the teddy bear overlay XD

Echo's skill in the kitchen improved.

She told the others that she'd decided to use her inheiritance to go to college too.

Jayne was starting to get on in years and his senility was showing.

Jayne became an elder and got an iPod for his birthday from Harper and Echo, and a cool hat from November.

And not long after...

Echo also left for college.

Wash :D

Jayne grew to love his new hat so much, that he even wore it to work.

Bennett was a good girl..

...most of the time.

November's hard work paid off and she did exceedingly well in school.

Jayne and Harper continued to make out like teenagers every chance they got.

And Bekah continued to check on her old bed.

One day, Harper suggested to November that she take up Violin lessons.

November: "UMMM, how about... NO!"

Bekah got her GOOD for being lippy to her mother!

It seemed like the damn dogs never stayed clean, but Jayne didn't mind.

They were wonderful pets, all of them.

And they did well in their respective jobs! Some better than even the humans!

Paycheque #5


..and after.

Jayne: "Aliens!"

Bennett: "....Dude...."


Roll 3.5 - Family Heirlooms: a distant relative has died, leaving you their most treasured possessions under the proviso that they NEVER BE SOLD. Every day for the week use the kaching cheat once, and use that thousand simoleons to purchase one thousand simoleon (or as close as possible) decorative item - no doubling up on items. These items can never be sold for money.

Heirloom #1

Bennett headed off to her first day of school.

She couldn't believe what she saw when she got off the bus that afternoon!

Heirloom #2

November: "...AWESOME!"

It was finally time for November's birthday!

And as she blew out the candles...

..Harper promptly stole the spotlight.

November farted loudly in her general direction.

Errr... I mean turned into a lovely, um... swan.

Here she is with a bit of a makeover, but she's, unfortunately, looking more and more like her father!

Harper makeover time!

Such a cute elder :D

Heirloom #3

Heirloom #4

One day, a townie that they'd invited over took a liking to Jayne's collection.

lil_pixiedevil: Help yourself honey, have as many as you like!!

Insert inappropriate joke about Jayne's manhood here.

Random Townie: "Heehee! A hot tub full of women! Isn't this every man's fantasy Jayne? We could make out if you like..."

Jayne: D:< "Ugh! That's just... ugh!"

Jayne: "But... I wouldn't be opposed to you making out with each other..."


For some reason, he turns into Stevie Wonder in the hot tub 0_o


Fast forward too... Bennett's birthday :D

Little makeover.

Yup, still making out like teenagers... just in case you were getting worried.

Combo Heirloom #5 & 6

And before long, it was off to college for Bennett too.

College flew by and all the kids did very well thanks to the College Adjuster. Here they are all grown up:




annnnd Bennett!

HEIR POLL TIME :D Remember, since November is not of Bekah's bloodline, she will not be elegible. Here are your choices:

Poll Generation 3 Brie Legacy Heir Poll

sims 2, sims 2: brie legacy, comm: pixel_trade

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