The Brie Legacy ~ 1.2

Jul 20, 2010 22:55

Note: This update contains adult situations, a few naughty words and a LOT of images 0_o

Featuring sims by:
simpurity || panda_michie || bondchick_nett || boolpropbea

Previous Updates:

Yes, of course :D

They immediately went to celebrate this happy event with another care of ACR XD

A delirously happy Oscar (panda_michie) quickly agreed to move in.

Welcome, Oscar!

A beautiful evening wedding soon followed with just the two of them under the stars. Commence wedding spam!

Awwww, I love honeymoon babies :)

That's right! We've got chimes :D


Well, look who decided to stop by! It's Arrow Floret (bondchick_nett)

He couldn't fathom why anyone would be so passionate about a stupid sandwich!

Just as lunch was being served, Bekah and Oscar decided that no one would notice if they slipped away for a moment. Newlyweds *sigh*

Conversation turned to the state of the economy.

"Playing the stock market is no game," said Bekah.

Arrow's friend offered Oscar a job and he decided to take it.

His LTW is to raise 20 puppies and kittens, btw (WTF???)

Bekah LOVES the sight of her man in uniform!

He went to his first day at his new job with thoughts of his new wife on his mind. He thought that there was something different about her, but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Oscar was NOT impressed to find a message on the answering machine for Bekah from a former flame, but he trusted and loved her, so he let it go.

Now, remember that I can only control Bekah right now, so I was very nervous about how Oscar would do without any interferrence from me. I'm delighted to say that he is incredibly competent taking care of himself. He eats, sleeps and showers regularly. You'll notice that he never chooses grilled cheese when he's only cooking for himself ;)

He was stunned to walk into his living room and find Temple (boolpropbea) -of all people- standing there!

Bekah had been sleeping a lot due to feeling under the weather, so Oscar struck up a conversation with him.

He couldn't help but like the guy. Temple was just so charismatic and animated! Oscar went to go see if Bekah was up to tell her her friend was here. It had been a long day and he was bushed.

As he started getting ready for bed, Bekah had the strangest look on her face.

Bekah: "Oh my god! I think I'm pregant!"
lil_pixiedevil: Duh, didn't you hear the chimes?!

Bekah realized that she no longer had any romantic feelings for Temple, and she never really had. They were better off as friends.

She told him all about her happy new life with Oscar and that they were expecting. "I guess I'll need to stop by Toys R Us and stock up, eh?" joked Temple.

A picture is worth 1,000 words XD

With nesting urges kicking in big time, Bekah decided to redecorate the house a bit and rearrange the furniture.

At dinner one night, she felt the strangest sensation and quickly stood up.

Pop number 2!


Bekah finished decorating the nursery, and not a moment too soon!

Don't get up or anything Oscar, your wife is only giving birth here!!

It's a boy, and his name is Mal. He has his daddy's skintone (squee!) and eyes, and Bekah's blonde hair.

New mummy picspam, go!


So then I realized that it was me who was the doofus, not Oscar. While rearranging furniture, I'd made it so that he couldn't get out of the bed. As soon as I adjusted the bedside table, he went to see the new baby.

And what's the best way to celebrate the birth of a child?

To try for another, of course!

*shakes head*

Oh, ACR.

Oh yeah, so at some point I hired them a butler who seems to be disinclined to clean. Seriously, I have to have Bekah ~*influence*~ him to pick up shit around the house.

Hooray for autonomous sprog care!


lil_pixiedevil: I see you sneaking that hamberger ;)

Movin' on up :D

So as you can see, Oscar is great at feeding the baby...

...but he's clueless when it comes to diapers.


Bekah was making a offering to the porcelin god.

First pop, suspicions confirmed!

Awww :)

*insert comment about men and diapers here*

Pop number 2!

Bekah: "Ugh, I need to get laid. How come no one ever phones me for a booty call? Is it because I'm fat?"

Oscar: "Baby, you're the most beautiful woman on the planet. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be married to you."

Bekah: *swoons*

Bekah: "Don't worry, the baby will be fine. You're big, but not THAT big."

DUDE! Look who I caught lurking at that exact moment! Too little, too late, man.

FINALLY, God! Wednesday rolled around at last and I was finally able to control Oscar. Not a moment too soon!!

Sprog 'splosion!


With pregnancy hormones in full swing, Bekah woke up and realized she hated everything she saw. What this place needed was some colour! What this place need was some RED!


Roll 4.3 - Paint the town RED!: Change the colour of every single item (including build items/roof etc) in your house to red where possible. Give all your sims blindingly red makeovers. Everything must stay as such for the duration of the week.

The makeovers started with Oscar and Mal.

Much cuter now, no? I love his wittle nose! *pinches*

To be continued!

sims 2, sims 2: brie legacy

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