The Brie Legacy ~ 1.3

Jul 23, 2010 22:48

Note: This update contains overuse of primary colours, adult situations, alien abductions, a few naughty words and a LOT of images 0_o

Featuring sims by:
simpurity || panda_michie || boolpropbea || brilliantcat || oannapantso

Previous Updates:
1.1 || 1.2

So, as you may recall the last update concluded with Bekah (simpurity) deciding that their house and lives needed a radical change. A radical RED change! It was makeovers for one and all!

"God, you look smokin' hot with that new doo! It's giving me ideas..." said Oscar (panda_michie)

With breakfast done, Bekah got up and promptly gave birth.

It's a girl named Inara :D

Who happens to look exactly like her brother at that age...

This time Oscar jumped up to meet and help out with the baby right away ;)

Even though she found potty training Mal time consuming, Bekah found ways to amuse herself.

Until she got bored.

Oscar is such a good Daddy. He loves spending time with his kids, he is a Family sim after all ;)

There was a slight downside to Bekah's redecorating. She almost broke the bank doing it.

lil_pixiedevil: "Oh for god's sake man! Not the toilet!"

Ugh. They had to sell the fish tank and some knick knacks around the house so they could afford a new one >_<

Undeterred by screaming children and a messy house, Oscar and Bekah decided that it would be the perfect time to try doing it on the couch.

I love the faces Bekah pulls XD

One day as his parents were heading off to work, Mal got an idea.

He was riding high on his latest achievment: he was potty trained!

"Wouldn't it be funny," he thought, "if Nanny kissed Pierce the butler!"

Nanny wasn't so sure at first...

...but he convinced her otherwise.

Stunned by such a move, Pierce quickly set things straight.

Bekah's day ended better than Nanny's :)

'God, she is so hot when she's bringing home the bacon.. er, grilled cheese!' thought Oscar.

That night Pierce pulled Bekah aside and made this descrete inquiry.

Before they knew it, it was time for Inara's first birthday.



Way to go, Bekah!

lil_pixiedevil: "Nice one guys, way to scar the kid for life!"

lil_pixiedevil: "See? She's acting out already!"

Nanny is having none of it though.

Well look who decided to drop by and strike a pose! It's Pyre (boolpropbea)

Mal: "Mommmm, Inara is levitating and acting weird and stuuuuuuf..."
Bekah: "Malcolm Brie, stop trying to get your sister in trouble."
Mal: "But, mommmm..."

Bekah: "...Oh."

One night Oscar brought home his co-worker, Maia (brilliantcat). She seems to have a bit of thing for him!

They discussed work.

And gossiped about Rory (oannapantso).

I have no idea what it was he did, but judging by the look on Maia's face, it must have been scandalous!

Mal grew into a child...

...but his parents were too busy flirting to notice.

Bekah: "I heard that a whole herd of elephants showed up the other morning in a neighbourhood not far from here. Let's hope they don't come to Peetyville!"

Mal: "Ugh, this house is getting squishy!"
lil_pixiedevil: I couldn't agree more!

After putting the kids to bed, Bekah decided to unwind by doing a little stargazing.

Mal saw it happen through his bedroom window, and ran out see if he could see where the flying saucer took his mummy.

She reappeared in front of the house the next day, a little dazed, but otherwise fine.

Bekah: "Ugh, speak for yourself!"

The enormity of what had just happened hit her then, but she didn't have time to dwell on it as it was almost time to leave for work.

Yay, chance card!


Adorable kids are adorable :)


Bekah: "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Oscar: "Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. Besides, what are the chances?"

Oscar: "It was you! Sim!Godess, you did this to me!!"

lil_pixiedevil: "Aww, bb. Don't be mad, now we'll have a little green sprog to add to your colourful mix!"


Oscar: "DO NOT WANT!"

Oscar: "Dude! That WAS NOT COOL!"

Unlike Bekah, who took her abduction in stride, Oscar broke down over it CONSTANTLY.

At the thought of needing to renovate the home to accomodate their growing family, Oscar promptly burst into tears yet again.


sims 2, sims 2: brie legacy

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