Revelations and Recollections Chapter Eight

Oct 03, 2010 23:35

 Chapter nine.
When Ianto and Toshiko entered the Hub the next day they were not expecting, well what they saw. At first it appeared that Jack had decided to redecorate in the night, placing giant rock pillars at random intervals in the Hub. That was until the Rocks turned in perfect unison. They bowed down to Toshiko and Ianto. Confused the two bowed back in response. The Rocks bowed again and Ianto and Toshiko bowed again. This was repeated ten times before Jack stepped in.

"Introduce yourselves." He said. "Name, job then bow. "

The two looked at each other then shrugged.

"Ianto Jones general support officer."

"Toshiko Sato Technical support"

They both bowed.

"We are the Glomp family Glompish, explorers." They said in unison as they bowed. Their voices sounded like a choir and it sounded very musical. "We come in peace."

In the corner they could see Glompish jr. Jessica and Owen was with her, Jessica laughing at something Glompish said. Then Glompish looked thoughtful, ran over to the nearest Glomp adult and had a brief conversation. Glompish nodded and returned to Jessica and nodded
seriously before excited chatter continued. Owen moved away to the med bay as the two females continued to talk.

"You have looked after our child. We wish to reward you." the Glomps continued.

"We accept your reward." Jack informed them with a bow.

"We must prepare."

"Off course, We will help," Jack said.

For once Ianto was not called upon to do anything to help. In fact it was Jack whom the Glomp had asked to help. This was just as well as Ianto had his own tasks for the day. First of which was coffee. He made five cups for the team and distributed them around, Jack
insisting that he would take Gwen's to her. Thankfully the Glomp did not wish for refreshments, which was just as well as Glompish had ate all the Carrots and Hey. After he had quickly fed the Weevils and Myfanwy he approached Jessica. She was sat on the couch wrapped in the blanket looking absolutely miserable.

"What you doing up?" Ianto asked as a way of greeting.

"Apparently to be in bed in the present of a Glomp leader would lead to them declaring war on the planet. That would be bad." Jessica responded. She sipped on a glass of water and reached for the box of tissues.

"That would be bad yes." Ianto said as he sat himself down. The Glomp were making some somewhat weird gestures. Toshiko looked worried as she went to join the pair.

"Apparently they are warming up . Jack told me to step away from the computer." She replied as she ate the last bite of her toast. Jessica's stomach flipped at that.

"Oh." Toshiko said as she reached into her bag. She handed over a plain white envelope. "Happy birthday."

"Arigatou Um you?” Jessica replied. She flipped the card over and on it in Toshiko's neat handwriting was Jessica's name. Ianto pulled out the envelope and small wrapped box from his own pocket.

"You know Japanese?" Toshiko asked.

" Just that." Jessica replied.” Always meant to learn it though”

"Open it" Toshiko said sounding a little excited.

"Oh okay then," Jessica replied as she opened the envelope Toshiko had handed her. Inside it was a birthday card. She opened it up and laughed at the message that Toshiko had wrote inside. Toshiko smiled.

"How did you know though?" Jessica asked confused.

"Toshiko is a twisted genius especially on a computer," Ianto explained. "False records would not beat her."

"I wondered who managed to hack in. It drove Yvonne bonkers trying to work out who it was." Jessica said with a yawn.

"Really?" Toshiko asked. She sounded just a little bit smug and pleased with herself.

"Really." Jessica confirmed as she tried to starve off a coughing fit. She turned into Ianto in her attempt.

"Apparently Glomps see outright coughing as a sign of erm marriage proposal. I don't want them to get the wrong impression." Jessica explained as Ianto handed her a tissue. "Sorry about that. "

Ianto shrugged it off as he handed her his own card and gift. She eyed it curiously. She lifted the box up to her ear and shook it and then tried to feel around the packaging. Her featured settled into a confused look as Ianto give a half smirk. Owen joined just in time to witness
this. He sat without comment as she carefully tore open the packaging.

"Ohh!" Both Jessica and Toshiko said as Jessica opened the box.

"It is perfect" Jessica exclaimed. Her eyes looked suspiciously watery. She lifted it out of the box and held it to the light. The silver of the Celtic knot shined in the light. She put it around her neck and tried to fasten it. Owen, who was sat closest to her saw her struggling with the clasp.

"Here I'll do it for you." He said. Jessica handed him the necklace with a “Thanks” and Owen quickly secured it.

"It is so pretty, " Jessica said, "Thank you."

Coming from the direction of the cells They could hear Gwen shouting. Jack had secured her with handcuffs and was bringing her out.

"Ianto, the chair please" Jack said.

Ianto did not need to ask which one as he went to fetch it. Between the two of them they got Gwen, kicking and screaming restrained. At one point two well aimed kicks had everyone wincing in sympathy as Ianto doubled over. Toshiko was almost gleeful to help Jack as Owen attempted to help Ianto. Ianto was gasping for breath as he curled up in the foetal position groaning slightly. Jessica stood to attempt to offer assistance but instead started coughing. She used the blanket to disguise the sound from the Glomps and as she pulled it away she noticed the blood.

"Shit." She wheezed. She sat back down. Luckily the Glomp family did not hear her coughing. Another fit came on as Owen and Ianto rejoined her. She grabbed the blanket again to try to stifle the sound of her coughing. She doubled over as a wave of nausea hit her. Then another. She honestly did try to aim for the bin. She did not mean to cough
up mucous on Owens shoes, it was a genuine accident.

Jack agreed he could claim a new pair on expenses.

Within reason he quickly amended.

He did not want to deal with Ianto if he discovered that Owen had brought an expensive pair. Especially after last time.

"How long you been coughing up blood?" Owen asked her as he cleaned off his shoes.

Jessica mumbled something that Owen did not catch.

"I did not catch that."

Jessica doubled over again. Owen placed the bin in front of her as she heaved. " Bronchitis. Since." She groaned in pain. "After, Oh God." Another spasm hit her and she moved to pull her hair back of her face. She caught Ianto in a sensitive area and he doubled up to.” Argh"
the both went as they responded to pain. "Cannery Wharf." She concluded. Both her and Ianto whimpered and she dry heaved again. Ianto had curled up ending up with his head in her lap as she collapsed back into the sofa.

"Sorry Yan." She said.

"It's okay. Accident." He replied through gritted teeth.

Jessica started rubbing his back in an attempt to sooth him. He sighed in response. With her other hand she pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt not to cry from pain.

"bronchitis you say. well I will be the judge of that." Owen said, "and just when were you going to tell me that?"

"I thought it had gone away. I had antibiotics for it , Susie got me them. " she winced as another wave of pain hit her again and she swore. She instinctively went to curl up but found Ianto still in her way. This time she let the tears fall.

"We are ready," The family Glompish said.

The Glompish way of saying thank you was beautiful everyone agreed. Ianto and Jess, after Owen had given them various shots where able to appreciate it to. It was a challenge fitting five people onto the sofa at first but somehow they managed it. Jessica's childlike frame
managing to fit onto Owens knees and Toshiko squeezed onto Jacks lap.

The ceremony was about a hour long but special. The Glomps singing touched everyone present evoking a sense of mixed emotion throughout the group. Gwen stopped struggling against the restraints and started sending lustful looks over in Jacks direction. Her expression left no doubt to anyone what she thought. Jack in turn looked wistfully over at Ianto and Tosh looked over to Owen. For their parts Ianto and Owen tried to ignore it, Owen putting it down to Toshiko being affected by aliens pheromones and Ianto turned his attention on trying
to settle down a trembling Jessica.

Another song brought about new emotions. Gwen now really looked like she was ready to jump the bones of anyone in the room no matter what or who.
Not like Toshiko was doing much better but at least she was subtle about it as Jack held her tight. He could sense her internal battle as he tried to calm her. Not like Owen could comment as he started frantically trying to gain some sort of control of his own emotions. He
thought of Katie and wanted to burst into tears, grief consuming him as raw as the day she died. Jessica took hold of his hand. Owen looked down touched and surprised but he did not let go. She gave it a brief squeeze which he returned. Jessica took hold of Ianto hand with her other and did the same. Ianto let go and wrapped an arm around her . He chocked back his own sob as he thought of Lisa.

The third and final song brought a bitter sweet sense of calm over the group. Glompish ambled over and somehow managed to get Jess, Ianto and Owen Into her arms. As group hugs went it was a little clumsy but all three replicated it.

"You three do it now," she said.

"Better do as she says." Jack said and so reluctantly Ianto and Owen complied. Toshiko and Jack give Glompish a hug to and complied with Glompish request a bit more willingly. The song ended and everyone was an exhausted tearful but oddly calm mess. Owen found himself being leaned on by both Jess and Ianto as he held then up. They managed to wave bye to the family as one by one they disappeared from the Hub.

Nobody wanted to be the first to break the mood. They were reluctant to break off the hugs either as they took in what happened. They sat in reflective silence as they pondered what had just happened. The silence was soon broken. Everyone jumped when Gwen's mobile rang.

Toshiko was the first to find it as she held it up to Gwen.

"He will get suspicious if I don't answer it," Gwen retorted from Jacks look.

"Fine, " he said as Toshiko answered it and held it to Gwen's ear. "Okay kids, back to work. " Jack added.

He turned to the three sat on the sofa. They literally had not moved. Jessica looked on the edge of sleep, as her eyes drifted shut. Ianto looked like his mind was elsewhere as his head dropped onto Owens shoulder, a mixture of pain and exhaustion on his face. He had curled
up again . And well Owen could not move due to the position he found himself in.

"Would love to Jack," Owen said, "but" he indicated to his two companions.

"Ah, " Jack said. He gently lifted up Jessica. She mumbled incoherently as he cradled her.

"I can see the ghosts," she added a bit more clearly.

"Lot of them in this place," Jack replied gently.

"Hi ghosts," she replied as she waved in the direction of Jacks office.

"Come on Ianto, get off me," Owen said sounding a little grumpy.

Ianto attempted to move.

And failed as he groaned in agony. Jack and Owen exchanged a look. Toshiko noticed the problem and looked sympathetic as she hung up the phone. She went and retrieved a wheelchair. Jack gently placed Jessica into the wheelchair.

"Hum?" she replied as her eyes opened wide.

"Med bay for you," Jack informed her.

Jack indicated towards the makeshift hospital unit and Toshiko nodded. Jack gently lifted Ianto up.

"Can you stand? " Jack asked Ianto.

Ianto’s response was to grip hold of Jacks shoulder as pain hit him.

"I shall take that as a no." Jack said as he followed Toshiko. He turned to Owen.

"I know. I Know," Owen said as he headed towards a sulking Gwen.

Owen got Gwen back into her cell without much incident. She demanded a gun and then a shag both of which Owen ignored as he slipped into medical mode. Someone had left her a bunch of fruit in a bowl in there which she looked at hungrily. Owen was momentarily forgotten as she started eating it. Owen quickly secured the door, checked it was secure and then for added measure locked the corridor door up to. He glanced in at the resident Weevils on his way and they gazed back at him. He snarled at them and they cowered back. That done he stepped into the gents, splashed some water on his face and studied his reflection in the mirror. Emotions back in check he headed to the med bay.

Jessica had discovered she could push herself in the chair and was happily exploring that as she navigated herself around the room. Ianto was culled up on the other bed looking absolutely ghastly. Jack was sat at the desk flipping through the file Toshiko had compiled on the bullet. All threes men looked up at the sound of a crash. Jessica picked herself and the chair up and sat herself down on the stool next to Ianto’s bed. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded. She whispered again and he nodded again.

He managed to shift over slightly and Jessica crawled onto the bed. She took hold of his hand and he grimaced. He turned his head to face her and she nodded.

"Right you two, " Jack said, "I am going to leave you in Owens capable hands. Don't give him any trouble, " he added as he left.

Owen walked over picking up some gloves. He walked around, picked up
the stool and brought it round to the other side of the bed so he could face Ianto.

"Any point asking where it hurts?" he asked.

Ianto closed his eyes. He took a deep breath to try to steady himself. Owen could sense his nerves as he faltered. No witty remark, no deadpan delivery this time Owen noted.
After what seemed like an eternity Ianto spoke.

"Where I got kicked."

Owen turned to Jessica. She was resolutely gazing at her finger nails.

"Where was that? I did not see what happened." He asked gently.

Jessica gulped and glanced down at Ianto. His face was unreadable. "embarrassed now" she said. She shook her head slightly as she continued looking at him. Ianto opened his eyes with a shaky breath.

"Why?" Owen asked.

"Why what?" Jessica responded obviously confused.

"Why would you be embarrassed?" Owen asked.

"I don't, I, um," She faltered, "because you know, man talk. Erm, I should be somewhere else now."

"For the record I am doing this for medical reasons only." Owen said.

Ianto nodded.

Owen choose his next words carefully. He knew he had to gain Ianto’s confidence and quick.

"Look, I know I am a right bastard at times but I am a good doctor even if I do say so myself. I need to find out what's causing you that pain so I can treat it. Now we will go as slow as you need to and if it gets too much let me know and I will stop. Okay?"

Ianto, overcome with another jolt of pain could merely nod.

When Jack walked into the room ten minutes later he did not expect to see well what he saw. The only thing of the bed he could see was Jessica sat on it. Owen and most of Ianto was obscured by makeshift curtains and screens.

"I thought Jessica was the sick one, " Jack said as he noticed her holding the instrument tray.

"I am. His sicker at the moment. I'm a woman, I am used to working through illness." Jessica replied.

Jack could not dispute that. He did not even attempt to.

"So how is the new patient then?" He asked steering the conversation onto what he hoped was safer ground. As he approached he saw Ianto’s suit neatly hung up. Jessica moved just in time to allow Ianto some dignity as he heaved again.

"Out of action." Owen said, "with no arguments" he added before he received any protests.

Ianto took a shaky breath. He flopped down onto the pillows. Owen stuck a thermometer into his mouth. Then he stuck another one into Jessica's mouth before making his way out, careful to maintain Ianto's privacy. Jessica rolled her eyes. Ianto did not have the energy to
roll his. As he curled back up Jessica grabbed the blanket and threw it over him.

Owen walked over to Jack.

"How is he though, really?" Jack asked, concern apparent.

"Still checking everything but obviously sick. Someone, and I suspect we know who given the weekend, has really done a number on him and that was before Gwen got her foot in. And I suspect he has the flu to."

"He seemed fine this morning though."

"Yes well he is good at hiding things." Owen commented with only just the hint of sarcasm. Jack let it go, he knew that Owen would look after Ianto despite the ill feelings between the two men. "Either way I am going to have to check everyone else has been immunised. And keep people out of the room. " Owen added hinting strongly at Jack. Jack looked over at Jessica who had the sick bowl in front of Ianto again.

"And the other one? "

"Determined to bloody catch it by the looks of it. She's going to be feeling rough soon and she informs me that bullet included flu I figured let them get on with it. I get the impression she needs to feel useful and he does not care. And if she's happy to do that for now
then it saves me getting puked on," Owen added, "look you can have a report when I am done."

Jack knew when to take a hint.

"Oh and see if you can get her something to wear other than my clothes." Owen said.
Jack merely nodded as Owen stepped behind the curtain again.

He noted the temperature down of both thermometers.

"Sorry Ianto but I need to check what's going on under the blanket now, " Owen said.

He felt sympathy for the younger man as Ianto groaned nervously. Or out of pain, with Ianto one could never tell. Outwardly he seemed calm but the machine monitoring his pulse rate indicated his heart was now beating faster. Nevertheless he uncurled and moved so he was flat on his back. Jessica without prompting moved to slip of the bed but Ianto grabbed her by the arm. Owen observed his heart got faster as Jessica moved. That was not just nerves, Owen observed, he was actually scared. Not in an extra adrenaline as you approach the monster way but something else. Jessica gulped audibly. She glanced at the machine.

"Wow." She gasped, "hell of a grip there Yan."




"Yah, look going to wait out here," She said as she slipped out of the bed and out of the curtain. Owen slipped in.

"Ready?" Owen asked,

"I am positive." Ianto said. "Just get on with it. "

Owen waited until Jessica had repositioned herself with her back to Owen. She shut the curtain and they could hear her picking the chair back up. Owen put a fresh pair of gloves on and Ianto closed his eyes. He could not bare to see Owens face as he looked. Despite his pain and illness he still felt embarrassed at what was about to happen as he turned his head away. Owen lifted up the blanket and he winced. A quick examination confirmed his suspicions. He replaced the blanket gently.

"What do you mean you need me to get Jock Straps?" Jack asked an hour later.

"Gwen has a good kick. She gave him a nasty knock leaving Ianto with injuries. Treated by ice packs and support and rest. And since I know the only way he will get rest is to be under supervision I am keeping him here." Owen glared into the computer. He waited until Jack's image was replaced by Toshikos.

"Sometimes I hate this job" He said.

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fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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