Revelations and Recollections Chapter Nine

Oct 03, 2010 23:37

  On days like this Jack was thankful that the Rift was quiet. He was not certain how they would cope if an emergency came up with three members off staff. He had also forgotten how much he hated doing the day to day stuff as he fed the Weevils. They snarled at him as he
threw in their feed. Yet, he would rather deal with a thousand Weevils than the currently possessed Gwen. Yet Gwen was his responsibility he mused, as he worked his much farther up the hall way.

"Hello Gwen" He said as he pushed her meal under the door, "How you doing?"

Gwen merely glared at him. "When I get out of here I am going to kill you to." She said. Her voice sounded inhumane.

"Would love to see you try." Jack responded as Gwen started to eat.

"No coffee?" She asked in Gwen's voice.

"Ianto is, otherwise engaged," Jack responded.

"His busy shagging the alien upstairs then," Gwen concluded wrongly.

"Oh I really doubt that . No , his on sick leave," He replied. He did not mention that soon someone was more than likely have to provide alternative relief to Jessica. And wasn't that going to be an interesting problem to solve?

"The alien made him sick. She will make you sick to Jack. Let me out of this cell and I will look after you," Gwen tried as she pressed herself up against the glass.

"Not going to happen. Now do you need anything else? Apart from a gun," Jack asked as he backed away slowly.

"No," Gwen sighed as she turned towards her mobile.

"Tosh monitor Gwen's communications. I do not want a city wide scare because she has told Rhys aliens exist," Jack said as he entered.

Toshiko handed Jack a cup of coffee from the cafe next door. "I managed to get hold of Jessica's full file. She's an interesting read." she said as he handed it to him.

"You Angel." He said as he gulped it down. "Just don't tell Ianto otherwise I will be on decaff for a month." He sipped it again, sighing as he swallowed down his cup of caffeine high. He quickly glanced over the file.

"How is he?" Toshiko asked as she sipped her own coffee.

"I am about to go find out." Jack responded. He took a gulp of his coffee down and set it down on Toshiko's desk. He retrieved the requested jock strap and icepack on his way down.

"Ah, " Jack said as he entered the make shift sickbay. He found two miserable looking patients tucked up in the same bed. Someone had tucked them in well as they huddled together.

"They were cold." Owen said as way of an explanation. "Had to improvise a bit. And it got him to sleep."

"Yeah but what about her?" Jack asked.

"She has nightmares, which given the circumstances is understandable. I'm monitoring the situation, " Owen said as he stood up and stretched. He clicked his neck a few times to try to ease the stiffness from it. He took the icepack from Jack and sighed.

"This is not going to be fun," Owen muttered.

"How you two feeling this morning?" Owen asked as him and Jack walked over to the bed. Ianto did not reply , Jessica give a thumbs down. "Any warmer?" Owen asked.

Ianto shook his head, his eyes going wide at the sight of the icepack. Jessica nodded. Under the blankets Ianto shifted slightly, subconsciously backing away from the almost inevitable ice that was heading his way. Jessica crawled out of the bed grabbed a tissue from the box, turned her head away and launched into a coughing fit. That done she dropped the tissue into the bin and stumbled towards the makeshift sink. Jack, with the quicker reactions grabbed her before she fell over. Ianto lacked the energy to even do that as he started
coughing himself. Jessica clung onto Jack as she tried to regain her breath, her legs giving way even as Jack held her up.

"Lets get you back into bed," Jack said kindly as he led her to the other bed. Her legs give way again and Jack had to pick her up.

" Every time I try to walk that happens, " Jess gasped out. She coughed again doubling up. Jack stroked her back soothingly. He looked towards Owen for confirmation who nodded.

"Okay, you need to try to calm down Ianto, yeah. It's okay she's not going anywhere until we figure out what is causing this. She's just going to be outside the curtain a second while I get you sorted out okay, " Owen said as he started drawing the curtains around. "Nice and slow at your pace remember," Owen continued.

"I remember," Ianto replied.

Jack wondered what was going on behind the curtain as he heard rustling about. Ianto screamed out in pain and Owen apologised. He even managed to sound sincere in his apology which Ianto silently accepted. More rustling as Owen asked Ianto to uncurl. Ianto cursed again as Jack assumed he compiled.

"Owen, let me do this bit myself?" Ianto said at one point and Owen stepped outside the curtain.

"Take your time, let me know when you're done." Owen said from outside. It sounded painful judging by Ianto's whimpers that he tried to bite down.

"Don't think I forgot about you," Owen addressed Jessica who looked abashed. "Bronchitis, I think not," he said as he removed a stethoscope from his pocket. "Sit." he ordered.

Jessica sighed as she complied. Or attempted to as she flopped down again. She whimpered and curled up. She shook her head, gritted her teeth and slowly uncurled herself. Owen and Jack helped her sit back up. She gripped the metal side of the bed her face contorted with

"Get on with it," she gasped. Her head dropped forward as she chocked back her tears.

Owen got on with it.

It took both Jack and Owen to get the two of them sorted as soon as Owen was finished behind the curtain again. Jack could see no trace of the icepack but judging by Ianto’s face, it did not take a genius to guess where it was. Jack found himself passing pillows and sheets as Owen busied himself with getting them both sat up and tucked back in.

"You okay to stay with these two while I go get the medicine?" Owen said. Jack nodded and sat down on the stool. Owen exited muttering to himself.

"I should be working," Ianto said.

"Not while you're like that you are not. Its all in hand so do not worry about anything but getting better, " Jack responded. He noticed the pair where dressed in scrubs and said so.

"Yeah lack of PJs. Owens clothes got itchy," Jessica commented.

"They suit you both," Jack replied.

He was met by two scarily identical looks that said we do not believe
you. Jack chuckled.

"You look cosy anyway."

Ianto coughed at that, it sounded painful as he did so. He laid back down exhausted. He did not notice that he laid back down on Jessica. She wiggled an arm free and waved at Jack.

"I got a Ianto blanket. " She said. "Which would normally be an excellent proposition but I don't think Owen would like it."

"But does Jessica like it?" Jack asked smiling.

She wiggled her other arm free and give two thumbs up at Jack. "Ianto
blanket good, everyone should have an one."

Ianto realised what he had done and attempted to move , Jack moving to give him a hand. Jessica looked disappointed at this momentarily until another spasm of pain hit and she grabbed hold of the side railings again. This time she bit down on them. Then she wrapped her legs around the bars before she started trembling. Ianto turned his head to
look as Jack moved to the other side of the bed. Tears fell freely down her face now as her legs kicked out. Jack side stepped a kick and understood why she had put her legs through the railings.

"So it begins." She sobbed. "And I just figured out which bullet it is."

"There's more than one?" Ianto asked.

"Ten known ones." Jack confirmed as he went to retrieve the bullet
from the desk.

"Yeah that was what One found to. And it's not the one I initially thought." Jessica sighed.

He brought it back to her. "I thought it looked familiar. We used these
at the time agency." Jack said.

"Well that's good then isn't it?" Ianto asked.

"ARGHHHHH, NO. BAD. bad bad." Jessica screamed out.

"We used these as torture to obtain information. Three weeks was normally enough for us to get what we needed out of suspects. Heck most people did not even make it to three days. But there was no respite for them, no escape. Except death, it was because off that we
stopped using them," he looked at the two remorseful.

Both Jessica and Ianto paled at that.

"Three weeks?" Ianto said. He mouthed the word Fuck.

"Argh, Okay three weeks. Don't suppose you have anything that can speed it up or something?" Jessica said struggling for breath.

"Bad?" Jack asked.

"Agony. even being poisoned by a Spantox hurt less than this," she chocked out as she clung on to the bed. She turned and bit the pillow as her muscles started to spasm.

"I am sorry, no, no we don't." Jack sighed.

Owen came in at that point. Jack started to speak but Owen cut him off. "I heard over the coms which is why I brought the really good stuff. However Gwen is apparently attempting to eat the walls."

"I wondered when that would happen. I will check in on you kids later." Jack said. He leaned over and quickly kissed both Ianto and Jessica's foreheads. "Look after them." Jack said as a parting shot. "They are going to need a friend."

Owen intended to do just that as he eventually got the pair set up with really strong pain relief, antibiotics and saline drips. Both of them looked green at the suggestion of food but at least after the muscle relaxant Jessica was able to let go of the bed. Well that was after Owen had prised her painfully off. Ianto looked happier after the painkiller was administered and the ice pack took away. And both of them looked somewhat pleased as he placed another blanket over them. After carrying out some observational tests on the pair he decided
there was not a lot else he could do at the moment. Other than wait and see what developed. And if there was one thing Owen hated in situations like these it was waiting.

"Does he do that a lot?" Jessica asked breaking the silence.

"What?" Owen asked.

"The kiss thing?" She replied. "Jack, does he do that a lot?"

"Yeah not a day here without someone getting snogged by Jack." Owen replied.

Unfortunately for Gwen it was not her being snogged today. As Owen
correctly stated she was trying to eat the walls. Jack leaned back and
watched her until she noticed his presence. She turned around and Jack could see her face. She had scrapped it in her attempts and it was bleeding. Jack made a quick assessment as he noticed her wrists where bleeding to. Not enough for significant blood loss but enough to concern Jack. Teeth marks where embedded into her arm to. He should not take a possessed prisoner , staff member or other wise, out of the cell but also, he had vowed once that he would never let a prisoner suffer either.

He got onto his com again. "Toshiko bring the chair to the cells please." He commanded. A few minutes later Toshiko had arrived. As standard protocol she aimed her gun at Gwen as Jack let her out of the cell and got her secured.

"I told Owen we are bringing her up." She said as they walked along
the corridor.

"Thanks Tosh."

"So how long is she going to be possessed for?"

"I have no idea. " Jack said, "I am not even certain what is possessing her now."

"Oh, well I could hack into Gwen's email, say she's going to be delayed?" Toshiko looked thoughtful at that as she relished the thought of plotting a cover up. Jack noticed that and pondered this. Gwen for her part was unable to do a lot of anything thanks to the
restraints and the gag. They reached the makeshift hospital ward where Owen was waiting for them.

"Right what have we here then?" Owen asked.

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fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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