Revelations and Recollections Chapter Ten

Oct 03, 2010 23:39

 The wound was easy to solve. In fact Gwen's problem was, on paper, easy to sort when it came down to it. Not like Jessica had much choice be part of the solution. Jack had seen to that three days previous. The first Owen known about it was when Jessica' terrified screams had woken him up from a well deserved nap. He shuddered at that. He tried not to think about it.

And failed.

"No Jack, no, no please no. Someone stop him, this is a bad idea," Jessica had screamed as she gripped hold of the bed.

"It has to be done, now let go." Had been Jacks response as he tried to prise her fingers from the metal railings. Ianto in his own state had tried to help by taking hold of Jessica's legs. He was not certain who he was helping as Jessica kicked out trying to get Jack to let go.

"Jack what are you doing?" Owen asked.

"What needs doing. There is no other way, " had been Jacks reply. He had prised one of Jessica's hands from the bed which she was now using to attempt to fight Jack off. She was terrified, there was no other word for it.

"His going to let Gwen shoot me. Again. Which as the person getting shot I do not want," Jessica had protested as Jack worked on prising her other hand off.

"And as the person who will get to deal with her after I am not exactly thrilled about," Ianto had contributed as he weekly tried to get Jack of Jessica.

"No , Jack I won't let you do this," Owen had protested as he joined them, "This is a bad idea."

"It has to be done." Jack said as he managed both of her hands free at once. Jessica bit him as he slung her over his shoulder in a fire-fighter’s lift.

"Put me down, oh god no, she's going to kill me, " Jessica attempted to pull Jacks hair now as he carried her determinedly out.

Owen followed behind. "Jack, she has a point, Gwen is under the impression that Jessica is
an alien. Which I can absolutely confirm is not the case. This is a crazy idea," Owen said as he tried to get Jessica of Jack. Jessica was frantically trying to find something to cling on to but was ultimately failing.

In the end despite Owens protests and Jessica's screaming Jack had allowed Gwen to put three bullets into Jessica. It was lucky really that possessed Gwen was a bad shot as Owen rushed to get Jessica out of the room.

Toshiko proved to be an excellent nurse as she helped in removing the bullets. Ianto proved to be great at offering reassurance although he was feeling awful. Jack had wisely removed himself from the situation entirely as he stayed in his office. It was a shame that Gwen did not. Owen had to physically remove her from the med bay as Jessica grew more and more hysterical. Hysterical and incoherent as she tried to speak. Owen suspected that it was the sight of Gwen that had triggered memories of what had just happened. No doubt she would
have went and had a moan to Jack but at that moment Owen did not care.

It was not just the bullets that Owen had to deal with though. Jessica had not dealt with it well. In fact she was not dealing with the entire situation at all as she withdrew into herself. It was certainly keeping Owen on his toes as he was forced to become creative. He supposed it was a good thing that Ianto was able to cope with feeding himself as he fought for some independence and thankfully he was keeping meals down. Unlike Jessica whom Owen had to help. He was gaining a new understanding for his former nursing colleagues as he
spooned the jelly into her mouth.

"No more," she groaned as she swallowed. She flopped back onto her pillow as Owen was starting to consider seriously a feeding tube. At least she had managed more than the last attempt he mused. This time she had almost completed the pot of fruit jelly.

"Okay I just need you to take these, " Owen said reassuringly as she eased herself slowly and painfully back up. She gagged slightly on the pills he give her and sipped on the water. He eased himself off the bed as Jessica settled down.

"Going to try sleep." She muttered as she curled up.

"I could give you a sleeping pill, " Owen said.

"Cool, thanks but no thanks, don't want to let anyone shoot me." She replied with a yawn. Owen covered her with a blanket and observed her clutching hold of it with her good arm. She cradled it like a child would a teddy bear. Then give up and attempted to use her pillow. Owen watched this confused slightly. She opened her eyes.


"Yes Jessica?" He replied as the pillow went back under her head.

"Um, I have never been able to sleep properly without a....Oh. "

"Without a?" Owen prompted.

"Teddy bear." She whispered embarrassed.

He sighed as he sat back down. "A teddy bear? Really?"

"Well when a person unavailable. And my persons permanently unavailable. I know its pathetic but . .." Jessica trailed off.

Owen pressed a button on his com. " Since I am unable to go anywhere can someone please find a teddy bear?" He asked.

This got a few incredulous replies as the team upstairs processed that request. Owen glared.

"Well since you allowed her to be shot yes it is bloody needed." Owen snarled back in reply to Jack. Another brief pause. "Thank you Tosh, no that's all." He said as he closed the com connection off. "Toshiko's sorting one out for you. Think you can try until then. "

Jessica nodded. And she tried, she really did but when Toshiko carried a big teddy bear in twenty minutes later she was still awake. "Its okay. I understand. Sometimes I sleep with one to." Toshiko whispered to Jess as she passed it to her. Jessica smiled shyly at that as she slipped the bear under the covers. She gave it an experimental sniff and winked at Tosh.

"Thank you." She mouthed.

"I have another." Toshiko mouthed back and the pair shared a giggle.

"Right, now will you finally go to sleep?" Owen said.

"Yes Doctor." Jessica said as she settled down with a yawn. "I wonder if it's possible to train Myfanwy to lift a human up, or you know a monster. Because Gwen would be the ideal crash test dummy. "

"Think she's serious about that?" Owen asked Toshiko. The possibility was now in Toshikos head now he knew.

"The idea is worth looking at." Toshiko replied. She was already figuring out how bests to run a stimulation of the idea.

Jessica actually managed to get about five hours of sleep before Ianto awoke.

"LISA!" He screamed out.

Jessica stirred with a jolt. Toshiko who had been going through the Tralek egg data with Owen , caught the bear as it flew up in Jessica's shock. Owen sighed as he went over to Ianto’s side of the room. He discovered that Ianto was shaking and sobbing silently as he

"Bloody hell." Owen muttered as he reluctantly shook Ianto's shoulder. He did
not want to deal with what he knew was going to inevitably happen. Yet
he knew he would. Because he could relate to what Ianto was going
through even though he did not want to admit it to anyone. Especially himself.

"Ianto, you're having a nightmare, its okay, " Owen said as Ianto
instinctively clutched onto Owen.

Ianto made a selection of sounds as he remained mentally trapped in
the nightmare. Owen kept hold of him as Ianto slowly pulled himself

"Well look who decided to wake up," Owen said, trying to keep his tone
neutral. He failed he achieved sarcastic instead. This was probably
a good thing on reflection Owen mused. Ianto realised he was
clutching on to Owen as he quickly let go.

"Well what was that about then? And don't say nothing you screamed so
loud you set the Weevils off." Owen continued. Ianto shuddered as he
looked uncertain. Owen cast a quick look over at Toshiko who nodded
and retrieved the laptop. She removed her communicator and Owen did
the same. She pressed few buttons as Jessica watched.

"Sound is now off, CCTV feed" She pressed a few buttons ""is now off."
She pressed a few more buttons and the door clicked audibly. "That
should distract them for a few minutes." She said.

"How did you do that?" Jessica asked now wide awake again.

"I can show you" Toshiko replied with a grin.

"Nightmare" Ianto admitted as he flopped back down onto the pillow.

"About?" Owen prompted. He sat down and glanced over at Toshiko. She
had took a similar seat next to Jessica who was clutching hold of
the bear. They both were resolutely not looking over to the two
men. Their concentration solely on the laptop as Toshiko tapped away.
Toshiko was looking thoughtful at something Jessica was saying.

Ianto indicated over to the two girls. "Lisa. it was about Lisa. and
fall." Ianto admitted, his welsh accent coming through

Owen nodded. "You see anyone about that?" He asked Ianto.

"Online counselling. One session," Ianto said with a heavy sigh.

"I said see not some new age quack."

"No. What was I meant to do? Who would have believed me Owen?"

Owen conceded that point. There had been very little help offered for
those who had survived. A few had been institutionalised, left to face
the horrors of a life of remembering. He knew off a few who could not
cope and had took dramatic action. Unit had taken on some and those
that Owen and Susie found had been Retconned. Which now left the two
in the room with him. Jack had hired Ianto and that might not have
been the best idea. And Jessica herself was claiming to have no clear memory
about what happened in Suzie’s company. Tests had concluded a whole lot of
alcohol and a vague recollection of dubious but legal highs. Which
was just peachy as nobody knew what the long term affects of them
could be.

"Right, your obviously not dealing very well with events and that's
understandable. I will give you something to help with that okay." Owen said.


"Yeah well you should have said something sooner ." Owen chided.

"Like you would have?" Ianto said sharply.

Owen sighed again as he fished his wallet out of her pocket. He
opened it, pulled a picture out of it and gazed at it a moment before
he handed it to Ianto. Ianto looked at it slightly confused.

"Her name was Katie and she's the reason I am here. Doctors thought it
was a brain tumour but it turned out to be an alien in her head. it
killed her and the entire operating crew. Harkness went swooping in
there and retrieved it and left me to explain everything. Everyone thought
I was going crazy, they almost convinced me I was. Hell I almost
convinced Myself it was some horrible nightmare, " Owen paused, he had to take a few
moments to compose himself. Ianto sat silently. "He turned up at her
funeral and after I decked him he offered me a job. I blamed myself
for a long time Ianto just like I know you're blaming yourself now."

Ianto reacted to that silently but his face spoke volumes.

"I understand why you did what you did. Not thrilled that you did but she
manipulated you. Love and grief can seriously mess with your head
mate." Owen concluded. "It is not worth it."

Toshiko heard and closed her eyes briefly. Jessica noticed.
"Ouch." She commented to Toshiko, as at the same time Ianto replied
"Sometimes it is. "

The four sat in silence in contemplation as a sombre mood took over .
A mood that was as broken when Jessica looked back at the laptop.

"Does Gwen realise that when she pulls that face she looks like a
constipated cow?" Jessica asked aloud.

It killed the tension as Toshiko beckoned the two men over. Owen
helped a still weak but now over his Flu Ianto over. The four of them
watched as Gwen sat down at her desk for a bit of snooping. And
laughed at her disappointed face when she realised that she could not
spy on what was happening in the room she had been banned out of. They
followed her progress as she tried to gain entrance to the room, now
convinced that something was going on. As she went to fetch Jack they
watched as she led the way back down. Toshiko quickly allowed the door
to reopen as Owen and Ianto quickly dived to the other side of the
room. Owen unable to hide his smirk drew the curtains around the bed
as communicators were quickly replaced.

Toshiko may have got a bit of a thrill when Gwen looked confused at
the door now opening.

"That really is lovely, " Jessica improvised as she pointed at the laptop.

"And If I do this, " Toshiko said typing in the code to enable the cctv
feed to work again.

"Wow that's really pretty. Its incredible the stuff you can do . Can
you teach me how to do one?" Jessica asked.

"Oh yeah, lets start simple press that button there and it will bring
up the options. " Toshiko said as she slipped her glasses back up her nose.

Behind the curtain Owen had stuffed his fist into his mouth to try and
prevent laughing. Because not only would it give the game away but
Owen Harper vowed not to be caught giggling by his boss again. This
time he would not be the one to give the game away. Ianto noticing
this dragged Owen on to the bed and held his hand over Owens mouth. A
slight snort escaped which Ianto covered with a coughing fit.

"Hello Jack." Toshiko said , "Gwen."

"What you kids up to?" Jack asked.

Jessica turned away from the pair. Gwen made her feel very uncomfortable.
Gwen smiled undeterred, this was going exactly to plan she mused.
She stepped into the room.

"That statement , I still wonder if its possible." Jessica said as she
turned her attention back to the laptop. Ianto looked confused but he knew
Jessica a bit too well.

"I am not cleaning up after that, " Ianto called out behind the curtain.

"What? " Gwen asked confused. It appeared the plan had gone slightly
wrong, but well she was adaptable.

"I have no idea," Jack replied.

"Ah yes, that one. I ran some simulations and it is possible," Toshiko said. That at least was not a lie, she really had ran the simulations.

"Toshiko that's twisted, brilliant but twisted, " Ianto replied.

Behind the curtain Owen regained control. Till Ianto started mouthing
"What plan?" at him which set him off again. Ianto pinched Owen which stopped the impending giggles.

"Right lets be cleaning this up. Looks like it's healing nicely. And
Toshiko, for research purposes could I have a copy?" Owen said,
managing somehow to keep the laughter out of his voice.

"Will email it to you" Toshiko replied.

"Oh yeah that can wait if you want to email it now," Jessica said, "I
imagine their would be a fair bit of mess. But if it worked imagine
the potential," she added.

"What threat? Gwen asked sounding a little agitated.

"The idea does have merit though if we could work out the
practicalities." Owen said thinking aloud. "Would save on man
power." He scribbled down Jessica's idea on the pad and handed it to Ianto.
Ianto smirked at the idea even as Owen picked up the clipboard and
started making proper notes.

"Would save us some work. It's getting hard to transport some of the
creatures we have through, the SUV is not big enough," Ianto added now he was up to speed. .
Owen opened the curtain as Ianto pretended to straighten out his top.

"Not sure how Myfanwy deal with it though that's something to
factor in, " Tosh said, "and getting her to accept what was happening."

"Oh she would as long as we had the chocolate. And Covered it
in barbecue source"

"Are you seriously thinking that through?" Jessica asked. She sounded excited. "It is slightly unethical. I mean could it not be seen as exploitation?"

"Very unethical, " Ianto agreed.

"Can pterodactyls even be exploited?" Owen asked. "What? Just saying?" He added quickly from Ianto's look.

Four sets of eyes looked at one another across the room. Three heads
nodded in agreement.

"Yea, " Jessica seemed happy as she subconsciously reached for the
crackers Owen had left on her table.

"Figure what out? Doing what" Jack asked .He recognised the glint in
Toshikos eyes as she had a new project to work on. He recognised Ianto
as he ran through something in his mind. He recognised Owen as he
scribbled down a note or two on the clip board. Everything seemed
normal. The rest of his team seemed to be working together on some
sort of project as Gwen looked frustrated. Everyone started talking
all at once as Ideas floated across the room.

"We would have to test it off course before carrying out it." Toshiko said.

"Would not be hard to do. I have corpses in storage we could use to
check for any damage," Owen said.

"What about using the Weevil? They seem pretty tough. They look like
they could weigh a fair bit, " Jessica added.

"You are not using the Weevils for anything." Jack interjected quickly
at that.

"Okay just a thought!" Jessica said.

" We would need to see how much she could carry. " Owen thought aloud.

"I could time it." Ianto added, "See how long it takes."

" Give you a stop watch and your happy."

"Yeah its the buttons." Ianto replied well natured as Toshiko
started typing frantically. Jessica chuckled at that.

"Time what?" Gwen asked as she sat down on the desk chair.

Jack knew he was going to get no sense out of his team as they all
started talking at once. He could pick up the odd word such as tests
and the odd phrase such as How tall is the Hubs ceiling? He heard Jet
pack and containment to and worryingly Ianto seemed fixated on
something exploding. And Jessica equally worrying seemed to be pleased
at things exploding until Ianto pointed out not that kind of exploding.
Whatever the group where planning it seemed like they were planning to test it in the Hub. At least Jack would be able to reign them in he mused.

Apparently they were not going to let Gwen or himself in on the
secret though as they seemed to forget Gwen and Jacks presence.

"There fine, see nothing wrong, lets just leave them to it. Whatever
they are planning I suspect we will find out soon enough. Besides you
still need to do your end of year accounts, " Jack said.

"Doesn't Ianto do them?" Gwen asked.

"No every team member is responsible for their own. Besides Ianto is
recovering," Jack said as he gently guided Gwen out of the room.

Over the next few thankfully quiet days Jack observed as Owen allowed
Ianto back to work on light duties. Jack was grateful for that as he
missed Ianto’s' contribution around the place. Although he was still
going without regular doses of Ianto's coffee, as Ianto’s' bandaged hands impeded him making it. He was not so grateful when he discovered Ianto was giving him and Gwen
decaff from the local cafe. He vowed not to upset Ianto again if possible. However shooting Jessica had been his only option at the time.

Jessica, although unbalanced and by now sporting rainbow coloured
bruises as well as a permanent look of pain was allowed to the main level for
short periods of time. Owen did not even seem to mind as she watched
him perform an autopsy on a Weevil victim. In fact he was almost
teacher like as he allowed her to observe and ask questions. Jack almost
chuckled when he found her afterwards with a book about human biology.
In fact everything was as expected until Owen allowed Ianto to go into
the archives.

Jack knew that him and Gwen where in big trouble with him then. Maybe
even on decaff and no biscuits when Ianto came storming out an hour
later. The three innocent parties took a strategically retreat to safety.
Well the relative safety of the gantry. By mutual agreement they
watched from the area near the baseball hoop.

"A tenner says Ianto has found pizza boxes," Owen said.

"Tenner says Gwen mentions Rhys," Toshiko added.

"I have no money but if I had I bet Gwen tries to get Ianto to talk
about the real issue. And I bet Jack tries to flirt his way out of
it," Jessica added.

"Jack tries to flirt his way out of everything," Owen pointed out.

"well it would be a safe bet then would it not?" Jessica pointed out.

"Right then, I shall take your bet, Fifty pounds says he will not try to flirt his way out of it." Owen said.

"You may as well just pay her now, " Toshiko sighed, "oh Ianto looks really unhappy."

"His holding a pizza box," Owen said.

"why was this filled under F?" Ianto asked, indeed holding a pizza box.

"For food." Jack replied like it was obvious.

"And since when did we file pizza boxes?" Ianto asked. He may possibly
have raised an eye brow at Jack's statement.

"Ianto sweetheart what's the problem?" Gwen asked as she walked towards
him. Ianto neatly side stepped her still brandishing the pizza box.

"The problem is that you between the two of you have caused a mess.
Now I would normally blame Owen but since he has been downstairs I
fail to see how he could have created all this mess. "

"he did though." Jack tried.

"In autopsy yes but he had the good grace to tidy up after himself, " Ianto retorted.

At that Owen smirked. "I did. Don't know why but I did."

"Your nice side coming out?" Jessica suggested.

"I don't have one," Owen said.

"Yeah right. Liar." Jessica said as she leaned on the railing for balance. Owen put a steadying arm around her. "See?"

"The archive's , which given how quiet things have been, you did not
need to enter, was in absolute chaos. and someone fed Janet

Toshiko and Owen made disgusted faces.

"She likes chocolate." jack tried to defend himself.

"then you can clean up the next lot of results. Chocolate makes her ill." Ianto simply said.

Owen and toshiko made uh oh faces. Owen cursed when he realised that Ianto had indeed cleaned it up. He made a mental note to later give Ianto a list of light duties.

"Ill? " Gwen asked. Ianto brought up the before cleaned up image of
Janet's cell. Gwen looked ill herself. She soon recovered.

"It must be the flu making you cranky Ianto. Rhys always gets cranky
when his ill. How about I heat you up some soup? That will make you
better." Gwen said as she attempted to sit Ianto down. Ianto merely
handed her the offending pizza box.

"Told you so, " Toshiko said as money exchanged hands.

"I know I am a bit messy but you tidy up so good. You seem so happy
tidying up so I thought I would leave it for you to do. See I am a
considerate boss. " Jack tried.

"There is a family of mould taking up residence in your coffee cups
Jack. your Starbucks coffee cups. " Ianto said as his fists clenched.

"You threatened to shoot anyone who touched the machine. " Jack pointed out.

"Anyone that drinks Starbucks is so going to get the Jones glare." Jessica said as her leg protested at being stood on. She sank down gracefully on the floor. "His mothers was
terrifying, never forgot that."

"You met his mother?" Toshiko asked.

"When I was a kid I would spend summer holidays at my Grans in
Cardiff. My Gran worked with his mum. Mrs. Jones was a lovely woman, made
the best Cake ever but when you where in trouble you understood it.
Oh there it is , the Jones glare. " Jessica said.

Owen and Toshiko both confirmed that Ianto was glaring. it was barely
noticeable but it was there. His clenched fists were now more notable.

"You two created the mess, you two clean it up, " Ianto said. He
walked away towards the coffee machine to check on if they had damaged
any of that. Jack looked mildly worried. He had touched the coffee

Gwen moved to follow him until a bunch of cleaning supplies landed in
front of her. She looked up surprised, noticed Jessica and glared.
Jessica looked up, noticed Myfanwy with a brush in her mouth and

"You tell them girl." She said addressing the prehistoric creature.
Myfanwy squawked sending the brush clattering in front of Jack.

Ianto came storming back in.

"Who touched the coffee machine?" He asked.

"Starbucks and using the coffee machine? Big trouble," Jessica
shuddered theatrically.

"More specifically who broke the coffee machine?" Ianto asked.

"Its a machine, they break, Rhys breaks ours all the time," Gwen said.

"Has Rhys been into the Hub?" Ianto asked.

"Ermmm, No." Gwen cringed.

The glare was even more noticeable this time. Jack mentally adjusted
his decaff calculation to at least three months. Owen thought about stepping in to calm Ianto down. Ianto was clearly waiting for someone to own up. His steady gaze somehow fixed on both
of them.

" More specifically who broke the coffee machine and tried to repair it
with superglue? Which I am inevitably going to have to scrape off the
sink." Ianto’s gaze settled on Jack.

Owen decided for his own safety he would let Ianto get on with it.

"Just how do I get myself off decaff coffee?" Jack groaned as Ianto
drew the correct conclusion.

Ianto did not answer.

"Pay rise? New coffee machine? blow...." Jack started to list.

Jack did not get to finish that last word as everyone reacted.

"That's harassment sir"

" That's Fifty quid you have just lost me Harkness."

" I cannot believe you just said that. His traumatised "

"Owen pay her, you took the bet."

"Oh My God the rumours were true."

Jack turned towards the three. "You kids making bets out of My
predicament? And what rumours?"

"That you would shag anything with a postcode. " Jessica replied.

"I do have standards but why limit yourself?" Jack replied good natured.

"Oh wonderful" Ianto muttered offended. He walked to the bottom of the stairs
and helped Jessica down. Toshiko tried, and failed to stifle a yawn.

Jack checked on his watch.

"Look its late, go home, get some rest, take tomorrow off, and go live
normal lives." He said as he handed Toshiko her handbag.

There was no arguments from Gwen as she quickly grabbed her
possessions, shouted a cheerful goodbye and left.

"Before you go Ianto." Owen called out motioning to the autopsy storage cupboard.
Ianto trudged down as Owen handed him several bottles. He quickly explained how to take them before he practically dragged Ianto to the door.

"You're in no state to drive, " Toshiko stated, "I will drop you off."
She said kindly . Ianto offered no argument as he allowed her to lead
the way.

"Right I do not know about you but I am sick of the sight of this place." Owen said.

"A little bit yeah." Jessica admitted.

Owen and Jack exchanged a look. A silent argument ensured which Jack
yielded. He knew that both Jessica and Owen needed a change of
environment, no matter how brief it was.

"Right, looks like you're coming home with me then . You do not want to
be around Jacks attempts at cleaning. Wait here, " he said guiding
Jessica to the couch.

Five minutes later Owen had collected what he would need to treat Jessica for the night and had brought his car to the door.

"This is not going to be awkward is it?" Jessica asked as they left.

"Course not, " Owen replied.

Jack hoped that would be true.

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fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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