Revelations and Recollections Chapter Eleven a

Oct 03, 2010 23:43

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When Ianto and Jessica arrived at the Hub next it was obvious that a) Jessica was
dressed in more of Owens old jeans and b) she arrived at the same time
as Ianto. Owen was nowhere to be seen which Jack raised an eye brow
at. Jessica noticed.

"Owen will be late." She said.

"Its Monday morning, it will be a surprise when he turns up on time."
was Jacks response.

Ianto looked around the Hub. He noticed that every
thing was clean and tidy, the rubbish put out, the glue removed from
the sink and the coffee machine replaced. Even Myfanwy's nest and the
Weevils were cleaned out.

"Well he will be even later. Waiting for the police to whatever it is they do"
Jack had a feeling that Jessica had done some editing to that
statement. He was not wrong. He noticed the look on Jessica's face.

"The police?" Jack asked.

"I know I don't know him very well, but I am kind
of worried about him." Jessica said with a sigh.

"Whys that?" Jack asked.

"He was really withdrawn this morning, he said he just needed some
space to sort his head out but he just seemed weird is all. Ah it's probably nothing. " She said trying to shrug it off.

Jack had a hunch it was definitely something. There was something
nagging at him in the back of his mind. Still he did not show it.

"Ianto, could I have a coffee please? Not decaff. And as soon as Tosh
and Gwen arrive meeting in the board room,"

"Yes sir." Ianto replied. Jack knew that the young man was still annoyed at him.

"And Jessica. I need you to fill some paper work out, " Jack said.

Jessica cast a slightly panicked look at Ianto.

"Is they're a problem?" Jack asked.

" This may get complicated, " Jessica replied.

By the time Gwen and Toshiko arrived Jack realised the extent of
Jessica's statement. He ended up copying down what she said . He hoped
that someone else could figure out the relevant parts later on.

"What are these for anyway?" Jessica asked.

"Survivors benefit, compensation, relocation grant, " Jack said
pointing to each form in turn. "And this one is a change of identity

"What happens if I do not want to change my identity? "

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"I know that I cannot give away the fact I worked at Torchwood but I
don't want to start over either. It was such a struggle to get the
qualifications I did. I know they don't seem much but they're mine. " She
fiddled with her sleeve. "You want to know something, My real name is
not even Jessica. I was born Elizabeth Louise Hopkins." She sighed.
She saw Jack looking. "No relation as far as I know to Alex. I was
adopted as a baby, My biological parents worked for Torchwood. And they put
me and Sophie up for adoption to keep us safe. Now isn't that fucking
irony?" She said.

She seemed sad about that as he fingers drifted over to her mouth. She looked like she was holding an invisible cigarette. "Quit four year ago, times like this though I would easily start up
again," she added.

Jack sat silent sensing she needed to talk.

"New home, new name till we had to move and start all over again.
dad squealed on the bad people and they got kind off pissed off. They would find us and Dad would have to move again. And we moved with him. So many names I cannot remember them all. So many birthdays, so many schools, , so many places I have lived, so many changes to lives and I just don't know if I can do it again. Jessica is the longest name I have had, can you relate to that Jack?!" She said as she fidgeted with her other sleeve.

"Yes, yes I can, " Jack replied.

"So what happens now?"

"That's up to you," Jack said.

"You mean for once I have a choice." Jessica said. She seemed bemused by that.

"Yes, there's some options, you don't have to decide yet." He pulled a
folder from his desk drawer and handed it to her. She looked at him
and looked at it.

"Your options, " Jack said simply, " get Ianto to help you go through them
and you let me know when you are ready."

Jack was surprised slightly when she came around and give him an
awkward hug. She relaxed a little when he returned it. Then held her
up when her legs give way.

"That bullet, is loosing the use of your legs part of its affect?" she asked.

"Amongst other things yes. Its temporary. "

"That's reassuring." Jessica replied. "And Jack, its okay. I know you
had to do what you did the other day. Still not happy about it but I
think I understand. "

"There was no other choice," Jack replied.

"Yes there was. You just could not face it. " She said as she pulled
away as much as her legs would allow her. "they both really got under
your skin right."

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked.

"I think you know. Just be careful Jack, one day it's going to happen,
you will have to choose between them , because that's what happens at
Torchwood. You cannot protect them forever. "

"I know." He replied. "But how did you?"

"You will get your answers apparently, time is wonderful but
confusing. For me it's already happened but for you it has yet to come."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

" Well The man with big ears and that is confusing, well said we would
understand it eventually. It was chaos with the Cybermen and the
pain and stuff. Oh I have not caused like bad things telling
you that have I?"

"I wouldn't have thought so." Jack said kindly. "Just do not tell me
anything else."

"Okay. " She chewed her lip in contemplation.

"Any me" Jack answered her unasked question.

Ianto stuck his head through the door.

"Gwen and Toshiko have arrived." He announced as he brought in a tray with
coffee and a milkshake. In his other hand he had Toshiko's teddy bear
"And the Police have just called. Would we like to go and take Owen
off their hands please?" Ianto said placing both cups on the table.

"What is going on with him today?" Jack asked.

Jessica almost slipped of his lap until Jack caught her. She reached for the milkshake but grabbed
the TARDIS crystal instead. She looked at it thoughtfully.

"He was acting , in their words, disturbed. A member of the public
said he was having some sort of fit on top of a gravestone. However apparently he was also the witness to an assault last night " Ianto said. "involving you, " Ianto said addressing Jessica.

Ianto removed the crystal from her hand and replaced it with the milkshake. She gulped it down inadvertently spilling some.

"What happened Jess?" Ianto asked.

"Nothing. Some guy attempted to mug me, wasn't a lot he could get.
Owen came out the shop and scared him off. Only apparently there was a
spate of them last night so Owens just doing witness statements and
the like. At least I think that's what he said." Jessica said with a shrug.

Ianto give Jessica a brief hug. "You okay?"

" Just one more thing to add to my generous supply. Can we not talk
about this now?" she said, her voice emotionless.

" Right you are. Best find out what Owen has to say for himself, " Jack said.

"Yeah if it was witness statements the police would not have arrested
him." Ianto added as he took hold of Jessica.

"Erm sir, you might want to get changed first." Ianto said. Jack
looked down and sighed. Jessica's spilt milkshake had landed in an unfortunate place.

A quick change of clothes later Jack was back into the main area.
"Ianto , Jess you two are coming with me." He announced. Then he
noticed the two were not there.

"Changing room." Toshiko said as Jack looked around. "Should not be
long, broken zip." She said in explanation.

Five minutes later they emerged. Jessica's jeans and jumper now replaced with a steam punk style outfit. The jeans replaced by a long black cord skirt, the jumper replaced by a by a burgundy red blouse and what appeared to be a waist coat over the top. She appeared to be wearing a mans jacket over the top which was clearly too big for her. It all looked like it would fit in with clothing that Victorians would wear.

"Wow" Was Jacks response as he looked at Jessica.

"What?" Jessica asked confused as she looked down.

"You look stunning!" Jack said.

"Nah." She said. "Really?" She said.

"Its different." Gwen said attempting to sound diplomatic. She gave an appraising look.
She really did not like it, it was obvious.

"You look really nice." Toshiko said. She did like how Jessica was now dressed.

"Cute." Ianto said reassuringly, "Like your old self."

"More than cute. Hot!" Jack said.

Jessica blushed at the compliments.

"Where did you get that?" Gwen asked. She was suddenly reappraising her
opinion on the matter, after all Jack liked it.

"It was her stuff anyway. " Ianto said.

"Second hand shops mainly. I used to stay at Ianto’s in London when the commute was too much. Was just easier to keep some stuff there." Jessica added. "Must have got mixed up."

"They let you wear that for work?" Gwen asked. "It seems regimented."

"Oh this was dress code, suits. I just pushed the boundaries a little bit, " Jessica replied.

"A lot," Ianto corrected under his breath.

"I think it's a look I may introduce" Jack said. "Company dress code. "

"Pot, Kettle, Black." Jessica replied at the same time to Ianto. Toshiko
wheeled the chair over again. Ianto placed her down in it. Toshiko
rummaged in her handbag and produced a mirror. She passed it to Jessica
who took a quick look.

"Well there's no way that is my style Jack, it looks impractical for this job," Gwen said. It was her intention to get Jessica feeling insecure, it would make things so much easier for her later on.

"Wow, you did a good Job. Can barely see the bruises now, " Jessica told
Ianto. "And this was the way Torchwood ladies used to dress. I do feel better in it , feel less exposed now "

"it is historically accurate." Jack noted. Gwen looked surprised at that. "Remind me to show you the photographs later." He told Gwen.

"Oh yes I remember, god fun times going through the photographs." Jessica said as she handed Toshiko the mirror back. Jack looked at his watch pointedly .

"Gwen I expect them expenses on Myfanwy desk by the time I get back" he said pointedly.

"I am going to continue the analysis." Toshiko said with a smile in
Jessica and Ianto’s direction.

"Okay. And you two are coming with me." Jack said as Ianto passed him
his coat. "I think we will take the lift." He said as he walked up to them.

"I shall bring the car round." Ianto said.

"He will not get me wearing a dress like that for work. It looks so
old fashioned." Gwen mumbled.

"Its vintage." Jessica yelled, "And actually very comfortable, and
much smarter than your jeans and jumper."

"Now now ladies." Jack said playing peacekeeper.

"It looks very nice, wonder if it would suit me?" Toshiko muttered as
she looked down thoughtfully.

"Yes Toshiko it would. Red is your colour." Jack yelled down as the
lift started to rise.

The good thing about Jacks plan was that Jessica did not have to
negotiate the stairs. It also provided a different view of the Hub
which Jessica appeared to appreciate but she looked at Jack confused.



"Not that I want to seem ungrateful because I'm not but isn't Gwen
the police liaison?"

"Yes officially she is."

"So why isn't she going with you?"

"Its good for people to be able to multi task, I try to mix things up
a bit so everyone can do everything should the need arise."

"Oh that makes sense. So why am I going with you?" Jessica asked. Her
newly acquired pigtails blew slightly in the breeze as they approached
the top.


"Preferably yes."

"Technically you should be in the cells. Even more technically you
should be dead if I was following the rule book. However I don't play
by the rules. " Jack said.

"Yeah I can tell that."

"I messed up before and I don't want to do that again. Controlled
introduction back into situations to see how you get on, see which
options are viable, see where we go from there." Jack kindly said.

"Oh I get it. Its like a reintegration program instead of being threw into the deep end right?" Jessica chewed her lip thoughtfully.

Jack had not really thought of it like that but Jessica had almost hit
the nail on the head.

"See if I don't go crazy and go saying stuff I should not. Or have
some sort of overload?" She added uncertainly.

"Exactly" Jack said as he spotted Ianto driving around. "Although I do
want you to go and speak to a friend of mine ."

"If this friend is a shrink that could be useful."

" Not exactly but she does have experience in dealing in cases
like yours. "

"This has happened before? " She paused as she took that in. "Flat
Holme. I kind of overheard you and Ianto talking. That's where you take
people who have been returned? "

"When I started, took over, they were two. Kept in the cells,
neglected. Awful. I wouldn't put people through that." Jack said. He
looked lost in the past a moment before he shook it off.

"Okay. So there is more? Sophie had this theory, Rifts take but they
try to correct themselves. Put things back in there own place again.
She compared it to like a big tidy up. But she also thought that it
would affect people. It did in fact. At least our version of it. She
worked on a project to try to help people who had been affected. I
would help out sometimes, just like admin or go sitting with them.
Sometimes they would come back completely traumatised, guess I was one
of the lucky ones." Jessica said. Her tone suggested that she did not feel lucky.

Jack could hear how upset she was.

"Yeah there's more than you. I think you should really talk to my friend. " Jack said "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Jack asked kindly. He wheeled her along the plas towards the SUV Jessica sighed.

"I wasn't really up for talking about it, too doped up I guess but I don't
know. Things that were missing are starting to come back and its all
a bit too much. And I don't know who can say what to you know. Like
Susie would tell me and show me stuff and I need help untangling it
all. I cannot tell what was what Suzie told me and what happened and
what is not real. "

"Ah. As soon as we can get a boat over I will take you to see them." Jack said as the lift stopped. Outside the rain started to fall as the wind howled.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. Right so Owen ?" Jessica said.

Ianto had opened the door and the boot ready as Jack gently lifted her
out of the chair. She wrapped her arms around him for support.

The drive over was uneventful. The police, whom normally give Jack a
hostile reception looked relieved when he turned up.

"His through here." The WPC on duty said as she led them through. Once
the paperwork was completed they opened the cell door.

The sight that awaited Jack was not what he expected. Jack who had
been ready to give Owen a lecture on how stupid he had been was left
speechless. Owen was physically trembling. His suspiciously red eyes an
indication that something was wrong.

"Get him out of here, we have better things to do than clean up after
your mess." The police officer said.

Owen glared at that as he walked out. "Your company has been resounding." Owen said as a parting shot. He avoided every one's glance as he stormed out.

"Well his mood has improved at least." Jessica noted.

Jack decided he was driving. Jess looked confused as Ianto made sure
everything was secured down in the car.
Owen wordlessly climbed into the back with Jessica as Ianto slid into
the passenger seat. They drove in an awkward silence until they
stopped for fuel. Ianto went to buy breakfast as Jack filled up the

"You okay?" Jessica eventually asked.

"Fine." Owen replied.

"Is fine man code for really not okay?" She asked. She turned to
look at him. He took a shaky breath as he nodded.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I should be asking you that, " Owen said trying to deflect the question back on to her.

"I asked first. Look sadly it was not the first time it happened and
he did not get anything, worst shit happens. But the question still
applies." Jessica said.


"Fair enough." She said accepting his answer for now.

Owen give a little growl of frustration as his head gently hit the headrest. . Jessica give a sharp gasp and curled up as best as she could. Owen noticing the movement unfastened his belt and scooted over.

"Lets see what's going on now then." Owen said as Ianto climbed into
the car. He placed the bag carefully on the floor before he twisted round.

"Problem?" He asked.

"Its nothing." Jessica protested.

"In my experience that means its something, " Owen said , "So let me see."

"Fine." Jessica said admitting defeat as she pointed to Owen where the
pain was.

To his credit Owen was a gentleman as he carefully felt
around. He gently lifted the material of her top, relieved to find
it was actually a skirt and top she was wearing and not a dress. She
yelped as Owen found a particularly tender area. Behind them a car
honked its horn and a teenage lad made a smutty comment. Ianto caught
Jacks eye as he looked out of the window. Jack was still stood in the
queue. Ianto mimed he was moving the car around the corner to a staff
parking area. Jack nodded that he understood as Ianto moved around.
Owen quickly buckled his seat belt as Ianto pulled away. Ianto
efficiently parked the car and Owen jumped out. He ran around the car
and opened Jessica's door. Ianto and Owen moved seats so there was more
room to manoeuvre before Owen continued to assess the problem. His hand
found another tender spot and Jessica closed her eyes. He moved his
hand away and Jessica almost instantly replaced it.

"Son of a " She started.

"Yes, well you would be right about that." Owen muttered as he moved
Jessica's hand away.” How long you been having this particular pain?"
Owen asked.

"I thought" She started to say till her voice stopped responding
" Since yesterday." She said instead.

He repeated the process as he signalled for a thermometer. Ianto
produced one from the first aid kit as Jack jogged around to join

"Move." Jessica shouted out in warning as she threw herself out of the
car. They soon realised why.

"That confirms it." Owen said. "We need to get her back to the Hub ASAP."

"Why?" Jack asked as Ianto attempted to help Owen get Jessica back into the car.

"Its just travel sickness," Jessica protested.

"No its appendicitis, that needs checking now. I have been keeping my eye on it for a few days now. " Owen said.

"No offence but wouldn't a hospital be better?" Jessica asked.

" Hey I have done this operation more times than I can remember. You will be fine, " Owen said.

"Its not that I am worried about." Jessica said.

"What is it Jess?" Ianto asked.

She started saying something again but her words came out jumbled again.
"just been silly, never mind." She concluded defeated.

Jack jumped into the driving seat and got the car started as Owen and
Ianto got her back into the car. Owen climbed back into the back of
the car, this time supporting Jessica as he held her steady.

Jacks driving broke speed limits at the best of times but this took
the speed limits and threw them out of the window. Ianto was telling
Tosh what was needed down the phone as Owen was trying to sooth

"Hang on, won't be long and I will get you sorted out." He said hoping
he sounded reassuring.

Jack took a corner exceptionally fast following Toshikos directions
for the clearest route back. It sent his passengers flying, seatbelts
clicking into place to prevent injury. Jessica's head banged into the

"Jack, careful, I do not want to deal with concussion to," Owen yelled.

Jessica went white.
"Think I am going to be sick, " she murmured.

"Aim that way!" Owen said pointing to the empty boot. She leaned back
on Owen as she realised it was dry heaving.

"Jack there's been a group of Weevils spotted in Splott." Toshiko said
via the ear piece. Jack cursed.

"This can't wait," Owen warned, "we're almost at the Hub, I
know it hurts " He said as Jessica clung on to head rest tightly. "You're
doing really well."

"How long?" Jessica said through gritted teeth.

"Two minutes or so." Owen said.

"Right Toshiko, tell Gwen to be waiting for us, we will drop these two
off, pick Gwen up and go Weevil hunting." Jack decided.

"Will do." Toshiko confirmed.

"Tosh that stuff ready? As soon as we get back this needs taking out."
Owen added even as Jessica bit down on the nearest thing. It just so
happened to be Owens T-shirt. He hissed slightly as Jessica accidentally
bit him.

"Its ready Owen, will you need any assistance." Toshiko’s calm voice came down the coms.

"Jack slow down, the budget cannot cover any more speeding fines." Ianto gently chided him.

"Tosh, yes I will, you best get ready to help." Owen said as Jack skidded around yet another corner. Jessica let out a scared yelp.

The change over went as smooth as a change over could. Ianto leaped out
of the car as soon as the car stopped. Gwen immediately leaped into his
seat. The wheelchair was quickly positioned and Jessica deposited
into it as Ianto and Owen swapped places. Jack waited till they were
on the paving stone before sending them down, Jessica giving a weak
wave bye.

The operation was a success. Owen and Toshiko working together to get
the appendix out before it burst. It took Owen a mere thirty-five
minutes to perform the entire thing. Alien technology did make these procedures go a lot quicker. Weevil hunting took much longer. Three hours longer it turned out. As
they hauled the Weevils into the Hub it became apparent that things
had not gone to plan. Although no-one was injured the mud dripping
from the threesome was a clue. Gwen headed straight for the shower as
Jack and Ianto got the new guests into their new homes.

"Team meeting at half twelve," Jack wearily announced as he himself
headed to the shower. As much as he would have loved to spend longer
in there he stayed in long enough to remove the mud. That achieved he
dressed and went to find his team.

He passed Ianto on the way in. He somehow managed to look impeccable
even though he was covered in mud.

"Want any help in there?" Jack asked.

"I will manage," Ianto replied.

Jack sighed at that. Before Ianto would not have refused. Jacks mind
unhelpfully reminded him that, for Ianto the sex was a means to an
end. Yet Jessica was right, Ianto had gotten under his skin, perhaps
because he had managed to con Jack. Jack shook his head slightly,
trying to lock away the memory of Ianto tied up on his bed. He
wondered if that was destined to become yet another memory to get him
through the night. He mentally shook his head and resumed boss mode.

Unsurprisingly he found Gwen talking on the phone to Rhys. He mouthed
expenses at her. She mouthed back that they where on his desk. "Yes I
set the video for wife swap." Jack heard Gwen say, then something made
her laugh. Toshiko was typing away on her computer, as usual multi
tasking three things at once. She had a file Ianto had retrieved from
the archives and looked at it thoughtfully. Jack watched as she
paused to tie her hair back. This left his full time medic and loose
cannon. He located him and Jessica in the same place they had spent
the vast majority of their time lately. He stood and watched the pair
from the doorway. Owen was laid on the bed with her as he gazed
upwards. Jack observed that he was fully clothed on top of the
covers. Jessica was listening intently as Owen spoke in a low voice.
Whatever it was he was saying it was obviously not a happy topic. He
watched as Jessica went to brush idly a lock of hair away and her
hand stayed on his forehead. As Jack approached Owen looked miserable
as Jessica's face registered slight amusement.

Owen looked startled as she burst out laughing before she winced.

" That was a bad thing to do. Oh God, sorry if I held that one back my teeth would have exploded. Are you kidding? He was the worst one for it. He was completely freaked
by Torchwood so he did the least sane thing imaginable. " Jessica giggled.

Owens face looked shocked at that. "Details?" He demanded.

"Not my place, but lets just say Ianto now is barely recognisable to
the on whom arrived in London. He was on self destruct but he
got through it, whatever it was. Just like whatever your deal is
now you will to. " She said gently.

"Come on you cannot tell me that and not give details. I need something, " Owen begged.

"Yeah, try that sleeping thing."

"Try explaining what the hell you were playing at this morning." Jack
interjected at that point in time. He had walked across the room and
now sat himself on the stool. Owen moved to attempt to get up but Jack
stopped him. "You can just stay there till you explain." Jessica attempted to move to give them some privacy until Jack stopped her.

Owen did not normally panicky when confronted with an angry Jack.
After all it happened at least once a fortnight but the circumstances
had changed. As methods go this was different. It was normally shouting
across a desk or pressed against the wall. Laid on a bed with
someone else there was new. Actually having someone else there was new.
It made Owen feel a little bit vulnerable if he was honest. Owen took a deep breath trying to still his temper, trying to calm down.

"What do you want me to say? That I fucked up? Yeah I fucked up okay, " Owen said. He normally would have shouted but he was mindful that Jessica was still there.

"Its a start, so what brought it on?" Jack asked.

Owen remained silent. Jessica looked away, uncomfortable with the
situation. The silence dragged on but Jack waited somewhat patiently.
Then not so patiently.
Then with absolutely no patience at all.

Then he give up waiting for Owen to answer.

"Right then, Jessica perhaps you can shed some light on this?" Jack said.

"Keep me out of it, " was Jessica's remark. resolutely gazed at the floor.

"You're already in it," Jack replied.

"Well neither of you have not give me much of a choice in the matter,"
came Jessica's grumpy reply.

"And I still am not!" Jack replied.

"I did not mean for you to get involved," Owen said.

"Was not you I was referring to Owen. What you going to do? Have
someone shoot me again?" Jessica said. She met Jacks eye as she said

"If I have to. There is certain procedures I can follow." came Jacks
serious response.

"I know. I was a supervisor. Temporarily. , had to memorise the bloody book. And I
thought you didn't follow the rules. But if you're going to then bloody get on with it," she replied coolly. "Might be for the best after all."

Owens intake of breath was audible in the silence that followed.
Jack cursed inwardly at that. He had not expected Jessica to reply
like that. She just shrugged.

"No need for that," Owen said, preservation of life his priority at
that point. "I snapped. My parents decided last night was a
good time to get in touch for the twice yearly row and I lost it. It's a bad day anyway as well you know. Happy now?"

"What? " Jessica surprised. .

"Well find a better way to deal with it in future, or am I am going to be
collecting you from the police station again? Because I am not doing
this every year" Jack said.

"I had. I do. Unfortunately it was not an option last night, " Owen
said frustration evident.

"Your parents did not call last night. Nobody called last night,"
Jessica muttered. Then realising what she had done. "Shit I just said
that out loud didn't I? Hang on. I actually was able to say that out
loud with no growly head?"

"Uh yeah." Jack confirmed.

She buried her head in her hands embarrassed. "Argh fuck. Bad timing."

"Jessica." Owen started. "What do you mean nobody called last night?"

"What do you mean no growly head?" Jack added.

"Don't. please just don't." It sounded suspiciously like she was about
to panic. She clutched her head as though she was in pain. "If I say

"Then what?" Jack said. He could see the sheer panic on her face.

"She said she will kill Ianto. I don't think that would be a good thing," Jessica said.

"How would my parents get my number? I did not give anyone in my
family it." Owen said thinking out loud. "But I am certain they called
and then afterwards we got drunk on that cheep wine."

"is there any Retcon missing?"" Jessica asked out loud.

Jack sighed as Jessica and Owen both seemed to be dancing around the subject.
"Ianto, can you please see if we have any Retcon unaccounted for?" He
asked into his ear piece.

"I was just about to ask you about that sir. There is three pills
missing!" Ianto confirmed.

"I thought so, " Jessica sighed.

"What do you mean?" Owen asked.

"Well who has a key to your place?" Jessica said.

"We all have a key to everyone else's place. Its procedure." Owen said,
"Jessica what happened?

"You told Jack your parents rang," she said turning towards Owen. "But
that's not how I remember it. When I was in the bath the doorbell

"That's not what I remember."

"I figured that out when you passed out on the couch. Then you were
all disorientated and weird this morning. "

"I put it down to a hangover." Owen admitted.

"Believe it or not the only thing you drank was tea. Said you wanted
a drink but you were on duty still. "

"No me and you shared that bottle of wine, I am sure of it." Owen
paused. He seemed less sure of it now, " that does not seem right." Owen said. He motioned for Jack to pass Jessica's medical file and Owen froze when he realised.

"Here it comes.." Jessica mumbled to herself.

" Grapes. You cannot eat grapes. Which means you cannot drink that
wine. "Owen said.

"Which begs the question what exactly happened last night?" Jack said, "Jess is this connected to that thing you cannot tell us about?"

"Yes." She screamed out as she clutched her head and doubled over.

"Growly head pain?" Jack asked again.

Jessica was too preoccupied with trying not to scream to answer. Jack sighed as he started pressing buttons on his communicator.

"Toshiko you better bring up the CCTV from last night, Owens flat.
There's one easy way to resolve this," Jack said.

Before Jack could comment further his ear piece went off.
" Jack we got an incoming communication," Toshiko said.

"I am on my way way up. Probably lost tourists again." Jack informed
Toshiko. "Team meeting half twelve, I expect you both there. Oh and
Owen I don't care what you do outside work, just try not to get
arrested again. And I'm sorry, next time you need personal time just
ask okay?" Jack said as he stood up. "She's right, get some sleep. Both
of you exhausted, " He said as a parting shot.

"Right." Owen said after Jack left the room. With that he turned his head to face Jessica. " About what happened in the car last night. Do you know what I am referring to?" he asked.

"The part I hoped you could forget. Were I attempted to come on
to you like a complete idiot?" She replied even as she attempted to hide in the pillows.

"Yes, glad we can agree on that happening. "

"Huh, you know that you're supposed to say you're not an idiot?"

" Okay. You're not an idiot."

"Thanks." Jessica muttered sarcastically.

"It was flattering but... Look Jess. I know you probably don't want to hear this" Owen said.

"Then please don't say it." She replied. "Not the nice kid, not the we are better as friends or the ever popular I love you as a sister talk . There is only so many times I can hear that and not convince myself lf that something is wrong with me. "

"Then I won't."

Thank you. I just read something in the situation that clearly was not there. And for the record that was the best way that someone has told me they were interested d." Jessica sigh. From her body language Owen guessed that she had been told that a lot.

"I was, am, flattered but my patient and even I will not cross that line. Well not anymore. You deserve better than me, I, look I'm keeping things professional , you get to know me
properly and trust me that crush would soon go away."

"You don't tend to get to know them before you shag them? Gwen excluded"

"One night stands are more convenient, " He confirmed, "I can get all that grief I need from this lot."

" Can we just forget I did that please. Or blame it on the morphine or
the fact I am touch starved? "

"Touch starved?" Owen asked.

"physical contact, affection, romance. A boyfriend that does not beat seven different shades of shit out of me and then blames it on PTSD. What a joke, he did not even see any action."

"Sorry I asked. Yes never mentioning it again. Pretty sure it was a side affect of the bullet. " Owen made an attempt to stand up. He failed miserably as exhaustion and emotion
overtook him. He did muster up enough energy to make a mental note to ask what exactly was bullet related and how long it could last.

"You not got the energy to move?" Jessica asked.

"Something like that. Jack was right. Exhaustion."

"You really should try to get some sleep. When was the last time you
had more than a nap?" She mumbled.

Owens brain tried to remember. It couldn't.

"Yeah thought so. You have the energy to turn over at least?" Jessica
asked, a thoughtful look on her face.


" I currently cannot tell where you head ends and your shoulders
start. It looks like you're wearing your arms as ear rings. And it is making me think ouch!"

"Ah," Owen said, "Feels like it to."

It took some effort but he managed to lie on his
front. It took a bit more effort but Jessica managed to navigate
herself around so she was almost sat on his back. Owen went along
with it as she eased tense muscles enough to sooth away some of the ache It was one handed but better than nothing at that point. He groaned as some of the tension was rubbed away as over stiff muscles began to relax. Soon he found himself drifting off to the land of nod, the steady rhythm on his back making him drowsy y. He was only vaguely aware of someone, Ianto probably, gently lifting Jessica off him and being covered by a blanket. He was subconsciously aware of someone lifting the blanket and helping Jessica back under the covers. With a sleepy sigh he rolled onto his side , flipped the pillow to the cold
side and settled down for some much needed sleep.

Owen really did not want to wake up when a persistent hand shook him
awake. At least the hand brought coffee which was always appreciated.
The coffee was waved under his nose which only served in waking him up
more. A state that Owen was not happy with as he clung on to the last
few moments of much wanted sleep. The hand shook him again. Owen reluctantly half
opened one eye.

"Go away, sleeping," he informed Ianto.

He closed his eye again. He heard Ianto sigh.

"Owen, wakey wakey." He said as the coffee returned to under Owens nose

"Leave me alone." Owen grunted.

"You really want to get up now. " Ianto said.

"Don't" Owen groaned.

"Leave Myfanwy feet alone." Jessica protested.

Owen heard Toshiko's sigh as apparently she was trying to wake Jessica up.

"Last chance Owen." Ianto said. Owen heard the sound of the cup put
down. The soft thud of his shoes hitting the floor followed.

"No." Owen protested. He flipped the pillow over and settled back down.

"This is not Myfanwy fault." Ianto groaned. . And with that he heard
Jessica declare "No, get off Myfanwy feet" The next thing Owen knew
Jessica was screaming and not in a good way. Owen tried to remove his
own feet only to find Ianto had held him in place.

"No. Stop." Jessica protested. ""Stop it. Hurts. This is wrong in
itself as Myfanwy feet are really ticklish but really Owww! "

Apparently Toshiko had stopped. And then started tickling Owen
instead. This quickly reduced Owen to a breathless giggling
undignified heap. Toshiko stopped to allow him to get his breath.

Owen quickly regained his breath and composure.

"You were warned." Ianto said as he helped Jessica sit up. He had
to catch her as her legs give way again.

"Jack, that thing, Jessica said it hurt.” There was a pause as Jack
presumably replied. "Yes she said she was normally really ticklish."
Another pause.

"Yeah not even a hint of one. Owen had pretty much a normal response.
Which given its Owen we should investigate that." Another pause as
Jack chuckled down the communicator. "Oh shame." Toshiko said as she
pocketed the feather.

"Right now I am reluctantly awake you better have an explanation for
that." Owen grumbled as he hauled himself to a sitting position.

"Jack said he would explain everything later, he was working on
something." Ianto said.

"If he has developed a tickling fetish then I will bloody throw him in
the cells. Because even for Jack that's just weird. " Owen said.

"Oh and speaking of weirdness there's something you should apparently
see." Toshiko said nervously.

As enquires went Toshiko had heard some strange requests in her time.
This seemed positively normal apart from the fact it came from a very
serious Jack.

"Off course I can access the CCTV to Owens apartment" She had informed him. It
took her all of thirty seconds to access. They had watched the footage and Toshiko felt sick. She had her doubts about if it was really a good idea to let Owen watch it but Jack insisted.

"I have set up the facial recognition system so we know who came up to your floor." She

"How about cctv in the flat?" Jessica asked.

"There is none." Owen replied

"You have way too much trust. I think even Jack would follow that
rule. Believe me there was some in your flat last night." Jessica said with a yawn.

"She's right." Toshiko said as she brought it up.

"Now we can both agree roughly what happened until nine o clock."
Owen said.

"About that yes. "

"And you being a typical woman think you were in the bath for about
an hour or so."

"Yep the ten o clock news had started just before the door bell rang. "

"The doorbell did not ring! It was the phone. "

Toshiko pressed a few keys and brought up the video files for ten p.m.
They watched in silence, Toshiko fast forwarding the footage at
certain points. Afterwards Owen and Jessica sat stunned.

"I think we can say that the doorbell rang." Toshiko said. "You okay?"
She asked the pair. Owens hands had balled into fists and his jaw had
clenched. Jessica crawled away from the general area without replying.

"What was that glowing light?" Toshiko asked. "The computers are struggling to identify it."

"I don't know. Yet." Owen replied as he went to watch the cctv again.

He felt sick as he fast forwarded through it. He watched as he let
Gwen in. Jessica clothed in proper nightdress and robe, courtesy of a twenty four hour supermarket, appeared into the living room. She had noticed Gwen and made her way to
the kitchen. Gwen and Owen had followed her out and Owen had went to put the kettle on. Which was when things went wrong. Gwen had held a knife to Owens throat, produced a
bottle of wine and forced Jessica to drink it. Immediately Jessica’s body reacted to the allegen, swelling up as it attempted to fight it off. Owen had subdued Gwen, got the knife away and got a good kicking for his efforts. Gwen had forced the Retcon down their throats before exiting the kitchen. Owen had grabbed the epipen from his kit, quickly administered it in Jessica's thigh and then carried Jessica to the couch. Gwen returned from the bedroom area and well Owen did not want to watch what happened next again.

It at least explained the broken lamp Owen had discovered that morning. . Jessica had smashed it onto Gwen's head who had simply laughed. Then Gwen's demeanour changed. She had swallowed the third Retcon pill, dropped the key and then ran out the building crying. She was long gone by the time Jessica had managed to get Owen free. Owen had then succumbed to the Retcon’s affects leaving Jessica to deal with the situation herself.

It made him feel violated as Toshiko stopped the footage. Even though
Jessica had managed to stop Gwen before Gwen could go too far the memory was still raw. Seeing it on tape broke the retcons hold as he now remembered it oh so vividly.

Being tied up used to be kinky under certain circumstances. Now he would never look at handcuffs in the same way again. At least Gwen had failed to get his zipper undone. He did not want to think about what could have happened if she had succeeded. If Jessica had not

Owen shook as he remembered, the memory coming back to him. Before he
could do anything about his now vivid memory his com was activated.

fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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