Revelations and Recollections Chapter Eleven part B

Oct 03, 2010 23:46

 "Everyone, Boardroom now." Jack called out.

Eventually everyone had assembled. Well that was after Jessica had
been coaxed out of where she had locked herself in the toilet. And had
been prised off the railings. And physically carried up the stairs.
She was still easier to carry than a Glomp though Ianto mused. Then Ianto had to start the whole process again with Owen who had to be dragged off Gwen and then removed from Weevil cells.

As team meetings go this actually was a team meeting in the true sense
of the word. There was lunch off course. Pasta all round with
definitely no meat, Ianto developing a taste for the vegetarian options
on offer in the shops. Not that anyone could blame him but both him
and Toshiko looked green when Gwen added meat to hers. Even though
there was enough chairs to seat them all Jessica made the decision to
sit on the floor. Owen was not surprised when she turned away from
Gwen as Ianto rubbed her head soothingly. Collectively and
subconsciously Toshiko and Owen picked seats as far away from Gwen as possible.
Jack decided not to mention it yet and thought it better to start the
meeting. The sooner he got it over with the better for everyone in the room.

"Right its that time we all know and love. The Massy delegation is on
its way for its annual visit to Earth. We need to send someone along to
go play nice with them." Jack announced.

This got collected groans from around the table from everyone.
Everyone immediately started stating of reasons why they could not do
it. Everyone but Gwen.

"What's so bad about The Massy delegation?" She asked.

"Looks like Gwen has just volunteered." Ianto said. Gwen pulled a face at him.

"So Gwen to go spend three days playing nice with the Massy. Glad we
got that one sorted." Jack said. "Tosh will send you the co-ordinates.
Wear something waterproof would be Myfanwy advice. Right as you should know
now I need someone to go down to London and go through the expenses with the
institute. "

Everyone was conveniently full of excuses again.

"It's a discuss for an increase in the technology budget," Jack added.

"Well I have been asking for an increase for ages," Toshiko
said, in a rare moment of forth rightfulness.

"Then go convince them " Jack said. Toshiko agreed to that.

"Right and since they screamed if I let Jack go next time they would
be no budget I will accompany Toshiko." Ianto added. He could feel
Jessica relax slightly at that. Gwen started saying as second
in command she should go.

"Actually if you're going on seniority that would be Toshiko then me."
Owen scowled at her. It was the first thing he had said since entering the room.

"I am happy for Ianto to accompany me. He knows the area better than I
do." Toshiko said effectively ending that argument.

Jack had a feeling that he might regret asking the next question. But
regardless he asked anyway.

"Anything anyone else wants to bring up?" He asked.

"We should go on a team building day. Rhys said that his company went
on one and it brought everyone so much closer together." Gwen

"Okay what Jack meant was anything helpful " Owen said making his
feelings on the team building idea abundantly clear. There was nods of
agreement from others around the table.

"Is there anything we could feed Myfanwy with in the morgue? The
suppliers are getting suspicious." Ianto asked neatly changing the

"Owen?" Jack directed the question over to him.

"Yeah there's that blowfish species in there that is almost like Earth
fish. Should be okay till you find somewhere else" Owen answered. He was distracted which jack thought was understandable given the circumstances.

"You eating that?" Jack asked Jessica noting that she was just pushing her
food around the plate. She wordlessly handed the plate to Owen who passed it to Jack.

"Cheers I'm starving." Jack added as he started on her meal.

"What about your project?" Jack asked.

"Theoretically possible." Toshiko said.

"Practically difficult." Ianto added. "She keeps chewing through the
ropes." He added.

"Ah." Jack said still slightly confused. "Well keep me informed."

"There's a report on your desk about it." Toshiko added.

Jack looked slightly guilty at that.

" Along with the paperwork that you have not been doing." Ianto said.
Jack had a feeling that his afternoon would be spent doing said paper

"Why do you people have such an obsession with paperwork?" Jack asked.

"Because society needs something to resent doing." Jessica mumbled.
"At least you could get away with not doing it."

" No He cannot." Ianto said. "I am not making nice to the prime
minister again. I don't think he took kindly to being informed that
Rift took it."

"It did though." Jack sounded slightly childish as he said that.
Ianto’s look told him that Ianto did not believe him.

"Or UNIT being told the weevils ate it."

"They did."

"Then you may want avoid our liaison there. She was threatening to
chop of a certain part of your body and feeding it to said weevils ." Ianto said with a slight smirk.

"Yes well speaking of paperwork I am still waiting for a certain
person's expense. Done properly," Jack said. He aimed his gaze back at

"Oh and Gwen, please ask Andy to stop ringing you on the private
line." Toshiko added.

"And can anyone explain why we are three Retcon pills short?" Ianto
asked. This time Jack could not ignore the accusing looks coming down
the table aimed at Gwen. She protested ignorance at any knowledge a
bit too fast. Ianto quickly clamped a hand over Jessica's mouth
sensing that she was about to say something that would be painful. He
whispered in her ear,

It's okay we know. Hang on a little longer , we have a plan."

"Harkness what the hell was the tickling about?" Owen asked.

"Oh that, the advantage of being a boss." Jack said, hoping to hell he
achieved light hearted.

Owen was about to speak again when Toshiko kicked him under the table.
Owen wisely remained silent.

With that Jack felt it best to draw the meeting to a close. He
dismissed Toshiko and Gwen quickly but got the others to wait back.
"I take it you have seen the footage?" Jack said. Jessica give a
slight nod of the head. Owen remained silent. Ianto , for lack of
success to encourage a clingy Jessica to sit on a chair subtly get the
circulation back into his cramping legs. Jack noticed and lifted her
over onto his lap. Ianto looked grateful as he went to retrieve the
files from Jacks office.

"The feather was to rule out a hunch of mine. That was not Gwen,
something's controlling her. " Jack said.

"And you just let her wonder around Cardiff still?" Jessica asked. She
sounded bitter.

"Did not know. Otherwise. I know I should have been able to tell but well
whatever has took her over has done a real good job of concealing it.
Till then. " Jack replied.

"Oh great, so she is an incompetent self centred bitch all the time is
she?" Jessica replied, sounding bitter. She doubled up again clutching
her head.

"She didn't like that." Owen concluded.

"Does she know what's coming?" Jack asked.

"Argh, yeah yeah I think she's , it, whatever has just figured it out. " Jessica said in reply.

"Ianto Tosh, " Jack said into his head piece.

"Its already done" Toshiko replied. "She was about to mess with The Rift manipulator. Ianto has took her down to the cells."

"Oh thank you. It's nice to just have me in Myfanwy head, " Jessica whispered.
She sighed as she flopped back in relief. "On reflection that might
not have been Myfanwy best idea but then again was not expecting to be

"Not your best idea?" Owen asked.

"The second I regained Myfanwy senses it was obviously something was in the Hub. She, it, whatever was going for you Owen, I kind of drew them to me. It's complicated. I don't understand how it all works, its just something I can do. The Tralek and the whatever it is. The Tralek should have offered me some sort of protection against it, they did with everything else. Like nanogenes gone wrong I guess. I figured that it was better that she tried to control someone who did not know
codes and stuff. Because this could have been twice as bad if she had hurt the medic."

"Erm yeah." Owen said.

"She hurt you anyway though. I never get anything like this right. I know I should have said something but it was too late and I didn't think anyone would have believed me. " Jessica said. In the process she had retreated to the nearest corner. "Then I thought maybe I could just deal with it myself but it hurt too much and its so strong. "

"How did you know? " Jack asked. He noted that Jessica was carefully taking her shoes and socks off.

" I was forewarned but next time I see that person they may just
be getting a new one ripped into them. Or it. However you would define just who or what he was? Just thought you would work it out quicker."

"Forewarned?" Jack asked.

Jessica shot him a withering look.

"The Tralek eggs. They reacted to it. As soon as Ianto carried me in they went mad. Started splitting up quicker. I didn't understand it at first. You better, you know check" Jessica said as she reluctantly pointed to her feet. She laid down and put her feet facing Jack, hands under her head.

Jack pulled a feather out of his pocket and contemplated it. Jessica closed her eyes and braced herself as she heard two sets of footsteps approaching.

"Hold her still." Jack said to Owen.
Owen nodded as he knelt down and gently took hold of her left foot. Jessica soon felt the feather on it and within seconds she was giggling helplessly. She twisted trying to get away but it was hopeless as Jack carried on.

Thirty seconds later Jack was satisfied that the entity was not inside Jessica. As soon as Owen let go of her foot she removed it. They allowed her to catch her breath.

"Deep breaths Jessica, you're not going to get you're breathing steady like that," Owen said as he realised she was only taking shallow breaths.

"Ribs hurt when I do that." She said before launching into a coughing fit. "Okay ribs now hurting anyway." Jessica said once it was over. "The whole attracting alien’s thing gets easier with practice, bet that was not in Myfanwy file. Right so before she wakes up can you please do your thing whatever you're going to do because I do not want that back in Myfanwy head. And No I do not know
what it was, a certain someone did not say. But the things Gwen told me,
she showed me, given a choice the Void was like a birthday party
compared to that. " She shuddered. "The glowing on the CCTV, was that you know, the spirit or whatever?"


"So plan as really it can go in someone else's head."

"Just making sure it will work." Jack replied. "Its best that you don't know."

Ianto returned with two files.

"She's secured." Ianto said.

"I have been doing some research on that bullet." Jack said sliding a
file towards them. The three gathered around it and read it. Jack give
them time to take in the information.
Ianto’s face remained in its usual blank mask. Owen raised an eyebrow
and give a low whistle.
"Oh god are you sure?" Jessica asked as she finished reading the file.
She looked at Jack for a sign that he was joking. It was plainly clear
he was not. "I had, I had suspected given that energy blob things um tendencies. "
She whispered. She made to stand up and discovered her legs to be
Uncooperative -operative still.

"There's procedures in place for this situation." Jack said.

"I know of them if not the exact details. It involves Retcon. Hello problem, lucky me. "
she said. "And before you say it I know Owen has been trying to get
Retcon to work on me and failed. "

"But that was accounted for." Ianto quickly supplied.

Jessica looked at her feet. "God I cannot believe I am asking this but
what happens if...."

"The bullets affects keep going on and on till you either do well ...
or you're remaining organs give out. It's not a great way to go. Believe
me it's an awful way to go" Jack said.

" Shag or death. What a bloody cliché. Not much of a choice there." Jessica mused.

"I would say there's no choice." Owen said. Secretly Ianto had to agree
with Owen.

"Would it help if ...." Jack started to say.

"No. Sorry quietly freaking out now. Not the circumstances that I
figured would lead to well, loosing Myfanwy virginity " Jessica sighed. "Fucking Torchwood."

"But you said...." Owen started to say.

"There's ways of being close without well going all the way. Danny was
ultra religious, no sex before marriage and I was happy to go along
with that. And since I have been with Danny since forever
opportUNITy never really occurred or appealed. Truth be known issues
okay?" Jessica admitted, a mixture of embarrassment and fear playing across her features.

"Oh brilliant, " muttered Owen who was all too aware of the procedure,
had even took advantage of it once or twice. Not like the people
involved had took any persuading as they jumped him. It was the first
time to Owens knowledge that there was this issue, normally people
were told and the deed was done pretty much there and then. Certainly
no tears involved. Until this time.

In Jacks assessment interesting had just been replaced with something
complicated and awkward. He did not want to seem harsh but he really
did not have a choice, "Well whatever the issue is if you want to live
you're going to have to find a way of getting over it and soon." He

"No pressure there then. Look, I'm sorry but I got to get out of here
now and get Myfanwy head around it. Plus I suspect you will want to sort
out an exorcist or something. "

"Yes Off course." Ianto said as he helped Jessica out of the room.

They watched as Ianto skilfully carried Jessica down the stairs. He
navigated a course away from people as he headed towards the

"Were going to have to force her into this. Into both of them ." Owen said.

"That depends on how soon she accepts the choice."

"So I will have to be the evil bastard that deals with it." Owen concluded. He sounded very unhappy at the prospect.

"Well if it makes you feel better Ianto is explaining to her what
needs to be done to get Gwen out of her head permanently."

"I don't even want to know. Right lets just get Gwen back first shall we? "

" Jessica first. We need her to get Gwen better. "

Jack wordlessly pulled a bottle out of his pocket and handed it to

"No. Not this Jack." Owen said determinedly.

"One of us is going to have to do it."

"Well you're the boss. "

"But she seems to like you." He felt Owen shudder and his sharp intake
of breath.

"There must be another way."

"Well you have two hours to find it. That's how long Gwen will be under
for. After that things will have to be done." Jack said.

On his way out he placed his hand on Owens shoulder. Owen
acknowledged the gesture before looking at the bottle. He sighed. He
knew Jack was trying to help but the pheromone spray was the last
thing he wanted to see again. He absently pocketed it. The last thing
that was needed was for anyone else to get their hands on it.
Especially Gwen Bloody Cooper at the moment. He made his way down to
the morgue and locked it in a drawer. He was not certain if he would
use it or not. His perspective had changed since his encounter with
the ghost machine. Looking back on his actions he felt disgusted with
himself. At the end of the day, Owen thought, He was no better than a
young Ed Morgan. And after reviewing the cctv footage of his flat last
night, he wondered if Karma could account for what had happened. And
if he was to make Jessica go through with this without trying to find
any other way, he would be worse than anyone, now he gained a certain
understanding. He was not certain he could deal with that. With that
knowledge. With everything and anything at the moment. And then the
bottle sparked a ghost of an idea. Maybe, Just maybe he could find
another solution after all.

From his vantage point from his office Jack watched Owen place, no
hurl the vile into the drawer and lock it away securely. He observed
then as Owen passed by Toshiko's desk. A brief conversation was had at
which Toshiko nodded her head grimly. He was not surprised to discover
that then Owen slouched to his desk and began to type away furiously
on his keyboard. Jack knew exactly what Owen was doing. When Owen had
an idea in his head he was not one to let it go easily. Despite his
frosty exterior Jack knew that Owen did have some compassion. If Jack
was to hazard a guess , he suspected that both Owen and Ianto were
trying to find another way out of the solutions that Jack had come up
with. He wished them luck, he knew that the pair of them in determined
mode would come up with something. Given Jessica's reaction Jack knew that they where struggling to come to terms with what protocol would require them to do. Despite Victorian attitudes to sex they had been practical when it came to dealing with this sort of

Jack had planned it like that in fact, they both needed distractions at that moment in time. Although, Jack suspected, this was not the kind of project his books would have suggested. He contemplated them and swiftly tossed them in the bin. Normal rules could not apply to this team, the nature of the job demanded his way of working.

He switched the view to the archives to discover his suspicions where
right. Ianto had explained his system to Jack once so he knew that Ianto
was in the S section. In fact the file dedicated to sex. Well Jack
called it a file, in fact it was an entire section of cabinets. Alien
races were surprisingly creative when it came to reproduction and
sexual intercourse Jack mused. Being an open minded guy he had
experienced a fair few of them himself. He watched as Ianto went to a
corner that the cctv did not cover. He stayed there for a few moments
before he wheeled Jessica back into the cameras shot briefly. In her
hands Jessica held a file and Jack watched as he wheeled her towards a
small table. Ianto rummaged around in his pockets before producing a
pen which he handed to Jessica before resuming his search.
Jack sighed as he contemplated the paperwork mountain on his desk.
Then he sighed as his computer beeped signifying an email had arrived.
Trying to put off paperwork he opened it. He read it and groaned. It
was going to be a long afternoon. He put the paperwork aside at the
moment and watched the video files Toshiko had sent him. Afterwards he
knew he had a problem.

A hour later he knew for certain what he had to do. He hoped to avoid it
but he could not. . He wondered if there was any coffee made. The paperwork that had now become absolutely necessary was making him drowsy. It was not his fault he found it
boring even though it would make his next hour or so easier. Jack
was a man of action after all. He saw that Toshiko was quietly
seething at something as she watched Gwen in the cell.
He briefly wondered what it was about Gwen that had the
other females present reacting to her so violently of late. And how
he had managed to miss what was happening right under his nose. Again!

He walked over to the coffee pot and found it empty. Ianto and Jessica ventured out of section s as if they knew Jack was about to touch the machine. Ianto started to make fresh coffee for everyone leaving Jessica with Owen.
"Harkness we have been going about this all wrong, I figured it out." Owen bellowed triumphantly.

Jack was pleased by that. He knew that Owen would work it out.

"Well me, Toshiko and Ianto figured it out. "

"Is there anyone in the building that does not know about this?" Jessica said dully.

" Weevil." Owen said. "Anyway, I am sure I have another way. It's not the physical act its the chemicals that does it. There was a case or three in the files and
I am sure this will work."

"Look if it does not then just agree to what I propose please." Jessica whispered, the double meaning not lost on those in the know.

"This will work." Owen said. "We just have to stimulate the bodies
response at any given time during well..." He covered up Jessica's ears
as jack finished off Owens sentence.

"Can it be done?" Jack asked. He was a lot happier with where Owen
seemed to be going than the alternatives which nobody had been happy

"Yeah, yeah it can be. I have done some research, we have something in
the vaults that can help and a couple of chemical injections, done,
sorted. In fact it's an old idea, the reason why vibrators where
invented was to treat hysterical ladies. The doctors of the past where
clueless idiots. "

Jessica looked confused at that. Jack tuned out slightly as Owen give
a brief, scientific explanation of the medical professions historical attitudes to sex. Jessica
nodded in comprehension. There was a definite look of relief on her face.

"There's only one slight problem." Owen said.

"Which is?" Jessica asked.

"The device, well you can't self operate it." Owen said apologetically. Well as close as apologetically Owen got.

"And let me guess it needs inserting." She whispered.

As it turned out to Jessica's relief again no it did not. At least not by her.

"I assure you its been cleaned." Owen said when he saw Jessica's face
when encountered with it.

"That's not what I thought. It's not what I was expecting. I
was expecting a large metal phallic type of thing. Or something with
plastic type things" Jessica said contemplating the device in front of her.

"Yes Alex did not believe it when he first encountered it either. He
was convinced it was a children's soft toy. " Jack supplied.

"It looks more like a hat. " Toshiko said.

"Pretty close, you do use it via your head. "

That got identical looks of really?

"Its a head massager, for the Massy. Only it has
some benefits for humans." Ianto explained.

Jessica picked up the cloth device from the tray. She uncertainly
flipped it over to inspect it. She then looked at the other part of
it. "The part someone else operates I assume?" She asked.

Jack confirmed it was.

"I don't think I want to know. So I guess this goes on like this. " Jessica said placing the first part on her head

"Not exactly." Jack said as he corrected its position.

"Look I have to do some observations anyway. I will just prepare the
injections and we can get this over with. " Owen whispered to Jessica.
She nodded as she accepted the water Ianto offered her.
"So this works and hurrah for not exploding but why do I have a
feeling this is not the end?" Jessica said, her hand trembled
slightly. "No don't tell me. The other affects of the bullet and I might have an
alien back in Myfanwy head." She said bitterly. Her hands started to tremble.

"Pretty much so." Ianto confirmed. He took the glass off her and
helped her drink it.

"Then can we please just get this over with? "

Owen took the soft head part, carefully prepared the injections and
took them and Jessica into somewhere a bit more private.
"Guess I am left with this part." Jack said with a grin as he ventured
into his office. He disappeared down into his living quarters and
Toshiko swore she heard him chuckle gleefully. Ianto ventured down
there and quickly ventured back up.

"No sir, I think you can manage that by yourself." He said into his ear piece.
"Oi Jack you're on an open con channel. Stop propositioning Ianto
while people are trying to work. " Owen groused much to Ianto’s
embarrassment and Jacks smutty comments.

Twenty minutes later Owen had got Jessica into a state that he
said was going to work. Jack said he was more than ready to go which
got the usual sighs and eye rolls.

Ten minutes after that

"Ianto hurry him up could you? This is bringing back stuff of the bad
kind. " Jessica announced.


"from Void, not the happy creating kind. The trying to forget type"

" With you." He said as Jessica curled up. "Can someone tell jack
whatever his doing with that thing can he hurry it up. She's
remembering stuff that we cannot deal with at the moment which is not
what we are after." Owens voice came through.

"Oh " Came Ianto’s voice. "He said his going as fast as he can with it.
Give him a minute "

"Oh Gosh, whoa, um, that was unexpected" Jessica babbled.

"His changed the settings that better?"

" She's gone quiet. Only in bloody Torchwood. Hold on." Owen replied
as he prepared to venture behind the curtain. "Sorry that working

"huh. Um. Sorry, what? Should this, oh " Jessica replied breathless.

"Ianto its working, now tell him to hurry it up before Gwen wakes back up yeah."

"I heard." Jacks equally breathless reply came over the coms.

"No Jess, leave it on."

"Don't like. Too much. Don't want to, this is wrong. " Jessica said even as Owen removed her hands from her head.

"Women. Never happy. Jack needs to turn it down."

Jessica growled out a collection of sounds that could have been English if you really listened. She then collapsed on the bed apparently finished.

"Um never mind apparently it's done. " Owen replied. He broke the connection.
Owen quickly removed the device from Jessica's head. He tossed it onto
the desk before grabbed a scanner.
He scanned her as she tried to regain her composure. And power of
thought. And well everything else as she looked up dazed.
Satisfied that his plan had worked he put the scanner down.

"Did it work?" Jessica asked eventually.

"Yeah it worked"

Owen took a look at her tear stained face.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"Erm , I don't know. That was weird. But not bad. Not nice either, just weird "

"the real thing is even better. It's not like that if someone knows what they are doing"

"with the right person so I am informed. Religious parents. Granddad was
a priest,"


He watched as Jessica managed to get herself sat up and struggled into
the wheelchair.

"You trying to make a run for it?” He said as he walked around to her.

" Oh god really wish I could. Wouldn't get too far though. No just
got to go to the ladies."

Owen helped her into the wheelchair and wheeled her to the facilities.
"Don't lock the door this time." Owen warned her.

That attended to he took her to the autopsy room where a sedated Gwen was
bound to the table.

"No getting out of this then?" Jessica asked as she bit on a well chewed finger nail.

"No other person can do this." Jack said as he helped her on the table.


What happened before

What happens next 

fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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