Revelations and Recollections Chapter Seven

Oct 03, 2010 23:32

 chapter 7.
When Gwen came through from Owens punch and subsequent sedation, she awoke in the cells. She also awoke starving and so was pleased to see a sandwich in the cell with her. She ate it without even tasting it. She noticed Jack gazing at her. She was still hungry. She stated so.

"Ianto, could you bring the rest of that pizza down for Gwen, " Jack said simply. He smiled at Ianto’s response.

"Why am I in the cells Jack?" Gwen asked.

"What do you remember?" Jack asked.

Gwen frowned as she tried to recall what had happened. "Owen punched me."

"And why was that?" Jack said.

"Because he is a cock," was Gwen's immediate response, "Their was Cybermen and a lock down."

" And what else?"

"Nothing, we were in the pub, came back here the Cybermen came and
Owen punched me."

"Nothing bit you or attacked you or anything like that?" Jack asked, the picture of concern.

"I tripped over a rock, I think, chasing that Weevil." Gwen replied confused.

Ianto came down with a box of Pizza and slid it under the door. Gwen grabbed at it hungrily and started working her way through it.

"So why am I in here?" She asked.

"You have been infected by a Glomp, " Jack replied.

"What's a Glomp?" She asked. At least that is what it translated into as she spoke with her mouth full.

Jack signalled for Ianto to open the door. Ianto pulled out his gun and aimed it at Gwen. Ianto then opened the door and Gwen followed Jack to another cell. In there was the alien Ianto had brought back to the Hub previously that day. It was Ten stone of solid alien rock. It looked peaceful as it presumably slept. The remains of its own meal of carrots and grass sat neatly on the floor next to the door. On the wall it had scraped one word. Sorry it translated into according to Jack.

" This is a baby Glomp. Interesting race, very bright and articulate. His family is on its way for him. poor thing got lost as it explored. They bite people as a greeting. Unfortunately in human females it has some adverse affects. Hunger, hallucinations, sleepwalking," Jack informed Gwen.

"Shooting, " Ianto added.

"Shooting , " Jack confirmed as he led Gwen back to her cell, "so while your infected, in here you stay." He gave Gwen a gentle push back into the cell.

"So how long do I have to stay here?" she asked as she continued eating the Pizza. Ianto secured the door.

" Till the affects wear off," Jack said.

"Oh God Rhys is expecting me home? How am I going to explain this to him?" She said going wide eyed.

"It is in hand," Jack said.

"You have been sent on a training course this weekend as far as he is concerned,." Ianto added, "Toshiko is dealing with it right now. "

"So you have nothing to worry about," said Jack.

"Okay, " Gwen said, "any more Pizza?"

"I shall go order some," Ianto responded with a put upon sigh.

"We will need to go stock up on carrots and grass. Janet has developed a taste for it, " Jack added with a smile.

Owen glanced around the room. He admitted to himself that Ianto had done a good job in making it functional yet homely. Owens memory reminded him that Ianto had done this before. Lisa room had home comforts to, if it had not been for the conversion unit instead of a bed it could have looked like a bedroom. Owen shuddered and repressed the memory of that night. He had a patient to concentrate on.

In the darkest corner was a bed and stool. Also, there was a privacy screen, a drip stand, a small bedside table with a lamp and movable table for meals. Owen helped an almost asleep Jessica into that bed who immediately curled up with her eyes shut. A few minute later, her breathing evened out signifying she was asleep. Owen decided to explore quietly what else was in the room. His curiosity was aroused by two crates in the opposite corner. In One, he found bed pans, in the other clean bedding. Owen grimaced remembering Jessica's words. Toshiko's research confirmed what Jessica said and some parts Jessica had not. Owen had groaned at that. It was going to be like his residency again, body fluids and bed pans were not his thing the first time round. He mentally hit himself for volunteering himself to go through it again. A small metal trolley held his medical kit bag which Owen noticed had been restocked. It also held a small assortment of pain killers and two tins of air freshener. Owen pondered on this as he walked passed a second bed with a similar set up.
Completing the furniture was a desk. On it was Jessica's medical records that Toshiko had dug up. Also included was a laptop, a pen and paper and a welcome cup of coffee. He took a sip out of it and sighed. He did not know how Ianto managed it but he was thankful he did. He was broke out of his thoughts when the man himself entered the room.

"Was just checking of either of you needed anything else?" He said. His welsh accent more thicker than usual. Owen filled that under information that may prove to be useful. In Ianto’s hands was a dry cleaners bag.

"Not tonight, you seem to have covered most of it. How's Gwen?"

"Hungry, I had to stop her from eating the bench."

"I thought those benches are metal in that section." Owen mused.

"Yes, exactly. Toshiko is going to sort out some cctv so you're not confined to here," Ianto handed the bag over to Owen without mentioning it. "How's Jess?"

"She's stable at the moment. Asleep. By the looks of her she has not been getting enough," Owen stated.

"She never did, " Ianto hovered for a moment, "well night Owen."

"Yeah. Night Ianto, " was his response.

He settled down to read the file that Toshiko had left. He swore softly as he read some of it , jotted down a few notes of stuff that may make things more difficult and then went and checked on Jessica. So far, she proved to be his favourite kind of patient. An one who tried to sleep through an illness. He picked up her chart and noted that Jessica had already started to turn purple. He gently checked her pulse and made a note of that to. It was normal but Owen noted it down anyway. It would be good to have a comparison throughout the treatment.

He was just about to settle down again with the second file Toshiko
left him when Jack came walking passed. He was carrying a large bale of
hey and on top of that a takeaway box. On top of that was a large bunch
of carrots.

"I forgot how much Glomps eat, " Jack said in explanation, "This is a snack for it. And Gwen. I am not looking forward to explaining our expenses this month, " He said with a grin.

"Jack, we are a secret organisation with all that beyond the police and outside the government bollocks. Why do we have to explain expenses?" Owen asked.

"Because the Royal family funds us and they have certain protocol to follow. Which means their people get grumpy when we do not get paperwork done properly. All terribly dull and boring but they do put on a good spread while we go through it all. Speaking of which I
better go feed our guests, " Jack replied. He hosted the hey. "I don't know which is worse, a hungry, scared but polite Glomp or Gwen."

"Gwen, defiantly Gwen," Owen decided.

"Yeah," Jack said as he was on his way.

He picked up the file and was just about to start reading it when Toshiko appeared. She was carrying a file and what appeared to be a bunch of cables plus a scanner. She set them down on the floor.

"Just checking the camera systems working properly," she turned to the laptop and switched it on. "They tend to be a bit buggy after lockdowns."

"Right," Owen replied as he turned back to his file.

"Okay Ianto, start it up." She said into her earpiece. She slipped off her shoes and walked quietly around the room. Owen heard through his own earpiece that Ianto confirmed it worked.

"Never hurts to be certain," Toshiko replied. She replied to the laptop and typed a few lines of code in. She smiled satisfied that everything was as it should be.

"Oh I wrote up the results of the eggs so far," she said as she handed him the file.

"Thanks Tosh, you are brilliant," Owen replied as he took the file off her. Tosh smiled pleased at that.

"Thanks," she said as she picked up her bundle again. "UNIT have said that they have dealt with the rest of the Cybermen. They are searching the area to be sure but Jack has decided to let them deal with it."

"That’s good. Them bastards give me the creeps," Owen said.

"Me to, " Toshiko replied. Owen did not respond. Toshiko knew that no further conversation would be forthcoming from Owen. "Right to sort the cells out," she said.

"Yeah," Owen said dismissively. He did not see the brief look of hurt across Toshikos face as she left the room. He turned back to the file and started reading all about the Skallion virus bullets.

Jack smiled as the Glomp sat up as he entered. It chattered happily as it saw the hey and carrots but waited politely till Jack had set down its snack.

"Can you understand me?" Jack asked.

The Glomp paused as if searching for the right words. "Glomp understands you." It replied.

"I am Jack."

"I am Glompish." The Glomp replied. " Glompish got lost. Glompish want Mammy"

"Your Mammy is on her way for you. She will be here," Jack paused as he thought of the right word, "in the turning of the moon."

Glompish nodded at that. "Glompish hurt lady. Glompish sorry. Glompish no mean it. Glompish silly," it said. If a lump of moving rock could cry it would have done.

"Lady Okay. Jack look after woman. Jack look after Glompish. Jack knows Glompish did not mean to. Is Glompish hungry?"

"Glompish Hungry. Glompish like that. " It pointed at the hey and carrots.

"That's for Glompish. "

"Thank you. "

"Your welcome. Does Glompish need anything else?" Jack asked.

Glompish thought about that a second.

"Could Glompish have an Earth book to read please. Glompish like Earth book."

"Jack get Glompish Earth books for Glompish to keep." Jack replied with a smile.

Glompish managed to get her eyes to go wide. "Keep?" it asked. "Jack
nice. Glompish Like Jack. Jack Glompish friend."

"Glompish Jack friend to. Jack go get books now." He said as he bowed.

Glompish bowed back and Jack left the cell. He could here Glompish babbling happily as he walked along to Gwen's cell. She had finished her take away and pushed the boxes out of the cell.

"How you doing Gwen?" Jack asked her.

"I am board. I am hungry. I want to shoot someone, shoot the alien upstairs. The dangerous alien upstairs. It's not safe Jack," She replied wide eyed.

"This is why you are remaining here." Jack replied as he gathered up the boxes. "Now can I get you anything else?"

"Out of this cell and a gun. You know you want to." Gwen replied.

"Gwen, No, now go to sleep. " Jack said. He made a decision at that and as he walked back passed Glompish who was happily eating its hey. Jack paused.

"Glompish?" Jack asked.

"Glompish happy," It replied.

"Would you like to come upstairs and pick some books?" Jack asked it. He decided that it was a her.

Glompish cheered aloud at that.

"Glompish would like that very much. Can Glompish bring meal to?" She said. She sounded delighted at that.

"Off course." Jack replied as he opened Glompish's door. Glompish carefully gathered up the carrots and the hand full of hey that was left and followed Jack. Jack ignored Gwen's yell to be let out. He hoped that Gwen could not persuade the Weevils to open her cell door. As
Glompish passed she said something that Jack found strange.

"Glompish did not make lady do that bad thing." She said.

Owen had seen many things in his time at Torchwood but this was new. The sight of Jack hand in hand with Glompish both eating carrots was just too much. He would later deny it off course but Owen cracked up. He just could not stop laughing. Jack and Glompish stopped and returned to Owen. He tried to stifle it and failed. His laughing woke Jessica up and she turned over to see what the commotion was about.

"I am seeing things." She decided as she felt her forehead. "No temperature yet so that can't be right. " She closed her eyes and reopened them.

"A Glomp. There's a baby Glomp in the Hub?" She asked as she squinted to see better.

Glompish was having a similar thought. She chewed her carrot thoughtfully as she looked at Jessica. She swallowed the carrot and turned to Jack. "Glompish confused." She said. "Girl is purple. Girl should not be purple."

Owen had just about maintained control of his laughter before she said that.

"That can not be right." Both Jessica and Glompish declaimed at the same time.

"Glompish." Glompish said as she let go of Jacks hand and pointed to herself.

"Jessica." Jessica said in response copying Glompish and pointing to herself. Jessica attempted to sit herself up and got tangled with the blankets.

"Ianto? Tosh? Get a recording of this." Jack said into his ear piece. "This should be good."

"Already am. Owen will not be able to deny giggling like a girl," Toshiko replied.

"I was not giggling like a girl," Owen protested.

"You so were." Jack said.

Glompish had walked over to Jessica's bed. She offered Jessica a carrot which Jessica took. Glompish gently helped Jessica up and rearranged the blankets and pillows around Jessica. She ate another carrot.

"A Glomp." Jessica said.

"Glompish a Glomp. Glompish got lost. Jack looking after me," Glompish replied. "Glompish confused. Why Jessica purple?"

Jessica looked at where Glompish was looking. "Ah. Jessica poorly. Sometimes when poorly people go purple."

"Purple means hurt?" Glompish asked. She thought about this. " Earth people bruise."

"Yes that's right. Then it will go yellow then back to normal," Jessica explained, "what about Glomps?"

"Glomps no bruise. " She thought about this. " Poorly bits of Glomp fall off. Then Glomps grow new bits."

"That's really cool." Jessica said.

"Do earth people grow new bits?" Glompish asked.

"Yes. " Jessica said. Jack and Owen exchanged a look that said "uh oh. "

"This is hair." Jessica said showing her own. "That falls out and grows. And, " She pointed to her finger nails, "this is a finger nail. Earth people grow them."

Jack and Owen shared a look of relief. Neither of them fancied explaining puberty to a race that had no concept of reproduction and hormones. "And when our baby teeth fall
out we grow adult teeth."

"What's teeth?" Glompish asked. Jessica pointed out her own teeth, "we bite things with them see." Jessica said demonstrating with her carrot. "They help us eat. "

"We bite to say hello," Glompish said, "but Jack says I cannot bite you."

"Ah. Well sometimes Earth people hug each other to say hello. Maybe we could hug?"

"Jack. Can Glompish hug Jessica?" Glompish asked.

"Yes but be careful." Jack replied.

"What's a hug?" Glompish asked.

Jessica was only to happy to show what a hug was. "You put your arms around one another like this, " Jessica said doing it to Glompish. "and you gently do it back. "

"Like this?" Glompish asked copying Jessica.

"Yes, and that's a hug. A hug between friends," Jessica said.

"A hug between friends." Glompish repeated with a nod.

Jessica let go of her. "Ah you have to let go to."

"Oh," Glompish said, "hugs are good. Glompish likes hugs. Glompish hug new friends." She said as she approached Jack and Owen.

Upstairs Toshiko laughed at the look of horror on Owens face. Jessica ate the carrot with a smile as Jack and then Owen received a Glompish hug.

"Glompish going to pick books with Jack. Does Jessica like books?" She said as she walked back over.

"Jessica likes books. Could Glompish pick a book for Jessica?" Jessica said trying to stifle a yawn.

"Glompish be pleased to pick Jessica a book," she said, "Jack we go pick books now please?" She walked back over to Jack.

"Sure Glompish." He said as she took hold of his hand again.

They exited. Owen and Jessica could hear Glompish declare "Jessica poorly. Glompish get book for Jessica to make her feel better. Make head feel better. Bad things in Jessica's head. "

"That was an interesting experience. I just met a real life fairy tale. That was sweet." Jessica said as she lay back down.

"If that's what you call it. Now you need to rest," Owen said as he looked her over to settle her down.

"Point took doc." She said as she closed her eyes pointedly.

Previous part can be read here
The next bit is here

fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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