
Jul 09, 2010 00:08

So I got this awful sickness ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

jilsynchro July 8 2010, 17:24:03 UTC
Playlists are the only reason I ever exercise. Mind you, I only occasionally exercise currently because I have excuses that are twelve miles long ( ... )


vijeno July 9 2010, 11:06:33 UTC
I only occasionally exercise currently because I have excuses that are twelve miles long.

Hihi.... that's a meta-excuse! :-)


laynamarya July 9 2010, 15:49:55 UTC
Yeah, I really do enjoy making playlists. I think my life is too unplanned these days. The only thing I have on my schedule is: go to work. I suppose if you only put one thing on your schedule, that is the thing to do, but I don't have anything that is planned before or after that, and consequently I do a lot of nothing. It's starting to become a problem. My life, it is kind of the opposite of yours these days.

I really want someone to just come and MAKE me do something, like a coach or personal trainer or pushy sister or something. Motivation, inner drive, personal goals, these are things with which I am not acquainted.


zard July 8 2010, 21:02:17 UTC
Wii Fit? I got totally addicted last summer, and what's interesting is that it made me want to do more exercise away from the Wii Fit. Wii Fit Plus has little workouts you can do and you can make custom ones. I think you will find the challenge yourself aspect really fun. Also, since you're so skinny it won't tell you you're fat like it does for some people...it's not exactly a self esteem game...

However, then you need a wii and a wii fit, which aren't cheap.


laynamarya July 9 2010, 15:51:11 UTC
I do want one! But that kind of interferes with the other goal in my life, saving money...

And it would probably bug my neighbors. But it would be so fun!


zard July 9 2010, 21:06:46 UTC
OK, so since you now have money, you're allowed to make priorities. So you think to yourself, ok this is what's important to me, and write it down. Before you could only eat and have a roof over your head, and it sucked so you would break budget. And then get bummed ( ... )


vijeno July 9 2010, 11:05:47 UTC
Hmm.. I went from "no exercise at" all to basically looking forward to my daily exercise within a year. So I think I have some experience there ( ... )


laynamarya July 9 2010, 15:45:46 UTC
Thank you! I like 1-3 a lot. I always want to exercise more when I read Self magazine. I think I definitely fall into the "kind who need a group" genre of people. If I've got no one to answer to, it ain't gonna happen. And you're right about the ten minutes a day thing.

At the moment, I believe that endorphins are a myth; I've never experienced any sort of exercise-induced endorphin rush. Maybe it is something that happens after you pass the two-week mark? And yes, I checked out that community, but I don't think it's for me.


vijeno July 9 2010, 18:57:56 UTC
Well, I guess the endorphin rush is rather subjective. However, I definitely noticed benefits back in the days of my depression; and several friends told me about the rush, too... so I guess it's there. I think you need a certain level of exhaustion to reach it, though.

Anyway, my motivation for exercise definitely made a huge jump when I noticed that I could actually do movements I never could do before. I'm a spastic, and certain limitations I just took for granted. So when I noticed that -- oops -- I can suddenly stand up from a seat without using my hands as a support, there was definitely some kind of natural high involved! :-)


zard July 9 2010, 20:52:07 UTC
Remember that day we went swimming and then ate squid? That was endorphins...


I-Tunes? toewiggle July 10 2010, 09:10:32 UTC
Hi, again. I think we talked once, but anyway…

I-tunes has a lot of exercises you can download for free. A lot of them are pretty decent. I really like Exercise TV, especially their Everyday Yoga videos. I think P.M Yoga is still free to download right now and it's only ten minutes. It's a nice easy way to step into exercise and really helped my shoulders and back. They also have more intense videos too, if that's more your speed.

I hope you feel better soon.


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