On "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward"

Nov 04, 2012 01:02

I'm going to try to post what I learn in each room/route. I want to do it as I do each playthough so my experience of it won't be tainted by memory of other rooms. I'll probably do this in point form, and continue it in the Comments. One person on Twitter mentioned keeping track of everything in Excel XD My memory may be incorrect in some places--I ( Read more... )

vlr, 999, video-game

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Comments 150

lady_noremon November 4 2012, 10:11:17 UTC
AB Game Round 2 Betray:
→Sigma perv[ert]ily takes Clover's offer; picking Betray despite his promise.
→Tenmyouji kept his promise to pick Ally.
→Alice & K kept their promise to pick Ally to Quark's Ally.
→Phi (voting for Luna too) picks Betray to Dio's Betray.
→Alice leaving is not mentioned.
→Clover runs straight to the 9 Door.
→She states that Alice gave her a direct order to escape & get help as soon as she can (leaving Alice behind as she only had 1BP).
→Alice is Clover's commanding officer.
→Clover scans & goes through Door 9 alone.

Tenmyouji Game Over 1:
→The Nonary Game ends.
→There is an announcement to 'enjoy your stay', as now everyone but Clover is trapped indefinitely.
→Tenmyouji states that there might not be anyone left out there for Clover to get help from.
→Fade to "Game Over".


(I wondered earlier if these 9 people are there to Morphogenic Field with the Mars' group? To prevent Radical-6 from fucking everything up? A gold file from the Infirmary claims Radical-6 is integral to VLR's plot.)


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 05:12:15 UTC
I can't remember where, but the Cyan AB Game Round 1 reminded me that at some point on this route:

→Phi briefly explains the Prisoners' Dilemma.


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:13:16 UTC
...Placeholder for Crew Quarters ■Lock No. 02■ Is there proof it wasn't murder?...

I stayed-up to start this as not knowing what was behind the Lock was bothering me! I was antsy at first to play it as it involves Alice's bloodied corpse-and with 999 1 corpse usually means more soon-and my needing to wake-up early for physiotherapy. After the Lock though I went to sleep, so some things from it aren't fresh in my mind.


Crew Quarters ■LOCK No. 02■ Is there proof it wasn't murder? ⇒ Director's Office ⇒ Director's Office After Escape ⇒ AB Game Round 3 ⇒ AB Game Round 3 Ally ⇒ Tenmyouji - END

Crew Quarters ■Lock No.2■ Is There Proof It Wasn't Murder?:→Clover counts down ( ... )


lady_noremon November 7 2012, 22:27:52 UTC
Director's Office
→After the Director's Office starts going to the Flow screen shows that the Crew Quarters ■Lock No.2■ Is there proof it wasn't murder?: has expanded to several more sections o_o ( ... )


lady_noremon November 7 2012, 22:28:20 UTC
Director's Office After Escape:→Tenmyouji forgets the picture in the Director's Office, so him & Quark runs back to get it (I examined it just before I left, so why forget it :P ( ... )


lady_noremon November 7 2012, 22:29:18 UTC

AB Game Round 3 Ally:→Sigma picks Ally and Tenmyouji (& Quark) pick Betray (which really ( ... )


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:39:50 UTC
I'm typing in segments now while playing. Lovely Nintendo 3DS game
suspend feature~


AB Game Round 1 Betray ⇒ Into the CDs ⇒ Green Door ⇒ Treatment Center ⇒ Treatment Center After Escape ⇒ AB Game Round 2 ⇒ AB Game Round 2 Ally ⇒ Clover Game Over

AB Game Round 1 Betray:
→Phi calls you cold.
→Tenmouji picks Ally this time.
→When Tenmyouji confronts Sigma, Sigma says "But you picked
Betray...last time...". Remembering the previous playthrough.
→Phi starts to defend Sigma by taking responsibility for the Betray. Sigma says he pushed it, so she lets him take the blame.
→Dio (& Quark) pick Betray to Alice's Ally.
→Clover & K pick Betray to Luna's Ally.
→Luna questions why, when if everyone just chooses Ally, then ALL will have 9BP in just 3 Rounds. Clover & K tell her she's stupid. Luna sadly says she understands.
→Learn the penalty & rules.
→Zero III suggests Tenmyouji, Alice or Luna (no delay in saying Luna) may due next round. Suggests probably Alice.
→Bracelet Colours:
Are the same as AB Game Round 1 Ally→Bracelet Points ( ... )


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:41:42 UTC
Treatment Center:→Sigma says that they might be able to treat Quark here ( ... )


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:42:41 UTC
AB Game Round 2 Ally:
→Clover looked away while Sigma voted (he tells her to wait for the results).
→Sigma (& Clover) pick Ally to Quark's Ally.
→Luna & Phi picked Ally to Tenmyouji's Ally.
→Alice & K picked Betray and Dio picked Betray.
→Bracelet Colours:
Sigma = Blue Solo
K = Red Solo
Dio = Green Solo
Phi & Alice = Magenta Pair
Clover & Luna = Cyan Pair
(Phi guesses) Tenmyouji & Quark = Yellow Pair
→Bracelet Points:
Sigma, Clover, K, Quark, & Phi = 8BP
Luna & Tenmyouji = 3BP
Dio = 6BP
Alice = 1BP
→Alice does not leave right after voting.
→Dio explains that K would have 10BP if Dio had voted Ally instead of Betray.
→Dio, K, Phi, Luna, Alice, Clover, & Sigma decide to go search for Axelivar for Quark.
→K & Dio go to the Pantry.
→Alice & Phi go to the Treatment Center.
→Clover, Sigma, & Phi go to the PEC (and I'm scared to save ;~;).
→Phi explains what Alice told her (her group was in the PEC).
→Learn that the facility is higher pressure than the outside (1.5 Atmospheres in the Pressure Exchange Chamber Escape route ( ... )


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:45:33 UTC
Clover - END:
→No-one but a still sleeping Quark is in the Treatment Center.
→No-one is in the Warehouses, Pantry, Lounge, or Crew Quarters.
→Sigma runs to the Infirmary.
→He freezes & collapses to the floor (I suspected Radical-9 when the top screen went all wonky).
→He feels blood with his hand.
→Looking up he sees the bloodied corpses of Phi, Tenmyouji, Luna, Clover, Alice, & Dio.
→K is not there.
→He also sees a very bloody scalpel.
→In extreme horror he grabs the scalpel and slits his own throat.
→Credits roll (I was giddy to see @AksysGames_Bo's & @Benpants' names after that traumatic event).
→Fade out to "Clover - END".


So I got my first real ending (it shows a picture of Clover on the 6TH of the little boxes on the save file).

Not a good ending, but the whole Snake gets bodyguards, runs away from home, composes new age harp music, and becomes a psychic secret agent story was hilariously worth it!


AB Game Round 2 Betray:→Clover again looks away, but Sigma tells her she can go with him if she wants, or can stay (so ( ... )


lady_noremon November 6 2012, 04:44:08 UTC
Now that I finished the Green route, FINALLY going the red route. Dio has an awesome hat (and I won't say who his design, that hat, blonde hair, & blue eyes remind me of), and has been a character I've been hoping to like. So far he has been a jerk though. So let's see what spending more time with him brings!


Into the CDs ⇒ Red Door ⇒ Laboratory ⇒ Laboratory After Escape ⇒ AB Game Round 2 ⇒ AB Game Round 2 Ally ⇒ Warehouse A ■Lock No.3■ Five minutes of life!

Into The CDs:
→Sigma can try to pick the Green Door, but is not allowed & annoys everyone.

Red Door
→Clover is not paranoid about the lever.
→Clover keeps making bad 999-type puns/jokes!
→Dio would smack Clover.
→The door that opens leads to a Laboratory, and not the Pantry.

Laboratory:→There is a DNA laboratory in the facility ( ... )


lady_noremon November 6 2012, 04:45:19 UTC
Laboratory After Escape:→Dio holds the keycard like a gambler ( ... )


lady_noremon November 6 2012, 04:45:54 UTC
AB Game Round 2 Ally:
→Sigma accepts his death.
→Sigma (& Clover) pick Ally and Dio picks Betray.
→K & Alice pick Betray to Tenmyouji's Ally.
→Phi & Luna pick Ally to Quark's Ally.
→Bracelet Colours:
Not really shown, just a flash and the colours were still the same (I expect it will be shown after Warehouse A ■Lock No.3■ Five minutes of life! though).
→Bracelet Points:
Sigma = -1BP
K & Dio = 9BP
Alice, Tenmyouji, & Clover = 4BP
Luna & Phi = 3BP
→Sigma feels the Soporil β inject & start to take effect (making the top screen all wonky).
→Sigma collapses.
→Dio runs to the 9 Door.
→Sigma manages to get himself to his feet and get to Dio.
→Sigma demands Dio give him the Axelavir as he kept his promise to vote Ally.
→Dio refuses.
→Sigma goes to attack him.
→Dio relents & gives to vial to Sigma, who hands it to Clover.

Warehouse A ■Lock No.3■ Five Minutes Of Life!:→Sigma collapses again ( ... )


lady_noremon November 6 2012, 04:47:50 UTC
OH! Going through Laboratory After Escape opens up Crew Quarters ■Lock No.2■ Is there proof it wasn't murder?! Huzzah!


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:49:19 UTC
Into the CDs ⇒ Magenta Door ⇒ Lounge ⇒ Lounge After Escape ⇒
AB Game Round 1 ⇒ AB Game Round 1 Ally ⇒ Into the CDs ⇒ GAULEM Bay ⇒
GAULEM Bay After Escape ⇒ AB Game Round 2 ⇒ CORRUPTED SAVE FILE

Into The CDs
→Sigma chooses 'Option A' meaning him & Phi will partner with Luna for the Magenta Door. Phi & Luna are fine with this.
→Dio bickers with Tenmyouji about being stuck with an 'old fart' and a kid (for the Cyan Door).
→Tenmyouji is happy to stay with Quark.
→Clover is very happy to partner with Alice (for the Yellow Door).

Magenta Door:
→Luna says that the Lounge must have been used until recently going by the lack of dust.
→Sigma, Luna, & Phi wonder but have no idea what the facility was/is used for.

Lounge:→Phi likes alcohol ( ... )


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:51:33 UTC
Lounge After Escape:
→Meet-up with everyone at the next door as all those Chromatic Door routes lead to an elevator
→Dio either says 'prowl' or 'prow' (I heard 'prowl' but 'prow' is written). I suspect he means Alice's tits (sticking-out like the prow of a ship).
→Tenmyouji is interested in the Lounge.
→He suggests going there to sit & discuss what they all found.
→Phi suggests checking the elevator out first.
→They learn that that the hallways eventually meet up.
→Quark tells Tenmyouji that the Lounge has his favourite scotch.
→Tenmyouji tells him he'd love to, but now is not the time to be drinking.
→However once they get out of here; he can drink as much scotch ashe wants, and he'll buy Quark as many root beer floats as hd can stomach.
→Quark wonders if Tenmyouji has enough money for a root beer float.
→Tenmyouji says he is find as he just found a building full of rare metals (this exchange is so much better since I got the Tenmyouji - END→Sigma wonders if Quark & Tenmyouji know each other, and Alice & Clover know each other, who ( ... )


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:55:00 UTC
AB Game Round 1 Ally:→Phi is pissed that Sigma chose Ally ( ... )


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:56:26 UTC
(Crew Quarters ⇒ Lounge ⇒ Infirmary ( ... )


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