On "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward"

Nov 04, 2012 01:02

I'm going to try to post what I learn in each room/route. I want to do it as I do each playthough so my experience of it won't be tainted by memory of other rooms. I'll probably do this in point form, and continue it in the Comments. One person on Twitter mentioned keeping track of everything in Excel XD My memory may be incorrect in some places--I ( Read more... )

vlr, 999, video-game

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lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:51:33 UTC
Lounge After Escape:
→Meet-up with everyone at the next door as all those Chromatic Door routes lead to an elevator
→Dio either says 'prowl' or 'prow' (I heard 'prowl' but 'prow' is written). I suspect he means Alice's tits (sticking-out like the prow of a ship).
→Tenmyouji is interested in the Lounge.
→He suggests going there to sit & discuss what they all found.
→Phi suggests checking the elevator out first.
→They learn that that the hallways eventually meet up.
→Quark tells Tenmyouji that the Lounge has his favourite scotch.
→Tenmyouji tells him he'd love to, but now is not the time to be drinking.
→However once they get out of here; he can drink as much scotch ashe wants, and he'll buy Quark as many root beer floats as hd can stomach.
→Quark wonders if Tenmyouji has enough money for a root beer float.
→Tenmyouji says he is find as he just found a building full of rare metals (this exchange is so much better since I got the Tenmyouji - END :} ).
→Sigma wonders if Quark & Tenmyouji know each other, and Alice & Clover know each other, who else in the group knows each other?!
→Dio & Tenmyouji bicker more.
→Zero III threatens Dio after Dio yells at him (Zero III not Tenmyouji).
→Learn 'most' of the AB Game rules.
→Phi & Sigma find a dead old woman in their Ambidex Room.
→Sigma calls everyone over.
→Sigma makes someone keep Quark out of there.
→Phi says that it looks like murder.
→And that the killer either took the weapon with them, or it was a part of them.
→She makes Dio, Sigma, & K carry the corpse to the Infirmary for an autopsy/to inspect the wound.
→Tenmyouji does not help. He hangs back acting weird.
→Luna states she has a medical license [but is not a nurse, and not quite a coroner (I hope on this route I find out just what the Hell she is if not a nurse, doctor, or coroner!)]
→The woman was killed by something small & thin, with one sharp edge & one blunt edge (again, I suspect a scalpel).
→Phi suspects K as Clover was still unconscious, and both of them were the only ones in that 'elevator'.
→Like before K reasons Zero III could have opened the door & probably knew about the murder a head of time as he did not mention it at all (and again K first suggests the top hatches which Zero III already stated were locked).
→Sigma is leery about going back into that Ambidex Room after a dead woman being in there.
→Phi tells him to come closer, and she jumps onto the top of their Ambidex Room (this is new!)--Another super jump.
→She gets Sigma to climb up too.
→She asks him to try opening the hatch.
→The hatch is locked.
→Sigma brings up what Clover & K said, and asks if she still suspects K.
→Phi says she just wanted to "make sure".

AB Game Round 1:
→Phi orders Sigma to choose Betray.
→Says that if they get down to 1BP it will be all "over".
→Sigma says he finds her suspicious (She knew his name, and barely blinked at the dead old woman).
→Phi won't answer, only tells him to pick Betray or she will.
→Sigma stands in front of the voting machine stating that it will just automatically Ally if they do nothing.
→He asks her again what is going on.
→He suspects she's Zero.
→The announcement counts down from 10, and Phi still says nothing.
→It gets to 1 & finally Phi blurts out that if they get 0BP they die.
→Sigma turns and votes.


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:55:00 UTC
AB Game Round 1 Ally:
→Phi is pissed that Sigma chose Ally.
→Sigma says that he didn't have time to process what she said.
→Phi says that yes he did; that the brain's processing power is increased during a crisis.
→He says that how would she know? Was she looking into his brain?
→She says well maybe things won't happen like they did "last time".
→And Sigma confronts her about what she means, and how she knew his name, about why she knew 0BP meant death, unlimited rice pudding, et cetera, et cetera.
→She says she "just knows" which makes Sigma even more suspicious.
→But Zero III calls both of them over for the results before Sigma can push further.
→Sigma (& Phi) pick Ally and Luna picks Ally.
→K & Clover pick Betray and Alice picks Ally (Which surprised me! I could see Alice voting Betray to Clover, but not the opposite. Then again neither know of the 0BP = death rule in the 1ST Round).
→Dio (& Quark) pick Betray and Tenmyouji picks Ally.
→Sigma tries to gloat to Phi (about Luna's choice), but she ignores him.
→Luna thanks Sigma. But says she just did what was right and believed in him & Phi [I'm glad she got a 1ST Round Ally--means her optimism wasn't quashed (Luna's trust is like my trust was)!].
→Tenmyouji is all "What the Hell?!" (I think he might even say that) to Quark & Dio.
→Quark says it was Dio--he promised Quark he'd press 'Ally', so Quark let him vote for them.
→Dio says Quark is a Hell of an actor, and a natural born con-man.
→Dio says that Quark told him he was getting tired of Tenmyouji, and that since they can trust he'll vote Ally they can get 3 easy Bracelet Points. Quark will just say that Dio tricked him and Tenmyouji will believe it. They can probably even use Tenmyouji's trust later.
→Quark gets VERY upset and calls Dio a "lying bastard".
→Tenmyouji says for as long as he has known Quark he can tell when he is lying, even if he, himself was blind & deaf.
→Tenmyouji trusts Quark, and Dio is a jerk.
→Alice is upset with Clover.
→Clover & K apologise.
→Alice says not to dwell on the past--she'll have to make the points up in other Rounds.
→Zero III explains the 'penalty', the bracelet shuffling, etc.
→Bracelet Points:
Sigma, Phi, & Luna = 5BP
K, Clover, Dio, & Quark = 6BP
Alice & Tenmyouji = 1BP
→Bracelet Colours:
Sigma & Alice = Cyan Pair
Clover = Cyan Solo
Phi & Dio = Yellow Pair
Luna = Yellow Solo
Tenmyouji & Quark = Magenta Pair
K = Magenta Solo
→Alice suggests a thorough look around for any hidden exits/passageways Zero might have missed.
→Sigma once had a one night stand with a prominent politician's mistress.
→Sigma self-pitys himself & remembers how he was kidnapped.


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:56:26 UTC
(Crew Quarters ⇒ Lounge ⇒ Infirmary)
→Tenmyouji won't say why he is reacting like he is to the old woman (Tenmyouji, Clover, & Luna are in the Crew Quarters this time).
→Nor if he and Quark are related.
→Sigma says he is just trying to find some sense in things.
→Clover & Luna come in and are surprised that someone besides Tenmyouji is there.
→Luna thinks that maybe the Nonary Game is something being played for entertainment while rich/powerful people watch "in an opulent theatre, watching us struggle while they drink brandy and eat caviar...".
→Tenmyouji flies-off at the idea that the old woman dying was for entertainment.
→Luna suggests that maybe that wasn't planned for the 'show'.
→Clover & Luna say that they believe K's hypothesis about the murder of the old woman being planned [though] since Zero III never mentioned it.
→Clover says there is a 1-in-7 chance one of them is a murderer/Zero--she excludes herself & Alice from that.
→Sigma & Luna ask Clover how she knows Alice.
→Clover says she & her are 'co-workers' in an 'organisation'.
→But she doesn't trust the others there enough to tell them anymore right now (but might later).
→Luna & her leave. Sigma gets shot-down by Tenmyouji again, so he leaves too.
→Alice & Dio are in the Lounge.
→They ask Sigma about the room.
→Sigma says the whole room is odd (there is no longer Planet/Colour alcohol on the shelves too).
→Alice shows Sigma the Astronomy magazine.
→Sigma tells them it's Christmas Day.
→Alice was kidnapped on December 22ND.
→Dio thinks he was kidnapped on December 20TH.
→Dio wonders if they've all be on a Soporil IV-drip and being kept asleep. Alice says that if the dosage was done right then they would all wake-up at the same time.
→All 3 decide that it probably isn't still Christmas Day then.
→Sigma wonders if the drugs/being asleep is why he has felt dizzy since waking-up.
→Alice also has not felt quite right in her body.
→Dio says his group found a book about a cat...A cat in a box and not knowing if it was alive or dead...But he doesn't really understand it (Schrödinger's Cat, in other words).
→Alice then shows the Infirmary newspaper article (she wasn't sure when/if to bring it up).
→Sigma wonders if this is one of the quarantine shelters.
→Dio & Alice make points that none of them seem sick, and if it was wouldn't there be more than 9 people there?
→Alice flirts with Sigma.
→Sigma decides that they must have been taken before the pandemic then, since none have heard about it.
→Alice doesn't mention about a 'bio-weapon'.
→Sigma says that if there is a pandemic then their friends & families are out there even if the 9 of them are safe in the facility.
→Sigma unsettles everyone.
→Sigma decides to go elsewhere.
→Dio & Alice stay in the Lounge.


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:56:49 UTC
→Phi, Quark, & K are in the Infirmary.
→K says he, Alice, & Clover searched the Infirmary thoroughly.
→Sigma asks them if they knew the old woman (Finally! I wanted to yell at him to ask everyone before).
→Phi doesn't.
→Quark doesn't (so maybe my hunch Tenmyouji does isn't true?).
→K says even if he did, he doesn't now whut-with his amnesia.
→Phi still suspects K.
→Sigma is also suspicious of him, but not really of the murder.
→K asks why.
→Sigma says "have you even looked in a mirror lately?" (K is apparently stuck in a suit of armour or a robot).
→Phi, Quark, & Sigma elaborate that K looks scary. That if someone met him at night they might collapse/die with fright (Quark adds some might even if met during the day).
→K apologises for being so frightening (personally I only find him Very creepy, and not scary. His head also reminds me of a kappa, so that's kinda scary. He reminds me of Alphonse from "FullMetal Alchemist" though, with his metallic voice & light for eyes).
→He's tried repeatedly to get out if it, but it seems stuck on.
→Sigma says he doesn't really need to apologise as it's not his fault for being stuck in the suit.
→K says he doesn't know if it is or not. Maybe he wanted to be in the suit originally?
→The suit feels very natural for K to be in, so he thinks he might be used to it from before losing his memory (I'm still expecting the twist of a mind transferred into a robot, and the suit really is his body itself).
→Still he is scared that he'll be stuck in it for the rest of his life.
→He wants out of it, or to at least get the mask off.
→K compares it to someone used to wearing glasses. That they might not feel wearing them odd, but it's not like they want to never take them off ever again (personally I'd hate to have to wear my eyeglasses 24/7 D: ).
→K takes the robe (kinda Buddhist monk like toga thing) off & asks them to look for any switches/etc. he might have missed or been unable to reach.
→They find a hole on his head (which would have been noticable anyway? His robe only covers like a toga) that looks like a giant deep freeze keyhole, that has "► OPEN" wrote beside it.
→They figure if a key was inserted then the suit/mask might pop off.
→K is very relieved & optimistic.
→Sigma checks and sees only 4 minutes until the Chromatic Doors open is left (the 9 promised to meet down there 5 minutes until opening, and it takes time to travel down there)
→Sigma, Phi, Quark, & K get there just as the Chromatic Doors open (they only stay open for 5 minutes, and anyone not behind them, or behind one not matching their required partnering dies).
→Dio is pissed at Phi for arriving so close to late due to the death risk.
→Alice is also pissed at Sigma.
→Luna & Phi state that fighting is useless (they got back in time) and they need to hurry.

Into The CDs
→Phi gives the options.
→Tenmyouji refuses to go with K (these are like Fox, Chickens, & Grain puzzles). He doesn't trust that he won't Betray him after.
→K refuses to go with Tenmyouji. He doesn't want to kill him by choosing Betray (Tenmyouji has 1BP), or lose points by choosing Ally.
→Clover & Alice want to go together.
→Luna wants to go with Sigma or Phi since they chose Ally last Round (if she only knew that it was Sigma's vote! Phi wanted Betray).
→Option C is thrown-out since it would mean Tenmyouji & K partnering (I suspect if I selected Betray to Luna I'd be going that route though like with the Yellow Door route). Despite it meaning Clover with Alice, and Luna with Phi.
→Luna gets Sigma to choose since she trusts him (and wants to go with him or Phi).
→Just then Quark gets a dazed look on his face and collapses to him knees.
→He starts creepily whispering that everyone doesn't have a choice to die, that everyone has to die. Among other disturbing things (I was hoping Quark having Radical-6 was just for the Yellow Door route :( ).
→Tenmyouji wants to take Quark to the Infirmary, but there isn't time (if they aren't behind a Chromatic Door they'll die).
→So he picks him up and goes through--Whatever Chromatic Door that goes with Sigma's option choice.


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 04:58:48 UTC
Green Door:
→Sigma & Alice partner with Luna for the Green Door (I wanted to go with K, but I'd rather go with poor Luna more).
→Tenmyouji & Quark partner with Clover for the Blue Door.
→Phi & Dio partner with K for the Red Door.
→There is a 3 doors & a lever section here too.
→Sigma pulls it and the Right door opens this time [and not the Middle like with the Laboratory (I wonder if the scanner screens by the levers check who pulls it and opens depending on that, or if it is random like the Bracelet colours/pairings?)].

→There is a Terminator looking robot on a slab, and pushing a button on said slab causes its eyes to light-up red [this freaked me out because I was expecting a robot attack D: (also I wonder if this leads to K - END as it's a robot room) Maybe 'GAULEM' = 'Golem'???]!
→Alice says the platforms on the sides of the room are like disco stages. Luna asks what 'disco' is, and Sigma is amused. Alice brushes it off and pretends to not know what disco is either.
→Finding the lab coats (but not -that- kind) in the lockers has Alice flirt with Sigma again, and Sigma ask Luna if she has to wear one with her job (not a nurse, not a doctor, not quite a coroner). Sigma blushes, and Luna doesn't answer.
→Someone named 'Harold' worked there?
→Luna pushes the big red foreboding button (luckily just a power drained noise issues from the room. I was worried it would make the Terminator!robot get up D: ).
→Sigma eats & parts random pieces of junk from the back workbenchs' piles of stuff. Luna is disturbed.
→12 more robots drop down from the ceiling after a puzzle.
→Luna wonders if the boxer-wearing robot (that drops-down onto the left stage from said ceiling) is hiding something under them.
→Like a diary. "Why the hell would you hide a diary in your crotch?!" says Sigma, and I laaaauuuughed.
→Or maybe "a hose or something"? Sigma & Alice think she means a robo!dick.
→Alice rips the robot's underwear off. Nothing was hidden.
→Luna suggests Sigma try said boxers on.
→Luna says "Oh, you're amazing! I've fallen for you all over again!" after Sigma/you solve the voltage puzzle.
→The right stage should be flipped to make the damn eye puzzle less tricky (one stage is supposed to be read left-to-right, the other right-to-left-but-only-the-heads-not-the-eyes (but the thinking from the bartender's perspective from the Lounge was good!tricky).
→I discovered that stuff wrote on the MEMO/Brain Memory screen (the game's 2 page note taking feature) degrades/fades with time. I'm not sure if it counts playtime, or by section. I noticed it when I loaded it up for the red eye puzzle, and the notes I made back at the Treatment Center have gone all degraded/has pixels missing).
→Find a strange plug-like device in the Safe (looks like K's key to me! Guess this might be K - END instead of Luna -END?)


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 05:05:06 UTC
→Just as Sigma, Luna, & Alice are leaving they hear someone yell: "Hold up, governor."
→Sigma asks who said that & Alice says that her lovely throat could not make a sound so coarse.
→The terminator!robot has awoken!
→Sigma knows that a 'Cooper' derives from a barrelmaker.
→His name is GTM-CM-G-OLM, or G-OLM for short.
→Him and the others are 'General-purpose AUTONOMOUS Labor Electronic Machine's [GAULEM (so I was right about the Golem thing!)].
→He has an accent which is kinda West Country with the 'me's & such but he takes kinda London (I say the voice actor is putting-on a generic 'British' accent. I only know West Country because I read/typed so much stuff hearing it in my head). ANYWAY he says that he talks this way because someone with an American Southern accent (like the one Zero III sometimes uses) decided they should all have separate personalities.
→Sigma asks if he is part of Zero III.
→G-OLM finds this hilarious and explains that while both his brain, and all of Zero III hang-out in the facility's mainframe, he is a independent core. And more like a limb/computer monitor than a whole AI like Zero III.
→"But I don't know shit-all about this game he's running."
→G-OLM has gone through the video that's been recorded from the game though, and so knows the 9 people's names.
→He likes pretty women.
→He relates his feeling pain, and how humans feel pain, to the Chinese Room. A woman is locked in a room with only shelves of books & a slot on the door. People passing-by can ask questions by slipping paper in the slot, and she was ordered to answer each question with a suitable response. However the room is in China, and each question asked is in Chinese (I can't be more specific as to what dialect, or be politically correct, etc.). The women doesn't know any Chinese. The books on tne shelf though seem to be full of various written Chinese phrases & replies. So by using the books, and finding each question asked, she can complete her task. G-OLM equates this to a body receive an outward stimulation it doesn't understand, but is causing problems and that the brain can deduce is something wrong so it sends out a generic response to get you/him to stop what is causing the stimulation.
→G-LOM says that he is in disrepair now, having been left on the slab/worktable after only being there to get his internal batteries fixed. Now all his lubricant has gone gummy and so he feels a lot of pain & is stiff.
→And due to his faulty battery, he is stuck tethered to the slab/workbench by a power cord (so he can't go with them to the others).
→He was asleep until Sigma/Alice/Luna pushed the activation button though.
→He says that him and the other GAULEMs (maybe it's like Golem+gaul?) usually don't look so skeletal, that they are usually covered in an artificial tissue called ABT that makes them look human.
→"Truth to tell, I doubt you'd be able to tell the real from the fake even if it was right in front of you."
→He starts to say more on that "See, right in the middle of-" but an alarm sounds with "Command violation. Rogue processes detected. Product ID GTM-CM-G-OLM. Executing emergency deactivation.".
→And G-OLM's head sparks and he collapses & just smokes.
→Sigma, Alice, & Luna decide that Zero had him shut-down before he could reveal something.

GAULEM Bay After Escape:
→Someone has opened an Ambidex Gate (and since the GAULEM Bay Safe had the rules about not voting meaning death, there is a panic).
→Sigma, Alice, & Luna make it up, and only Dio, K, & Phi are back too.
→Dio gets yelled at since AGAIN he opened the Ambidex Room ASAP.
→Everyone is worried about what will happen to Clover, Tenmyouji, & Quark.
→Clover & Tenmyouji make it back though.
→But Quark went missing/ran-off on their way back (no word on his behaviour during the room!).
→Alice just goes off to the side and examines something on the floor, not talking to Clover.
→Everyone (but Alice) decides to quickly search, eventhough he isn't needed for voting.


lady_noremon November 13 2012, 05:06:03 UTC
→Sigma gets Phi to take him to the Pantry (the room her, K, & Dio had).
→They made Dio drink the water, and try some preserved food to make sure it was safe to consume (this amuses me after the stunt he pulled on the Yellow ⇒ Red route).
→Phi loves to eat. She had a serving of: paella, nasi goreng, schnitzel, yukgaejang, borscht, tom kha gai, chef's pasta, & twice-cooked pork.
→The food is best before over a 100 years from 2028.
→Phi is 20 years-old, she thinks.
→Sigma is 22 years-old.
→He can't believe she is that old and look so young, and she says he must have done drugs to look so old at 22.
→Sigma starts to question her on her not knowing her age, but remembers about the Chinese Room explaination & G-OLM.
→He tells her about the deactivation, and she tries to connect his "middle of" to the Chinese Room.
→Luna comes running in and tells them to hurry to the Crew Quarters.
→Alice is dead again this route.
→But instead of a scalpel in her chest this time, it looks like a knife handle (or as Phi states it could be a tool or ice-pick).
→She suspects Dio as he found the body.
→He says Clover saw her alive last.
→Clover gets all quiet and makes 999-esk revenge statements (Clover kills everyone in vengeance in 999's Bad End Axe Ending).
→Clover then runs-off.
→Tenmyouji follows.
→K says Clover probably won't trust any of them now, or admit to anything if she killed Alice.
→Sigma goes over who could have killed her in his head. He decides himself, Phi (who was with him), or Quark (who despite being MIA, Sigma decides is too small to overpower Alice).
→K suggests that the Nonary Game is just a distraction so Zero can go murder them all one-by-one.
→Sigma remembers Zero III suggesting Alice or Tenmyouji or both or all would die in the 2ND Round.
→Sigma leaves Alice's now detached Bracelet, and goes to vote.
→Tenmyouji & Clover are already locked-in.
→Dio, K, & Phi bicker.
→Dio will have 9BP if he Betrays K, and K will have 9BP if he Betrays Phi & Dio.
→Luna oddly suggests that they all just pick Betray so no Bracelet Points will change.
→Luna says also in a strange tone that she, herself can trust Sigma though.
→Phi says she wants to utterly defeat the Nonary Game by getting everyone through the 9 Door.
→...Well she can't get Alice out now...
→She asks K to choose Ally. That she can guarantee she'll choose Ally too.
→Dio tells Sigma that he's lucky Alice is dead so if Luna votes Betray she can't die again (Alice had 1BP left).
→Luna asks Sigma what he'll choose (oh fuck her voice has that waivering pitiful asking tone :( )?
→Sigma instead of saying "Yep, yep!" gives a kinda douchey response of well even if he did pick Betray he'd just have 8BP and need to play another round anyway.
→Luna goes to vote.
→Phi asks K to pick Ally again.
→K of course doesn't trust Dio not to overpower Phi & vote Betray.
→Dio says someone with a body stature like his does not result to violence.
→So Phi tells Dio to look behind him and then runs into the Ambidex Room to lock him out.
→With Dio out of the picture, K says he'll choose Ally.
→Dio swears & yells a lot and bangs on Phi's AB Room.
→He runs into an empty Room and tries to start voting. There is an announcement that an invalid pair has been detected, and that team members can not vote in separate rooms.
→Dio is PISSED.

AB Game Round 2:
→Sigma goes to choose Ally, but remembers how weird Luna sounded (who wouldn't if they got "well you're not worth betraying since I need another Round anyway." after just saying "I trust you!" :/ ).

AB Game Round 2 Ally:
I saved right before the results are displayed, as I had a "Swapnotes" note waiting and I was really eyestrain-y so wanted a happy break (I figured it's be from fantastic Jeremy). I then loaded-up VLR again, selected my save file, and English voice track. The save file loaded fine, but when it goes to resume my game I just get a black screen and my whole Nintendo 3DS system freezes. I'm worried that at 23 HOURS into it, my save file might have corrupted. But I'm not getting the error message so I'm hoping it will be alright.

I can go through the motions of having hope, even if I have none or any such belief. At least if I have to restart, I know the puzzles now... :[


lady_noremon January 3 2013, 06:02:43 UTC
It took me awhile, but I finally got back into playing back through what I already played, then suspending the software, opening GMail in the Nintendo 3DS Internet Browser, and typing. I'm t just after the Rec Room on the Pair With Alice & K route through the Magenta Door in my actual playing.


AB Game Round 2 ⇒ AB Game Round 2 Ally ⇒ Security ⇒ Security After Escape ⇒ Director's Office Solve The Mystery Of The Two-Headed Lion!

AB Game Round 2 Ally
→Bracelet Points:
Sigma, Luna, & Phi = 7BP
Dio & K = 8BP
Tenmyouji & Clover = 4
Alice (deceased) = 3BP
Quark (missing) = 9BP
→Sigma (and voting for now dead Alice) picks Ally, Luna picks Ally.
→Tenmyouji (and voting for missing Quark) picks Betray, Clover picks Ally.
→Phi (voting for locked-out Dio) picks Ally, K picks Ally.
→Luna nervously thanks Sigma for voting Ally. That they are in the homestretch now until getting 9BP.
→Sigma says he just did as he promised. Luna still acting anxious says she just did the same.
→He says he hopes they are against each other in the next round too. She is all '...Because I'll choose Ally?' And he says yes, because he can 'trust' her.
→Luna says that if they are in a Pair together the next Round, Sigma can vote for both of them and choose whatever option he wants.
→Sigma is all 'Wha?!', says he will probably choose Ally again as he's done it twice already.
→That "let's choose "ally" and get the hell out of here together".
→Luna agrees, but doesn't sound too into the idea. Lots of "...".
→Sigma asks why, and Luna answers that it's hard to be happy about things.
→Sigma guesses it's because of Alice being dead.
→Luna sounds kinda surprised & is all 'yeah, that too' like.
→Sigma also guesses because Quark's still missing, and Luna gives the same sort of distant response.
→Sigma says technically Quark has won the Nonary Game though, because he had 9BP now.
→Clover sounds hurt and asks Tenmyouji how he could vote Betray? After all the things he said (neither say what that is, and it's meant to be vague/mysterious).
→Tenmyouji says that everything he said is true.
→Clover asks how he knew what he said, and accuses him of being Zero.
→Tenmyouji says that of course he isn't Zero! But he got someone involved in this that he shouldn't have.
→Clover asks if it's Quark, and Tenmyouji says yes.
→Then Tenmyouji storms-off into the Magenta Door to look for Quark.
→Clover goes to follow, but goes to the Cyan Door instead.


lady_noremon January 3 2013, 06:04:10 UTC
→K asks why she chose Ally? If she didn't trust any of them now, why would she do that?
→Him and Sigma conclude it's because he must have said something to her to convince her.
→Neither have any idea what that would be though.
→Luna asks K why he chose Ally?
→K says that if Phi had chosen Betray, then Dio would have gotten 9BP. So that was her grantee.
→Sigma asks why he didn't just choose Betray to get 9BP and leave?
→Luna says it's because he promised, right?
→K does that creepy face & fake "Ha. Ha. Ha." laugh, and says that too, but he also felt a connection with Phi during the Pantry, and that he felt like a little voice say ""Don't betray her."".
→Phi gets pissy and claims that, that & gut feelings are bullshit, and no-one can have a connection with her without her permission. That for him to say it is skeevy.
→Sigma is all D: "What the hell, man?! He did you a favor and now you're gonna give him shit for it?!".
→That she chose Ally, so she must have trusted him too (despite it being stated that she wouldn't because of Dio :/ )?
→Phi says no, that she made him trust her. By stuffing her face and acting like an idiot while in the Pantry to make him drop his guard.
→Sigma says that even if he trusted she'd pick Ally, he still could have picked Betray and left.
→Phi & Sigma bicker more with Sigma suggesting she felt a connection to K too, and her yelling that she couldn't trust someone without even seeing their face.
→Luna interrupts and suggests changing the subject. She asks where Dio went?
→K says he saw him leave through the Yellow Door after the results.
→There is an announcement about the Star Round and how a Star keycard will enable unlimited voting.
→K, Sigma, Phi, & Luna decide that it probably doesn't mean consistent voting. That there must be a cool-off (Luna works-out it's around 45 minutes).
→K & Luna go to look for the others to find-out their bracelet colours. Phi & Sigma go to retrieve Alice's bracelet.
→Sigma asks Phi if she thinks K is the murderer?
→Phi just gives a 'maybe'.
→Sigma freaks-out, and Phi reminds him that he didn't stop her from going with K either.
→Sigma says he feels he can trust him.
→Phi asks Sigma if he has considered Luna is the murderer?
→Sigma says no. Says that if she wanted Alice dead, she'd just have to hit Betray last Round.
→Phi says that would be too public; if she had, everyone would be against her. Phi says that Alice would not have chosen Ally (the risk with her 1BP would be too great? Or does Phi think Alice would choose Betray anyway?). But that even if Luna stabbed Alice, K doesn't have much
to worry about [being in a suit of armour. (She also says maybe Sigma is attracted to K because of his flattering attire)].
→Clover is in the Crew Quarters. She goes to run, but Sigma stops her.
→She says that she doesn't want to talk to anyone, and that she knows who killed Alice. She wonders if Sigma & Phi might be working with the murderer.
→Clover says Alice was killed because she discovered something, and that she's worked it out too.
→They ask what, and she tells Sigma & Phi to figure it out themselves.
→Clover then runs-off.
→Sigma worries about what colour Clover's bracelet is, but Phi managed to somehow get a good enough look at it.
→Sigma & Phi wonder what Alice (and Clover) figured-out.
→Phi nonchalantly picks-up Alice's bracelet, pockets it, then starts searching Alice's corpse.
→She finds what seems to be a bloodstained handkerchief. The blood is dried, and much older than Alice's blood (I figure they probably mean where her blood stains her clothes).
→They deduce that it must be part of what Alice discovered.
→They wonder if it's the old woman's blood.
→Phi & Sigma go looking for Tenmyouji & Dio to find-out their bracelet colours.
→They find the Rec Room, and figure that's the room that Tenmyouji, Clover, & Quark had because the door is unlocked.


lady_noremon January 3 2013, 06:06:19 UTC
→Tenmyouji is there & very distressed.
→Sigma tries to calm him down (saying he knows him, and this isn't how he is. I wonder if this would be said if I hadn't played the Tenmyouji route beforehand?).
→Tenmyouji says that they should be happy he hasn't found Quark yet, because if he does he'll try to make him open the 9 Door. So it's better for everyone else if Quark is still missing.
→Sigma is all 'D: no way! I'm not happy he's missing!' (Phi says nothing).
→Tenmyouji yells that nothing is turning-out like he thought, and that he shouldn't have brought Quark here.
→Sigma calls him on "brought".
→Tenmyouji says that Zero made him an offer.
→Phi tries to interrogate him, but he just looks away & gives a wall of "..." (Ace Attorney games would have a PsyLock here!).
→Tenmyouji suddenly asks Sigma & Phi to hold out their wrists. They do so.
→He then pulls out something he was hiding, sprays them with it, and quickly turns out the room's light [being the first room I encountered with a light switch someone can manually control (the first room I played with one was the Security Room)].
→The liquid was Luminol, and no reaction happens [but I figured that test would fail if the murderer (I suspected Radical-6 at this point for this route) was right-handed, and only used one hand. Tenmyouji is counting-on blood getting stuck in the bracelet after the killer stabbed Alice or the old woman. If a supposed killer had used their right hand, and since both was only one stab wound, and the weapon was left behind (in Alice's case), the killer would just have to carefully wipe their hand (since by the bodies' positions, there wasn't a struggle).]
→Tenmyouji seems relieved.
→Phi guesses that it's because it proves Phi & Sigma aren't Zero Sr./Senior.
→Tenmyouji confirms that. But won't say anything else. He figures Zero Sr. might have Quark hostage, and if Tenmyouji goes rambling then something might happen to his grandson.
→Sigma goes to protest, but looking in Tenmyouji's eyes he sees sadness & loneliness. He decides to leave it be.
→Tenmyouji runs out.
→Sigma asks to ask Phi a question. She says that she doesn't know anything else either. But it's not, so she thinks it's about Tenmyouji's bracelet, and she caught it. It's really just a question to tease her about screaming when she was sprayed with Luminol.
→Phi & Sigma go down to the 3RD Warehouse.
→White Chromatic Doors are there.
→"MEMENTO MORI, IF THE NINETH LION ATE THE SUN." graffiti on the wall.
→Dio is there by the White Doors.
→He says he figures Quark is just off napping somewhere, and he doesn't want him found since he'll escape and leave everyone trapped there for the rest of their lives (no mention that if Quark doesn't go through the next Doors he'll die).
→Sigma is horrified at the idea of everyone being trapped there indefinitely. That they'll die, and whoever brought them here will even leave their corpses.
→Dio asks Sigma if he brought Phi there so he could kill her. It's all D: for a moment, but Dio is still just pissed-off at Phi tricking him (actually says if K hadn't chosen Ally, he'd be hanging Phi off one of the warehouse shipping cranes).
→K (who told Dio the other peoples' bracelets), Tenmyouji, & Clover had also been down there. Dio says he hasn't seen Luna though.
→Bracelet Colours:
Sigma & Phi = Magenta Pair
K & Dio = Yellow Pair
Clover & Quark = Cyan Pair
Luna = Green Solo
Alice = Blue Solo
Tenmyouji = Red Solo
→Phi stops in the Lounge on the way back, and comments on the Sun clock (part of the Green Sun, Blue Earth, Red Moon puzzle). She brings-up the "MOMENTO MORI, IF THE NINETH LION EATS THE SUN." graffiti.
→Sigma wonders what 'be aware of death' or 'remember death' ("I think it's usually used to mean "We're all going to die someday, so don't forget about your own mortality."") has to do with anything.
→Phi brings-up the extra 'E' in 'NINTH'. Decides it was added deliberately (I noticed it too and figured it meant the thing was another anagram), to give enough letters.
→When they get back to Warehouse A, K & Luna aren't there. Phi decides her & Sigma should wait there to prevent missing them by searching.
→Phi goes to check where Alice was looking at earlier.


lady_noremon January 3 2013, 06:07:15 UTC
→Phi & Sigma find blood spots on the floor there.
→They figure it's from the old woman.
→Phi looks up at that warehouse's shipping crane, then runs to the 9 Door and stares at the row AB Rooms.
→Sigma works-out too that the right most Ambidex Room has been moved (by crane) to the left most side since the first AB Round started.
→Ambidex Room start positions:
1= K & Clover
2 = Tenmyouji
3 = Sigma & Phi
4 = Alice
5 = Dio & Quark
6 = Luna
→So since Luna was in the room that was moved, did Luna murder the old woman?
→Was the handkerchief stuffed in between the right most AB Rooms, and fell out when #6 was moved?
→Phi figures the line of blood on the handkerchief means it was used to wrap the murder weapon.
→On closer examination of the "TWO MILKMEN GO COMEDY!" graffiti they discover that a splotch at the bottom that they'd assumed was just more paint, is actually blood.
→Was that where the old woman was stabbed?
→Did the killer stab her there, then drag her back to the AB Room, wrap & hide the weapon/handkerchief, then later operate the crane to move where the corpse was hidden?
→If so, why did they not collect the handkerchief/weapon again? Instead of leaving it to be discovered.
→And if the killer was Zero Sr. (which since they could use the crane, it probably was), couldn't they have found a better place to hide the body?
→Also the old woman must have been killed (or died from Radical-6 as I suspect) while people were behind the Chromatic Doors since everyone searched the Ambidex Rooms thoroughly once all of them were opened. They would have found the body in #6, or under the graffiti.
→Given that, Sigma says that Luna could not have killed the old woman as Luna was with Phi & him from the Magenta Door up until AB Game Round 1.
→Phi says she doesn't think Luna murdered the old woman, but that Alice-and then Clover-must have suspected that she did.
→Sigma says he has a very bad feeling.


lady_noremon January 3 2013, 06:07:36 UTC
→They start to wonder what is keeping the others since they've been waiting about 20 minutes.
→Just then K comes out of the Cyan Door, and sombrely asks Sigma & Phi to come with him (and the excellent English voice acting is excellent).
→He says that Luna is dead.
→He leads them to the Crew Quarters, where Luna is dead on the floor of the room (Room 2) Alice's corpse is in.
→Her bracelet, and an injection gun lay on the floor beside her.
→K says he was waiting in the Warehouse, when he thought he heard a faint woman's scream from behind the Cyan Door. He thought he might have imagined it, but the silence after left him uneasy (3 minutes passed) so he went to investigate.
→And found Luna on the floor not breathing.
→He attempted to resuscitate her, but could only do chest compressions as the suit's mask prevented mouth-to-mouth.
→K knows CPR.
→He tried over 15 minutes, but then searched the Crew Quarters for the killer, then went back to the Warehouse A where he found Phi & Sigma.
→K suspects someone poisoned Luna by injecting her in the neck (he actually says "carotid artery") with the injection gun.
→K knows the medical term.
→The injection gun contains turbocurarine (the muscle relaxant in the Nonary Game Bracelets. And what was in the Infirmary).
→K also suspects that the killer ran out into the connecting hallways so he missed them.
→The knife that was in Alice's chest is now missing.
→Sigma, K, & Phi decide that using the injection gun over the knife would be the preferred way to kill someone.
→Did someone take the knife before Luna was killed? Or did whoever killed Luna take the knife after? Did Luna come across[ed] someone taking the knife?
→Since there was 30 minutes before K heard the scream, and no-one was seen, there is no way to know what happened. Phi says since they don't know, they shouldn't draw conclusions as it will taint their reasoning. "And if we don't know, we really shouldn't try and draw conclusions. That could color our reasoning, and that's not good. Conclusions without evidence are useless. So just forget any conclusions you might have come up with. Save that brain space for something more useful."
→K gives Sigma Luna's bracelet because they need it to go through a Chromatic Door. Sigma felt like he would be just using & abandoning her by taking it. But K says that he needs to survive & work-on catching her killer.
→Phi then starts going all 'Damnit! How could I get so distracted?' (which after having played later routes I took as something else, but at the time took as just weird).
→But it's because she forgot Quark is still missing, so Tenmyouji & Clover won't be able to go through a Door without him.
→There is only 4 minutes until the White Chromatic Doors open, so K, Sigma, & Phi decide to hope that Quark was found and everyone will be waiting down on Warehouse B*.


I had to take a break, though I hoped I could make it to Security before then. Man, I remembered a lot happening in this route, but I forgot how much! I think the route I played after this one (Dio End) was shorter though!


lady_noremon January 5 2013, 04:03:18 UTC
→K, Sigma, & Phi arrive just as the White Chromatic Doors open.
→Only Dio is there at the White Chromatic Doors.
→He demands Sigma and Phi give him Alice's bracelet so him & K can go.
→Phi looks him in the eyes and hands it over (the eye looking thing meant more to me since I played further).
→He says he hasn't seen Clover, Quark, and/or Tenmyouji. He doesn't mention anything about Luna.
→K says that he doesn't feel right leaving 3 other people to die (K knows Luna is dead). Dio acts like it isn't a big deal and asks if K wants to take a different Door then? When K still doesn't go; Dio: "Then please, tell me, what the fuck is the issue?" K: "Being a human being."
→Dio says that if they don't go then K will kill him. There are 3 minutes until the White Chromatic Doors close.
→When K still doesn't go Dio says that he has a baby son that Zero will kill if Dio doesn't win the Nonary Game -- Ambidex Edition (I remember not believing him, but still hoping I was wrong since at least it would be a more redeeming character thing for Dio. Also thinking of Dio dealing with diapers & such amused me).
→Sigma wants to call-out that bullshit, but he decides that if K believes it at least he'll go through a Door.
→K says he'll go on one condition: that Phi & Sigma go through a Door as well.
→Sigma & Phi also won't go through a Door since Tenmyouji, Clover, & Quark haven't arrived yet.
→K says that he figured they'd say that.
→K then punches both Phi & Sigma in the stomach, and carries them into a Door.
→He says that he doesn't believe Dio (about the kid), but he wants Sigma & Phi to both survive (it can't just be him & Dio).
→Sigma struggles to ask: "K...what are you...doing...?" K responds: "I confess I am not entirely sure. I will think about it during the ten seconds that remain." K then leaves to go with Dio.
→The Doors close, and after Sigma & Phi drag themselves through the Secondary Door they just lie/sit on the floor.
→Phi says her body will be fine, but she needs time to deal with her thoughts. Sigma can't stop thinking about Clover, Tenmyouji, & Quark.
→Sigma also thinks that K has a very powerful punch.
→Eventually they make their way to the next room which is the Security room.
→Sigma wonders if they can see what is going on elsewhere in the facility. If they can check for Clover, Tenmyouji, and/or Quark. Phi doubts they would be allowed (by Zero Sr. & Zero III) to just do that.
→But the monitors have no power, and the control screens seem locked.


At this point I was still expecting that I had an Ending coming-up as everything was going bad, and the route on the FLOW screen was showing AB Ga,e Round 2 Ally as the last section. But as the Security Escape Section started, the route on the FLOW screen
expanded! [ahnjehleehn says she thinks it is to trick people into playing with their hearts to vote Ally to Luna, even if the route seems it will end badly.]


→Phi & Sigma can see 9 of the live feeds, but no-one appears on any of them.
→There is a lightswitch that is an ornate lion head, and the button that sits in his mouth is engraved with a sun (At this point I wished I had kept track of the different lions & suns elsewhere).
→I don't know if the words on the stairs change, but they don't seem to be the same passwords I used last time.
→The shape puzzles are trial & error [The green chair shape puzzle is: hit the different coloured hexagons in a clockwise order. The red chair shape puzzle is: hit the 2 middle triangles from top to bottom, then the 2 different coloured hexagons from right to left. (I somehow managed to remember the answers from my first playthrough. It may be different for other players though)].
→I had to use a Walkthrough for the hourglass puzzle (0407091115).
→The words/phrases on the side screens needed for the Safe Key password puzzle:
→"Not all of the words are needed, however. The unneeded words should be erased." The extra words are used for the Safe File password puzzle, and are:


lady_noremon January 7 2013, 03:18:07 UTC
I was interested that the words that needed to be "erased" were "SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING" (especially given my further playing). And that 'erased' was the term used when the puzzle requires the words to be turned-off/blacked-out.


Security After Escape:
→Phi realises that they just checked the live feeds. What if they can access the stored video too? If they can't see where the others are/if they are still alive, then they might be able to see what happened with Luna, Alice, Quark, and such.
→Phi manages to load where the stored video should be: Sigma: "You know how to use this thing?" Phi: "Well, it was designed so that a human could operate it. That means there's logic to how it's set-up. A computer computes, a calculator calculates, and an
automobile mobiles. Everything's designed to do something, and once you know what, you can start guessing how. Once you start to figure out how to get it to do things, it's just a question of playing with it until it does the things you want it to." (manipulative cow :/ )
→But everything shows "NO DATA". Checking the logs they learn it has been deleted by "Administrator" (who they figure is Zero).
→One of the other icons catches Sigma's eye and he asks Phi to open it.
→It's a list of the GAULEMs & their status.
→Sigma gets excited and scans the list for G-OLM!
→All seem to be offline though.
→But Sigma notices there is a scroll bar!
→And scrolling down reveals that G-OLM is available (Eay, 'old up thar gov'nor!)!
→It seems that though his body was terminated, since his actual 'brain' is in the main computer, it is still online there.
→Sigma gets Phi to load-up G-OLM's 'cache'.
→In it are a few video logs that he accessed (Aksys-ed! *rim shot*) that managed to avoid deletion!
→G-OLM had been keeping track on everyone and made sure to catch feeds.
→Sigma & Phi watch themselves getting carried through the White Door by K, and K & Dio going through another White Door. They both made it.
→They start searching for Clover, Tenmyouji, & Quark--
→--But just then Sigma's vision goes all wonky (even worse than with Clover End), foggy, & dimmed. A continuous *whummp, whummp* sound phases through his hearing. He shakes his head, but it doesn't clear. He starts to feel very dizzy, and goes to move but staggers.
The next view he has is of the ceiling with Phi moving quickly & looking at him.
→She starts talking to him but it sounds like a sped-up cassette tape. He can't work-out what she is saying, but he gets it's concern so he nods and closes his eyes.
→He at first thinks it's Phi and stuff going all odd, but then he wonders if it's actually him. If maybe something is wrong with him? That maybe things are slowed down in his brain (Radical-6's effects & such are not yet known on this route! So while I'm going D: Sigma knows nothing).
→After awhile Sigma wakes-up. Phi managed to drag him up the stairs, but couldn't get him onto the sofa (chesterfield :| ).
→Everything seems normal again. And when Phi runs up she isn't moving fast, and her voice is fine.
→Sigma brushes it off at him being tired & all the rest.
→Phi says she hopes that's all. But she does ask if he's caught a disease or something (D: does she suspect?).
→Sigma then remembers the newspaper clipping, but again says he's fine so they go back to the computer console.


lady_noremon January 7 2013, 03:19:41 UTC
→Phi has gotten more comfortable with how things work while Sigma was out, and she starts showing him what she found.
→Most importantly (to Phi & Sigma--having played this route further, I'd want to see other feeds too!) G-OLM caught a feed of Room 2 in the Crew Quarters.
→It seems that the date/time system is custom to the facility/Zero, so they have no idea what the date really is.
→But using estimates & times when they looked at their bracelets, when K looked at his on the video, and by using what Phi worked-out with the red hourglass (a clue for one of that room's puzzles. She used it to figure out what time in the video equals minutes & such), they manage to work-out a timeframe of when they got Alice's bracelet until K brought them to Luna's corpse.
→The sound of the feed is all gibberish. They figure it has been transcoded differently.
→While Phi & Sigma were down talking to Dio, Clover & Luna entered the room. Clover yells/interrogates Luna for a long time. Luna just stays quiet.
→Suddenly Luna starts backing away from Clover all frightened. Clover follows and they go off-screen.
→The only feed that Sigma & Phi have of that room is from that angle. So Clover & Luna are in a blindspot.
→Clover then hurries out of the room. Luna does not follow.
→But a minute after Clover leaves, Dio comes skulking in.
→Dio lied about having stayed at the White Chromatic Doors.
→Phi & Sigma figure Dio is up to no good.
→Something seems to startle Dio as he runs out of the room. Using their timeline they know that's when K says he went through the Cyan Door.
→K comes in (just missing Dio who went down the other hallway).
→He immediately goes off screen where Luna is.
→He is there 16 minutes.
→He doesn't search the room after as he said he did, but he looks at his bracelet (21 minutes until Chromatic Doors open on it), then leaves the room. This is right before Phi & Sigma know that K told them Luna is dead.
→Phi then says that though the video would be "shakey evidence", she wants to know who Sigma thinks killed Luna?
→Now I chose 'Clover'. It's the first dialogue option I've been given, which is something I miss from 999 :/ I know that selecting "It's Dio." Sigma's reason is 'Dio was doing something not good' which has Phi say she thinks it's Clover, then gives the reasons Sigma gives with choosing Clover. And I think selecting K had 'he says he was resuscitating her, but he could have taken her to the Infirmary for that!' and Phi 'that could have been more dangerous!' then giving the Clover evidence.
→Phi wonders why Sigma chose Clover? K & Dio both were in there too?
→Sigma says that it seems more likely to be Clover if other things are factored in.
→Like Dio not asking where Luna was at the White Chromatic Doors. If he hadn't known she was dead, or if he had killed her, then he would likely have asked how Phi & Sigma could go through a Door without her. Since he acted like he didn't expect her to be there, then he must have seen her dead. It doesn't clear him, but it makes more sense.
→Phi says she gathered that too.
→That Clover must have led Luna there to confront her, maybe hoping seeing Alice's corpse would lead her to confess. Either Luna said something, or admitted to something she didn't do to get Clover to stop, but something got Clover to attack her.
→They decide since they don't know for sure though, that they should keep said deduction to themselves.
→Sigma is all 'We'll just have to find Clover & ask her!' Phi goes to agree, but after '...' decides to be truthful and says like '...if she's still alive...' Sigma is all '...She has to be.' Phi says she hopes so, in any case.
→They run back to the AB Rooms, but no-one is there. Phi & Sigma decide to search elsewhere.
→They start at the Crew Quarters. Phi tasks Sigma with Rooms 1 & 2, while she searches 3 & 4--Because make the guy who just had a spell search the room with the corpses of his companions.
→They find nothing new.
→Sigma starts to freak-out/give-up (of course), but Phi gets right up in his face (she gets right up on the screen too, appearing zoomed-in. I was all o_o when I first played it). She gets him to keep going.


lady_noremon January 7 2013, 03:22:53 UTC
→Next is the Infirmary.
→They search it, and lastly they look behind the partition. There they find the corpses of Clover & Tenmyouji handcuffed to the Infirmary's sink.
→Behind the partition is a blindspot from the security feed they looked at.
→Going by the marks from the handcuffs on their wrists they must have struggled, and by the needle marks where their bracelets were, it seems someone forcefully chained them there to be killed by penalty when the Doors closed.
→There is a cut on Tenmyouji's left hand, seemingly caused by a knife. It doesn't seem very fatal, but it is deep.
→Sigma wonders how come someone would need to handcuff them for the penalty to kill them? If they didn't have Quark, then they wouldn't have survived anyway.
→But Phi & Sigma find 3 bracelets on the floor, instead of 2.
→One is a Cyan Pair with 9BP (meaning it must be Quark's).
→Sigma is all upset that Quark is dead too. But Phi fights with him; yelling that Quark can't be dead. "I can't just let an innocent kid like that get killed..." (the "I" stuck with me. Like did she, herself?).
→Searching Tenmyouji finds nothing. Sigma suggests the killer must have taken something with them.
→Phi is gentle when moving Clover, even muttering an apology to her for doing so (Phi has had no problems with every other dead body).
→Clover has written something that looks like "0 1 6" (the '6' looks like an upside-down '9' to me, and having played 999, I wonder if it's a '9' or a 'q') on her thigh (she wears short-shorts in VLR) in blood (they figure as she was passing-out from the soporil-β). They know she wrote it because her finger (is Clover right-handed? Or did she have to use her right-hand due to the handcuffs? I know her big brother has to be right-handed though because his left hand is prosthetic) is bloody. They figure it's Tenmyouji's blood.
→Phi thinks that she has seen "0 1 6" somewhere, but after trying to recall she can't.
→They decide it must be related to the killer though (Is '016' supposed to be 'Dio'?), and Clover must have left it to be found.
→Sigma starts having a meltdown. Progressively yelling louder with every question & mystery they lack the answer too on this route. He almost begs Phi to give him some sort of answer or clue to anything.
→Phi is all '...' and '-' before mentioning the container luminol that Tenmyouji had on him. Why wasn't it with his body?
→Together they realise that whoever took it must have wanted to check for blood. And the only room that can be made dark enough to do so is the Rec Room (and the Security).
→Phi & Sigma run to the Rec Room.
→There they find that Dio & K are both dead.
→Dio has been stabbed in the stomach with a sword, pinning him to a wall.
→Right in front of him on the floor is K with a battleaxe lodged in his back--almost cutting his left arm off at the shoulder.
→K's back is more covered in blood than Dio (taking my 'Maybe K's a GAULEM' thought out).
→Sigma starts to laugh.
→He thinks that he is laughing because of natural selection. That all living creatures must have decended from a species that felt euphoria over pain in dangerous/life threatening situations where they were about to die. This enabled them to survive, which is what's happening to him now.
→Sigma cheerfully asks Phi what she is doing as she examines the bodies.
→Phi finds a large knife hidden on Dio. It is covered in blood and had "Myrmidons" (which can be spoiled by a Secret File) engraved on the blade. It looks kind of like a hunting knife.
→Sigma questions if Quark killed them, if he is still alive (it sounded almost mocking to me). Phi says that Quark wouldn't have had the body strength/size.
→Sigma starts to wonder if Phi killed K & Dio. She is all 'I've been with you!', but Sigma wonders if she did it while he was out of it (I think she just fiddled with the footage while Sigma was 'tripping the light fantastic'. Leaving wouldn't be predictable for how lucid he would be).
→He then wonders just how long he was out of it? Could it have been more than the 5 minutes he thought? Maybe it just seemed like that because his "mental processing speed had dropped".
→He then wonders why he got that term/idea from?


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