On "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward"

Nov 04, 2012 01:02

I'm going to try to post what I learn in each room/route. I want to do it as I do each playthough so my experience of it won't be tainted by memory of other rooms. I'll probably do this in point form, and continue it in the Comments. One person on Twitter mentioned keeping track of everything in Excel XD My memory may be incorrect in some places--I ( Read more... )

vlr, 999, video-game

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lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:41:42 UTC
Treatment Center:
→Sigma says that they might be able to treat Quark here.
→Clover at first doesn't seem to care either way, but eventually gets into it.
→Sigma is very kindly to Quark (ruffling his hair, putting him down gently, telling him he'll be fixed-up soon).
→Clover points out the clock has a NO.4 written on it (Clover was #4 in the Nonary Game).
→Clovers says "Don't you already have a memory card?" despite none in Sigma's inventory (don't know if I did it out of order, or if she was remembering the PEC memory card).
→Clover claims the jellyfish are aliens!
→Claims the red tile inside one of them is human flesh.
→Sigma can carry around 2 tree-like houseplants easily.
→Learn the treatment pods can do treatment or freezing.
→Clover says Sigma's bad joke probably froze the plant, Sigma asks what did he say (I don't remember him making a joke, but I also froze before treatment)?
→Quark cannot be cured in the treatment pod.
→The machine suggests Cells Alive System [CAS (CAS is mentioned in 999)]--A type of freezing/cryogenic freezing.
→Clover asks Sigma if they should freeze Quark or not, Sigma is all HELL NO.
→The dice game puzzle is a dick.
→Find Neostigmine in the Safe (2 Gold Safe Files mention it's a 'cholinesterase inhibitor'/'reversible acetylcholinesterese inhibitor' that's the 'antidote' for tubocurarine).
→Clover asks Sigma for a date (Sigma agrees).
→Find more rules about at least 1 person out of every partnering has to vote, or all 3 people die.

Treatment Center After Escape:
→Someone opens the Ambidex Doors.
→The pods monitors changes to show that 3 people had recently (8 hours ago) been unthawed & woken-up (By the music I was expecting that Quark had been frozen D:).
→Sigma wonders if the people in them were of the group of 9 now.
→Clover wonders if there are more than just 10 people there (9+the dead old woman).
→They notice that the time is written weirdly, as if Zero doesn't want them to know just what the real time is (earlier Sigma mentioned having his favourite
watch being taken from him too).
→They question if Zero wanted thenm to see this, that maybe the pod release information is fake.
→Sigma & Clover leave Quark in the No.1 treatment pod.
→Find the White Chromatic Doors (I couldn't read the graffiti this time either).
→Clover suggests choosing Betray.
→She is taken aback when Sigma says he honestly plans to choose Ally.
→Sigma says they can go another Round since he doubts Phi & Luna, or Dio are going to kill anyone.
→Clover is upset even thinking Alice could die.
→Clover states that K is probably going to get 9BP this Round.
→Sigma suggests that K might not choose to leave even then.
→Sigma explains about the pods.
→Tenmyouji makes Clover take him down to see Quark.
→Sigma flies-off at Dio for opening the Ambidex Doors before they got back.
→The rule note is shown.
→Apparently the Treatment Center Safe is the only one that contained a copy.
→K, Alice, & Dio were in the PEC room.
→Luna, Phi, & Tenmyouji were in the Pantry (but I'm sure Laboratory was mentioned last playthrough).
→Sigma tells about the data on the pods' monitors (that 3 people were in cold sleep).
→Phi wonders if being frozen means one's heart stops?
→Wonders if the pods could be used to get the Bracelets off.
→Everyone agrees.
→Except K is stuck in armour, so he couldn't be cryogenically frozen.
→They rush down to the Treatment Center to learn the CAS function is now locked off.
→Phi blames herself for mentioning it for Zero III to hear.
→It's decided that Zero probably wouldn't have left such a loophole to the Nonary Game (again I wonder how Snake's Bracelet stayed on in 999, since it was on his prosthetic arm?).
→Tenmyouji chooses to stay behind with Quark (defaulting to an Ally vote).
→Luna & Phi promise to choose Ally.

AB Game Round 2:
→Clover says she wishes to take back her request to Betray.
→Says she changed her mind after talking to Tenmyouji.
→Sigma grills her, but she just says he'd laugh if she said why.
→Quark is very important to Tenmyouji--which should be obvious as they are family...is there another reason?
→Clovers says Tenmyouji told her who he really was (but refuses to say, as she promised not to).


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:42:41 UTC
AB Game Round 2 Ally:
→Clover looked away while Sigma voted (he tells her to wait for the results).
→Sigma (& Clover) pick Ally to Quark's Ally.
→Luna & Phi picked Ally to Tenmyouji's Ally.
→Alice & K picked Betray and Dio picked Betray.
→Bracelet Colours:
Sigma = Blue Solo
K = Red Solo
Dio = Green Solo
Phi & Alice = Magenta Pair
Clover & Luna = Cyan Pair
(Phi guesses) Tenmyouji & Quark = Yellow Pair
→Bracelet Points:
Sigma, Clover, K, Quark, & Phi = 8BP
Luna & Tenmyouji = 3BP
Dio = 6BP
Alice = 1BP
→Alice does not leave right after voting.
→Dio explains that K would have 10BP if Dio had voted Ally instead of Betray.
→Dio, K, Phi, Luna, Alice, Clover, & Sigma decide to go search for Axelivar for Quark.
→K & Dio go to the Pantry.
→Alice & Phi go to the Treatment Center.
→Clover, Sigma, & Phi go to the PEC (and I'm scared to save ;~;).
→Phi explains what Alice told her (her group was in the PEC).
→Learn that the facility is higher pressure than the outside (1.5 Atmospheres in the Pressure Exchange Chamber Escape route).
→Due to fear of viral spread.
→The outside door is welded shut.
→Phi searches the top level leaving Clover & Sigma on the bottom level.
→Sigma confronts Clover about what Alice said about hearing about a 'bio-weapon'.
→Clover spills about what her & Alice's jobs are--Special Office of Internal Security (SIOS) agents.
→And what happened after the 2ND Nonary Game.
→Talks about her mother & brother.
→Tells how she got involved with the SOIS [Snake & Clover's mom was upset since her kids had been kidnapped twice (by different people though). She hires security guards to follow them around, and keeps a hard eye on them. The siblings are miserable since they have like no freedom now (Clover is 18 & Snake is 24 then). They decide to run-away. Clover works in a café, and Snake starts composing new age songs on a harp (that part made me laugh, and try not to laugh too loud until my sides hurt)! He has a bit of a cultish following, and writes a few books so they survive comfortably. Until Alice shows-up and tells them to go to a location. Once there the other kids from the 1ST Nonary Game are there. Alice explains about a threat of a terrorist group planning to release a virus that could wipe-out the whole human species. The SOIS wants to recruit the 1ST Nonary Game group to help since they can use the Morphogenic Field. Clover doesn't want to so her & Light leave. Alice shows-up again with a telephone call from Seven. He tells them he can't find Junpei (he's off searching for Akane), and asks them to help stop this as a favour to him (he rescued Snake-and everyone-in the 1ST game. They agree and go into esper training to make this Morphogenic Field ability stronger. Eventually they become SOIS agents & begin field tests. Clover as Transmitter & Snake as Receiver. But one of them turns-out to be a trap, Clover is captured, and Alice has to come save her. Clover vows to be more like Alice (which explains most of the OOC from 999-ness she has). They learn where the terrorists' headquarters are though so plan to attack it on December 25TH. Alice & Clover are kidnapped by Zero on December 22ND though.]
→Clover says she's been trying to contact her brother, but her ability isn't working.
→States she could amplify it if she could find another with the ability there (I wonder about Sigma's role in this).
→States that someone with a stronger ability could be absorbing her ability (could it be Sigma?).
→Sigma asks her why someone would want to start a pandemic though, and using the word "unclean" she remembers what neostigmine is for (to counteract turbocurarine). Snake told her about it.
→Suggests it would be best for someone without 9BP to sneak through the 9 Door when it's opened.
→Clover runs off to find Alice.
→Sigma runs after her and encounters Phi.
→Phi is acting weirds, like she is is a stupor. She points at the door after Sigma shakes her but doesn't speak or react besides.
→Sigma decides finding Clover is more of a priority, so leaves.


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 04:45:33 UTC
Clover - END:
→No-one but a still sleeping Quark is in the Treatment Center.
→No-one is in the Warehouses, Pantry, Lounge, or Crew Quarters.
→Sigma runs to the Infirmary.
→He freezes & collapses to the floor (I suspected Radical-9 when the top screen went all wonky).
→He feels blood with his hand.
→Looking up he sees the bloodied corpses of Phi, Tenmyouji, Luna, Clover, Alice, & Dio.
→K is not there.
→He also sees a very bloody scalpel.
→In extreme horror he grabs the scalpel and slits his own throat.
→Credits roll (I was giddy to see @AksysGames_Bo's & @Benpants' names after that traumatic event).
→Fade out to "Clover - END".


So I got my first real ending (it shows a picture of Clover on the 6TH of the little boxes on the save file).

Not a good ending, but the whole Snake gets bodyguards, runs away from home, composes new age harp music, and becomes a psychic secret agent story was hilariously worth it!


AB Game Round 2 Betray:
→Clover again looks away, but Sigma tells her she can go with him if she wants, or can stay (so she knows he picked Betray).
→Sigma (& Clover) pick Betray to Quark's Ally.
→Phi & Luna pick Ally to Tenmyouji's Ally.
→Alice & K pick Betray and Dio picks Betray.
→Bracelet Colours:
Not all shown.
→Bracelet Points:
Sigma & Clover = 9BP
Phi & K = 8BP
Dio = 6BP
Quark = 4BP
Tenmyouji & Luna = 3BP
Alice = 1BP

Clover Game Over:
→Sigma bolts for the 9 Door.
→Clover is in shock.
→Sigma pulls the lever & waits.
→Phi, Alice, Dio, Luna, & K are pissed-off & disgusted.
→Sigma tries to say he'll go to the police & get help sent.
→The group tackles him to the floor before the 9 Door finishes opening.
→Alice as Clover's commanding officer gives her a direct order to escape.
→Clover hesitates, so Alice shoves her through the Door.
→Sigma sees her feet behind the door as it closes.
→Everyone but Clover is trapped inside indefinitely.


lady_noremon November 5 2012, 06:57:27 UTC
Forgot this, but can't edit replied to comments :(

AB Game Round 2 Ally:
→Clover wonders if the pandemic they were supposed to prevent already happened (explaining the newspaper & the cold sleep).
→Wonders if everyone but Alice, Sigma, & her are lying. Well maybe not K if he really has amnesia.
→Sigma & Clover wonder why lie.
→Sigma suggests maybe him, Alice, & Clover were frozen, but decides that doesn't fit.


lady_noremon November 6 2012, 04:25:37 UTC
Treatment Center:
→Quark is put into the treatment pod.


lady_noremon January 24 2013, 01:43:49 UTC
The Dice Game Puzzle :/

I still can't get the "PAST" & "POUR" answers from it :/ The hint given is 'move as one for the first password' & 'move as four for the second password'.


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