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oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 10:54:20 UTC
"Don't get eaten," Isamu deadpanned back to Billy, right as the lights went and he groaned, because even though he'd volunteered, it didn't mean he was likely to enjoy a single second of any of this. "Subarashii sutāto o ofu.Even though he was meant to be bringing up the rear, he moved closer, casting an eye back every few seconds just to make sure nothing was going to follow them and try to pick one of them off whilst they were occupied with a corpse. The healer in him frowned; always a shame when it was far too late for anything to be done and blunt force trauma was a bad way to go. The blue crap - whatever it might be - was intriguing but even with his healing, he didn't feel like risking catching something that it'd take his magic time to deal with so he moved back to where he was originally meant to be ( ... )


failatskypirate March 27 2011, 03:20:12 UTC
One moment he's getting ready to dive right into the action, the next Cou finds that suddenly, he's back among the group that he thought would probably be following right behind him. Certainly that act of reckless charging that Harry had done was equally inspiring to the rest of the team... or maybe not, considering his current circumstance. His expression seeming only modestly annoyed for being recalled in the fashion that he had been, he turns his attention to the lady that addressed him ( ... )


oldfireturkey March 27 2011, 09:21:19 UTC
Already Isamu's shadow cloaking was being tested and he muttered, focussing harder on it to keep it together. And despite what he might like to say and how he still believed that following the warnings they'd gotten over the loudspeaker was for the best, it took a heart of stone not to want to help a child and so he left 'Courtney' and whoever it was she'd grabbed to it as he came to a halt ( ... )


magicprogeny March 27 2011, 19:50:12 UTC
"I got her!" Billy said, teleporting his way over to the girl and... he assumed it was a guy in an old fashioned diving suit. Once there, he quickly threw up a dome-like shield over them. "Hey, it's okay," he called over his shoulder in an attempt to reassure the girl. "We'll get you out, don't worry." What the hell was a little girl doing in a place like this? At least it seemed like she hadn't been alone, judging by how upset she was over the diving suit guy.


gumshoewizard March 27 2011, 23:03:05 UTC
Sometimes seconds is all you have when you're running on adrenaline and instinct. Before he even knew it, Harry was vaulting down the spiral staircase, landing in the next floor with a crash that had everything in the room turning to look at him, Splicers, Little Sister, et all. The hall became eerily silent in that heartbeat of surprise. Glowing eyes wide with fear and dark shadows staring hungrily at him, the wizard stepped forward, grin cocking on his face.

Well, with that kind of attention, there was only one logical conclusion. Point staff at the things hurting the helpless little girl and shout out: "Falcon Punch!"

Silver-blue sparks rippled through the air as he unloaded a boulder-sized Fozare into the middle of the group of Splicers in attempt to send them scattering. Like bowling pins. Bowling for Splicers, the new sport of Promenade.


splicedsurgeon March 28 2011, 03:08:39 UTC
The room is quite large, a makeshift arena now that there's a fight. If Cou is in fact free and swinging, he'll make it short of the group of splicers -- but certainly close enough for one of the Thuggish Splicers, the ones armed with lead pipes, to take notice and decide to attempt to use him as a pinata before he drops to the ground.

His arrival and the Thuggish Splicer's movement away from the group clues the rest of them into the team's arrival. The Nitro Splicers, armed with grenades, look up and immediately hurl them at anyone still on the stairs while the Leadheads, those armed with guns, start shooting. They'll focus on taking the team out before they get the Little Sister, even in the face of Isamu's blade -- these ones haven't fought the team before, after all, with the exception of one.

They're so focused, in fact, that they don't notice Billy shielding her. The Little Sister certainly does, though, and she shrieks again. She's scared. She doesn't know these people, her guardian is dead, the monsters want to get her.Harry ( ... )


oldfireturkey March 28 2011, 10:08:20 UTC
"Great job!" He shouted to Billy, managing the quickest of grins in his direction and then took a step back because shit son, colour him impressed with whatever the hell Harry had just done. The yell would have made him laugh in any other situation but that was a hell of a thing and it was easy to see just why Harry had run in front. Yes, charging right on in like a steroid infused bull in a china shop was never going to be the smart plan but if you had the balls and the skills to back it up, then it was very hard to keep up an honest complaint against it.

Not that Isamu would let Harry know that implicitly.

"Falcon punch? Jesus, the damn brain trust right there." Loud enough, maybe only just, but definitely loud enough to be heard by anyone close enough. Sword still crackling, he wielded it with one hand, the other shooting small blasts of lightning at the downed monsters. "Everyone! Hit hard and hit fast! This is the best shot we've got to get this done without too much damage!"


failatskypirate March 28 2011, 10:29:35 UTC
Particularly with the going-ons of the newly erupting battle around them, the pirate's struggles somehow got him free of his apparently self-appointed watch dog. At least free enough to get himself into plenty of trouble.

When he misses his mark, he's lined up flawlessly to take a lead pipe to the side, a pained yelp escaping him as he loses his grip and drops to the floor. It hurts, but he's taken worse blows from crueler adversaries without being crippled. A quick yank dislodges his hook from where he'd anchored it, the implement clattering to the ground as his winch kicked in and immediately began drawing it home.

In the meantime, he was hurting too much to want to get up, but he knew that if he just laid there and tried to get a breather, his assailants would finish him off. In a flash his pistol was drawn as he rolled aside to dodge any further attacks. Armed, he aimed at the nearest knee that didn't belong to his teammates and fired a quick two taps. Should he be lucky, strike true and perhaps even get the splicer to collapse ( ... )


gumshoewizard March 30 2011, 11:05:24 UTC
One Splicer that was on the fringe of the group, and therefore not blown away by Harry's surprise attack, watches its comrades fly off before turning to the wizard and charging him. This is good. By scattering them first, it made an organized rebuttal difficult, if not impossible to stage in the middle of combat. Besides, these mutant things didn't look like the cooperative type.

Harry ducks a swing from a lead pipe and blocks the other with his shield bracelet. In the spray of sparks that ignite when the weapon crashes with the shield, he cocks his arm back and lets loose one of the force rings on his fingers. The little items store a bit of kinetic energy whenever he moves his arm, unleashing it all at once when the ring is activated. The built up force of the ring tries to hit the Splicer dead in the face.

"Keep them scattered!" he bellowed, "dont let them organize!"


splicedsurgeon March 31 2011, 06:40:34 UTC
The splicers, in fact, aren't terribly organized -- they are far more tolerant of others like them than of these intruders, of course, but the demand for ADAM and the destruction it has caused on their minds and bodies makes petty squabbles turn fatal fairly constantly. Against this team, however, their true advantage is being able to swarm, to use their numbers to hit hard and fast. When they're scattered like bowling pins, that is much, much harder to do.

Bullets and grenades still fly while pipes are brandished, but in the end, the splicers are no match for beta team. There is no where to run this time, and so they don't. They die instead.

The Little Sister is still sobbing over her protector when the last Splicer falls, still clutching at his gloved hand with her own. "Mister Bubbles, get up!"


oldfireturkey March 31 2011, 14:43:24 UTC
Weapon used as something to lean against, he sighed heavily, wiping at his brow and shoving his hair back out of his face, casting a look around to make sure everyone was in one piece. From what he could see, it looked that way and he groaned, letting his head drop forward.

"This is Mister Bubbles then?" He made his way over and gave the felled whatever it was (because anything could be inside that damn suit) a poke with his sword, much in the same way a child would have poked at a dead animal to make sure that it was, in fact, dead. "What the hell is a little girl doing in a shithole like this?"


failatskypirate March 31 2011, 19:10:54 UTC
Admittedly, there's not nearly as much to pick through and search for salvageable goods as their last encounter had given them. Still, enough splicers had been felled for him to find more bullets and to his surprise, for the encounter to yield a pair of hand grenades. Admittedly, these represented some serious fire power and the sorta thing he'd probably need to give some warning before use.

But now it seemed like he's got enough kick to feel a little more useful. Plus with some string or something, he figures they could jerry-rig a trap or blow-up doors and stuff too.

After stuffing his new spoils into his backpack, he makes his way over to the fallen behemoth, stopping a few feet away. Everyone else seems to be crowding the clearly frightened girl, so after a moment. "Hey guys! Give her some space!" He still doesn't advance any further himself, but crouches to inspect the body of the girl's protector, "It looks like her buddy's pretty banged up. I don't think it's getting up any time soon."

State the obvious much there, Cou?


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