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oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 10:54:20 UTC
"Don't get eaten," Isamu deadpanned back to Billy, right as the lights went and he groaned, because even though he'd volunteered, it didn't mean he was likely to enjoy a single second of any of this. "Subarashii sutāto o ofu.Even though he was meant to be bringing up the rear, he moved closer, casting an eye back every few seconds just to make sure nothing was going to follow them and try to pick one of them off whilst they were occupied with a corpse. The healer in him frowned; always a shame when it was far too late for anything to be done and blunt force trauma was a bad way to go. The blue crap - whatever it might be - was intriguing but even with his healing, he didn't feel like risking catching something that it'd take his magic time to deal with so he moved back to where he was originally meant to be ( ... )


splicedsurgeon March 25 2011, 08:51:08 UTC
Once again, the combination of fire, bullets, being magically pushed, and a blade does its job. One splicer flees, dashing down the hallway to the right at the end of their current hallway. If anyone gets it in their mind to follow him, they won't find him. All they'll see is a hallway much like their own, with a staircase leading down to the next floor and a security camera with green lights rotating back and forth.

The rest of the splicers are killed. If anyone decides to look, they may find dollar bills, creme-filled cakes, or spare ammunition on their bodies. In addition, several of the rooms in their hallway have money, creme-filled cakes, ammunition, potato chips, more of those blue hypos, and first aid kits. Some of them also have corpses.

If anyone should go to the end of the hallway and look to the left, they will see a Vita-Chamber and an abandoned wheelchair with a teddy bear on it. It looks like there's only one way for them to go -- after the escaping splicer.


oldfireturkey March 26 2011, 00:31:48 UTC
With a sigh, Isamu sagged back, weapon away as he brought a hand up to feel around his face and throat, the skin still tender and already there were blisters forming with angry pinpricks and more blue light glowed from his hand as he held it to the burned areas to aid with the healing process. Looking more or less presentable apart from the blood now on his face and shirt and the singes his clothing had picked up during that blow, he looked around at everyone and sighed, shaking his head ( ... )


lamb_of_gold March 26 2011, 00:38:15 UTC
"I'm capable of healing most things as well," Mu said softly as he drew closer to the group. "Stealth is not something I'm used to, but it would be useful if you can maintain something like that."


gumshoewizard March 26 2011, 05:41:39 UTC
Harry's feet are already moving before he even thinks, chasing down that lone Splicer. A part of him, a very tiny part, revels in this. Its like back in Chicago; an evil man, people to protect, and a mystery to solve. And he's so used to being alone or having Thomas or Murphy or maybe Billy beside him that he doesn't think to wait for the others until Isamu speaks. Grinding to a stop, he turns around to look at their group and the direction that the survivor went. Damnit, they needed to recollect themselves before they walked into another death trap ( ... )


failatskypirate March 26 2011, 05:48:09 UTC
That was a relief and as the group starts recuperating, Cou doesn't wander far, but wastes little time in immediately searching the bodies for supplies. He'd easily gone through almost three magazines of ammunition during that fight and finds himself relieved that the munitions loaded in the guns of their foes were appreciably compatible with his gun ( ... )


splicedsurgeon March 26 2011, 06:11:25 UTC
((ooc: As a note -- none of the Splicers had EVE hypos, as none of them are actively using Plasmids. There are, however, some on the corpses in the extra rooms and in the extra rooms themselves.))

As soon as Harry got too close to the Vita-Chamber, there was a loud fizzling sound before the lights within it dim. It wouldn't have worked for any of them or any of the current residents of the Medical Pavilion anyway, but the noise would likely be unexpected.

None of the first aid kits have been tampered with, and all of them are well-stocked. As the group speaks, sounds can be heard from the distance. If they look, they won't find anything, but it's a nice reminder that they aren't alone.


oldfireturkey March 26 2011, 06:54:39 UTC
Isamu had been about to yell at Harry - going off on your own was a sure fire way to get your fool head knocked off and it was hard to miss Harry's seeing as he hulked over pretty much all of them. But he didn't because he'd be saving that for any further encounters they might (who the hell did he think he was kidding here?) get into and took a few long moments to judge the group ( ... )


magicprogeny March 26 2011, 10:06:42 UTC
Billy was just about to go after Harry, because running off on your own probably wasn't a good idea right now and the wizard might/would probably need some back up, given how that first fight had gone. Luckily, the older man stopped and Billy let out an inward sigh of relief.

He turned to look at the bodies lying on the floor. There was no way Billy was going to touch them. He'd seen dead bodies before but touching them and taking their stuff was another thing entirely, so he let whoever else wanted to do so deal with that.

Peering at one of the blue syringes, he shrugged a little. "My dad works in a hospital and I have never seen anything like that before," he put in. "Whatever it is, it doesn't look normal."

Listening to Isamu and Harry discuss on strategy, Billy added in a few words himself. "Is there anything I can help with?" he offered. "If we're going for stealth, I've made myself invisible before." He jumped a little at the sounds, glancing off in the direction they'd come from a little nervously. Thaaaat didn't sound good.


gumshoewizard March 26 2011, 10:10:53 UTC
Harry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of chalk, carefully marking an arrow pointing down the hallway, a symbol sketched above it.

"Alright, keep the same pattern, I'll take point, Billy and Isamu rear." He turned to the others on his team. "Red," he points at Cou, "and Goldie," thats you, Ares, "take left and right flank respectively. Goldie, be ready to reinforce whatever side's getting hammered hardest. And..."

He started at the girl that he'd seen popping in and out during the first skirmish.

"I'm not shouting a series of numbers to get your attention. So..." That teleporting power was like Nightcrawler, right? Kurt Wagner. Kurt, Kurt...feminine of Kurt...

"You're Courtney."

Then that noise rattled down from the hallway they were about to go down.

"I...don't think thats a whale."


splicedsurgeon March 26 2011, 10:43:11 UTC
While the team is planning, there's a loud 'DING' of a loudspeaker and an announcement -- propaganda -- begins to play.

"Jim: Hey, Mary, why so down in the mouth?
Mary: I don't know, Jim. I guess I just don't know how I feel about those Little Sisters.
Jim: The Little Sisters? Gee, don't you know they're the glue that holds Rapture together?
Mary: Really?
Jim: You betcha! Ryan Industries has seen to it that they're bred to be as happy as clams while they do the work that keeps us safe from the bandits and terrorists. We all need ADAM, and we all need the Little Sisters."

There's a long pause after the announcement, and then another begins to play.

"Approaching a Little Sister is a criminal offense. Do not approach the Little Sisters."

From down the hall and the stairs, the Big Daddy roars again. This time, there are gunshots -- and the sound of a little girl screaming. "Don't let him get me!"


gumshoewizard March 26 2011, 10:53:18 UTC
Buttons. We all have them, little things that, despite our logical ability to deduce otherwise, just set us off. For some it was being insulted, threatened, or something else understandable. The "Yo Mamma" joke didn't become popular because it was funny, after all. But for Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, his single, biggest, most gut-instinct-reaction/Neanderthal Brain triggering/Heigh Ho White Knight Complex igniting button was someone harming an innocent. Especially little girls.

Harry was a father, a father who had walked through hell, the coldest depths of winter, and a few crystal planes to rescue his baby girl from the monsters. And even though he'd only gotten to hold Maggie for a few sparse hours, holding your child for the first time does something to you.

So dangers be damned, along with all the nightmares in this god forsaken place. A little girl was in danger, and Harry couldn't keep himself from rushing to help.


oldfireturkey March 26 2011, 11:13:08 UTC
"Invisible sounds good - if you can do that then you can maybe get a head start on something if we hold them off." Or something like that. The announcement caught him off guard and he looked around, brows drawing together and frowning. "Okay, taking a serious turn towards Uncanny Valley here then."

It was then that he noticed that Harry was pulling the disappearing act on them. Had they not all just heard the same announcement right there? That they were not to approach random little girls down here? Because Isamu and anyone with the ability to hear shit had heard it and here was Harry, about to probably go off and do exactly what they'd been warned not to.

"Oh for the love of...go, go, go!" Trying to get the team moving so Harry wouldn't be confronted alone by whatever might be there or facing reprisals for disobeying the warnings. Sorry to those in front and to Billy next to him but Isamu couldn't pass up the chance to shout after Harry as they followed him. "Ittai nani ga anata ga baka o kuso yatte iru to omoimasu ka! ( ... )


failatskypirate March 26 2011, 19:17:28 UTC
Harry wasn't the only one breaking into a sprint at the sound of the girl's voice. Did he like the other sounds accompanying it? Not in the least. But though he was a pirate, the boss had always stressed to the entire crew about the proper treatment of women. Then during his travels with Ren and the Arc Aile team, he'd personally developed something of a hero-complex... or maybe it'd just always been there and he'd never had a chance to act on it until he'd been spending time with them ( ... )


bloodhounding March 26 2011, 21:14:57 UTC
She's been watching this whole time, keeping quiet and not mentioning much except for when she feels it's necessary. The fact that Harry gives her a name makes her blink in surprise- and as she's about to question him for it, the other events occur and she happens to notice Cou place those vials in the bag he's carrying before sprinting off. Most of the time she'd notice everything else with the same amount of attention, but his sudden actions caused her to be alert to his movements specifically ( ... )


splicedsurgeon March 26 2011, 21:39:00 UTC
The hallway is long, but from the top of the stairs, the team should be able to see what is happening. The stairs curve down into an open area, a waiting room of sorts, and all the doors leading away from it are either blocked, locked, or broken. There is another set of stairs on the opposite side, but below them, there is a fight taking place.

One Big Daddy can be seen fighting the splicer that escaped earlier, but that splicer isn't alone. Nine others are with him, and unlike the ones previous, some of these also have grenades. Cowering on the ground in the corner is a Little Sister"Unzip him Mr. B! Unzip him ( ... )


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