Apogee Requests!

Jul 28, 2009 21:14

Ok, so I need an idea for a mission and I need it FAST. I thought I had one that worked but as it turns out, I don't. What can you do? So if there's something you've been wanting to see in Apogee, let me know! Preferably a general mission so I can edit accordingly. Like, if I had to describe 6's mission, I'd say "mystery space disease forces ground ( Read more... )

fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, writing: fic

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Comments 60

votaku July 29 2009, 07:01:56 UTC
Jim: What was your experience like with Tarsus?

Spock: What is your favorite memory of your mother?

Uhura: What did you want to ask Spock about his coversation with Jim on the planet?

Bones: What did you think Jim was originally acting weird about?

Scotty: If you heard someone badmouthing the captain what would you do? think of the tribble eppie where he lets the insults about jim go but starts the fight over the enterprise.

Chekov: Do you have a crush on anyone aboard the Enterprise?

Sulu: What do you think about regarding the captain's actions with Wilshaw?

OH! and I gave you Epic comment on chapter 9.


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 16:00:18 UTC
Wow, these are some damn hard questions. WIN! \o/

Jim: "... Huh?" (I keep telling people this but they don't listen to me! Apogee!Jim never went to Tarsus. I AM SORRY BUT LIFE IS PAIN AND SOMETIMES JIM DOESN'T GO TO TARSUS. Feel free to ask another question, though. XP)

Spock: "I do not have a preference for any one specific memory of my mother. However, I often saw her standing on the balcony or next to a window. When I remember her, she is almost always standing near the Vulcan landscape while remaining separate from it. Perhaps that image is not exact. I am willing to admit that some slight emotion might have clouded my judgment."

Uhura: "What exactly? Well, I didn't have any one specific idea. I just think it's bullshit that he's so close to his friends and so far away from his girlfriend. I'd like to know why he didn't just tell me something if he wanted to talk about it, though ( ... )


votaku July 29 2009, 18:23:58 UTC
I couldn't remember you saying anything about Tarsus!!! So I had to ask. >.< Jim's hard to make up questions for.

See the tribbles!!! ::laughs::

Sulu: How might other certain members see it?



kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 19:05:59 UTC
LOL, no worries about asking. The questions are hard because Jim's so all over the place. Don't worry. He won't bite. Unless you ask nicely and pretend you're Spock, of course. XD

Tribbles will occur! I SWEAR! XD

Sulu: "Well, there's always the chance of misunderstandings when a serious punishment is given out. Captain Kirk's new to the job but most of the crew like him anyway. I think some people aren't prepared to see the Captain as an authority figure yet. I guess sometimes people judge their superiors harshly, when really it's not their place to at all. But anyway, I think some crew members are probably going to think it was an unfair punishment, maybe that it was also showing Mr. Spock favoritism. It depends, really, on how the Captain acts from now on."


larawander5 July 29 2009, 14:11:20 UTC
Well there is always a mission like Rascals from tng where they get turned into kids due to a transporter malfunction. You can always do a lot with transporters :D

You also could a general mission where Spock feels it to be necessary for him to mind meld with kirk (like they are captured and they need to escape or something) and this reveals to Spock that Kirk's feelings are not strictly platonic.

What I really really want to see is how Kirk would react to the situation that is posed in the tng episode "the inner light" where he lives several years without the Enterprise.

Question for Scotty: What really happened to Archer's prize dog?


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 17:29:04 UTC
Oh, I really have not seen TNG enough to know what you're talking about. BECAUSE I FAIL. I should get my ass in gear with watching it, but first I need to finish TOS! *headdesk* Still, transporter malfunctions are always fun, and I like the idea of Kirk living without the Enterprise. Hmmm...

As for the mind meld, pshaw, do you really think I don't already have awesomesauce plans in place for the mind-melding? COME ON NOW. YOU KNOW I DO. <3

Scotty: *laughs awkwardly* "Why, whatever do you mean? I'm sure I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Did someone put you up to this? WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?!?!" *clears throat* "I'll know when he shows up again. It's not like I beamed him into the middle of space and he never re-appeared or anything. He's definitely somewhere..."

ICON LOVE!! Q was always my favorite TNG character, srsly. \o/


larawander5 July 29 2009, 20:13:25 UTC
Yeah Q is awesome!

Still I love the episode "The inner light" it is so powerful.

After the initial disorientation, he [Picard] discovers that he has lived an entire lifetime in the course of 20 real-time minutes.

In that lifetime, he had children and grandchildren. He learned to play a musical instrument. That is just wow to me.

Also, yes I know you have plans for the mindmeld! I can not wait for it, that was my hint to write it and give it to us ^_^

Question for Spock: Who was the first person that you Vulcan nerved pinched and how old were you imagines child Spock practicing?


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 20:30:35 UTC
Yeah, I clicked on that link in your above comment and looked through the Memory Alpha wiki for that ep. It looks CRAZY!! And very powerful. I really should watch TNG. *le sigh*

LOL, the mind meld is happening sometime after chapter 20. Just FYI. You still have a while to wait for it. I suspect it'll occur around 24 or 25, for various plot related reasons.

Spock: "At the Vulcan Academy we are taught to use all of our culturally significant practices from an early age. I was first instructed in the use of the nerve pinch when I was five years old, which is the normal age for those lessons. It is a difficult practice which requires years of work to master. I am quite proficient at it now, no doubt thanks to the excellent abilities of my professors."


bloody_beary July 29 2009, 15:24:34 UTC
For some reason I have a real hunkering for something like Fullmetal Alchemist. A planet capable of alchemy doesn't sound too far off the mark and the sotryline of Fullmetal Alchemist as a whole is just beautiful. I don't know what the mission would be about though. (maybe a search for a homuculus or a inquire of a nations alchemy since in the animation series it turns out that the alchemy comes from dead people XD) Or maybe Bioshock? A utopia was created but wars happened and the people degraded and the enterprise was sent to investigate ( ... )


kowaiyoukai July 29 2009, 18:58:37 UTC
Oh, FMA and Bioshock are FUCKING GREAT ideas for missions! I still haven't seen Brotherhood, though, nor have I finished Bioshock. *headdesk* Why am I so behind on everything? Great ideas, both of them. *ponders*

Holy crap that is a lot of questions! I LOVE IT. XD I'll number the answers to keep them in order, otherwise I'll forget what was going on. :P

1. "It would be impossible for me to judge considering I have never not been a hybrid. However, I do often find the differences between Vulcan and human cultures striking, particularly when they affect my own life. It is difficult to achieve a balance between the two ( ... )


bloody_beary July 30 2009, 01:55:30 UTC
I haven't seend all of Brotherhood either, just a few episodes. I keep meaning to watch however many is on hulu but since I already read all the english manga I know what's going on. XD Plus i'm used to hearing the cast speaking english and with their usual voices.

As soon as you finish Bioshock (you can just look up the important parts on youtube if you need it for fic) go to a website called somethinginthesea.com , it deals with Bioshock 2 and has some awesome information and kinda behind the scenes feel to it.


bloody_beary July 30 2009, 01:59:02 UTC
More questions/responses ( ... )


genclay July 29 2009, 22:47:08 UTC
Firstly, I'm a huge fan... very bad reviewer, but a huge fan. This may be due to you seeming to update while I'm at work and i don't wait till i gt home to read it.

No other mission ideas, everyone else has been posting them.


Kirk: What is the one thing about Spock that really get you hot and botherd?

Spock: List 3 words to decribe what Kirk means to you as a freind, then explain the reasons behind them.

Scotty: Are machines so much simpler then people?

Uhura: Your making the classic mistake, you've gone after guy because he's a cirtain way, but that is notconvenient long term so you want him to change. It's a BAD thing to do. ( not a question, more advice... that would get me slaped)

Bones: Would you like a Long island ice tea or a Sex on the Beach? I'm buying.


kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 04:39:27 UTC
Oh, yay! \o/ I am so glad you decided to de-lurk and comment! :DDD LOL, my updating schedule confuses all.

That's cool. On to the questions, then!

Kirk: "Just one? That's impossible! It's everything, you know, it's the whole package deal. I mean, physically, he's gorgeous. Really fucking hot. And God, he knows how to use his hands. Have you seen the Vulcan nerve pinch? Shit. But besides that, well, his whole personality's just really great too. I mean, he's so funny! And smart, obviously really fucking intelligent in every way. And he's great to hang out with. I don't get why people feel uncomfortable around him, I seriously don't." *pause* "Wait, you're not going to tell anyone about this, are you? I mean, this is just between you and me, right? Because Bones would kill me if he found out I said anything. And Spock--" *looks horrified* "Oh God, you cannot tell Spock I said anything, all right? All right?" *panics ( ... )


genclay July 30 2009, 09:33:42 UTC
Kirk ( ... )


kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 18:10:50 UTC
Kirk: "... You are so perverted." *throws hands up in the air* "I love it!" *is excited* "Anything where Spock gets dressed up is great. And getting tied up, either one of us, it's all good. Everyone's been talking about this Nazi outfit, and I've got to say, I like the sound of that. But sometimes I'd rather imagine it was just slow, you know, like the two of us alone just taking hours to do it. And while I'm on the topic, I've got to say I'm dying to know what Spock looks like naked. There, I said it and I don't feel bad about it. And just imagining what his mouth and fingers would be like is just... nngh." *pause* "That wasn't too crude and graphic, right? I'll have to try harder next time ( ... )


Mission Ideas (& random thoughts) freddie_mac July 29 2009, 22:58:55 UTC
Okay, mission ideas ...

--- refugees;
--- a brand new, never-before encountered species, and Jim Kirk is the first human & Federation member they meet;
--- a planet where a previous ship really botched the Prime Directive (possibly inadvertently, i.e. A Piece of the Action <-- one of my top fave TOS eps ( ... )


Re: Mission Ideas (& random thoughts) kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 04:50:49 UTC
Thanks for the mission ideas! I've actually got plans for similar things for a few that you mentioned already, but the ones I didn't think of all seem interesting. And LOL, I have GOT to watch that tribble episode! *headdesk ( ... )


Re: Mission Ideas (&amp; random thoughts) freddie_mac July 30 2009, 11:46:38 UTC
The whole "random thought about love poetry/lit" came from Spock's internal thoughts about how Vulcans view interpersonal relationships (i.e., Uhura is the logical choice, but not the emotional one). I can totally see Jim fumbling around trying to explain why humans don't do things like that and Spock wanting documentation/ examples of human thoughts and behavior in this area. (Tho, the really sappy tru wuv poems make me gag, I was thinking more of the angsty UST sorts, which would show how logical choices can make people miserable ( ... )


Re: Mission Ideas (&amp; random thoughts) kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 20:25:33 UTC
I've got plans in place for Jim trying to describe why love is emotional and irrational to Spock. I like the love poems idea, but who knows if I'll be able to fit it in or not? It's a nice scene though, I can see it really clearly in my head. *ponders*

Chapel and Rand both bothered the shit out of me in TOS. I'd rather not include them if I don't have to, although I might be able to do something incredibly humorous with Chapel being a Spock fangirl and Rand being a Kirk fangirl and their epic arguments. XP

LMAO, I doubt Starfleet would send Rand as someone to watch Kirk's actions closely. I'll need to consider exactly what to do here, but I think the lack of officers and such in Starfleet currently would make it difficult to add more crew members right now. IDEK, I'll see what happens.

Who knows what Uhura does in her free time? I haven't thought about it too much. I guess it'll come up in the next Othersides and then we'll ALL know. *shrugs*

BTW, you have some nifty icons. <3


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