Apogee Requests!

Jul 28, 2009 21:14

Ok, so I need an idea for a mission and I need it FAST. I thought I had one that worked but as it turns out, I don't. What can you do? So if there's something you've been wanting to see in Apogee, let me know! Preferably a general mission so I can edit accordingly. Like, if I had to describe 6's mission, I'd say "mystery space disease forces ground ( Read more... )

fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, writing: fic

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Mission Ideas (& random thoughts) freddie_mac July 29 2009, 22:58:55 UTC
Okay, mission ideas ...

--- refugees;
--- a brand new, never-before encountered species, and Jim Kirk is the first human & Federation member they meet;
--- a planet where a previous ship really botched the Prime Directive (possibly inadvertently, i.e. A Piece of the Action <-- one of my top fave TOS eps!!!);
--- tribbles ('cause, y'know furry pregnant critters are fun);
--- renegade Romulan tries to defect, and will only talk with Spock;
--- crisis on Vulcan II.

Not really a character question, but a random thought that wandered into my brain and took up residence: Jim tries to explain love in human terms, and he and Spock end up analyzing/ critiquing love poems. Another random thought is Spock teaching Jim the Vulcan language and customs.

Feedback (yay, I'm multi-tasking!): really have enjoyed the past few parts. Spock's astonishment that Jim was angry on his behalf and would take such "extreme" measures (as well as his sense that Jim's outrage was unnecessary) -- totally gives insight into Spock. Not sure if it shows a low self-esteem or just resignation that people (Vulcan and human) will always see him as unworthy of respect. Chekov talking with Spock to make sure that Jim's okay? LOL; a human would have called him out, Spock's just confused.

Liked the McCoy/Kirk talk -- a softer Bones wouldn't have worked (glitter pen!). And a chess date! Sounds like trouble's on the horizon for Uhura -- the girl has to learn that you can't control another person's time. She'd never accept Spock telling her who she can see/spend time with, so why is the reverse acceptable? She's going to need someone else to show her the light -- maybe Chapel or Rand?


Re: Mission Ideas (& random thoughts) kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 04:50:49 UTC
Thanks for the mission ideas! I've actually got plans for similar things for a few that you mentioned already, but the ones I didn't think of all seem interesting. And LOL, I have GOT to watch that tribble episode! *headdesk*

Well, I've already got plans in Apogee for Jim and Spock learning each other's customs about love, so I guess that might cover your random thought/idea.

I'm of course thrilled that you liked the last few parts of the fic! \o/ Spock and Jim's opposing reactions to Wilshaw and their reactions to each other's handling of the situation will most likely come into clearer focus as the plot continues. Hopefully, anyway. I know, I was totally thinking that Chekov was so fucking LUCKY that Spock didn't know what was going on. Otherwise, Chekov would've probably gotten a disapproving eyebrow raise for his trouble. XP

The McCoy/Kirk talk was so vital and I'm so glad everyone seems to have liked it. McCoy will be in more scenes in the future since I love him and wish to shove him in there wherever he'll fit. XD The chess date was amazing, and I didn't even realize it was a date until another commenter mentioned it. LOL, I was in Spock's head at the time and he didn't get it, so neither did I. *headdesk* But it was so awesome and I'm so glad it worked out that way. \o/ You're right about Uhura, but that's an argument that will be hard for either side to win, I'm sure. I haven't introduced Chapel or Rand yet--I'm not particularly fond of either of them, but they might have to make appearances for plot purposes of Uhura slapping. XP


Re: Mission Ideas (&amp; random thoughts) freddie_mac July 30 2009, 11:46:38 UTC
The whole "random thought about love poetry/lit" came from Spock's internal thoughts about how Vulcans view interpersonal relationships (i.e., Uhura is the logical choice, but not the emotional one). I can totally see Jim fumbling around trying to explain why humans don't do things like that and Spock wanting documentation/ examples of human thoughts and behavior in this area. (Tho, the really sappy tru wuv poems make me gag, I was thinking more of the angsty UST sorts, which would show how logical choices can make people miserable.)

Never really liked Chapel mooning over Spock in TOS (his throwing the plomeek soup in Amok Time still makes me laugh), but she was kinda nifty in sick bay as a foil for Bones. I never understood Rand either -- yeah, she was kinda Kirk's PA but spent most of her time drooling after him (even as a kid I was disgusted). I've read reboot fic lately where she's got more depth, which has made her more appealing.

I could see Rand being sent along (yes, after they've already left -- pick her up at the next Starbase) to ensure that all those reports are done correctly, kinda Starfleet regs in person peering over Kirk's shoulder. All the brass wasn't that thrilled with giving Kirk a starship, so having a nitpicker assigned to keep him in line would make sense.

Uhura's going to need someone to spell things out for her; Chapel and Rand were the only two canon female characters that came to mind. *shrug* She's gotta have a few friends on board, right? Maybe create a random OC to fill the void? Who does she whine to about her lack of romantic/sexual progress with Spock?


Re: Mission Ideas (&amp; random thoughts) kowaiyoukai July 30 2009, 20:25:33 UTC
I've got plans in place for Jim trying to describe why love is emotional and irrational to Spock. I like the love poems idea, but who knows if I'll be able to fit it in or not? It's a nice scene though, I can see it really clearly in my head. *ponders*

Chapel and Rand both bothered the shit out of me in TOS. I'd rather not include them if I don't have to, although I might be able to do something incredibly humorous with Chapel being a Spock fangirl and Rand being a Kirk fangirl and their epic arguments. XP

LMAO, I doubt Starfleet would send Rand as someone to watch Kirk's actions closely. I'll need to consider exactly what to do here, but I think the lack of officers and such in Starfleet currently would make it difficult to add more crew members right now. IDEK, I'll see what happens.

Who knows what Uhura does in her free time? I haven't thought about it too much. I guess it'll come up in the next Othersides and then we'll ALL know. *shrugs*

BTW, you have some nifty icons. <3


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