tolkien_weekly - 'Snow' - challenge

Dec 05, 2005 02:06

Title: Snow on the Roof...
Author: Kortirion
Character: Boromir/Theodred
Rating: 13 - implied Slash
Source: AU
Disclaimer: Tolkien wouldn’t want this bit back.
Notes: For edoraslass, inspired by her ‘Five things that didn’t happen…’ and as an antidote to the angst I’ve been guilty of.

Snow on the Roof... )

drabble, tolkien_weekly

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Comments 19

edoraslass December 5 2005, 02:51:16 UTC

the fateful moment on Amon Hen when a lover’s intuition saved a life.

Oh, what a lovely, lovely antidote to the hell I just put them through. I just love the image of them growing old "together", so to speak. Just *squeeeeee* at the joy.


just_ann_now December 5 2005, 12:03:50 UTC
the fateful moment on Amon Hen when a lover’s intuition saved a life.
I also meant to comment on the loveliness of this line, and my sincere hope that one of you ladies will tell us the rest of that story...


kortirion December 5 2005, 12:16:17 UTC
Thanks muchly to you both, but I think the rest of the story goes to her at the top *g*


...which just might be a suspect phrase to use considering the discussion... *wanders away...*


edoraslass December 5 2005, 14:33:16 UTC
I saw what you did! I saw how you two are trying to LURE me into writing epic B/T!

....I can't do epic. I can do lovely little snapshots, though. :)


fawsley December 5 2005, 12:59:55 UTC
I'm getting seriously converted to Boromir/Theodred so a million thanks for letting them both live and grow old together.
I'm all warm and happy now.


kortirion December 5 2005, 14:34:18 UTC
Thank you! - as an AU pairing it has much potential - both for the tear-jerking angsty, and the warm and fuzzies! ;P


edoraslass December 5 2005, 14:34:19 UTC
I'm getting seriously converted to Boromir/Theodred

SCORE! We got another one!


kortirion December 5 2005, 14:35:56 UTC
Edoraslass says: 'My pretties, come to meeeeee my pretties!!' ;P


the_wild_iris December 5 2005, 19:55:24 UTC
It took me a moment to get the title - hee! That was charming.


kortirion December 5 2005, 21:10:48 UTC
Thank you! *G*

Yes - as in '...but there's still fire in the grate!' ^_~


just_ann_now December 5 2005, 23:43:23 UTC
That was one of my dad's favorite expressions - thanks for reminding me of it!


przed August 5 2006, 03:34:14 UTC
Very nice. Yep, I definitely think I'm liking this pairing.


kortirion November 9 2007, 12:41:38 UTC
A late message: Thanks! *G*

...and I did get around to writing the epic, B/T from Amon Hen to the crowning of the new King - not finished completely, but my aim is for next February [2008]


przed November 9 2007, 13:26:54 UTC
I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for that epic. Good luck with the writing!


kortirion November 9 2007, 16:02:51 UTC
Wow - being so long since the original post I didn't expect a reply! Ahhh the wonders of LJ. Will probably be posted at Sons Of Gondor, since I think it's too NC17 for HASA, but will be linked from my lj I think - with much jubilation to have finally finished it! Currently first two-thirds approx is in beta; it runs at about 60k words at present... but then can one rewrite canon and much of the third vol for less? *G ( ... )


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