Title: Snow on the Roof...
Author: Kortirion
Character: Boromir/Theodred
Rating: 13 - implied Slash
Source: AU
Disclaimer: Tolkien wouldn’t want this bit back.
Notes: For
edoraslass, inspired by her ‘Five things that didn’t happen…’ and as an antidote to the angst I’ve been guilty of.
Snow on the Roof... )
the fateful moment on Amon Hen when a lover’s intuition saved a life.
Oh, what a lovely, lovely antidote to the hell I just put them through. I just love the image of them growing old "together", so to speak. Just *squeeeeee* at the joy.
I also meant to comment on the loveliness of this line, and my sincere hope that one of you ladies will tell us the rest of that story...
...which just might be a suspect phrase to use considering the discussion... *wanders away...*
....I can't do epic. I can do lovely little snapshots, though. :)
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